public Main() { try { BufferedReader in; in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; // Used for CCC int numLights = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()); int[] states = new int[numLights]; for (int i = 0; i < numLights; i++) { states[i] = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()); } ArrayDeque<Scenario> Q = new ArrayDeque<Scenario>(); HashMap<String, Integer> dp = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); int moves = 0; Q.addLast(new Scenario(states)); while (!Q.isEmpty()) { int size = Q.size(); for (int q = 0; q < size; q++) { Scenario temp = Q.removeFirst(); if (isEmpty(temp.states)) { System.out.println(moves); return; } else { for (int i = 0; i < temp.states.length; i++) { if (temp.states[i] == 0) { int[] newArr = Arrays.copyOf(temp.states, temp.states.length); newArr[i] = 1; newArr = fixArray(newArr); String arr = ""; for (int p = 0; p < newArr.length; p++) arr += newArr[p]; if (dp.get(arr) == null) { dp.put(arr, moves); Q.addLast(new Scenario(newArr)); } else { int val = dp.get(arr); if (val != 0 && moves < val) { dp.put(arr, moves); Q.addLast(new Scenario(newArr)); } } // outputArr(newArr); } } } } moves++; } } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("IO: General"); } }
/** Read a glyph, given an index */ public GlyphData readGlyph(int index) { String sid = getSID(index); if (charset.containsKey(sid)) { return (GlyphData) charset.get(sid); } Range r = getIndexEntry(charstringbase, index); FlPoint pt = new FlPoint(); GlyphData gd = new GlyphData(); parseGlyph(r, gd, pt); gd.setName(sid); charset.put(sid, gd); return gd; }
void buildArrow(HashMap<String, String> item) { String s; s = item.get("fromx").trim(); fromX = Integer.parseInt(s); s = item.get("fromy").trim(); fromY = Integer.parseInt(s); s = item.get("tox").trim(); toX = Integer.parseInt(s); s = item.get("toy").trim(); toY = Integer.parseInt(s); upStreamPort = item.get("upstreamport"); downStreamPort = item.get("downstreamport"); s = item.get("dropoldest"); if (s != null) dropOldest = true; s = item.get("fromid").trim(); fromId = Integer.parseInt(s); s = item.get("toid").trim(); toId = Integer.parseInt(s); s = item.get("id"); if (s == null) id = 0; else id = Integer.parseInt(s.trim()); if (id == 0) id = diag.maxArrowNo + 1; diag.maxArrowNo = Math.max(id, diag.maxArrowNo); endsAtBlock = true; endsAtLine = false; s = item.get("fromside"); if (s != null) { s = s.trim(); if (s.equals("L")) fromSide = Side.LEFT; else if (s.equals("R")) fromSide = Side.RIGHT; else if (s.equals("T")) fromSide = Side.TOP; else if (s.equals("B")) fromSide = Side.BOTTOM; } s = item.get("toside"); if (s != null) { s = s.trim(); if (s.equals("L")) toSide = Side.LEFT; else if (s.equals("R")) toSide = Side.RIGHT; else if (s.equals("T")) toSide = Side.TOP; else if (s.equals("B")) toSide = Side.BOTTOM; } }
/** Update or add a sprite to the client side game. */ public void addPacket(HacktendoPacket Packet) { while (!getInitialized()) { // Make sure things have loaded before we start mucking with stuff. try { Thread.sleep(5); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } do { Sprite S = (Sprite) Sprites.get(new Integer(Packet.getID())); boolean setRenderType = false; if (S == null) { S = new Sprite(this); setRenderType = true; S.setParameter("destroy", new TypeBoolean(false)); S.setParameter("globalID", new TypeInteger(Packet.getID())); S.setParameter("id", new TypeInteger(Packet.getID())); Sprites.put(new Integer(Packet.getID()), S); S.setOffscreenProcessing(false); } S.setScriptID(Packet.getScriptID()); S.setImageID(Packet.getImage()); if (S.getSpriteID() != playerID || setRenderType) { // Allow the sprite to move client side. S.setX(Packet.getX()); S.setY(Packet.getY()); S.setZ(Packet.getZ()); S.setParameter("xTarget", new TypeInteger(Packet.getTargetX())); S.setParameter("yTarget", new TypeInteger(Packet.getTargetY())); S.setParameter("newTarget", new TypeBoolean(true)); } if (Packet.getExplodeSprite()) S.explode(); if (Packet.getDestroySprite()) S.setParameter("destroy", new TypeBoolean(true)); S.setFrame(Packet.getFrame()); S.setXRotation(Packet.getXRotation()); S.setYRotation(Packet.getYRotation()); S.setZRotation(Packet.getZRotation()); S.setWidth(Packet.getWidth()); S.setHeight(Packet.getHeight()); S.setDepth(Packet.getDepth()); S.setZOffset(Packet.getZOffset() * -1); if (setRenderType) S.setRenderType(Packet.getRenderType()); } while ( > 0); // Takes the form Object[]{ID,IP,Name,NPC,BODY_ID} if (Packet.getReferenceArray() != null) { for (int i = 0; i < Packet.getReferenceArray().size(); i++) { Object O[] = (Object[]) Packet.getReferenceArray().get(i); Sprite S = (Sprite) Sprites.get((Integer) O[0]); System.out.println("ID: " + O[0]); if (S != null) { String ip = (String) O[1]; String name = (String) O[2]; boolean npc = (Boolean) O[3]; S.setParameter("ip", new TypeString(ip)); S.setParameter("name", new TypeString(name)); S.setParameter("npc", new TypeBoolean(npc)); if (S.getScriptID() == SPRITE_SCRIPT) { S.setOffscreenProcessing(true); S.setAutoCollide(true); Sprite S2 = (Sprite) Sprites.get((Integer) O[4]); S.setParameter("body", new TypeInteger(S2.getSpriteID())); } if (ip.equals(MyHacker.getIP())) { if (S.getScriptID() == SPRITE_SCRIPT) { playerSprite = S; } playerID = S.getSpriteID(); System.out.println( "We are setting the player to equal : " + S.getSpriteID() + " This Is Sprite ID: " + O[0]); HacktendoLinker.addGlobal("player", new TypeInteger(S.getSpriteID())); } } } } }
public void dataUpdate() { // 日付関係はUGUIUpdateManager経由で取得するように変更. int date = UGUIUpdateManager.getDate(); int boardNo = UGUIUpdateManager.getBoard(); int step = UGUIUpdateManager.getStep(); int now = UGUIUpdateManager.getMarketStatus(); if (now != fCurrentStatus) { fIsUpdated = true; } if (step <= fCurrentStep) { // Exchange X-Y がセットされている場合の処理.フラグ処理はあまりきれいではないが // X-Y の入れ換え自体が???なので勘弁してもらおう. if (fIsUpdated == false) { return; } else { fIsUpdated = false; } } if (boardNo == 1) { fDay.setText(String.valueOf(date - 1)); fBoard.setText(String.valueOf(fParam.getBoardPerDay())); } else { fDay.setText(String.valueOf(date)); if (now == fCurrentStatus) { fBoard.setText(String.valueOf(boardNo - 1)); } else { fBoard.setText(String.valueOf(boardNo)); } } fCurrentStep = step; fCurrentStatus = now; UCBoardDataCore cBoardData = (UCBoardDataCore) fCProtocol.getCommand(UCBoardDataCore.CMD_NAME); UCommandStatus status = cBoardData.doIt(); ArrayList array; HashMap boardDataInfo; long maxPrice, minPrice, totalBuyVolume; Vector printData = new Vector(); if (status.getStatus()) { array = cBoardData.getBoardDataArray(); boardDataInfo = cBoardData.getBoardDataInfo(); maxPrice = ((Long) boardDataInfo.get(UCBoardDataCore.LONG_MAX_PRICE)).longValue(); minPrice = ((Long) boardDataInfo.get(UCBoardDataCore.LONG_MIN_PRICE)).longValue(); totalBuyVolume = ((Long) boardDataInfo.get(UCBoardDataCore.LONG_TOTAL_BUY_VOLUME)).longValue(); if (fIsExchangeXY == false) { fBoardGraph.setFixedMaxX(maxPrice); fBoardGraph.setFixedMinX(minPrice); fBoardGraph.setFixedMaxY(totalBuyVolume); fBoardGraph.setFixedMinY(0); } else { fBoardGraph.setFixedMaxX(totalBuyVolume); fBoardGraph.setFixedMinX(0); fBoardGraph.setFixedMaxY(maxPrice); fBoardGraph.setFixedMinY(minPrice); } } else { return; } long contractPrice = ((Long) boardDataInfo.get(UCBoardDataCore.LONG_CONTRACT_PRICE)).longValue(); long contractVolume = ((Long) boardDataInfo.get(UCBoardDataCore.LONG_CONTRACT_VOLUME)).longValue(); fContractPriceTextField.setText(String.valueOf(contractPrice)); fContractVolumeTextField.setText(String.valueOf(contractVolume)); ArrayList tmpSellData = new ArrayList(); ArrayList tmpBuyData = new ArrayList(); ArrayList tmpContractData = new ArrayList(); if (fIsExchangeXY == false) { tmpContractData.add(new Point2D.Double(minPrice, contractVolume)); tmpContractData.add(new Point2D.Double(contractPrice, contractVolume)); tmpContractData.add(new Point2D.Double(contractPrice, 0)); fBoardGraph.setXLableName("price"); fBoardGraph.setYLableName("volume"); } else { tmpContractData.add(new Point2D.Double(contractVolume, minPrice)); tmpContractData.add(new Point2D.Double(contractVolume, contractPrice)); tmpContractData.add(new Point2D.Double(0, contractPrice)); fBoardGraph.setXLableName("volume"); fBoardGraph.setYLableName("price"); } Iterator iter = array.iterator(); double tmpPrice, tmpVolume, currentSellVolume = 0, currentBuyVolume = totalBuyVolume; while (iter.hasNext()) { HashMap os = (HashMap); String s = (String) os.get(UCBoardDataCore.STRING_SELL_BUY); if (s.equals("sell")) { tmpPrice = ((Long) os.get(UCBoardDataCore.LONG_PRICE)).doubleValue(); tmpVolume = ((Long) os.get(UCBoardDataCore.LONG_VOLUME)).doubleValue(); if (fIsExchangeXY == false) { tmpSellData.add(new Point2D.Double(tmpPrice, currentSellVolume)); tmpSellData.add(new Point2D.Double(tmpPrice, currentSellVolume + tmpVolume)); } else { tmpSellData.add(new Point2D.Double(currentSellVolume, tmpPrice)); tmpSellData.add(new Point2D.Double(currentSellVolume + tmpVolume, tmpPrice)); } currentSellVolume += tmpVolume; } else if (s.equals("buy")) { tmpPrice = ((Long) os.get(UCBoardDataCore.LONG_PRICE)).doubleValue(); tmpVolume = ((Long) os.get(UCBoardDataCore.LONG_VOLUME)).doubleValue(); if (fIsExchangeXY == false) { tmpBuyData.add(new Point2D.Double(tmpPrice, currentBuyVolume)); tmpBuyData.add(new Point2D.Double(tmpPrice, currentBuyVolume - tmpVolume)); } else { tmpBuyData.add(new Point2D.Double(currentBuyVolume, tmpPrice)); tmpBuyData.add(new Point2D.Double(currentBuyVolume - tmpVolume, tmpPrice)); } currentBuyVolume -= tmpVolume; } } ((UGraphData) fBoardGraph.getGraph().get(0)).setData(tmpSellData); ((UGraphData) fBoardGraph.getGraph().get(1)).setData(tmpBuyData); }