public SynapticPropertiesDialog(Frame frame, SynapticProperties synProps, Project project) { super(frame, "Synaptic Properties", false); this.mySynProps = synProps; this.project = project; try { jbInit(); extraInit(); pack(); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.logComment("Exception starting GUI: " + ex); } }
public SynapticPropertiesDialog(Dialog dlg, SynapticProperties synProps, Project project) { super(dlg, "Synaptic Properties", false); logger.logComment("Starting with: " + synProps); this.mySynProps = synProps; this.project = project; try { jbInit(); extraInit(); pack(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }
void jButtonOK_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { logger.logComment("OK button pressed"); cancelled = false; double threshold; try { threshold = Double.parseDouble(jTextFieldThreshold.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { GuiUtils.showErrorMessage( logger, "Please enter a number (usually -50 -> 0) for the millivolt value of the firing threshold", ex, this); return; } mySynProps.setThreshold(threshold); String selectedSynapse = (String) jComboBoxSynapseType.getSelectedItem(); mySynProps.setSynapseType(selectedSynapse); this.dispose(); }
void jButtonCancel_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { logger.logComment("Cancel button pressed"); cancelled = true; this.dispose(); }