SecretKey engineGenerateKey0(boolean tls12) { if (spec == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("TlsPrfGenerator must be initialized"); } SecretKey key = spec.getSecret(); byte[] secret = (key == null) ? null : key.getEncoded(); try { byte[] labelBytes = spec.getLabel().getBytes("UTF8"); int n = spec.getOutputLength(); byte[] prfBytes = (tls12 ? doTLS12PRF( secret, labelBytes, spec.getSeed(), n, spec.getPRFHashAlg(), spec.getPRFHashLength(), spec.getPRFBlockSize()) : doTLS10PRF(secret, labelBytes, spec.getSeed(), n)); return new SecretKeySpec(prfBytes, "TlsPrf"); } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) { throw new ProviderException("Could not generate PRF", e); } catch ( e) { throw new ProviderException("Could not generate PRF", e); } }
protected void engineInit(AlgorithmParameterSpec params, SecureRandom random) throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException { if (params instanceof TlsPrfParameterSpec == false) { throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException(MSG); } this.spec = (TlsPrfParameterSpec) params; SecretKey key = spec.getSecret(); if ((key != null) && ("RAW".equals(key.getFormat()) == false)) { throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException("Key encoding format must be RAW"); } }