  * We got more than 8 lines on that method because
  * we could not really delegates more for other
  * function. That would made the code kind of hard
  * to read.
  * */
 private void getDemandExerciseRoutine(RoutingContext context) {
   String id = context.request().getParam("id");
   Path path = Paths.get(this.workingDirectory.toString(), id + ".mkdown");
   HttpServerResponse rep =
       context.response().setChunked(true).putHeader("content-type", "text/html");
   if (Files.exists(path)) {
     MarkdownToHTML markdownToHTML = new MarkdownToHTML();
     try {
     } catch (IOException e) {
       rep.write("Unable to load " + id + ".mkdow");
   } else {
     rep.write("Excercice with id " + id + " no found");