ByteBuf buf = Unpooled.buffer(1024); buf.writeBytes("Hello, world!".getBytes()); buf.retain();
ByteBuf receivedData = ... // some method that returns a ByteBuf receivedData.retain(); executor.submit(() -> { processData(receivedData); });In this example, we have a method that returns a ByteBuf that we want to use in a separate thread. However, since the ByteBuf may be released by the caller thread after the method returns, we call the retain() method to ensure that the buffer memory is not released prematurely. We then submit the processing of the data to an executor in a separate thread, passing in the retained ByteBuf. To summarize, Java io.netty.buffer provides the ByteBuf class for handling byte data efficiently. The retain() method increases the reference count for a buffer, allowing for safe sharing of buffers among multiple threads or objects.