void cachePutManyIds(Object parentId, String manyName, CachedManyIds entry) { ServerCache collectionIdsCache = cacheManager.getCollectionIdsCache(beanType, manyName).get(); if (manyLog.isDebugEnabled()) { manyLog.debug(" PUT {}({}).{} - ids:{}", cacheName, parentId, manyName, entry); } collectionIdsCache.put(parentId, entry); }
void manyPropClear(String propertyName) { ServerCache collectionIdsCache = cacheManager.getCollectionIdsCache(beanType, propertyName).get(); if (manyLog.isDebugEnabled()) { manyLog.debug(" CLEAR {}(*).{} ", cacheName, propertyName); } collectionIdsCache.clear(); }
void manyPropRemove(String propertyName, Object parentId) { ServerCache collectionIdsCache = cacheManager.getCollectionIdsCache(beanType, propertyName).get(); if (manyLog.isTraceEnabled()) { manyLog.trace(" REMOVE {}({}).{}", cacheName, parentId, propertyName); } collectionIdsCache.remove(parentId); }
/** Return the CachedManyIds for a given bean many property. Returns null if not in the cache. */ private CachedManyIds manyPropGet(Object parentId, String propertyName) { ServerCache collectionIdsCache = cacheManager.getCollectionIdsCache(beanType, propertyName).get(); CachedManyIds entry = (CachedManyIds) collectionIdsCache.get(parentId); if (entry == null) { if (manyLog.isTraceEnabled()) { manyLog.trace(" GET {}({}).{} - cache miss", cacheName, parentId, propertyName); } } else if (manyLog.isDebugEnabled()) { manyLog.debug(" GET {}({}).{} - hit", cacheName, parentId, propertyName); } return entry; }
/** Apply changes to the bean cache entry. */ void cacheBeanUpdate( Object id, Map<String, Object> changes, boolean updateNaturalKey, long version) { ServerCache cache = getBeanCache(); CachedBeanData existingData = (CachedBeanData) cache.get(id); if (existingData != null) { long currentVersion = existingData.getVersion(); if (version > 0 && version < currentVersion) { if (beanLog.isDebugEnabled()) { beanLog.debug( " REMOVE {}({}) - version conflict old:{} new:{}", cacheName, id, currentVersion, version); } cache.remove(id); } else { if (version == 0) { version = currentVersion; } CachedBeanData newData = existingData.update(changes, version); if (beanLog.isDebugEnabled()) { beanLog.debug(" UPDATE {}({}) changes:{}", cacheName, id, changes); } cache.put(id, newData); } if (updateNaturalKey) { Object oldKey = existingData.getData(naturalKeyProperty); if (oldKey != null) { if (natLog.isDebugEnabled()) { natLog.debug(".. update {} REMOVE({}) - old key for ({})", cacheName, oldKey, id); } naturalKeyCache.get().remove(oldKey); } } } }