  public double calcIntensity(Timestamp from, Timestamp to, int fileIndex) throws Exception {

    int arrayStart = 0;
    int arrayEnd = 0;

    RawData tempRawData = rawData.get(fileIndex);
    while (tempRawData.getTimestamps()[arrayStart] != from) {
    } // Search for the Start-Index in DataArray

    while (tempRawData.getTimestamps()[arrayEnd] != to) {
    } // Search for the End-Index in DataArra

    int count = 1;
    int sampleCounter = 0;
    int verschiebungsfaktor = 25;
    int startpunkt = findPointOfMinMov(arrayStart, (arrayStart + verschiebungsfaktor), fileIndex);
    int endpunkt;

    while (startpunkt + verschiebungsfaktor < arrayEnd) {
      endpunkt = findPointOfMinMov(startpunkt + 1, (startpunkt + verschiebungsfaktor), fileIndex);
      //			logger.debug("startpunkt: " + startpunkt);
      //			logger.debug("endpunkt: " + endpunkt);

      sampleCounter += endpunkt - startpunkt;
      //			logger.debug("Stepsize "+ (endpunkt-startpunkt));
      arrayStart = endpunkt;
      startpunkt = endpunkt;
      //			logger.debug(count);
      //			logger.debug("Samplecounter "+sampleCounter);
    if (arrayStart + verschiebungsfaktor > arrayEnd && arrayStart < arrayEnd) {
      endpunkt = findPointOfMinMov(startpunkt + 1, arrayEnd, fileIndex);
      sampleCounter += endpunkt - startpunkt;
      arrayStart = endpunkt;
      startpunkt = endpunkt;
    //		logger.debug("Samplecounter: " +sampleCounter + " count " + count);
    //		logger.debug("DurchschnittsschrittlÅ nge: "+ sampleCounter/(double)count);
    //		logger.info("Durchschnittsgeschwindigkeit:" + (sampleCounter/(double)count)*40/1000*3.6 +
    // "km/h");
    return -(sampleCounter / (double) count);
  public Vector<Double>[] calcIntensity() throws Exception {

    int fileIndex = 0;
    Vector<Double>[] indexedReturn = new Vector[this.rawData.size()];

    for (RawData raw : this.rawData) {
      Vector<Double> sampleReturn = new Vector<Double>();
      if (raw.getSegmentStartBorders().size() != 0
          && dataNormingRate
              != 0) { // raw.getSegmentStartBorders().size()!=0 is true if segmentation is used.
        for (int i = 0;
            i < raw.getSegmentStartBorders().size();
            i++) { // Calculates and saves intensity values for all Segments
          Timestamp start = raw.getSegmentStartBorders().get(i);

          if (i == 0) {
            double intensity = this.calcIntensity(raw.getTimestamps()[0], start, fileIndex);
          if (i < raw.getSegmentStartBorders().size() - 1) {
            Timestamp nextStart = raw.getSegmentStartBorders().get(i + 1);
            double intensity =
                this.calcIntensity(start, nextStart, fileIndex); // //DATA NORMING PART
            for (int y = 0;
                y < (nextStart.getTime() - start.getTime()) / dataNormingRate;
                y++) { // divided by dataNormingRate to reduce DataOutput

      } else {
            "Calculation for this module not possible without segmentation and at least data norming of 1!");

      indexedReturn[fileIndex] = sampleReturn;
    logger.info("Stepcounter " + stepCounter);
    return indexedReturn;