Example #1
 public void reduceHyperstack(ImagePlus imp, int factor, boolean reduceSlices) {
   int channels = imp.getNChannels();
   int slices = imp.getNSlices();
   int frames = imp.getNFrames();
   int zfactor = reduceSlices ? factor : 1;
   int tfactor = reduceSlices ? 1 : factor;
   ImageStack stack = imp.getStack();
   ImageStack stack2 = new ImageStack(imp.getWidth(), imp.getHeight());
   boolean virtual = stack.isVirtual();
   int slices2 = slices / zfactor + ((slices % zfactor) != 0 ? 1 : 0);
   int frames2 = frames / tfactor + ((frames % tfactor) != 0 ? 1 : 0);
   int n = channels * slices2 * frames2;
   int count = 1;
   for (int t = 1; t <= frames; t += tfactor) {
     for (int z = 1; z <= slices; z += zfactor) {
       for (int c = 1; c <= channels; c++) {
         int i = imp.getStackIndex(c, z, t);
         IJ.showProgress(i, n);
         ImageProcessor ip = stack.getProcessor(imp.getStackIndex(c, z, t));
         // IJ.log(count++ +"  "+i+" "+c+" "+z+" "+t);
         stack2.addSlice(stack.getSliceLabel(i), ip);
   imp.setStack(stack2, channels, slices2, frames2);
   Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration();
   if (cal.scaled()) cal.pixelDepth *= zfactor;
   if (virtual) imp.setTitle(imp.getTitle());
Example #2
 private void doHSRGBProjection(ImagePlus rgbImp) {
   ImageStack stack = rgbImp.getStack();
   ImageStack stack2 = new ImageStack(stack.getWidth(), stack.getHeight());
   for (int i = startSlice; i <= stopSlice; i++) stack2.addSlice(null, stack.getProcessor(i));
   startSlice = 1;
   stopSlice = stack2.getSize();
 public static ImageStack getChannel(ImagePlus imp, int c) {
   ImageStack stack1 = imp.getStack();
   ImageStack stack2 = new ImageStack(imp.getWidth(), imp.getHeight());
   for (int t = 1; t <= imp.getNFrames(); t++) {
     for (int z = 1; z <= imp.getNSlices(); z++) {
       int n = imp.getStackIndex(c, z, t);
   return stack2;
Example #4
 /** Opens a stack of images. */
 ImagePlus openStack(ColorModel cm, boolean show) {
   ImageStack stack = new ImageStack(fi.width, fi.height, cm);
   long skip = fi.getOffset();
   Object pixels;
   try {
     ImageReader reader = new ImageReader(fi);
     InputStream is = createInputStream(fi);
     if (is == null) return null;
     for (int i = 1; i <= fi.nImages; i++) {
       if (!silentMode) IJ.showStatus("Reading: " + i + "/" + fi.nImages);
       if (IJ.escapePressed()) {
         silentMode = false;
         return null;
       pixels = reader.readPixels(is, skip);
       if (pixels == null) break;
       stack.addSlice(null, pixels);
       skip = fi.gapBetweenImages;
       if (!silentMode) IJ.showProgress(i, fi.nImages);
   } catch (Exception e) {
     IJ.log("" + e);
   } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {
   if (!silentMode) IJ.showProgress(1.0);
   if (stack.getSize() == 0) return null;
   if (fi.sliceLabels != null && fi.sliceLabels.length <= stack.getSize()) {
     for (int i = 0; i < fi.sliceLabels.length; i++) stack.setSliceLabel(fi.sliceLabels[i], i + 1);
   ImagePlus imp = new ImagePlus(fi.fileName, stack);
   if (fi.info != null) imp.setProperty("Info", fi.info);
   if (show) imp.show();
   ImageProcessor ip = imp.getProcessor();
   if (ip.getMin() == ip.getMax()) // find stack min and max if first slice is blank
   if (!silentMode) IJ.showProgress(1.0);
   silentMode = false;
   return imp;
Example #5
 public void reduceStack(ImagePlus imp, int factor) {
   ImageStack stack = imp.getStack();
   boolean virtual = stack.isVirtual();
   int n = stack.getSize();
   ImageStack stack2 = new ImageStack(stack.getWidth(), stack.getHeight());
   for (int i = 1; i <= n; i += factor) {
     if (virtual) IJ.showProgress(i, n);
     stack2.addSlice(stack.getSliceLabel(i), stack.getProcessor(i));
   imp.setStack(null, stack2);
   if (virtual) {
   Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration();
   if (cal.scaled()) cal.pixelDepth *= factor;
Example #6
 void createNewStack(ImagePlus imp, ImageProcessor ip) {
   int nSlices = imp.getStackSize();
   int w = imp.getWidth(), h = imp.getHeight();
   ImagePlus imp2 = imp.createImagePlus();
   Rectangle r = ip.getRoi();
   boolean crop = r.width != imp.getWidth() || r.height != imp.getHeight();
   ImageStack stack1 = imp.getStack();
   ImageStack stack2 = new ImageStack(newWidth, newHeight);
   ImageProcessor ip1, ip2;
   int method = interpolationMethod;
   if (w == 1 || h == 1) method = ImageProcessor.NONE;
   for (int i = 1; i <= nSlices; i++) {
     IJ.showStatus("Scale: " + i + "/" + nSlices);
     ip1 = stack1.getProcessor(i);
     String label = stack1.getSliceLabel(i);
     if (crop) {
       ip1 = ip1.crop();
     ip2 = ip1.resize(newWidth, newHeight, averageWhenDownsizing);
     if (ip2 != null) stack2.addSlice(label, ip2);
     IJ.showProgress(i, nSlices);
   imp2.setStack(title, stack2);
   Calibration cal = imp2.getCalibration();
   if (cal.scaled()) {
     cal.pixelWidth *= 1.0 / xscale;
     cal.pixelHeight *= 1.0 / yscale;
   int[] dim = imp.getDimensions();
   imp2.setDimensions(dim[2], dim[3], dim[4]);
   if (imp.isComposite()) {
     imp2 = new CompositeImage(imp2, ((CompositeImage) imp).getMode());
     ((CompositeImage) imp2).copyLuts(imp);
   if (imp.isHyperStack()) imp2.setOpenAsHyperStack(true);
   if (newDepth > 0 && newDepth != oldDepth)
     imp2 = (new Resizer()).zScale(imp2, newDepth, interpolationMethod);
   if (imp2 != null) {
     imp2.changes = true;
 public ImageStack makeStack(ImageProcessor ip, int w, int h, int b) {
   int stackSize = w * h;
   int width = ip.getWidth() / w;
   int height = ip.getHeight() / h;
   ImageStack stack = new ImageStack(width, height);
   for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
     for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
       ip.setRoi(x * width, y * height, width, height);
       stack.addSlice(null, ip.crop());
   if (b > 0) {
     int cropwidth = width - b - b / 2;
     int cropheight = height - b - b / 2;
     StackProcessor sp = new StackProcessor(stack, ip);
     stack = sp.crop(b, b, cropwidth, cropheight);
   return stack;
Example #8
 public void doHyperStackProjection(boolean allTimeFrames) {
   int start = startSlice;
   int stop = stopSlice;
   int firstFrame = 1;
   int lastFrame = imp.getNFrames();
   if (!allTimeFrames) firstFrame = lastFrame = imp.getFrame();
   ImageStack stack = new ImageStack(imp.getWidth(), imp.getHeight());
   int channels = imp.getNChannels();
   int slices = imp.getNSlices();
   if (slices == 1) {
     slices = imp.getNFrames();
     firstFrame = lastFrame = 1;
   int frames = lastFrame - firstFrame + 1;
   increment = channels;
   boolean rgb = imp.getBitDepth() == 24;
   for (int frame = firstFrame; frame <= lastFrame; frame++) {
     for (int channel = 1; channel <= channels; channel++) {
       startSlice = (frame - 1) * channels * slices + (start - 1) * channels + channel;
       stopSlice = (frame - 1) * channels * slices + (stop - 1) * channels + channel;
       if (rgb) doHSRGBProjection(imp);
       else doProjection();
       stack.addSlice(null, projImage.getProcessor());
   projImage = new ImagePlus(makeTitle(), stack);
   projImage.setDimensions(channels, 1, frames);
   if (channels > 1) {
     projImage = new CompositeImage(projImage, 0);
     ((CompositeImage) projImage).copyLuts(imp);
     if (method == SUM_METHOD || method == SD_METHOD)
       ((CompositeImage) projImage).resetDisplayRanges();
   if (frames > 1) projImage.setOpenAsHyperStack(true);
   Overlay overlay = imp.getOverlay();
   if (overlay != null) {
     startSlice = start;
     stopSlice = stop;
     if (imp.getType() == ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB)
     else projImage.setOverlay(projectHyperStackRois(overlay));
   IJ.showProgress(1, 1);
  public ImageStack expandStack(ImageStack stackOld, int wNew, int hNew, int xOff, int yOff) {
    int nFrames = stackOld.getSize();
    ImageProcessor ipOld = stackOld.getProcessor(1);
    java.awt.Color colorBack = Toolbar.getBackgroundColor();

    ImageStack stackNew = new ImageStack(wNew, hNew, stackOld.getColorModel());
    ImageProcessor ipNew;

    for (int i = 1; i <= nFrames; i++) {
      IJ.showProgress((double) i / nFrames);
      ipNew = ipOld.createProcessor(wNew, hNew);
      if (zeroFill) ipNew.setValue(0.0);
      else ipNew.setColor(colorBack);
      ipNew.insert(stackOld.getProcessor(i), xOff, yOff);
      stackNew.addSlice(stackOld.getSliceLabel(i), ipNew);
    return stackNew;
Example #10
 ImagePlus duplicateStack(ImagePlus img1) {
   ImageStack stack1 = img1.getStack();
   int width = stack1.getWidth();
   int height = stack1.getHeight();
   int n = stack1.getSize();
   ImageStack stack2 = img1.createEmptyStack();
   try {
     for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
       ImageProcessor ip1 = stack1.getProcessor(i);
       ImageProcessor ip2 = ip1.crop();
       stack2.addSlice(stack1.getSliceLabel(i), ip2);
   } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {
     stack2 = null;
     return null;
   return new ImagePlus("Duplicate", stack2);
Example #11
 void createNewStack(ImagePlus imp, ImageProcessor ip) {
   Rectangle r = ip.getRoi();
   boolean crop = r.width != imp.getWidth() || r.height != imp.getHeight();
   int nSlices = imp.getStackSize();
   ImageStack stack1 = imp.getStack();
   ImageStack stack2 = new ImageStack(newWidth, newHeight);
   ImageProcessor ip1, ip2;
   boolean interp = interpolate;
   if (imp.getWidth() == 1 || imp.getHeight() == 1) interp = false;
   for (int i = 1; i <= nSlices; i++) {
     IJ.showStatus("Scale: " + i + "/" + nSlices);
     ip1 = stack1.getProcessor(i);
     String label = stack1.getSliceLabel(i);
     if (crop) {
       ip1 = ip1.crop();
     ip2 = ip1.resize(newWidth, newHeight);
     if (ip2 != null) stack2.addSlice(label, ip2);
     IJ.showProgress(i, nSlices);
   ImagePlus imp2 = imp.createImagePlus();
   imp2.setStack(title, stack2);
   Calibration cal = imp2.getCalibration();
   if (cal.scaled()) {
     cal.pixelWidth *= 1.0 / xscale;
     cal.pixelHeight *= 1.0 / yscale;
   int[] dim = imp.getDimensions();
   imp2.setDimensions(dim[2], dim[3], dim[4]);
   if (imp.isComposite()) {
     imp2 = new CompositeImage(imp2, 0);
     ((CompositeImage) imp2).copyLuts(imp);
   if (imp.isHyperStack()) imp2.setOpenAsHyperStack(true);
   imp2.changes = true;
Example #12
  /** Opens the image. Displays it if 'show' is true. Returns an ImagePlus object if successful. */
  public ImagePlus open(boolean show) {
    ImagePlus imp = null;
    Object pixels;
    ProgressBar pb = null;
    ImageProcessor ip;

    ColorModel cm = createColorModel(fi);
    if (fi.nImages > 1) {
      return openStack(cm, show);
    switch (fi.fileType) {
      case FileInfo.GRAY8:
      case FileInfo.COLOR8:
      case FileInfo.BITMAP:
        pixels = readPixels(fi);
        if (pixels == null) return null;
        ip = new ByteProcessor(width, height, (byte[]) pixels, cm);
        imp = new ImagePlus(fi.fileName, ip);
      case FileInfo.GRAY16_SIGNED:
      case FileInfo.GRAY16_UNSIGNED:
      case FileInfo.GRAY12_UNSIGNED:
        pixels = readPixels(fi);
        if (pixels == null) return null;
        ip = new ShortProcessor(width, height, (short[]) pixels, cm);
        imp = new ImagePlus(fi.fileName, ip);
      case FileInfo.GRAY32_INT:
      case FileInfo.GRAY32_UNSIGNED:
      case FileInfo.GRAY32_FLOAT:
      case FileInfo.GRAY24_UNSIGNED:
      case FileInfo.GRAY64_FLOAT:
        pixels = readPixels(fi);
        if (pixels == null) return null;
        ip = new FloatProcessor(width, height, (float[]) pixels, cm);
        imp = new ImagePlus(fi.fileName, ip);
      case FileInfo.RGB:
      case FileInfo.BGR:
      case FileInfo.ARGB:
      case FileInfo.ABGR:
      case FileInfo.BARG:
      case FileInfo.RGB_PLANAR:
        pixels = readPixels(fi);
        if (pixels == null) return null;
        ip = new ColorProcessor(width, height, (int[]) pixels);
        imp = new ImagePlus(fi.fileName, ip);
      case FileInfo.RGB48:
      case FileInfo.RGB48_PLANAR:
        boolean planar = fi.fileType == FileInfo.RGB48_PLANAR;
        Object[] pixelArray = (Object[]) readPixels(fi);
        if (pixelArray == null) return null;
        ImageStack stack = new ImageStack(width, height);
        stack.addSlice("Red", pixelArray[0]);
        stack.addSlice("Green", pixelArray[1]);
        stack.addSlice("Blue", pixelArray[2]);
        imp = new ImagePlus(fi.fileName, stack);
        imp.setDimensions(3, 1, 1);
        if (planar) imp.getProcessor().resetMinAndMax();
        int mode = CompositeImage.COMPOSITE;
        if (fi.description != null) {
          if (fi.description.indexOf("mode=color") != -1) mode = CompositeImage.COLOR;
          else if (fi.description.indexOf("mode=gray") != -1) mode = CompositeImage.GRAYSCALE;
        imp = new CompositeImage(imp, mode);
        if (!planar && fi.displayRanges == null) {
          for (int c = 1; c <= 3; c++) {
            imp.setPosition(c, 1, 1);
            imp.setDisplayRange(minValue, maxValue);
          imp.setPosition(1, 1, 1);
    if (fi.info != null) imp.setProperty("Info", fi.info);
    if (fi.sliceLabels != null && fi.sliceLabels.length == 1 && fi.sliceLabels[0] != null)
      imp.setProperty("Label", fi.sliceLabels[0]);
    if (show) imp.show();
    return imp;
   * Performs particle analysis on the specified ImagePlus and ImageProcessor. Returns false if
   * there is an error.
  public boolean analyze(ImagePlus imp, ImageProcessor ip) {
    if (this.imp == null) this.imp = imp;
    showResults = (options & SHOW_RESULTS) != 0;
    excludeEdgeParticles = (options & EXCLUDE_EDGE_PARTICLES) != 0;
    resetCounter = (options & CLEAR_WORKSHEET) != 0;
    showProgress = (options & SHOW_PROGRESS) != 0;
    floodFill = (options & INCLUDE_HOLES) == 0;
    recordStarts = (options & RECORD_STARTS) != 0;
    addToManager = (options & ADD_TO_MANAGER) != 0;
    displaySummary = (options & DISPLAY_SUMMARY) != 0;
    inSituShow = (options & IN_SITU_SHOW) != 0;
    outputImage = null;
    if (Analyzer.isRedirectImage()) {
      redirectImp = Analyzer.getRedirectImage(imp);
      if (redirectImp == null) return false;
      int depth = redirectImp.getStackSize();
      if (depth > 1 && depth == imp.getStackSize()) {
        ImageStack redirectStack = redirectImp.getStack();
        redirectIP = redirectStack.getProcessor(imp.getCurrentSlice());
      } else redirectIP = redirectImp.getProcessor();
    } else if (imp.getType() == ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB) {
      ImagePlus original = (ImagePlus) imp.getProperty("OriginalImage");
      if (original != null
          && original.getWidth() == imp.getWidth()
          && original.getHeight() == imp.getHeight()) {
        redirectImp = original;
        redirectIP = original.getProcessor();
    if (!setThresholdLevels(imp, ip)) return false;
    width = ip.getWidth();
    height = ip.getHeight();
    if (!(showChoice == NOTHING || showChoice == OVERLAY_OUTLINES || showChoice == OVERLAY_MASKS)) {
      blackBackground = Prefs.blackBackground && inSituShow;
      if (slice == 1) outlines = new ImageStack(width, height);
      if (showChoice == ROI_MASKS) drawIP = new ShortProcessor(width, height);
      else drawIP = new ByteProcessor(width, height);
      if (showChoice == ROI_MASKS) {
      } // Place holder for now...
      else if (showChoice == MASKS && !blackBackground) drawIP.invertLut();
      else if (showChoice == OUTLINES) {
        if (!inSituShow) {
          if (customLut == null) makeCustomLut();
        drawIP.setFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, fontSize));
        if (fontSize > 12 && inSituShow) drawIP.setAntialiasedText(true);
      outlines.addSlice(null, drawIP);

      if (showChoice == ROI_MASKS || blackBackground) {
      } else {
    calibration = redirectImp != null ? redirectImp.getCalibration() : imp.getCalibration();

    if (rt == null) {
      rt = Analyzer.getResultsTable();
      analyzer = new Analyzer(imp);
    } else analyzer = new Analyzer(imp, measurements, rt);
    if (resetCounter && slice == 1) {
      if (!Analyzer.resetCounter()) return false;
    beginningCount = Analyzer.getCounter();

    byte[] pixels = null;
    if (ip instanceof ByteProcessor) pixels = (byte[]) ip.getPixels();
    if (r == null) {
      r = ip.getRoi();
      mask = ip.getMask();
      if (displaySummary) {
        if (mask != null) totalArea = ImageStatistics.getStatistics(ip, AREA, calibration).area;
        else totalArea = r.width * calibration.pixelWidth * r.height * calibration.pixelHeight;
    minX = r.x;
    maxX = r.x + r.width;
    minY = r.y;
    maxY = r.y + r.height;
    if (r.width < width || r.height < height || mask != null) {
      if (!eraseOutsideRoi(ip, r, mask)) return false;
    int offset;
    double value;
    int inc = Math.max(r.height / 25, 1);
    int mi = 0;
    ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow();
    if (win != null) win.running = true;
    if (measurements == 0) measurements = Analyzer.getMeasurements();
    if (showChoice == ELLIPSES) measurements |= ELLIPSE;
    measurements &= ~LIMIT; // ignore "Limit to Threshold"
    roiNeedsImage =
        (measurements & PERIMETER) != 0
            || (measurements & SHAPE_DESCRIPTORS) != 0
            || (measurements & FERET) != 0;
    particleCount = 0;
    wand = new Wand(ip);
    pf = new PolygonFiller();
    if (floodFill) {
      ImageProcessor ipf = ip.duplicate();
      ff = new FloodFiller(ipf);
    roiType = Wand.allPoints() ? Roi.FREEROI : Roi.TRACED_ROI;

    for (int y = r.y; y < (r.y + r.height); y++) {
      offset = y * width;
      for (int x = r.x; x < (r.x + r.width); x++) {
        if (pixels != null) value = pixels[offset + x] & 255;
        else if (imageType == SHORT) value = ip.getPixel(x, y);
        else value = ip.getPixelValue(x, y);
        if (value >= level1 && value <= level2) analyzeParticle(x, y, imp, ip);
      if (showProgress && ((y % inc) == 0)) IJ.showProgress((double) (y - r.y) / r.height);
      if (win != null) canceled = !win.running;
      if (canceled) {
    if (showProgress) IJ.showProgress(1.0);
    if (showResults) rt.updateResults();
    if (displaySummary && IJ.getInstance() != null) updateSliceSummary();
    if (addToManager && roiManager != null) roiManager.setEditMode(imp, true);
    maxParticleCount = (particleCount > maxParticleCount) ? particleCount : maxParticleCount;
    totalCount += particleCount;
    if (!canceled) showResults();
    return true;
Example #14
  /** Ask for parameters and then execute. */
  public void run(String arg) {
    // 1 - Obtain the currently active image:
    ImagePlus imp = IJ.getImage();

    if (null == imp) {
      IJ.showMessage("There must be at least one image open");

    if (imp.getBitDepth() != 8) {
      IJ.showMessage("Error", "Only 8-bit images are supported");

    // 2 - Ask for parameters:
    GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Auto Local Threshold");
    String[] methods = {
      "Try all",
    gd.addMessage("Auto Local Threshold v1.5");
    gd.addChoice("Method", methods, methods[0]);
    gd.addNumericField("Radius", 15, 0);
    gd.addMessage("Special paramters (if different from default)");
    gd.addNumericField("Parameter_1", 0, 0);
    gd.addNumericField("Parameter_2", 0, 0);
    gd.addCheckbox("White objects on black background", true);
    if (imp.getStackSize() > 1) {
      gd.addCheckbox("Stack", false);
    gd.addMessage("Thresholded result is always shown in white [255].");
    if (gd.wasCanceled()) return;

    // 3 - Retrieve parameters from the dialog
    String myMethod = gd.getNextChoice();
    int radius = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
    double par1 = (double) gd.getNextNumber();
    double par2 = (double) gd.getNextNumber();
    boolean doIwhite = gd.getNextBoolean();
    boolean doIstack = false;

    int stackSize = imp.getStackSize();
    if (stackSize > 1) doIstack = gd.getNextBoolean();

    // 4 - Execute!
    // long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    if (myMethod.equals("Try all")) {
      ImageProcessor ip = imp.getProcessor();
      int xe = ip.getWidth();
      int ye = ip.getHeight();
      int ml = methods.length;
      ImagePlus imp2, imp3;
      ImageStack tstack = null, stackNew;
      if (stackSize > 1 && doIstack) {
        boolean doItAnyway = true;
        if (stackSize > 25) {
          YesNoCancelDialog d =
              new YesNoCancelDialog(
                  "Auto Local Threshold",
                  "You might run out of memory.\n \nDisplay "
                      + stackSize
                      + " slices?\n \n \'No\' will process without display and\noutput results to the log window.");
          if (!d.yesPressed()) {
            //						doIlog=true; //will show in the log window
            doItAnyway = false;
          if (d.cancelPressed()) return;

        for (int j = 1; j <= stackSize; j++) {
          ip = imp.getProcessor();
          tstack = new ImageStack(xe, ye);
          for (int k = 1; k < ml; k++) tstack.addSlice(methods[k], ip.duplicate());
          imp2 = new ImagePlus("Auto Threshold", tstack);

          for (int k = 1; k < ml; k++) {
            Object[] result = exec(imp2, methods[k], radius, par1, par2, doIwhite);
          // if (doItAnyway){
          CanvasResizer cr = new CanvasResizer();
          stackNew = cr.expandStack(tstack, (xe + 2), (ye + 18), 1, 1);
          imp3 = new ImagePlus("Auto Threshold", stackNew);
          MontageMaker mm = new MontageMaker();
          mm.makeMontage(imp3, 3, 3, 1.0, 1, (ml - 1), 1, 0, true); // 3 columns and 3 rows
        // if (doItAnyway)
        IJ.run("Images to Stack", "method=[Copy (center)] title=Montage");
      } else { // single image try all
        tstack = new ImageStack(xe, ye);
        for (int k = 1; k < ml; k++) tstack.addSlice(methods[k], ip.duplicate());
        imp2 = new ImagePlus("Auto Threshold", tstack);

        for (int k = 1; k < ml; k++) {
          // IJ.log("analyzing slice with "+methods[k]);
          Object[] result = exec(imp2, methods[k], radius, par1, par2, doIwhite);
        // imp2.setSlice(1);
        CanvasResizer cr = new CanvasResizer();
        stackNew = cr.expandStack(tstack, (xe + 2), (ye + 18), 1, 1);
        imp3 = new ImagePlus("Auto Threshold", stackNew);
        MontageMaker mm = new MontageMaker();
        mm.makeMontage(imp3, 3, 3, 1.0, 1, (ml - 1), 1, 0, true);
    } else { // selected a method
      if (stackSize > 1 && doIstack) { // whole stack
        //				if (doIstackHistogram) {// one global histogram
        //					Object[] result = exec(imp, myMethod, noWhite, noBlack, doIwhite, doIset, doIlog,
        // doIstackHistogram );
        //				}
        //				else{ // slice by slice
        for (int k = 1; k <= stackSize; k++) {
          Object[] result = exec(imp, myMethod, radius, par1, par2, doIwhite);
        //				}
      } else { // just one slice
        Object[] result = exec(imp, myMethod, radius, par1, par2, doIwhite);
      // 5 - If all went well, show the image:
      // not needed here as the source image is binarised
  public void run(String arg) {
    ImagePlus imp = WindowManager.getCurrentImage();
    Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration();
    GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Options");
    int subsize = 32;
    gd.addNumericField("Subregion Size (pixels)?", subsize, 0);
    int stepsize = 16;
    gd.addNumericField("Step Size?", stepsize, 0);
    int shift = 3;
    gd.addNumericField("STICS temporal Shift?", shift, 0);
    float xoffset = 0.0f;
    gd.addNumericField("X_Offset", xoffset, 5, 15, null);
    float yoffset = 0.0f;
    gd.addNumericField("Y_Offset", yoffset, 5, 15, null);
    float multiplier = 8.0f;
    gd.addNumericField("Velocity Multiplier", multiplier, 5, 15, null);
    float ftime = 1.0f;
    gd.addNumericField("Frame_Time(min)", ftime, 5, 15, null);
    float scaling = (float) cal.pixelWidth;
    gd.addNumericField("Pixel_Size(um)", scaling, 5, 15, null);
    boolean norm = true;
    gd.addCheckbox("Normalize_Vector_lengths?", norm);
    boolean centered = true;
    gd.addCheckbox("Center_Vectors?", centered);
    float magthresh = 0.0f;
    gd.addNumericField("Magnitude_Threshhold?", magthresh, 5, 15, null);
    int rlength = 10;
    gd.addNumericField("Running_avg_length", rlength, 0);
    int inc = 5;
    gd.addNumericField("Start_frame_increment", inc, 0);
    if (gd.wasCanceled()) {
    subsize = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
    stepsize = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
    shift = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
    xoffset = (float) gd.getNextNumber();
    yoffset = (float) gd.getNextNumber();
    multiplier = (float) gd.getNextNumber();
    ftime = (float) gd.getNextNumber();
    scaling = (float) gd.getNextNumber();
    norm = gd.getNextBoolean();
    centered = gd.getNextBoolean();
    magthresh = (float) gd.getNextNumber();
    rlength = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
    inc = (int) gd.getNextNumber();

    int width = imp.getWidth();
    int xregions = 1 + (int) (((float) width - (float) subsize) / (float) stepsize);
    int newwidth = xregions * subsize;
    int height = imp.getHeight();
    int yregions = 1 + (int) (((float) height - (float) subsize) / (float) stepsize);
    int newheight = yregions * subsize;
    ImageStack stack = imp.getStack();
    int slices = imp.getNSlices();
    int channels = imp.getNChannels();
    int frames = imp.getNFrames();
    if (frames == 1) {
      frames = slices;
      slices = 1;

    Roi roi = imp.getRoi();
    if (roi == null) {
      roi = new Roi(0, 0, width, height);

    STICS_map map = new STICS_map(subsize, stepsize);
    Object[] tseries = jutils.get3DTSeries(stack, 0, 0, frames, slices, channels);
    map.update_STICS_map(tseries, width, height, 0, rlength, roi.getPolygon(), shift);
    FloatProcessor fp =
        map.get_map(scaling, ftime, stepsize, centered, norm, multiplier, stepsize, magthresh);
    ImageStack vector_stack = new ImageStack(fp.getWidth(), fp.getHeight());
    vector_stack.addSlice("", fp);
    float[][] vel = map.get_scaled_velocities(scaling, ftime, stepsize);
    ImageStack velstack = new ImageStack(map.xregions, map.yregions);
    velstack.addSlice("", vel[0]);
    velstack.addSlice("", vel[1]);
    int velframes = 2;
    IJ.showStatus("frame " + 0 + " calculated");
    for (int i = inc; i < (frames - rlength); i += inc) {
      map.update_STICS_map(tseries, width, height, i, rlength, roi.getPolygon(), shift);
      FloatProcessor fp2 =
          map.get_map(scaling, ftime, stepsize, centered, norm, multiplier, stepsize, magthresh);
      vector_stack.addSlice("", fp2);
      vel = map.get_scaled_velocities(scaling, ftime, stepsize);
      velstack.addSlice("", vel[0]);
      velstack.addSlice("", vel[1]);
      velframes += 2;
      IJ.showStatus("frame " + i + " calculated");
    (new ImagePlus("STICS Vectors", vector_stack)).show();
    ImagePlus imp3 = new ImagePlus("Velocities", velstack);
    imp3.setDimensions(2, 1, velframes / 2);
    new CompositeImage(imp3, CompositeImage.COLOR).show();