Example #1
   * Save the specified sequence in the specified file.<br>
   * When the sequence contains severals image the multipleFile flag is used to indicate<br>
   * if images are saved as separate files (file then specify a directory) or not.<br>
   * zMin - zMax and tMin - tMax define the Z and T images range to save.<br>
   * @param formatWriter writer used to save sequence (define the image format)
   * @param sequence sequence to save
   * @param filePath file name where we want to save sequence
   * @param zMin start Z position to save
   * @param zMax end Z position to save
   * @param tMin start T position to save
   * @param tMax end T position to save
   * @param fps frame rate for AVI sequence save
   * @param saveFrame progress frame for save operation (can be null)
   * @throws ServiceException
   * @throws IOException
   * @throws FormatException
  private static void save(
      IFormatWriter formatWriter,
      Sequence sequence,
      String filePath,
      int zMin,
      int zMax,
      int tMin,
      int tMax,
      int fps,
      FileFrame saveFrame)
      throws ServiceException, FormatException, IOException {
    final File file = new File(filePath);
    final IFormatWriter writer;

    if (formatWriter == null) writer = getWriter(file, ImageFileFormat.TIFF);
    else writer = formatWriter;

    // TODO: temporary fix for the "incorrect close operation" bug in Bio-Formats
    // with OME TIF writer, remove it when fixed.
    // {
    // try
    // {
    // writer = formatWriter.getClass().newInstance();
    // }
    // catch (Exception e)
    // {
    // throw new ServiceException("Can't create new writer instance: " + e);
    // }
    // }

    if (writer == null)
      throw new UnknownFormatException(
          "Can't find a valid image writer for the specified file: " + filePath);

    // first delete the file else LOCI won't save it correctly
    if (file.exists()) file.delete();
    // ensure parent directory exist

    final int sizeC = sequence.getSizeC();
    final boolean separateChannel = getSeparateChannelFlag(writer, sequence.getColorModel());

    // set settings
    // generate metadata
            sequence, (zMax - zMin) + 1, (tMax - tMin) + 1, separateChannel));
    // no interleave (XP default viewer want interleaved channel to correctly read image)
    // set id
    // init
    // usually give better save performance

    // get endianess
    final boolean littleEndian =
        !writer.getMetadataRetrieve().getPixelsBinDataBigEndian(0, 0).booleanValue();
    byte[] data = null;

    try {
      int imageIndex = 0;
      // XYCZT order is important here (see metadata)
      for (int t = tMin; t <= tMax; t++) {
        for (int z = zMin; z <= zMax; z++) {
          if ((saveFrame != null) && saveFrame.isCancelRequested()) return;

          final IcyBufferedImage image = sequence.getImage(t, z);

          // separated channel data
          if (separateChannel) {
            for (int c = 0; c < sizeC; c++) {
              if (image != null) {
                // avoid multiple allocation
                data = image.getRawData(c, data, 0, littleEndian);
                writer.saveBytes(imageIndex, data);

          } else {
            if (image != null) {
              // avoid multiple allocation
              data = image.getRawData(data, 0, littleEndian);
              writer.saveBytes(imageIndex, data);


          if (saveFrame != null) saveFrame.incPosition();
    } finally {
      // always close writer after a file has been saved