public SlackService newSlackService(AbstractBuild r, BuildListener listener) { String teamDomain = this.teamDomain; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(teamDomain)) { teamDomain = getDescriptor().getTeamDomain(); } String authToken = this.authToken; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(authToken)) { authToken = getDescriptor().getToken(); } String room =; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(room)) { room = getDescriptor().getRoom(); } EnvVars env = null; try { env = r.getEnvironment(listener); } catch (Exception e) { listener.getLogger().println("Error retrieving environment vars: " + e.getMessage()); env = new EnvVars(); } teamDomain = env.expand(teamDomain); authToken = env.expand(authToken); room = env.expand(room); return new StandardSlackService(teamDomain, authToken, room); }
private void addArgsTo( ArgumentListBuilder args, SonarInstallation sonarInst, EnvVars env, Map<String, String> props) { args.add("begin"); args.add("/k:" + env.expand(projectKey) + ""); args.add("/n:" + env.expand(projectName) + ""); args.add("/v:" + env.expand(projectVersion) + ""); // expand macros using itself EnvVars.resolve(props); for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : props.entrySet()) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(e.getValue())) { // expand macros using environment variables and hide passwords/tokens boolean hide = e.getKey().contains("password") || (!StringUtils.isEmpty(sonarInst.getServerAuthenticationToken()) && e.getKey().contains("login")); args.addKeyValuePair("/d:", e.getKey(), env.expand(e.getValue()), hide); } } args.add(sonarInst.getAdditionalAnalysisPropertiesWindows()); args.addTokenized(sonarInst.getAdditionalProperties()); args.addTokenized(additionalArguments); }
public HygieiaService newHygieiaService(AbstractBuild r, BuildListener listener) { String hygieiaAPIUrl = getDescriptor().getHygieiaAPIUrl(); String hygieiaToken = getDescriptor().getHygieiaToken(); String hygieiaJenkinsName = getDescriptor().getHygieiaJenkinsName(); boolean useProxy = getDescriptor().isUseProxy(); EnvVars env; try { env = r.getEnvironment(listener); } catch (Exception e) { listener.getLogger().println("Error retrieving environment vars: " + e.getMessage()); env = new EnvVars(); } hygieiaAPIUrl = env.expand(hygieiaAPIUrl); hygieiaToken = env.expand(hygieiaToken); hygieiaJenkinsName = env.expand(hygieiaJenkinsName); return new DefaultHygieiaService(hygieiaAPIUrl, hygieiaToken, hygieiaJenkinsName, useProxy); }
@Test public void shouldExpandSha() throws Exception { when(run.getEnvironment(listener)).thenReturn(env); when(env.expand(Matchers.anyString())).thenReturn(EXPANDED); String context = new ManuallyEnteredShaSource("").get(run, listener); assertThat(context, equalTo(EXPANDED)); }
@Override public boolean perform( AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, Launcher launcher, final BuildListener listener) { if (build.getResult().isWorseOrEqualTo(Result.FAILURE)) return false; listener.getLogger().println(Messages.TestflightRecorder_InfoUploading()); try { EnvVars vars = build.getEnvironment(listener); String workspace = vars.expand("$WORKSPACE"); List<TestflightUploader.UploadRequest> urList = new ArrayList<TestflightUploader.UploadRequest>(); for (TestflightTeam team : createDefaultPlusAdditionalTeams()) { try { TestflightUploader.UploadRequest ur = createPartialUploadRequest(team, vars, build); urList.add(ur); } catch (MisconfiguredJobException mje) { listener.getLogger().println(mje.getConfigurationMessage()); return false; } } for (TestflightUploader.UploadRequest ur : urList) { TestflightRemoteRecorder remoteRecorder = new TestflightRemoteRecorder(workspace, ur, listener); final List<Map> parsedMaps; try { Object result = launcher.getChannel().call(remoteRecorder); parsedMaps = (List<Map>) result; } catch (UploadException ue) { listener .getLogger() .println(Messages.TestflightRecorder_IncorrectResponseCode(ue.getStatusCode())); listener.getLogger().println(ue.getResponseBody()); return false; } if (parsedMaps.size() == 0) { listener.getLogger().println(Messages.TestflightRecorder_NoUploadedFile(ur.filePaths)); return false; } for (Map parsedMap : parsedMaps) { addTestflightLinks(build, listener, parsedMap); } } } catch (Throwable e) { listener.getLogger().println(e); e.printStackTrace(listener.getLogger()); return false; } return true; }
@Override public boolean perform(AbstractBuild build, Launcher launcher, BuildListener listener) throws InterruptedException, IOException { EnvVars env = build.getEnvironment(listener); env.overrideAll(build.getBuildVariables()); if (Computer.currentComputer() instanceof SlaveComputer) { FilePath destinationFilePath; if (isOverrideDestinationFolder() && StringUtils.isNotBlank(getDestinationFolder())) { destinationFilePath = new FilePath(new File(env.expand(getDestinationFolder()))); } else { destinationFilePath = CopyToSlaveUtils.getProjectWorkspaceOnMaster(build, listener.getLogger()); } FilePath projectWorkspaceOnSlave = build.getProject().getWorkspace(); String includes = env.expand(getIncludes()); String excludes = env.expand(getExcludes()); listener .getLogger() .printf( "[copy-to-slave] Copying '%s', excluding %s, from '%s' on '%s' to '%s' on the master.\n", includes, StringUtils.isBlank(excludes) ? "nothing" : '\'' + excludes + '\'', projectWorkspaceOnSlave.toURI(), Computer.currentComputer().getNode(), destinationFilePath.toURI()); projectWorkspaceOnSlave.copyRecursiveTo(includes, excludes, destinationFilePath); } else if (Computer.currentComputer() instanceof MasterComputer) { listener .getLogger() .println( "[copy-to-slave] The build is taking place on the master node, no copy back to the master will take place."); } return true; }
public ConfigurationItem toConfigurationItem( DeployitDescriptorRegistry registry, FilePath workspace, EnvVars envVars, JenkinsDeploymentListener listener) { Preconditions.checkArgument(!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(getName()), "Name is required."); ConfigurationItem deployable = registry.newInstance(type, envVars.expand(getName())); if (!isNullOrEmpty(tags)) { String resolvedTags = envVars.expand(tags); deployable.setProperty("tags", newHashSet(commaSeparatedListToList(resolvedTags))); } if (properties != null) { for (NameValuePair pair : properties) { String value = stripEnclosingQuotes(nullToEmpty(pair.propertyValue)); value = envVars.expand(value); registry.setProperty(deployable, pair.propertyName, value); } } return deployable; }
public boolean perform( final AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, final Launcher launcher, final BuildListener listener) throws VSphereException { PrintStream jLogger = listener.getLogger(); EnvVars env; try { env = build.getEnvironment(listener); } catch (Exception e) { throw new VSphereException(e); } env.overrideAll(build.getBuildVariables()); String expandedMemorySize = env.expand(memorySize); VSphereLogger.vsLogger(jLogger, "Preparing reconfigure: Memory"); spec.setMemoryMB(Long.valueOf(expandedMemorySize)); VSphereLogger.vsLogger(jLogger, "Finished!"); return true; }
/** @param env Environment variables from which to expand project names; Might be {@code null}. */ public List<AbstractProject> getProjectList(EnvVars env) { if (projectList == null) { projectList = new ArrayList<AbstractProject>(); // expand variables if applicable StringBuilder projectNames = new StringBuilder(); StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(projects, ","); while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { if (projectNames.length() > 0) { projectNames.append(','); } projectNames.append( env != null ? env.expand(tokens.nextToken().trim()) : tokens.nextToken().trim()); } projectList.addAll(Items.fromNameList(projectNames.toString(), AbstractProject.class)); } return projectList; }
private Collection<String> lookupCommitSha1s( @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") AbstractBuild build, BuildListener listener) { if (commitSha1 != null && commitSha1.trim().length() > 0) { PrintStream logger = listener.getLogger(); try { EnvVars environment = build.getEnvironment(listener); return Arrays.asList(environment.expand(commitSha1)); } catch (IOException e) { logger.println("Unable to expand commit SHA value"); e.printStackTrace(logger); return Arrays.asList(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.println("Unable to expand commit SHA value"); e.printStackTrace(logger); return Arrays.asList(); } } // Use a set to remove duplicates Collection<String> sha1s = new HashSet<String>(); // MultiSCM may add multiple BuildData actions for each SCM, but we are covered in any case for (BuildData buildData : build.getActions(BuildData.class)) { // get the sha1 of the commit that was built String lastBuiltSha1 = buildData.getLastBuiltRevision().getSha1String(); // Should never be null, but may be blank if (!lastBuiltSha1.isEmpty()) { sha1s.add(lastBuiltSha1); } // This might be different than the lastBuiltSha1 if using "Merge before build" String markedSha1 = buildData.lastBuild.getMarked().getSha1String(); // Should never be null, but may be blank if (!markedSha1.isEmpty()) { sha1s.add(markedSha1); } } return sha1s; }
@Override public boolean perform(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, Launcher launcher, BuildListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (debug) listener.getLogger().println("Running mailer"); // substitute build parameters EnvVars env = build.getEnvironment(listener); String recip = env.expand(recipients); return new MailSender( recip, dontNotifyEveryUnstableBuild, sendToIndividuals, descriptor().getCharset()) { /** Check whether a path (/-separated) will be archived. */ @Override public boolean artifactMatches(String path, AbstractBuild<?, ?> build) { ArtifactArchiver aa = build.getProject().getPublishersList().get(ArtifactArchiver.class); if (aa == null) { LOGGER.finer("No ArtifactArchiver found"); return false; } String artifacts = aa.getArtifacts(); for (String include : artifacts.split("[, ]+")) { String pattern = include.replace(File.separatorChar, '/'); if (pattern.endsWith("/")) { pattern += "**"; } if (SelectorUtils.matchPath(pattern, path)) { LOGGER.log( Level.FINER, "DescriptorImpl.artifactMatches true for {0} against {1}", new Object[] {path, pattern}); return true; } } LOGGER.log( Level.FINER, "DescriptorImpl.artifactMatches for {0} matched none of {1}", new Object[] {path, artifacts}); return false; } }.execute(build, listener); }
@Override public String evaluate(AbstractBuild<?, ?> context, TaskListener listener, String macroName) throws MacroEvaluationException, IOException, InterruptedException { if (!context.getWorkspace().child(path).exists()) { return StringUtils.isNotBlank(fileNotFoundMessage) ? String.format(fileNotFoundMessage, path) : "ERROR: File '" + path + "' does not exist"; } // do some environment variable substitution try { EnvVars env = context.getEnvironment(listener); path = env.expand(path); } catch (Exception e) { listener.error("Error retrieving environment"); } try { return context.getWorkspace().child(path).readToString(); } catch (IOException e) { return "ERROR: File '" + path + "' could not be read"; } }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see hudson.tasks.BuildWrapper#setUp(hudson.model.AbstractBuild, hudson.Launcher, hudson.model.BuildListener) */ private boolean markVm( final AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, final Launcher launcher, final BuildListener listener) throws VSphereException { PrintStream jLogger = listener.getLogger(); VSphereLogger.vsLogger(jLogger, "Converting template to VM. Please wait ..."); EnvVars env; try { env = build.getEnvironment(listener); } catch (Exception e) { throw new VSphereException(e); } // TODO: take in a comma delimited list and convert all env.overrideAll(build.getBuildVariables()); // Add in matrix axes.. String expandedTemplate = env.expand(template); VirtualMachine vm = vsphere.markAsVm(expandedTemplate); VSphereLogger.vsLogger(jLogger, "\"" + expandedTemplate + "\" is a VM!"); if (powerOn) { vsphere.startVm(expandedTemplate); String vmIP = vsphere.getIp(vm); if (vmIP != null) { VSphereLogger.vsLogger(jLogger, "Got IP for \"" + expandedTemplate + "\" "); VSphereEnvAction envAction = new VSphereEnvAction(); envAction.add("VSPHERE_IP", vmIP); build.addAction(envAction); return true; } VSphereLogger.vsLogger(jLogger, "Error: Could not get IP for \"" + expandedTemplate + "\" "); return false; } return true; }
private TestflightUploader.UploadRequest createPartialUploadRequest( TestflightTeam team, EnvVars vars, AbstractBuild<?, ?> build) { TestflightUploader.UploadRequest ur = new TestflightUploader.UploadRequest(); TokenPair tokenPair = getTokenPair(team.getTokenPairName()); ur.filePaths = vars.expand(StringUtils.trim(team.getFilePath())); ur.dsymPath = vars.expand(StringUtils.trim(team.getDsymPath())); ur.apiToken = vars.expand(Secret.toString(tokenPair.getApiToken())); ur.buildNotes = createBuildNotes(vars.expand(buildNotes), build.getChangeSet()); ur.lists = vars.expand(lists); ur.notifyTeam = notifyTeam; ProxyConfiguration proxy = getProxy(); ur.proxyHost =; ur.proxyPass = proxy.getPassword(); ur.proxyPort = proxy.port; ur.proxyUser = proxy.getUserName(); ur.replace = replace; ur.teamToken = vars.expand(Secret.toString(tokenPair.getTeamToken())); ur.debug = debug; return ur; }
public String getMavenOpts(TaskListener listener, EnvVars envVars) { return envVars.expand(expandTokens(listener, getProject().getParent().getMavenOpts())); }
public SbtInstallation forEnvironment(EnvVars environment) { return new SbtInstallation( getName(), environment.expand(getHome()), getProperties().toList()); }
/** {@inheritDoc} * */ @Override public boolean perform(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, Launcher l, BuildListener listener) throws InterruptedException, IOException { if (build.getProject().getScm() instanceof ClearCaseUcmSCM) { try { File ctLogFile = ClearToolLogFile.getCleartoolLogFile(build); ClearCaseLogger logger = new ClearCaseLogger(listener, ctLogFile); logger.log("### Begin Baseline creation/promotion ###"); boolean buildOK = build.getResult().equals(Result.SUCCESS) || build.getResult().equals(Result.UNSTABLE); if (!buildOK && this.skipOnBuildFailure) { logger.log( "Build result is " + build.getResult() + ". " + "Skipping the baseline creation/promotion step."); return false; } ///// init variables ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ClearCaseUcmSCM scm = (ClearCaseUcmSCM) build.getProject().getScm(); EnvVars env = build.getEnvironment(listener); String nodeName = Computer.currentComputer().getName(); ClearCaseConfiguration ccConfig = scm.fetchClearCaseConfig(nodeName); FilePath workspace; StringParameterValue wsParam = CCParametersAction.getBuildParameter(build, ORIGINAL_WORKSPACE_ENVSTR); if (wsParam != null) { workspace = new FilePath(build.getWorkspace().getChannel(), wsParam.value); } else { workspace = build.getWorkspace(); } ClearTool ct = scm.createClearTool( ccConfig.getCleartoolExe(), workspace, build.getBuiltOn().getRootPath(), env, ctLogFile, null); View view = ClearCaseUcmSCM.getBuildView(build); Stream stream = view.getStream(); ///// check stream lock state ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// LockState state = ct.getStreamLockState(stream); stream.setLockState(state); switch (state) { case NONE: case UNLOCKED: break; default: logger.log( "WARNING: building on a '" + state + "' stream. No baseline will be created."); return false; } ///// resolve variables in baseline name ////////////////////////////////////////// String baseName = env.expand(this.namePattern); String comment = env.expand(this.commentPattern); /* illegal characters removal */ baseName = baseName.replaceAll("[\\s\\\\\\/:\\?\\*\\|]+", "_"); Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(\\$\\{.+?\\})"); Matcher match = p.matcher(baseName); if (match.find()) { throw new ClearToolError( String.format( "Illegal characters found " + "in baseline name : %s. " + "An environment variable may not have been resolved.",; } ///// main process //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// logger.log("Retrieving components details..."); List<Component> components = resolveComponents(stream, ct); logger.log("Creating new baselines..."); List<Baseline> createdBls = createBaselines(baseName, comment, ct, view, components); logger.log("Retrieving latest baselines..."); /* retrieval of the full names of the baselines */ List<Baseline> latestBls = ct.getLatestBaselines(stream); /* get every component attached to the latest baselines */ matchComponentsToBaselines(ct, stream, latestBls); /* resolve created baselines */ markCreatedBaselines(createdBls, latestBls); printUsedBaselines(logger, latestBls); if (createdBls.isEmpty()) { logger.log("No baseline was created."); } else { /* get vob dependent promotion levels */ ct.fetchPromotionLevels(stream.getPvob()); if (buildOK) { logger.log("Promoting created baselines..."); /* On success, promote all the baselines that hudson created to "BUILT" */ for (Baseline bl : createdBls) { ct.changeBaselinePromotionLevel(bl, PromotionLevel.BUILT); logger.log(printPromotedBl(bl, ct.print(PromotionLevel.BUILT))); } /* recommend all baselines that meet the stream's promotion level requirements */ if (this.recommend) { logger.log("Recommending created baselines..."); ct.recommendAllEligibleBaselines(stream); } /* Rebase a dynamic view */ if (this.rebaseDynamicView) { logger.log( String.format("Rebasing view: %s with created baselines...", dynamicViewName)); View dynView = new View(dynamicViewName, stream, true); ct.rebaseDynamicView(dynView, createdBls); } } else { /* On failure, demote all the baselines that hudson created to "REJECTED" */ logger.log("Rejecting created baselines..."); for (Baseline bl : createdBls) { ct.changeBaselinePromotionLevel(bl, PromotionLevel.REJECTED); logger.log(printPromotedBl(bl, ct.print(PromotionLevel.REJECTED))); } } } publishBaselinesAsParams(build, latestBls); logger.log("~~~ End Baseline creation/promotion ~~~"); } catch (ClearToolError ctError) { listener.getLogger().println(ctError.toString()); build.setResult(Result.FAILURE); return false; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(listener.getLogger()); build.setResult(Result.FAILURE); return false; } } else { listener.getLogger().println("ERROR: Baselines are only handled by Clearcase UCM."); return false; } return true; } // perform()
public String replaceBuildParamWithValue(String paramValue) { return fixEmptyAndTrim(environment.expand(paramValue)); }
@Override public BuildWrapper.Environment setUp( AbstractBuild build, Launcher launcher, BuildListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException { final PrintStream logger = listener.getLogger(); final DeviceFarmApi api = new DeviceFarmApiImpl(); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { EnvVars environment = build.getEnvironment(listener); String expendedTag = environment.expand(tag); log(logger, Messages.TRYING_TO_CONNECT_API_SERVER(deviceApiUrl, expendedTag)); api.connectApiServer( logger, deviceApiUrl, expendedTag, build.getProject().getAbsoluteUrl() + build.getNumber()); final RemoteDevice reserved = api.waitApiResponse( logger, DEVICE_WAIT_TIMEOUT_IN_MILLIS, DEVICE_READY_CHECK_INTERVAL_IN_MS); log( logger, Messages.DEVICE_IS_READY(passedSeconds(start), reserved.ip, reserved.port, reserved.url)); if (descriptor == null) { descriptor = Hudson.getInstance().getDescriptorByType(DescriptorImpl.class); } // Substitute environment and build variables into config final String androidHome = discoverAndroidSdkHome(build, launcher, listener); log(logger, Messages.USING_SDK(androidHome)); AndroidSdk sdk = new AndroidSdk(androidHome, androidHome); final AndroidDeviceContext device = new AndroidDeviceContext(build, launcher, listener, sdk, reserved.ip, reserved.port); // disconnect first to workaround previous error device.disconnect(); // connect device with adb device.connect(DEVICE_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_IN_MILLIS); device.waitDeviceReady(logger, DEVICE_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_IN_MILLIS, 1000); // check availability device.devices(); // unlock screen device.unlockScreen(); // Start dumping logcat to temporary file final LogcatCollector logcatCollector = new LogcatCollector(build, device); logcatCollector.start(); return new BuildWrapper.Environment() { @Override public void buildEnvVars(Map<String, String> env) { env.put("ANDROID_IP", device.ip()); env.put("ANDROID_HOME", androidHome); env.put("ANDROID_SDK_HOME", androidHome); env.put("ANDROID_PORT", Integer.toString(device.port())); env.put("ANDROID_SERIAL", device.serial()); } @Override public boolean tearDown(AbstractBuild build, BuildListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException { cleanUp(build, device, api, logcatCollector); return true; } }; } catch (FailedToConnectApiServerException e) { log(logger, Messages.FAILED_TO_CONNECT_API_SERVER()); } catch (MalformedResponseException e) { log(logger, Messages.FAILED_TO_PARSE_DEVICE_FARM_RESPONSE()); } catch (TimeoutException e) { log(logger, Messages.DEVICE_WAIT_TIMEOUT(passedSeconds(start))); } catch (NoDeviceAvailableException e) { log(logger, Messages.NO_SUCH_DEVICE()); } build.setResult(Result.NOT_BUILT); cleanUp(null, null, api, null); return null; }
@Override public boolean perform(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, Launcher launcher, final BuildListener listener) throws InterruptedException { // during matrix build, the push back would happen at the very end only once for the whole // matrix, // not for individual configuration build. if (build instanceof MatrixRun) { return true; } SCM scm = build.getProject().getScm(); if (!(scm instanceof GitSCM)) { return false; } final GitSCM gitSCM = (GitSCM) scm; if (gitSCM.getUseShallowClone()) { listener.getLogger().println("GitPublisher disabled while using shallow clone."); return true; } final String projectName = build.getProject().getName(); final FilePath workspacePath = build.getWorkspace(); final int buildNumber = build.getNumber(); final Result buildResult = build.getResult(); // If pushOnlyIfSuccess is selected and the build is not a success, don't push. if (pushOnlyIfSuccess && buildResult.isWorseThan(Result.SUCCESS)) { listener .getLogger() .println( "Build did not succeed and the project is configured to only push after a successful build, so no pushing will occur."); return true; } else { final String gitExe = gitSCM.getGitExe(build.getBuiltOn(), listener); EnvVars tempEnvironment; try { tempEnvironment = build.getEnvironment(listener); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(listener.error("Failed to build up environment")); tempEnvironment = new EnvVars(); } String confName = gitSCM.getGitConfigNameToUse(); if ((confName != null) && (!confName.equals(""))) { tempEnvironment.put("GIT_COMMITTER_NAME", confName); tempEnvironment.put("GIT_AUTHOR_NAME", confName); } String confEmail = gitSCM.getGitConfigEmailToUse(); if ((confEmail != null) && (!confEmail.equals(""))) { tempEnvironment.put("GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL", confEmail); tempEnvironment.put("GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL", confEmail); } final EnvVars environment = tempEnvironment; final FilePath workingDirectory = gitSCM.workingDirectory(workspacePath, environment); boolean pushResult = true; // If we're pushing the merge back... if (pushMerge) { boolean mergeResult; try { mergeResult = workingDirectory.act( new FileCallable<Boolean>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public Boolean invoke(File workspace, VirtualChannel channel) throws IOException { IGitAPI git = new GitAPI(gitExe, new FilePath(workspace), listener, environment); // We delete the old tag generated by the SCM plugin String buildnumber = "jenkins-" + projectName + "-" + buildNumber; git.deleteTag(buildnumber); // And add the success / fail state into the tag. buildnumber += "-" + buildResult.toString(); git.tag(buildnumber, "Jenkins Build #" + buildNumber); PreBuildMergeOptions mergeOptions = gitSCM.getMergeOptions(); if (mergeOptions.doMerge() && buildResult.isBetterOrEqualTo(Result.SUCCESS)) { RemoteConfig remote = mergeOptions.getMergeRemote(); listener .getLogger() .println( "Pushing HEAD to branch " + mergeOptions.getMergeTarget() + " of " + remote.getName() + " repository"); git.push(remote, "HEAD:" + mergeOptions.getMergeTarget()); } else { // listener.getLogger().println("Pushing result " + buildnumber + " to // origin repository"); // git.push(null); } return true; } }); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(listener.error("Failed to push merge to origin repository")); build.setResult(Result.FAILURE); mergeResult = false; } if (!mergeResult) { pushResult = false; } } if (isPushTags()) { boolean allTagsResult = true; for (final TagToPush t : tagsToPush) { boolean tagResult = true; if (t.getTagName() == null) { listener.getLogger().println("No tag to push defined"); tagResult = false; } if (t.getTargetRepoName() == null) { listener.getLogger().println("No target repo to push to defined"); tagResult = false; } if (tagResult) { final String tagName = environment.expand(t.getTagName()); final String targetRepo = environment.expand(t.getTargetRepoName()); try { tagResult = workingDirectory.act( new FileCallable<Boolean>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public Boolean invoke(File workspace, VirtualChannel channel) throws IOException { IGitAPI git = new GitAPI(gitExe, new FilePath(workspace), listener, environment); RemoteConfig remote = gitSCM.getRepositoryByName(targetRepo); if (remote == null) { listener .getLogger() .println("No repository found for target repo name " + targetRepo); return false; } if (t.isCreateTag()) { if (git.tagExists(tagName)) { listener .getLogger() .println( "Tag " + tagName + " already exists and Create Tag is specified, so failing."); return false; } git.tag(tagName, "Jenkins Git plugin tagging with " + tagName); } else if (!git.tagExists(tagName)) { listener .getLogger() .println( "Tag " + tagName + " does not exist and Create Tag is not specified, so failing."); return false; } listener .getLogger() .println("Pushing tag " + tagName + " to repo " + targetRepo); git.push(remote, tagName); return true; } }); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace( listener.error("Failed to push tag " + tagName + " to " + targetRepo)); build.setResult(Result.FAILURE); tagResult = false; } } if (!tagResult) { allTagsResult = false; } } if (!allTagsResult) { pushResult = false; } } if (isPushBranches()) { boolean allBranchesResult = true; for (final BranchToPush b : branchesToPush) { boolean branchResult = true; if (b.getBranchName() == null) { listener.getLogger().println("No branch to push defined"); return false; } if (b.getTargetRepoName() == null) { listener.getLogger().println("No branch repo to push to defined"); return false; } final String branchName = environment.expand(b.getBranchName()); final String targetRepo = environment.expand(b.getTargetRepoName()); if (branchResult) { try { branchResult = workingDirectory.act( new FileCallable<Boolean>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public Boolean invoke(File workspace, VirtualChannel channel) throws IOException { IGitAPI git = new GitAPI(gitExe, new FilePath(workspace), listener, environment); RemoteConfig remote = gitSCM.getRepositoryByName(targetRepo); if (remote == null) { listener .getLogger() .println("No repository found for target repo name " + targetRepo); return false; } listener .getLogger() .println( "Pushing HEAD to branch " + branchName + " at repo " + targetRepo); git.push(remote, "HEAD:" + branchName); return true; } }); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace( listener.error("Failed to push branch " + branchName + " to " + targetRepo)); build.setResult(Result.FAILURE); branchResult = false; } } if (!branchResult) { allBranchesResult = false; } } if (!allBranchesResult) { pushResult = false; } } if (isPushNotes()) { boolean allNotesResult = true; for (final NoteToPush b : notesToPush) { boolean noteResult = true; if (b.getnoteMsg() == null) { listener.getLogger().println("No note to push defined"); return false; } b.setEmptyTargetRepoToOrigin(); final String noteMsg = environment.expand(b.getnoteMsg()); final String noteNamespace = environment.expand(b.getnoteNamespace()); final String targetRepo = environment.expand(b.getTargetRepoName()); final boolean noteReplace = b.getnoteReplace(); if (noteResult) { try { noteResult = workingDirectory.act( new FileCallable<Boolean>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public Boolean invoke(File workspace, VirtualChannel channel) throws IOException { IGitAPI git = new GitAPI(gitExe, new FilePath(workspace), listener, environment); RemoteConfig remote = gitSCM.getRepositoryByName(targetRepo); if (remote == null) { listener .getLogger() .println("No repository found for target repo name " + targetRepo); return false; } listener .getLogger() .println( "Adding note \"" + noteMsg + "\" to namespace \"" + noteNamespace + "\""); if (noteReplace) git.addNote(noteMsg, noteNamespace); else git.appendNote(noteMsg, noteNamespace); git.push(remote, "refs/notes/*"); return true; } }); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace( listener.error( "Failed to add note \"" + noteMsg + "\" to \"" + noteNamespace + "\"")); build.setResult(Result.FAILURE); noteResult = false; } } if (!noteResult) { allNotesResult = false; } } if (!allNotesResult) { pushResult = false; } } return pushResult; } }