/** {@inheritDoc} */
 public Iterable<AVList> getLinks() {
   if (this.webViewWindowPtr != 0) {
     AVList[] links = WindowsWebViewJNI.getLinks(this.webViewWindowPtr);
     if (links != null) return Arrays.asList(links);
   return Collections.emptyList();
  protected void handleUnsuccessfulGeometryCreation() {
    // If creating the polygon geometry was unsuccessful, we modify the polygon to avoid any
    // additional creation
    // attempts, and free any resources that the polygon won't use. This is done to gracefully
    // handle
    // OutOfMemoryErrors throws while tessellating the polygon geometry.

    // Replace the polygon's locations with an empty list. This ensures that any rendering code
    // won't attempt to
    // re-create the polygon's geometry.
    this.locations = Collections.emptyList();
    // Reinitialize the polygon, since we've replaced its locations with an empty list.