static void addTestClassPath(JPFClassLoader cl, String[] testPathElements) { if (testPathElements != null) { for (String pe : testPathElements) { try { cl.addURL(FileUtils.getURL(pe)); } catch (Throwable x) { error("malformed test_classpath URL: " + pe); } } } }
static Class<?> loadTestClass(JPFClassLoader cl, Class<?> testJpfCls, String testClsName) { try { Class<?> testCls = cl.loadClass(testClsName); if (testJpfCls.isAssignableFrom(testCls)) { if (!Modifier.isAbstract(testCls.getModifiers())) { return testCls; } } return null; } catch (NoClassDefFoundError ncfx) { error("class did not resolve: " + ncfx.getMessage()); return null; } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfx) { error("class not found " + cnfx.getMessage() + ", check test_classpath in"); return null; } }
public static void main(String[] args) { int options = getOptions(args); if (isOptionEnabled(HELP, options)) { showUsage(); return; } if (isOptionEnabled(LOG, options)) { Config.enableLogging(true); } config = new Config(args); if (isOptionEnabled(SHOW, options)) { config.printEntries(); } args = removeConfigArgs(args); String testClsName = getTestClassName(args); String[] testArgs = getTestArgs(args); String[] testPathElements = getTestPathElements(config); JPFClassLoader cl = config.initClassLoader(RunTest.class.getClassLoader()); addTestClassPath(cl, testPathElements); Class<?> testJpfCls = null; try { testJpfCls = cl.loadClass(TESTJPF_CLS); if (isOptionEnabled(QUIET, options)) { Field f = testJpfCls.getDeclaredField("quiet"); f.setAccessible(true); f.setBoolean(null, true); } } catch (NoClassDefFoundError ncfx) { error("class did not resolve: " + ncfx.getMessage()); return; } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfx) { error("class not found " + cnfx.getMessage() + ", check native_classpath in"); return; // we let pass this for now since it only means the quiet option is // not going to work } catch (NoSuchFieldException ex) { } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { } List<Class<?>> testClasses = getTestClasses(cl, testJpfCls, testPathElements, testClsName); if (testClasses.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("no test classes found"); return; } int nTested = 0; int nPass = 0; for (Class<?> testCls : testClasses) { nTested++; try { try { try { // check if there is a main(String[]) method Method mainEntry = testCls.getDeclaredMethod("main", String[].class); mainEntry.invoke(null, (Object) testArgs); } catch (NoSuchMethodException x) { // no main(String[]), // call // TestJPF.runTests(testCls,args) // directly Method mainEntry = testJpfCls.getDeclaredMethod("runTests", Class.class, String[].class); mainEntry.invoke(null, new Object[] {testCls, testArgs}); } nPass++; } catch (NoSuchMethodException x) { error("no suitable main() or runTests() in " + testCls.getName()); } catch (IllegalAccessException iax) { error(iax.getMessage()); } } catch (NoClassDefFoundError ncfx) { error("class did not resolve: " + ncfx.getMessage()); } catch (InvocationTargetException ix) { Throwable cause = ix.getCause(); if (cause instanceof Failed) { // no need to report - the test did run and reported why it // failed System.exit(1); } else { error(ix.getCause().getMessage()); } } } System.out.println(); System.out.printf("tested classes: %d, passed: %d\n", nTested, nPass); }