Example #1
  public static HelperResult addNewArrayHeapNode(
      ClassInfo typeClassInfo,
      ThreadInfo ti,
      Object attr,
      PathCondition pcHeap,
      SymbolicInputHeap symInputHeap,
      int numSymRefs,
      HeapNode[] prevSymRefs,
      boolean setShared,
      IntegerExpression indexAttr,
      int arrayRef) {
    int daIndex = ti.getHeap().newObject(typeClassInfo, ti).getObjectRef();
    String refChain =
        ((ArrayExpression) attr)
            .getName(); // + "[" + daIndex + "]"; // do we really need to add daIndex here?
    SymbolicInteger newSymRef = new SymbolicInteger(refChain);
    ElementInfo eiRef =
        ti.getModifiableElementInfo(daIndex); // ti.getElementInfo(daIndex); // TODO to review!
    if (setShared) {
      eiRef.setShared(ti, true); // ??
    // daIndex.getObjectRef() -> number

    // neha: this change allows all the fields in the class hierarchy of the
    // object to be initialized as symbolic and not just its instance fields

    int numOfFields = eiRef.getNumberOfFields();
    FieldInfo[] fields = new FieldInfo[numOfFields];
    for (int fieldIndex = 0; fieldIndex < numOfFields; fieldIndex++) {
      fields[fieldIndex] = eiRef.getFieldInfo(fieldIndex);

    Helper.initializeInstanceFields(fields, eiRef, refChain);

    // neha: this change allows all the static fields in the class hierarchy
    // of the object to be initialized as symbolic and not just its immediate
    // static fields
    ClassInfo superClass = typeClassInfo;
    while (superClass != null) {
      FieldInfo[] staticFields = superClass.getDeclaredStaticFields();
      Helper.initializeStaticFields(staticFields, superClass, ti);
      superClass = superClass.getSuperClass();

    // Put symbolic array in PC if we create a new array.
    if (typeClassInfo.isArray()) {
      String typeClass = typeClassInfo.getType();
      ArrayExpression arrayAttr = null;
      if (typeClass.charAt(1) != 'L') {
        arrayAttr = new ArrayExpression(eiRef.toString());
      } else {
        arrayAttr =
            new ArrayExpression(eiRef.toString(), typeClass.substring(2, typeClass.length() - 1));
          .put(eiRef.toString(), arrayAttr);

    // create new HeapNode based on above info
    // update associated symbolic input heap
    ArrayHeapNode n = new ArrayHeapNode(daIndex, typeClassInfo, newSymRef, indexAttr, arrayRef);
    pcHeap._addDet(Comparator.NE, newSymRef, new IntegerConstant(-1));
    pcHeap._addDet(Comparator.EQ, newSymRef, new IntegerConstant(numSymRefs));
    for (int i = 0; i < numSymRefs; i++)
      pcHeap._addDet(Comparator.NE, n.getSymbolic(), prevSymRefs[i].getSymbolic());
    HelperResult result = new HelperResult(n, daIndex);
    return result;