private void process(OsmRelation relation) { boolean hasChildRelations = false; TLongList childRelationMembers = new TLongArrayList(); for (OsmRelationMember member : OsmModelUtil.membersAsList(relation)) { if (member.getType() == EntityType.Relation) { hasChildRelations = true; idsIsChildRelation.add(member.getId()); childRelationMembers.add(member.getId()); if (storeSimpleRelations) { idsSimpleRelations.remove(member.getId()); } } } long id = relation.getId(); if (hasChildRelations) { idsHasChildRelations.add(id); if (!graph.getNodes().contains(id)) { graph.addNode(id); } TLongIterator iterator = childRelationMembers.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { long member =; if (!graph.getNodes().contains(member)) { graph.addNode(member); } graph.addEdge(id, member); } } else { if (storeSimpleRelations && !idsIsChildRelation.contains(id)) { idsSimpleRelations.add(id); } numNoChildren++; } }
/** * Compares this set with another set for equality of their stored entries. * * @param other an <code>Object</code> value * @return true if the sets are identical */ @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (_set.equals(other)) { return true; // comparing two trove sets } else if (other instanceof Set) { Set<?> that = (Set<?>) other; if (that.size() != _set.size()) { return false; // different sizes, no need to compare } else { // now we have to do it the hard way Iterator<?> it = that.iterator(); for (int i = that.size(); i-- > 0; ) { Object val =; if (val instanceof Long) { long v = ((Long) val).longValue(); if (_set.contains(v)) { // match, ok to continue } else { return false; // no match: we're done } } else { return false; // different type in other set } } return true; // all entries match } } else { return false; } }
private void extract(Path path) throws IOException { Path pathWays = path.resolve(fileNamesWays); Path pathNodeIds = path.resolve(fileNamesNodeIds); InputStream input = StreamUtil.bufferedInputStream(pathWays.toFile()); OsmIterator osmIterator = OsmIoUtils.setupOsmIterator(input, inputFormat, false); OutputStream outputNodeIds = StreamUtil.bufferedOutputStream(pathNodeIds.toFile()); IdListOutputStream idOutputNodeIds = new IdListOutputStream(outputNodeIds); TLongSet nodeIdsSet = new TLongHashSet(); for (EntityContainer container : osmIterator) { if (container.getType() != EntityType.Way) { continue; } OsmWay way = (OsmWay) container.getEntity(); for (long id : OsmModelUtil.nodesAsList(way).toArray()) { nodeIdsSet.add(id); } } input.close(); long[] nodesIds = nodeIdsSet.toArray(); Arrays.sort(nodesIds); for (long id : nodesIds) { idOutputNodeIds.write(id); } idOutputNodeIds.close(); }
public List<Group> buildGroupsUndirected() { List<Group> groups = new LinkedList<>(); TLongSet nodes = new TLongHashSet(graph.getNodes()); while (!nodes.isEmpty()) { long id = any(nodes); TLongSet reachable = reachable(graph, id); nodes.removeAll(reachable); groups.add(new Group(id, reachable)); } return groups; }
private void test(Data data) throws Exception { Random r = getRandom(); final int numDocs = 1000 + r.nextInt(19000); final List<TLongSet> values = new ArrayList<TLongSet>(numDocs); for (int i = 0; i < numDocs; ++i) { final int numValues = data.numValues(r); final TLongSet vals = new TLongHashSet(numValues); for (int j = 0; j < numValues; ++j) { vals.add(data.nextValue(r)); } values.add(vals); } test(values); }
private void test(List<TLongSet> values) throws Exception { StringField id = new StringField("_id", "", Field.Store.NO); for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) { Document doc = new Document(); id.setStringValue("" + i); doc.add(id); final TLongSet v = values.get(i); for (TLongIterator it = v.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { LongField value = new LongField("value",, Field.Store.NO); doc.add(value); } writer.addDocument(doc); } writer.forceMerge(1); final IndexNumericFieldData indexFieldData = getForField("value"); final AtomicNumericFieldData atomicFieldData = indexFieldData.load(refreshReader()); final LongValues data = atomicFieldData.getLongValues(); final DoubleValues doubleData = atomicFieldData.getDoubleValues(); final TLongSet set = new TLongHashSet(); final TDoubleSet doubleSet = new TDoubleHashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) { final TLongSet v = values.get(i); assertThat(data.hasValue(i), equalTo(!v.isEmpty())); assertThat(doubleData.hasValue(i), equalTo(!v.isEmpty())); if (v.isEmpty()) { assertThat(data.getValue(i), equalTo(0L)); assertThat(doubleData.getValue(i), equalTo(0d)); } set.clear(); for (LongValues.Iter iter = data.getIter(i); iter.hasNext(); ) { set.add(; } assertThat(set, equalTo(v)); final TDoubleSet doubleV = new TDoubleHashSet(); for (TLongIterator it = v.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { doubleV.add((double); } doubleSet.clear(); for (DoubleValues.Iter iter = doubleData.getIter(i); iter.hasNext(); ) { doubleSet.add(; } assertThat(doubleSet, equalTo(doubleV)); } }
@Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (!(other instanceof TLongSet)) { return false; } final TLongSet that = (TLongSet) other; if (that.size() != this.size()) { return false; } for (int i = _states.length; i-- > 0; ) { if (_states[i] == FULL) { if (!that.contains(_set[i])) { return false; } } } return true; }
private Group build(long start) { TLongSet group = new TLongHashSet(); group.add(start); TLongSet left = new TLongHashSet(); left.addAll(graph.getEdgesOut(start)); while (!left.isEmpty()) { long next = any(left); if (group.contains(next)) { continue; } group.add(next); Set<Long> out = graph.getEdgesOut(next); left.addAll(out); } return new Group(start, group); }
private TLongSet reachable(Graph<Long> graph, long id) { TLongSet reached = new TLongHashSet(); TLongSet queue = new TLongHashSet(); queue.add(id); while (!queue.isEmpty()) { long current = any(queue); reached.add(current); Set<Long> out = graph.getEdgesOut(current); for (long next : out) { if (!reached.contains(next)) { queue.add(next); } } } return reached; }
/** * Inserts a value into the set. * * @param value true if the set was modified by the insertion */ @Override public boolean add(Long value) { return value != null && _set.add(value.longValue()); }
@Override public void onBindViewHolder(CommentView view, int position) { CommentEntry entry = comments.get(position); Comment comment = entry.comment; view.setCommentDepth(entry.depth); view.senderInfo.setSenderName(comment.getName(), comment.getMark()); view.senderInfo.setOnSenderClickedListener(v -> doOnAuthorClicked(comment)); AndroidUtility.linkify(view.comment, comment.getContent()); // show the points if (equalsIgnoreCase(comment.getName(), selfName) || comment.getCreated().isBefore(scoreVisibleThreshold)) { view.senderInfo.setPoints(getCommentScore(entry)); } else { view.senderInfo.setPointsUnknown(); } // and the date of the post view.senderInfo.setDate(comment.getCreated()); // enable or disable the badge boolean badge = op.transform(op -> op.equalsIgnoreCase(comment.getName())).or(false); view.senderInfo.setBadgeOpVisible(badge); // and register a vote handler, true); v -> { boolean changed = doVote(entry, v); notifyItemChanged(position); return changed; }); // set alpha for the sub views. sadly, setting alpha on view.itemView is not working view.comment.setAlpha( == Vote.DOWN ? 0.5f : 1f); view.senderInfo.setAlpha( == Vote.DOWN ? 0.5f : 1f); view.senderInfo.setOnAnswerClickedListener(v -> doAnswer(comment)); Context context = view.itemView.getContext(); view.itemView.setBackgroundColor( ContextCompat.getColor( context, comment.getId() == selectedCommentId ? R.color.selected_comment_background : R.color.feed_background)); if (view.kFav != null) { if (showFavCommentButton) { boolean isFavorite = favedComments.contains(comment.getId()); view.kFav.setTextColor( isFavorite ? ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.primary) : ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.grey_700)); view.kFav.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); view.kFav.setOnClickListener( v -> { commentActionListener.onCommentMarkAsFavoriteClicked(comment, !isFavorite); }); } else { view.kFav.setVisibility(View.GONE); } } }
public boolean isEmpty() { return set.isEmpty(); }
public long pop() { long value = stack.pop(); set.remove(value); return value; }
public boolean contains(long value) { return set.contains(value); }
/** It is not allowed to push values that are already contained in the set. */ public void push(long value) { set.add(value); stack.push(value); }
private long any(TLongSet nodes) { TLongIterator iterator = nodes.iterator(); long id =; iterator.remove(); return id; }
public List<Group> buildGroupsDirected() { List<Group> groups = new LinkedList<>(); // First determine 'start' relations, i.e. relations without incoming // edges in the relation graph TLongSet starts = new TLongHashSet(); Collection<Long> ids = graph.getNodes(); for (long id : ids) { if (graph.getEdgesIn(id).isEmpty()) { starts.add(id); } } // Build sub-graphs reachable from 'start' relations logger.debug("Number of start relations: " + starts.size()); for (long start : starts.toArray()) { groups.add(build(start)); } // In case of circles within the relation graph that are not reachable // from any start relation, there may be some relations left, that have // not been put into groups yet. TLongSet remaining = new TLongHashSet(); remaining.addAll(ids); for (Group group : groups) { remaining.removeAll(group.getRelationIds()); } if (remaining.size() > 0) { logger.debug("remaining: " + remaining.size()); while (!remaining.isEmpty()) { long id = any(remaining); TLongSet reachable = reachable(graph, id); remaining.removeAll(reachable); long lowest = IdUtil.lowestId(reachable); groups.add(new Group(lowest, reachable)); } } return groups; }
/** * Deletes a value from the set. * * @param value an <code>Object</code> value * @return true if the set was modified */ @Override public boolean remove(Object value) { return value instanceof Long && _set.remove(((Long) value).longValue()); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean contains(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof Long)) return false; return _set.contains(((Long) o).longValue()); }
@Override public long[] getPriorStepExecutionIds() { return priorStepExecutionIds.toArray(); }