private void backPropRemPoss() throws ContradictionException { ISetIterator iter = poss.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { int i = iter.nextInt(); IntVar v = vars[i]; if (v.hasEnumeratedDomain()) { for (int value : values) { v.removeValue(value, this); } poss.remove(i); } else { int newLB = v.getLB(); int newUB = v.getUB(); for (int val = v.getLB(); val <= newUB; val = v.nextValue(val)) { if (setValues.contains(val)) { newLB = val + 1; } else { break; } } for (int val = newUB; val >= newLB; val = v.previousValue(val)) { if (setValues.contains(val)) { newUB = val - 1; } else { break; } } v.updateBounds(newLB, newUB, this); if (newLB > values[values.length - 1] || newUB < values[0]) { poss.remove(i); } } } }
private Path dumpSearchResults(User user, Request request) throws ParseException, IOException, FileNotFoundException { user = userService.validate(user); Query query = searchService.getQuery(request); IndexSearcher searcher = getSearcher(request, user); Filter f = NumericRangeFilter.newLongRange(, request.startTime, request.endTime, true, true); TopDocs docs =, f, request.scanSize); Path tempFile = Files.createTempFile(format("kw-%s-%s",, request.keywordField), ".mailytics.temp"); PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(tempFile.toFile()); TIntHashSet dupSet = new TIntHashSet(); for (ScoreDoc sd : docs.scoreDocs) { Document doc = searcher.doc(sd.doc); String string = doc.get(; int hash = string.hashCode(); if (!dupSet.contains(hash)) { writer.println(string); dupSet.add(hash); } } dupSet.clear(); writer.close(); return tempFile; }
// Kien added this mathRolesAnhType1AndType2 public Collection<EnforcedRelation> matchRolesAndType1AndType2( TIntHashSet candidateRoles, TIntHashSet candidateType1, TIntHashSet candidateType2) { TIntIterator roleKeyI = candidateRoles.iterator(); int firstRoleKey =; if (rolesIndex.get(firstRoleKey) == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } Collection<EnforcedRelation> result = new ArrayList<EnforcedRelation>(rolesIndex.get(firstRoleKey)); if (result.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } while (roleKeyI.hasNext()) { int key =; if (result.isEmpty()) return result; Collection<EnforcedRelation> rest = rolesIndex.get(key); if (rest == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } result.retainAll(rest); } TIntIterator type1KeyI = candidateType1.iterator(); while (type1KeyI.hasNext()) { int key =; if (result.isEmpty()) return result; Collection<EnforcedRelation> rest = type1Index.get(key); if (rest == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } result.retainAll(rest); } TIntIterator type2KeyI = candidateType2.iterator(); // Old code: while (roleKeyI.hasNext()) { // Kien changed roleKeyI to type2KeyI while (type2KeyI.hasNext()) { int key =; if (result.isEmpty()) return result; Collection<EnforcedRelation> rest2 = type2Index.get(key); if (rest2 == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } result.retainAll(rest2); } return result; }
/** * Updates this {@code Pool}'s store of permanences for the specified {@link Synapse} * * @param c the connections memory * @param s the synapse who's permanence is recorded * @param permanence the permanence value to record */ public void updatePool(Connections c, Synapse s, double permanence) { int inputIndex = s.getInputIndex(); if (synapsesBySourceIndex.get(inputIndex) == null) { synapsesBySourceIndex.put(inputIndex, s); } if (permanence > c.getSynPermConnected()) { synapseConnections.add(inputIndex); } else { synapseConnections.remove(inputIndex); } }
private TIntHashSet getIntersection(TIntHashSet contextA, TIntHashSet contextB) { TIntHashSet is = new TIntHashSet(); for (int a : contextA.toArray()) { if (contextB.contains(a) || contextB.contains(DataAccess.expandTerm(a))) { is.add(a); } } return is; }
public static boolean contains(EdgeIterator iter, int... locs) { TIntHashSet set = new TIntHashSet(); while ( { set.add(iter.node()); } for (int l : locs) { if (!set.contains(l)) return false; } return true; }
public static boolean contains(Iterable<? extends Edge> iter, int... locs) { Iterator<? extends Edge> i = iter.iterator(); TIntHashSet set = new TIntHashSet(); while (i.hasNext()) { set.add(; } for (int l : locs) { if (!set.contains(l)) return false; } return true; }
@Override public double calcSimilarity( Mention mention, Context context, Entity entity, EntitiesContext entitiesContext) { TIntHashSet contextA = new TIntHashSet(context.getTokenIds()); TIntHashSet contextB = new TIntHashSet(entitiesContext.getContext(entity)); TIntHashSet union = getUnion(contextA, contextB); TIntHashSet intersection = getIntersection(contextA, contextB); double jaccardSim = (double) intersection.size() / (double) union.size(); return jaccardSim; }
public TIntHashSet computeTypeOfX(Variable x) { TIntHashSet bs = new TIntHashSet(); for (Atom atom : body) { int typeOfX = 0; if (atom.getPredicate().getArity() == 1 && atom.getTerms().contains(x)) { typeOfX = atom.getPredicate().getEncoding(); bs.add(typeOfX); } } return bs; }
@Override public boolean onOutgoingPacket(Player ply, int packetID, Packet packet) { switch (packetID) { case 20: final PacketPlayOutNamedEntitySpawn p20 = (PacketPlayOutNamedEntitySpawn) packet; if (!choppedEntities.contains(p20.a)) // v1_7_R1 break; p20.g = CHOPPED_PITCH; // v1_7_R1 break; case 24: final PacketPlayOutSpawnEntityLiving p24 = (PacketPlayOutSpawnEntityLiving) packet; if (!choppedEntities.contains(p24.a)) // v1_7_R1 break; p24.j = CHOPPED_PITCH; // v1_7_R1 break; case 34: final PacketPlayOutEntityTeleport p34 = (PacketPlayOutEntityTeleport) packet; if (!choppedEntities.contains(p34.a)) // v1_7_R1 break; p34.f = CHOPPED_PITCH; // v1_7_R1 break; case 32: case 33: final PacketPlayOutEntity p30 = (PacketPlayOutEntity) packet; if (!choppedEntities.contains(p30.a)) // v1_7_R1 break; p30.f = CHOPPED_PITCH; // v1_7_R1 break; case 35: final PacketPlayOutEntityHeadRotation p35 = (PacketPlayOutEntityHeadRotation) packet; if (!choppedEntities.contains(p35.a)) // v1_7_R1 break; final float yaw = Utils.getEntityByID(p35.a, ply.getWorld()).yaw; // v1_7_R1 p35.b = (byte) (((yaw % 360) / 360) * 255); // v1_7_R1 break; } return true; }
/** Creates a deep copy of a HashSet<TIntHashSet>. */ public static HashSet<TIntHashSet> deepClone(HashSet<TIntHashSet> set) { HashSet<TIntHashSet> clone = new HashSet<TIntHashSet>(); for (TIntHashSet elements : set) { TIntHashSet newElements = new TIntHashSet(elements.capacity()); newElements.addAll(elements); clone.add(newElements); } return clone; }
/** Deduplicates an array in linear time, it does not change the order of the elements. */ public static int[] deduplicate(int[] arr) { if (arr.length <= 1) return arr; TIntArrayList list = new TIntArrayList(); TIntHashSet set = new TIntHashSet(); for (int a : arr) { if (set.add(a)) { list.add(a); } } return list.toArray(); }
protected Collection<EnforcedRelation> match( TIntHashSet subset, TIntObjectHashMap<Collection<EnforcedRelation>> index) { TIntIterator keyI = subset.iterator(); int firstKey =; if (index.get(firstKey) == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } Collection<EnforcedRelation> result = new ArrayList<EnforcedRelation>(index.get(firstKey)); if (result.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } while (keyI.hasNext()) { int key =; if (result.isEmpty()) return result; Collection<EnforcedRelation> rest = index.get(key); if (rest == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } result.retainAll(rest); } return result; }
/** * Returns a dense array representing the potential pool bits with the connected bits set to 1. * * <p>Note: Only called from tests for now... * * @param c * @return */ public int[] getDenseConnections(Connections c) { int[] retVal = new int[c.getNumInputs()]; for (int inputIndex : synapseConnections.toArray()) { retVal[inputIndex] = 1; } return retVal; }
@Override public DoubleArrayIntegerObject call() throws Exception { double corrPvalueThreshold = 0.0001; double[] zScores = new double[datasetGenotypes.nrProbes]; for (int snp = 0; snp < datasetGenotypes.nrProbes; snp++) { if (snpsToTest != null && !snpsToTest.contains(snp)) { continue; } double corrPvalue = correlateCovariateWithGenotype(snp); if (corrPvalue > corrPvalueThreshold) { // don't compute the interaction if the covariate expression is // affected by this SNP try { double[][] valsX = new double[nrSamples][3]; for (int s = 0; s < nrSamples; s++) { valsX[s][0] = datasetGenotypes.rawData[snp][s]; valsX[s][1] = datasetCovariates.rawData[covToTest][s]; valsX[s][2] = valsX[s][0] * valsX[s][1]; } double[] valsY = datasetExpression.rawData[snp]; regression.newSampleData(valsY, valsX); double betaInteraction = regression.estimateRegressionParameters()[3]; double seInteraction = regression.estimateRegressionParametersStandardErrors()[3]; double tInteraction = betaInteraction / seInteraction; double pValueInteraction = 1; double zScoreInteraction = 0; if (tInteraction < 0) { pValueInteraction = tDistColt.cdf(tInteraction); if (pValueInteraction < 2.0E-323) { pValueInteraction = 2.0E-323; } zScoreInteraction = cern.jet.stat.tdouble.Probability.normalInverse(pValueInteraction); } else { pValueInteraction = tDistColt.cdf(-tInteraction); if (pValueInteraction < 2.0E-323) { pValueInteraction = 2.0E-323; } zScoreInteraction = -cern.jet.stat.tdouble.Probability.normalInverse(pValueInteraction); } zScores[snp] = zScoreInteraction; } catch (SingularMatrixException e) { zScores[snp] = 0; skippedTracker.addSkipped( SkippedInteractionTracker.Reason.SINGULAR, datasetGenotypes.probeNames[snp]); } } else { // System.out.println("Removing covariate because of eQTL effect! " + // datasetCovariatesPCAForceNormal.probeNames[covToTest] + " : " + // datasetGenotypes.probeNames[snp]); skippedTracker.addSkipped( SkippedInteractionTracker.Reason.SHARED_QTL, datasetGenotypes.probeNames[snp]); zScores[snp] = 0; } } skippedWriter.add(skippedTracker); return new DoubleArrayIntegerObject(zScores, covToTest); }
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR, ignoreCancelled = true) public void onEntityDamage(EntityDamageEvent event) { if (event.getCause() != EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause.ENTITY_ATTACK) return; if (!(event instanceof EntityDamageByEntityEvent)) return; final Entity damagedEntity = event.getEntity(); if (damagedEntity instanceof Player) return; if (!(damagedEntity instanceof LivingEntity)) return; final int entityId = damagedEntity.getEntityId(); if (choppedEntities.contains(entityId)) return; final Entity damager = ((EntityDamageByEntityEvent) event).getDamager(); if (!(damager instanceof Player)) return; final Material materialInHand = ((Player) damager).getItemInHand().getType(); switch (materialInHand) { case DIAMOND_SPADE: case GOLD_SPADE: case IRON_SPADE: case WOOD_SPADE: case STONE_SPADE: addChoppedEntity(entityId); break; } }
/** * Removes the set of columns who have never been active from the set of active columns selected * in the inhibition round. Such columns cannot represent learned pattern and are therefore * meaningless if only inference is required. This should not be done when using a random, * unlearned SP since you would end up with no active columns. * * @param activeColumns An array containing the indices of the active columns * @return a list of columns with a chance of activation */ public int[] stripUnlearnedColumns(Connections c, int[] activeColumns) { TIntHashSet active = new TIntHashSet(activeColumns); TIntHashSet aboveZero = new TIntHashSet(); int numCols = c.getNumColumns(); double[] colDutyCycles = c.getActiveDutyCycles(); for (int i = 0; i < numCols; i++) { if (colDutyCycles[i] <= 0) { aboveZero.add(i); } } active.removeAll(aboveZero); TIntArrayList l = new TIntArrayList(active); l.sort(); // return l; return -> c.getActiveDutyCycles()[i] > 0).toArray(); }
public TIntHashSet computeRho(Variable x, List<InversePropertyOfAxiom> inverseAxioms) { TIntHashSet rho = new TIntHashSet(); // BitSet emptyRho = new BitSet(); for (Atom atom : body) { List<Term> terms = atom.getTerms(); if (atom.getPredicate().getArity() == 2) { if (terms.get(1).equals(x)) rho.add(atom.getPredicate().getEncoding()); // else add Inverse of atom.predicate to Rho else if (terms.get(0).equals(x)) { int rBar = getInverseOf(atom.getPredicate().getEncoding(), inverseAxioms); rho.add(rBar); } // end of elsse if } } // end of for return rho; }
/** * Records the current solution of the solver clears all previous recordings * * @param solver a solver */ public void record(Solver solver) { if (empty) { Variable[] _dvars = solver.getStrategy().getVariables(); for (int i = 0; i < _dvars.length; i++) { dvars.add(_dvars[i].getId()); } empty = false; } boolean warn = false; intmap.clear(); realmap.clear(); setmap.clear(); Variable[] vars = solver.getVars(); for (int i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) { if ((vars[i].getTypeAndKind() & Variable.TYPE) != Variable.CSTE) { int kind = vars[i].getTypeAndKind() & Variable.KIND; if (!vars[i].isInstantiated()) { if (dvars.contains(vars[i].getId())) { throw new SolverException(vars[i] + " is not instantiated when recording a solution."); } else { warn = true; } } else { switch (kind) { case Variable.INT: case Variable.BOOL: IntVar v = (IntVar) vars[i]; intmap.put(v.getId(), v.getValue()); break; case Variable.REAL: RealVar r = (RealVar) vars[i]; realmap.put(r.getId(), new double[] {r.getLB(), r.getUB()}); break; case Variable.SET: SetVar s = (SetVar) vars[i]; setmap.put(s.getId(), s.getValues()); break; } } } } if (warn && solver.getSettings().warnUser()) { Chatterbox.err.printf( "Some non decision variables are not instantiated in the current solution."); } }
/** * Creates a propagator for Among: Counts the number of decision variables which take a value in * the input value set * * @param variables {decision variables, cardinality variable} * @param values input value set */ public PropAmongGAC(IntVar[] variables, int[] values) { super(variables, PropagatorPriority.LINEAR, true); nb_vars = variables.length - 1; IEnvironment environment = model.getEnvironment(); this.setValues = new TIntHashSet(values); this.values = setValues.toArray(); Arrays.sort(this.values); poss = SetFactory.makeStoredSet(SetType.BIPARTITESET, 0, model); nbSure = environment.makeInt(0); }
@Override public boolean remove(Object o) { EnforcedRelation enf = (EnforcedRelation) o; enfs.remove(enf); TIntHashSet type1 = enf.getType1(); TIntIterator type1Iterator = type1.iterator(); while (type1Iterator.hasNext()) { int key =; ensureContainsKey(type1Index, key); type1Index.get(key).remove(enf); } TIntHashSet type2 = enf.getType2(); TIntIterator type2Iterator = type2.iterator(); while (type2Iterator.hasNext()) { int key =; ensureContainsKey(type2Index, key); type2Index.get(key).remove(enf); } TIntHashSet roles = enf.getRoles(); TIntIterator rolesIterator = roles.iterator(); while (rolesIterator.hasNext()) { int key =; ensureContainsKey(rolesIndex, key); rolesIndex.get(key).remove(enf); } return true; }
@Override public boolean add(EnforcedRelation enf) { if (!this.subsubmedEnf(enf)) { enfs.add(enf); TIntHashSet type1 = enf.getType1(); TIntIterator type1Iterator = type1.iterator(); while (type1Iterator.hasNext()) { int key =; ensureContainsKey(type1Index, key); type1Index.get(key).add(enf); } TIntHashSet type2 = enf.getType2(); TIntIterator type2Iterator = type2.iterator(); while (type2Iterator.hasNext()) { int key =; ensureContainsKey(type2Index, key); type2Index.get(key).add(enf); } TIntHashSet roles = enf.getRoles(); TIntIterator rolesIterator = roles.iterator(); while (rolesIterator.hasNext()) { int key =; ensureContainsKey(rolesIndex, key); rolesIndex.get(key).add(enf); } return true; } else { return false; } }
@Override public void onBypassFeedback(Player player, String command) { if (!canBypassCheck(player, this)) return; if (buffs.size() > 4) showChatWindow(player, 1); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(command); String cmd = st.nextToken(); if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("buff")) { int id = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); int lvl = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); boolean checked = false; for (int[] buff : Olympiad.BUFFS_LIST) { if (buff.length != 2) continue; if (buff[0] != id) continue; if (buff[1] != lvl) continue; checked = true; break; } if (!checked) { // Читер! showChatWindow(player, 0); return; } Skill skill = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(id, lvl); List<Creature> target = new ArrayList<Creature>(); target.add(player); broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(this, player, id, lvl, 0, 0)); callSkill(skill, target, true); buffs.add(id); if (buffs.size() > 4) showChatWindow(player, 1); else showChatWindow(player, 0); } else showChatWindow(player, 0); }
private TIntHashSet getUnion(TIntHashSet contextA, TIntHashSet contextB) { TIntHashSet union = new TIntHashSet(); for (int a : contextB.toArray()) { union.add(a); } for (int a : contextA.toArray()) { if (!union.contains(a) && !union.contains(DataAccess.expandTerm(a))) { union.add(a); } } return union; }
@Override public void onAction(Player player, boolean shift) { if (Events.onAction(player, this, shift)) { player.sendActionFailed(); return; } if (this != player.getTarget()) { player.setTarget(this); player.sendPacket(new ValidateLocation(this)); } else { player.sendPacket(new MyTargetSelected(player, this)); if (!isInRange(player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE)) player.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_INTERACT, this); else if (buffs.size() > 4) showChatWindow(player, 1); else showChatWindow(player, 0); player.sendActionFailed(); } }
// If there is enf(T1,R,T2) such that R contains Rho, T2 contain type of X // Then substitute all role wich contain X by T1(X) private Set<Atom> addTypeOfXToBody(Term x, TIntHashSet type, Set<Atom> body) { Set<Atom> addedAtoms = new HashSet<Atom>(); TIntIterator iterator = type.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { int i =; // for (int i = type.nextSetBit(0); i >= 0; i = type.nextSetBit(i + // 1)) { if (i != ClipperManager.getInstance().getThing()) { Predicate predicate = new DLPredicate(i, 1); List<Term> terms = new ArrayList<Term>(); terms.add(x); Atom newAtom = new Atom(predicate, terms); if (!body.contains(newAtom) && !addedAtoms.contains(newAtom)) { addedAtoms.add(newAtom); } } } return addedAtoms; }
/** * Computes the intersection of two <b>unsorted</b> arrays. Will deduplicate the items, so the * return is a set of integers. */ public static int[] intersectionUnsorted(int[] arr, int[] arr2) { TIntHashSet set = new TIntHashSet(); TIntHashSet toReturn = new TIntHashSet(); for (int a : arr) { set.add(a); } for (int a : arr2) { if (set.contains(a)) { toReturn.add(a); } } return toReturn.toArray(); }
public boolean canGenerateRoom(DungeonDir dir) { byte tempX = x, tempY = y; boolean res = false; if (move(dir, 2) && check(x - 1, y - 1) && check(x + 1, y + 1)) { for (int xx = x - 1; xx <= x + 1; xx++) { for (int yy = y - 1; yy <= y + 1; yy++) { if (elementArray[xx][yy] != DungeonElementType.EMPTY || blockedLocs.contains(xx + yy * width)) { x = tempX; y = tempY; return false; } } } res = true; } x = tempX; y = tempY; return res; }
@Override public ESat isEntailed() { int min = 0; int max = 0; int nbInst = vars[nb_vars].isInstantiated() ? 1 : 0; for (int i = 0; i < nb_vars; i++) { IntVar var = vars[i]; if (var.isInstantiated()) { nbInst++; if (setValues.contains(var.getValue())) { min++; max++; } } else { int nb = 0; for (int j : values) { if (var.contains(j)) { nb++; } } if (nb == var.getDomainSize()) { min++; max++; } else if (nb > 0) { max++; } } } if (min > vars[nb_vars].getUB() || max < vars[nb_vars].getLB()) { return ESat.FALSE; } if (nbInst == nb_vars + 1) { return ESat.TRUE; } return ESat.UNDEFINED; }
/** * Returns the block at the sight. Returns null if out of range or if no viable target was found * * @return Block */ public Location getSolidTargetBlock() { while (getNextBlock() && transparentBlocks.contains(world.getBlockTypeIdAt(getCurrentBlock()))) {; } return getCurrentBlock(); }