public JSONObject persian_sentiment(String text) throws Exception { oncreate(); File PersianGapp = new File("C:/Users/mohammad/Desktop/New folder/Gate/application.xgapp"); // initialise GATE - this must be done before calling any GATE APIs Gate.init(); // load the saved application CorpusController application = (CorpusController) PersistenceManager.loadObjectFromFile(PersianGapp); // Create a Corpus to use. We recycle the same Corpus object for each // iteration. The string parameter to newCorpus() is simply the // GATE-internal name to use for the corpus. It has no particular // significance. Corpus corpus = Factory.newCorpus("BatchProcessApp Corpus"); application.setCorpus(corpus); // process the files one by one // load the document (using the specified encoding if one was given) Document doc = Factory.newDocument(text); // put the document in the corpus corpus.add(doc); // run the application application.execute(); String featureName = "Doc_sentiment"; FeatureMap features = doc.getFeatures(); // remove the document from the corpus again corpus.clear(); // doc.getFeatures(). // Release the document, as it is no longer needed Factory.deleteResource(doc); LinkedHashMap originalContent = (LinkedHashMap) features.get(featureName); String obj = (String) originalContent.get("sentiment"); // BigDecimal pos =(BigDecimal) originalContent.get("positive"); // BigDecimal neg =(BigDecimal) originalContent.get("negative"); // System.out.println(obj); // create Json for response to user JSONObject obj1 = new JSONObject(); obj1.put("sentiment", obj); /*obj1.put("positive",pos); //obj1.put("negative",neg); System.out.print("----------"); System.out.print(obj1); System.out.print("----------");*/ // application.cleanup(); return obj1; }
/** * Initialise the ANNIE system. This creates a "corpus pipeline" application that can be used to * run sets of documents through the extraction system. */ public void initAnnie() throws GateException, IOException { Out.prln("Initialising ANNIE..."); // load the ANNIE application from the saved state in plugins/ANNIE File pluginsHome = Gate.getPluginsHome(); File anniePlugin = new File(pluginsHome, "ANNIE"); File annieGapp = new File(anniePlugin, "ANNIE_with_defaults.gapp"); annieController = (CorpusController) PersistenceManager.loadObjectFromFile(annieGapp); Out.prln("...ANNIE loaded"); } // initAnnie()
public static void initController() throws PersistenceException, ResourceInstantiationException, IOException { GateUtils.deleteAllPublicGateResources(); controller = (ConditionalSerialAnalyserController) PersistenceManager.loadObjectFromFile( new File("C:/Users/dedek/Desktop/DATLOWE/gate_apps/all.gapp")); controller.add(ie.getPR()); corpus = Factory.newCorpus("SpcCorp"); controller.setCorpus(corpus); }
public void setConf(Configuration conf) { config = conf; if (applicationDescriptorPath == null) throw new RuntimeException("GATE application path is null"); // create one instance of the GATE application // need to avoid concurrent access to the application try { if (inited == false) { File gateHome = new File(applicationDescriptorPath.getFile()).getParentFile();"Setting GATE_HOME as " + gateHome); File pluginsHome = new File(gateHome, "plugins"); // the config files are in the job archive - not in the GATE // application // zip // File siteConfigFile = new File(conf // .getResource("site-gate.xml").getFile()); // File userConfig = new File(conf.getResource("user-gate.xml") // .getFile()); Gate.runInSandbox(true); Gate.setGateHome(gateHome); Gate.setPluginsHome(pluginsHome); // Gate.setSiteConfigFile(siteConfigFile); // Gate.setUserConfigFile(userConfig); // the builtInCreoleDir files // are stored in the same place as the config ones // Gate.setBuiltinCreoleDir(conf.getResource("creole.xml")); Gate.init(); inited = true; } corpus = Factory.newCorpus("DummyCorpus"); this.GATEapplication = (CorpusController) PersistenceManager.loadObjectFromUrl(applicationDescriptorPath); // load the annotation and feature filters from the configuration this.filters = GATEAnnotationFilters.getFilters(config); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Encountered error while initialising GATE", e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
/** * The main entry point. First we parse the command line options (see usage() method for details), * then we take all remaining command line parameters to be file names to process. Each file is * loaded, processed using the application and the results written to the output file * (inputFile.out.xml). */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { parseCommandLine(args); // initialise GATE - this must be done before calling any GATE APIs Gate.init(); // load the saved application CorpusController application = (CorpusController) PersistenceManager.loadObjectFromFile(gappFile); // Create a Corpus to use. We recycle the same Corpus object for each // iteration. The string parameter to newCorpus() is simply the // GATE-internal name to use for the corpus. It has no particular // significance. ArrayList<String> files = getFilesFromDir(inputDir); gate.Corpus corpus = createCorpus(files); // Corpus corpus = Factory.newCorpus("BatchProcessApp Corpus"); application.setCorpus(corpus); System.out.println("Processing " + files.size() + " files"); // process the files one by one for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) { // load the document (using the specified encoding if one was given) File docFile = new File(files.get(i)); System.out.print("Processing document " + docFile + " (" + i + ") ..."); Document doc = Factory.newDocument(docFile.toURL(), encoding); // put the document in the corpus corpus.add(doc); // run the application application.execute(); // remove the document from the corpus again corpus.clear(); String docXMLString = null; // if we want to just write out specific annotation types, we must // extract the annotations into a Set if (annotTypesToWrite != null) { // Create a temporary Set to hold the annotations we wish to write out Set annotationsToWrite = new HashSet(); // we only extract annotations from the default (unnamed) AnnotationSet // in this example AnnotationSet defaultAnnots = doc.getAnnotations("Output"); Iterator annotTypesIt = annotTypesToWrite.iterator(); while (annotTypesIt.hasNext()) { // extract all the annotations of each requested type and add them to // the temporary set AnnotationSet annotsOfThisType = defaultAnnots.get((String); if (annotsOfThisType != null) { annotationsToWrite.addAll(annotsOfThisType); } } // create the XML string using these annotations docXMLString = doc.toXml(annotationsToWrite, true); } // otherwise, just write out the whole document as GateXML else { docXMLString = doc.toXml(); } // Release the document, as it is no longer needed Factory.deleteResource(doc); // output the XML to <inputFile>.out.xml System.out.println("Writing file " + docFile.getName()); String outputFileName = docFile.getName() + ".out.xml"; // File outputFile = new File(docFile.getParentFile(), outputFileName); File outputFile = new File(new File(outputDir).getAbsolutePath(), outputFileName); // Write output files using the same encoding as the original FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(outputFile); BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(fos); OutputStreamWriter out; if (encoding == null) { out = new OutputStreamWriter(bos); } else { out = new OutputStreamWriter(bos, encoding); } out.write(docXMLString); out.close(); System.out.println("done"); } // for each file System.out.println("All done"); } // void main(String[] args)
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { int num_threads = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); int chunk_size = 100000; int total_lines_read = 0; if (args.length > 4) chunk_size = Integer.parseInt(args[4]); // initialise GATE - this must be done before calling any GATE APIs Gate.init(); CorpusController application = (CorpusController) PersistenceManager.loadObjectFromFile(new File("TJInfoExtractor/application.xgapp")); List<CorpusController> applicationList = new ArrayList<CorpusController>(); for (int i = 0; i < num_threads; ++i) applicationList.add((CorpusController) Factory.duplicate(application)); String outfile = "Out.csv"; if (args.length > 2) outfile = args[2]; PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(outfile, "UTF-8"); writer.println( "Perspective_1st,Perspective_3rd,Name,Age,Cost,Height_ft,Height_in,Weight,Cup,Chest,Waist,Hip,Ethnicity,SkinColor,EyeColor,HairColor,Restriction_Type,Restriction_Ethnicity,Restriction_Age,PhoneNumber,AreaCode_State,AreaCode_Cities,Email,Url,Media"); outfile = "Out.txt"; if (args.length > 3) outfile = args[3]; PrintWriter writer2 = new PrintWriter(outfile, "UTF-8"); // load the document System.out.println("Reading document " + args[1] + "..."); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(args[1])); Boolean done = false; while (!done) { List<String> FileLines = new ArrayList<String>(); // Create container for results List<String> AnnotationResults = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> AnnotationText = new ArrayList<String>(); int LinesRead = 0; String fileline; // read the file while (true) { if (LinesRead >= chunk_size) break; if ((fileline = br.readLine()) == null) { done = true; break; } FileLines.add(fileline); LinesRead++; total_lines_read++; } // launch threads to process each chunk int step = (int) Math.ceil(((double) FileLines.size()) / ((double) num_threads)); List<ExtractorThread> pool = new ArrayList<ExtractorThread>(); for (int i = 0; i < num_threads; ++i) { pool.add( new ExtractorThread( FileLines.subList(i * step, Math.min((i + 1) * step, FileLines.size())), applicationList.get(i), i)); } for (int i = 0; i < num_threads; ++i) { pool.get(i).t.join(); if (pool.get(i).results != null) AnnotationResults.addAll(pool.get(i).results); if (pool.get(i).text != null) AnnotationText.addAll(pool.get(i).text); } for (String l : AnnotationResults) writer.println(l); for (String l : AnnotationText) writer2.println(l); System.out.println("Processed " + total_lines_read + " lines..."); } br.close(); writer.close(); writer2.close(); System.out.println("All done"); }
public GateAnalyzer(String appPath) throws Exception { Gate.init(); controller = (SerialAnalyserController) PersistenceManager.loadObjectFromFile(new File(appPath)); }