Example #1
 public Transform visit(FQLProgram env, Proj e) {
   Functor l = e.l.accept(env, this);
   Functor r = e.r.accept(env, this);
   if (!l.source.equals(r.source)) {
     throw new RuntimeException("Source category does not match");
   if (!l.target.equals(r.target)) {
     throw new RuntimeException("Target category does not match");
   if (l.target.equals(FinSet.FinSet)) {
     if (e.proj1) {
       return Inst.get(l.source).first(l, r);
     } else {
       return Inst.get(l.source).second(l, r);
   } else if (l.target.equals(FinCat.FinCat)) {
     if (e.proj1) {
       return FunCat.get(l.source).first(l, r);
     } else {
       return FunCat.get(l.source).second(l, r);
   } else {
     throw new RuntimeException("report this error to ryan");
Example #2
 public Transform visit(FQLProgram env, Bool e) {
   Category c = e.cat.accept(env, this);
   if (e.b) {
     return Inst.get(c).tru();
   } else {
     return Inst.get(c).fals();
Example #3
 public Transform visit(FQLProgram env, AndOrNotImplies e) {
   Category c = e.cat.accept(env, this);
   if (e.which.equals("not")) {
     return Inst.get(c).not();
   } else {
     return Inst.get(c).andOrImplies(e.which);
Example #4
 public Transform visit(FQLProgram env, fql_lib.decl.TransExp.Curry e) {
   Transform t = e.f.accept(env, this);
   if (t.source.source.isInfinite() || !t.source.target.equals(FinSet.FinSet)) {
     throw new RuntimeException("Cannot curry " + t);
   if (e.useInst) {
     return Inst.get(t.source.source).curry(t);
   } else {
     return Inst.CURRY(t);
Example #5
 public Functor visit(FQLProgram env, Curry e) {
   Functor f = e.f.accept(env, this);
   if (!f.source.isInfinite() && f.target.equals(FinSet.FinSet)) {
     return Inst.CURRY(f);
   return FinCat.FinCat.curry(f);
Example #6
 public Functor visit(FQLProgram env, Uncurry e) {
   Functor f = e.F.accept(env, this);
   if (!f.source.isInfinite() && f.target instanceof Inst) {
     return Inst.UNCURRY(f);
   throw new RuntimeException("Cannot uncurry " + f);
Example #7
 public Transform visit(FQLProgram env, fql_lib.decl.TransExp.Eval e) {
   Functor a = e.a.accept(env, this);
   Functor b = e.b.accept(env, this);
   if (!a.source.equals(b.source) || a.source.isInfinite() || !a.target.equals(FinSet.FinSet)) {
     throw new RuntimeException("Cannot eval " + a + " and " + b);
   return Inst.get(a.source).eval(a, b);
Example #8
 public Transform visit(FQLProgram env, fql_lib.decl.TransExp.Zero e) {
   Functor F = e.f.accept(env, this);
   if (F.target.equals(FinSet.FinSet)) {
     return Inst.get(F.source).initial(F);
   } else if (F.target.equals(FinCat.FinCat)) {
     return FunCat.get(F.source).initial(F);
   } else {
     throw new RuntimeException("Error: Please send your file to Ryan.");
Example #9
 public Functor visit(FQLProgram env, fql_lib.decl.FunctorExp.Zero e) {
   Category<?, ?> cat = e.cat.accept(env, this);
   Category<?, ?> amb = e.ambient.accept(env, this);
   if (amb.equals(FinSet.FinSet)) {
     return Inst.get(cat).initial();
   } else if (amb.equals(FinCat.FinCat)) {
     return FunCat.get(cat).initial();
   } else {
     throw new RuntimeException("Report this error to Ryan. Error: ambient category is " + amb);
Example #10
 public Transform visit(FQLProgram env, Inj e) {
   Functor l = e.l.accept(env, this);
   Functor r = e.r.accept(env, this);
   if (!l.source.equals(r.source)) {
     throw new RuntimeException("Source category does not match");
   if (l.target.equals(FinSet.FinSet)) {
     if (e.inj1) {
       return Inst.get(l.source).inleft(l, r);
     } else {
       return Inst.get(l.source).inright(l, r);
   } else if (l.target.equals(FinCat.FinCat)) {
     if (e.inj1) {
       return FunCat.get(l.source).inleft(l, r);
     } else {
       return FunCat.get(l.source).inright(l, r);
   } else {
     throw new RuntimeException("Cannot inject: " + e + " to get a transform.");
Example #11
 public Category visit(FQLProgram env, Exp e) {
   Category<?, ?> a = e.a.accept(env, this);
   Category<?, ?> b = e.b.accept(env, this);
   if (!a.isInfinite() && !b.isInfinite()) {
     return FinCat.FinCat.exp(a, b);
   } else if (!b.isInfinite() && a.equals(FinSet.FinSet)) {
     return Inst.get(b);
   } else if (!b.isInfinite() && a.equals(FinCat.FinCat)) {
     return FunCat.get(b);
   } else {
     throw new RuntimeException("Cannot compute category " + a + "^" + b);
Example #12
 public Transform visit(FQLProgram env, fql_lib.decl.TransExp.CoProd e) {
   Transform l = e.l.accept(env, this);
   Transform r = e.r.accept(env, this);
   if (!l.target.equals(r.target)) {
     throw new RuntimeException("Target functors do not match");
   if (!l.target.source.equals(r.target.source)) {
     throw new RuntimeException("Categories do not match");
   if (l.source.target.equals(FinSet.FinSet)) {
     return Inst.get(l.target.source).match(l, r);
   } else if (l.source.target.equals(FinCat.FinCat)) {
     return FunCat.get(l.target.source).match(l, r);
   } else {
     throw new RuntimeException("Report this error to Ryan");
Example #13
 public Functor visit(FQLProgram env, Prod e) {
   Functor l = e.l.accept(env, this);
   Functor r = e.r.accept(env, this);
   if (FinSet.FinSet.equals(l.target) && FinSet.FinSet.equals(r.target)) {
     if (!l.source.equals(r.source)) {
       throw new RuntimeException("Source categories do not match");
     return Inst.get(l.source).product(l, r);
   if (FinCat.FinCat.equals(l.target) && FinCat.FinCat.equals(r.target)) {
     if (!l.source.equals(r.source)) {
       throw new RuntimeException("Source categories do not match");
     return FunCat.get(l.source).product(l, r);
   return FinCat.FinCat.pair(l, r);
Example #14
 public Functor visit(FQLProgram env, FunctorExp.Exp e) {
   Functor l = e.l.accept(env, this);
   Functor r = e.r.accept(env, this);
   if (FinSet.FinSet.equals(l.target) && FinSet.FinSet.equals(r.target)) {
     if (!l.source.equals(r.source)) {
       throw new RuntimeException("Source categories do not match");
     return Inst.get(l.source).exp(l, r);
   if (FinCat.FinCat.equals(l.target) && FinCat.FinCat.equals(r.target)) {
     if (!l.source.equals(r.source)) {
       throw new RuntimeException("Source categories do not match");
     throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented yet"); // TODO
     //			return FunCat.get(l.source).product(l, r);
   throw new RuntimeException("Cannot exponentiate " + l + " and " + r);
Example #15
 public Transform visit(FQLProgram env, fql_lib.decl.TransExp.Iso e) {
   Functor l = e.l.accept(env, this);
   Functor r = e.r.accept(env, this);
   if (!l.source.equals(r.source)) {
     throw new RuntimeException(
         "Source categories do not match: " + l.source + "\nand\n" + r.source);
   if (l.source.isInfinite()) {
     throw new RuntimeException("Source category must be finite.");
   if (!l.target.equals(FinSet.FinSet)) {
     throw new RuntimeException("Target category must be Set.");
   Optional<Pair<Transform, Transform>> k = Inst.get(l.source).iso(l, r);
   if (!k.isPresent()) {
     throw new RuntimeException("Not isomorphic: " + e.l + " and " + e.r);
   if (e.lToR) {
     return k.get().first;
   } else {
     return k.get().second;
Example #16
 public Functor visit(FQLProgram env, Prop e) {
   Category c = e.cat.accept(env, this);
   return Inst.get(c).prop();
Example #17
 public Transform visit(FQLProgram env, Ker e) {
   Transform t = e.t.accept(env, this);
   return Inst.get(t.source.source).kernel(t);