public static String getHelpFile(final String sTopic) { String sPath = SextanteGUI.getHelpPath() + File.separator + Locale.getDefault().getLanguage(); final File dir = new File(sPath); if (!dir.exists()) { sPath = SextanteGUI.getHelpPath() + File.separator + Locale.ENGLISH.getLanguage(); } return sPath + File.separator + "general" + File.separator + sTopic + ".html"; }
protected void setOutputRendering() { if (m_Alg != null) { final OutputRenderingSettingsDialog dialog = new OutputRenderingSettingsDialog(m_Alg); dialog.setVisible(true); final HashMap<String, Object> set = dialog.getSettings(); if (set != null) { SextanteGUI.getDataRenderer().setRenderingForAlgorithm(m_Alg.getCommandLineName(), set); SextanteGUI.getDataRenderer().save(); } } }
protected void executeSelectedAlgorithmIteratively(final int iParameterToIterateOver) { try { if (m_Alg != null) { final GeoAlgorithm alg = m_Alg.getNewInstance(); final int iRet = SextanteGUI.getGUIFactory().showAlgorithmDialog(alg, m_ParentDialog.getDialog(), null); if (iRet == IGUIFactory.OK) { final ParametersSet params = m_Alg.getParameters(); final int iParamCount = params.getNumberOfParameters(); int iVectorLayers = 0; for (int i = 0; i < iParamCount; i++) { final Parameter param = m_Alg.getParameters().getParameter(i); if (param instanceof ParameterVectorLayer) { if (iVectorLayers == iParameterToIterateOver) { GeoAlgorithmExecutors.executeIterative( alg, m_ParentDialog.getDialog(), param.getParameterName()); break; } iVectorLayers++; } } } } } catch (final Exception e) { Sextante.addErrorToLog(e); } }
protected void executeAsBatchInGIS() { if (m_Alg != null) { SextanteGUI.getGUIFactory() .showBatchProcessingFromGISDialog(m_Alg, m_ParentDialog.getDialog()); } }
/** * Returns the path where help files for a given algorithm are found * * @param alg the GeoAlgorithm * @param bForceCurrentLocale if true, returns the path to the current locale, even if it does not * exist. If false, it will return the path corresponding to the default locale (english) in * case the one corresponding to the current locale does not exist. * @return the help path for this algorithm */ public static String getHelpPath(final GeoAlgorithm alg, final boolean bForceLocale) { String sPackage = alg.getClass().getPackage().toString(); sPackage = sPackage.substring(8); String sPath = SextanteGUI.getHelpPath() + File.separator + Locale.getDefault().getLanguage() + File.separator + sPackage; final File dir = new File(sPath); if (!dir.exists() && !bForceLocale) { sPath = SextanteGUI.getHelpPath() + File.separator + Locale.ENGLISH.getLanguage() + File.separator + sPackage; } return sPath; }
private void updateListOfMostRecentAlgorithms() { final boolean bShowMostRecent = new Boolean(SextanteGUI.getSettingParameterValue(SextanteGeneralSettings.SHOW_MOST_RECENT)) .booleanValue(); if (bShowMostRecent) { final GeoAlgorithm[] recent = History.getRecentlyUsedAlgs(); final DefaultMutableTreeNode recentNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(Sextante.getText("RecentAlgorithms")); for (int i = 0; i < recent.length; i++) { final DefaultMutableTreeNode node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(recent[i]); recentNode.add(node); } final DefaultMutableTreeNode mainNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) new TreePath(jTree.getModel().getRoot()).getLastPathComponent(); mainNode.remove(0); mainNode.insert(recentNode, 0); } }
/** * Returns true if the help file associated with an algorithm contains a given search string * * @param alg the GeoAlgorithm * @param string a string to search * @return true if the help file associated with the algorithm contains the search string */ public static boolean containsStringInHelpFile(final GeoAlgorithm alg, final String string) { String line; BufferedReader br = null; InputStreamReader is = null; FileInputStream fis = null; final String sName = alg.getName().toLowerCase(); if (sName.indexOf(string) != -1) { return true; } try { final String sFilename = SextanteGUI.getAlgorithmHelpFilename(alg, false); fis = new FileInputStream(sFilename); is = new InputStreamReader(fis); br = new BufferedReader(is); while (null != (line = br.readLine())) { line = line.toLowerCase(); if (line.indexOf(string) != -1) { br.close(); is.close(); fis.close(); return true; } } } catch (final Exception e) { // Sextante.addErrorToLog(e); } finally { try { br.close(); is.close(); fis.close(); } catch (final Exception e) { } } return false; }
protected void executeSelectedAlgorithm() { try { if (m_Alg != null) { final GeoAlgorithm alg = m_Alg.getNewInstance(); final int iRet = SextanteGUI.getGUIFactory().showAlgorithmDialog(alg, m_ParentDialog.getDialog(), null); if (iRet == IGUIFactory.OK) { final String[] cmd = alg.getAlgorithmAsCommandLineSentences(); if (cmd != null) { History.addToHistory(cmd); } GeoAlgorithmExecutors.execute(alg, m_ParentDialog.getDialog()); updateListOfMostRecentAlgorithms(); } } else if (m_Action != null) { m_Action.execute(); } } catch (final Exception e) { Sextante.addErrorToLog(e); } }
/** * Fills the tree with the algorithms that match a search criteria * * @param sSearchString The search string to look for in the algorithms context help * @param bSearchInFiles true if it should search in help files. if false, it will only search in * algorithm names * @return the number of algorithms that match the given criteria */ public int fillTree(final String sSearchString, final boolean bSearchInHelpFiles) { m_sLastSearchString = sSearchString; m_bLastSearchIncludedHelpFiles = bSearchInHelpFiles; int iCount = 0; String sGroup, sSubgroup; final DefaultMutableTreeNode mainNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(Sextante.getText("Algorithms")); final HashMap<Object, HashMap<String, HashMap<String, DefaultMutableTreeNode>>> groups = new HashMap<Object, HashMap<String, HashMap<String, DefaultMutableTreeNode>>>(); setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); // algorithms final HashMap<String, HashMap<String, GeoAlgorithm>> algs = Sextante.getAlgorithms(); final Set<String> groupKeys = algs.keySet(); final Iterator<String> groupIter = groupKeys.iterator(); while (groupIter.hasNext()) { final String groupKey =; final HashMap<String, GeoAlgorithm> groupAlgs = algs.get(groupKey); final Set keys = groupAlgs.keySet(); final Iterator iter = keys.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { final GeoAlgorithm alg = groupAlgs.get(; if (m_Filter.accept(alg)) { if (bSearchInHelpFiles) { if (!HelpIO.containsStringInHelpFile(alg, sSearchString)) { continue; } } else { if ((sSearchString != null) && !alg.getName().toLowerCase().contains(sSearchString)) { continue; } } iCount++; final AlgorithmGroupConfiguration conf = AlgorithmGroupsOrganizer.getGroupConfiguration(alg); if (conf != null) { if (!conf.isShow()) { continue; } sGroup = conf.getGroup(); sSubgroup = conf.getSubgroup(); } else { sGroup = groupKey; sSubgroup = alg.getGroup(); } HashMap<String, HashMap<String, DefaultMutableTreeNode>> group = groups.get(sGroup); if (group == null) { group = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, DefaultMutableTreeNode>>(); groups.put(sGroup, group); } HashMap<String, DefaultMutableTreeNode> subgroup = group.get(sSubgroup); if (subgroup == null) { subgroup = new HashMap<String, DefaultMutableTreeNode>(); group.put(sSubgroup, subgroup); } subgroup.put(alg.getName(), new DefaultMutableTreeNode(alg)); } } } // toolbox actions final HashMap<NameAndIcon, ArrayList<ToolboxAction>> allActions = SextanteGUI.getToolboxActions(); final Set<NameAndIcon> actionsKeys = allActions.keySet(); final Iterator<NameAndIcon> actionsIter = actionsKeys.iterator(); while (actionsIter.hasNext()) { final NameAndIcon nai =; final ArrayList<ToolboxAction> actions = allActions.get(nai); for (int i = 0; i < actions.size(); i++) { final ToolboxAction ita = actions.get(i); if ((sSearchString != null) && !ita.getName().toLowerCase().contains(sSearchString)) { continue; } iCount++; sSubgroup = ita.getGroup(); HashMap<String, HashMap<String, DefaultMutableTreeNode>> group = groups.get(nai.getName()); if (group == null) { group = groups.get(nai); } if (group == null) { group = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, DefaultMutableTreeNode>>(); groups.put(nai, group); } HashMap<String, DefaultMutableTreeNode> subgroup = group.get(sSubgroup); if (subgroup == null) { subgroup = new HashMap<String, DefaultMutableTreeNode>(); group.put(sSubgroup, subgroup); } subgroup.put(ita.getName(), new DefaultMutableTreeNode(ita)); } } final Set<Object> set = groups.keySet(); final Iterator<Object> iter = set.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { final Object key =; final DefaultMutableTreeNode node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(key); addNodeInSortedOrder(mainNode, node); final HashMap<String, HashMap<String, DefaultMutableTreeNode>> g = groups.get(key); final Set<String> set2 = g.keySet(); final Iterator<String> iter2 = set2.iterator(); while (iter2.hasNext()) { final String sKey2 =; final DefaultMutableTreeNode node2 = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(sKey2); addNodeInSortedOrder(node, node2); final HashMap<String, DefaultMutableTreeNode> g2 = g.get(sKey2); final Set<String> set3 = g2.keySet(); final Iterator<String> iter3 = set3.iterator(); while (iter3.hasNext()) { final String sKey3 =; final DefaultMutableTreeNode node3 = g2.get(sKey3); addNodeInSortedOrder(node2, node3); } } } final boolean bShowMostRecent = new Boolean(SextanteGUI.getSettingParameterValue(SextanteGeneralSettings.SHOW_MOST_RECENT)) .booleanValue(); if (bShowMostRecent) { final GeoAlgorithm[] recent = History.getRecentlyUsedAlgs(); final DefaultMutableTreeNode recentNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(Sextante.getText("RecentAlgorithms")); for (int i = 0; i < recent.length; i++) { final DefaultMutableTreeNode node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(recent[i]); recentNode.add(node); } mainNode.insert(recentNode, 0); } setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); jTree.setModel(new DefaultTreeModel(mainNode)); if (sSearchString != null) { expandAll(); } m_ParentDialog.setAlgorithmsCount(iCount); return iCount; }
protected void showHelp() { if (m_Alg != null) { SextanteGUI.getGUIFactory().showHelpDialog(m_Alg); } }
private void init() { m_iExecuteIterativeMenuCount = 0; this.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(350, 380)); this.setSize(new java.awt.Dimension(350, 380)); final BorderLayout thisLayout = new BorderLayout(); this.setLayout(thisLayout); jTree = new JTree(); jTree.setOpaque(false); jTree.setCellRenderer(new AlgorithmTreeCellRenderer()); final MouseListener ml = new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { m_Alg = null; m_Action = null; menuItemExecute.setVisible(false); menuItemExecuteAsBatch.setVisible(false); for (int i = 0; i < EXECUTE_ITERATIVE_MENU_COUNT; i++) { menuItemExecuteIterative[i].setVisible(false); } for (int j = 0; j < menuItemToolboxAction.length; j++) { menuItemToolboxAction[j].setVisible(false); } menuItemExecuteAsBatchFromGIS.setVisible(false); menuItemShowHelp.setVisible(false); m_Path = jTree.getPathForLocation(e.getX(), e.getY()); updateSelectedAlgorithm(); // Create again DataObjects here to get feature selections changes (if there are) SextanteGUI.getInputFactory().createDataObjects(); if (e.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1) { if (e.getClickCount() == 2) { executeSelectedAlgorithm(); } } else if (e.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON3) { showPopupMenu(e); } } }; jTree.addMouseListener(ml); jTree.addKeyListener( new KeyListener() { public void keyPressed(final KeyEvent e) {} public void keyReleased(final KeyEvent e) {} public void keyTyped(final KeyEvent e) { if (e.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER) { executeSelectedAlgorithm(); } if (e.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_SPACE) { showPopupMenu(e); } } }); jTree.addTreeSelectionListener( new TreeSelectionListener() { public void valueChanged(final TreeSelectionEvent e) { m_Path = e.getPath(); updateSelectedAlgorithm(); } }); jScrollPane = new TransparentScrollPane(jTree); jScrollPane.setSize(new java.awt.Dimension(350, 380)); if (m_BackgroundImg != null) { jScrollPane.setBackgroundImage(m_BackgroundImg); } this.add(jScrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); popupMenu = new JPopupMenu("Menu"); menuItemExecute = new JMenuItem(Sextante.getText("Run")); menuItemExecute.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent evt) { executeSelectedAlgorithm(); } }); popupMenu.add(menuItemExecute); menuItemExecuteIterative = new JMenuItem[EXECUTE_ITERATIVE_MENU_COUNT]; for (int i = 0; i < menuItemExecuteIterative.length; i++) { final int iParameter = i; menuItemExecuteIterative[i] = new JMenuItem(); menuItemExecuteIterative[i].addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent evt) { executeSelectedAlgorithmIteratively(iParameter); } }); popupMenu.add(menuItemExecuteIterative[i]); } final IToolboxRightButtonAction[] actions = SextanteGUI.getToolboxRightButtonActions(); menuItemToolboxAction = new JMenuItem[actions.length]; for (int i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) { final IToolboxRightButtonAction action = actions[i]; menuItemToolboxAction[i] = new JMenuItem(); menuItemToolboxAction[i].setText(action.getDescription()); menuItemToolboxAction[i].addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent evt) { action.execute(m_Alg); } }); popupMenu.add(menuItemToolboxAction[i]); } menuItemExecuteAsBatch = new JMenuItem(Sextante.getText("Execute_as_batch_process")); menuItemExecuteAsBatch.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent evt) { executeAsBatch(); } }); popupMenu.add(menuItemExecuteAsBatch); menuItemExecuteAsBatchFromGIS = new JMenuItem(Sextante.getText("Execute_as_batch_process__using_layers_from_GIS_app")); menuItemExecuteAsBatchFromGIS.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent evt) { executeAsBatchInGIS(); } }); popupMenu.add(menuItemExecuteAsBatchFromGIS); popupMenu.addSeparator(); menuItemSetOutputRendering = new JMenuItem(Sextante.getText("set_output_rendering")); menuItemSetOutputRendering.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent evt) { setOutputRendering(); } }); popupMenu.add(menuItemSetOutputRendering); popupMenu.addSeparator(); final JMenuItem menuItemExpand = new JMenuItem(Sextante.getText("Expand_all")); menuItemExpand.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent evt) { expandAll(); } }); popupMenu.add(menuItemExpand); final JMenuItem menuItemCollapse = new JMenuItem(Sextante.getText("Collapse_all")); menuItemCollapse.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent evt) { collapseAll(); } }); popupMenu.add(menuItemCollapse); menuItemShowOnlyActive = new JCheckBoxMenuItem(Sextante.getText("Show_active_only")); menuItemShowOnlyActive.addItemListener( new ItemListener() { public void itemStateChanged(final ItemEvent e) { SextanteGUI.setShowOnlyActiveAlgorithms(e.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED); fillTree(m_sLastSearchString, m_bLastSearchIncludedHelpFiles); collapseAll(); } }); menuItemShowOnlyActive.setSelected(SextanteGUI.getShowOnlyActiveAlgorithms()); popupMenu.add(menuItemShowOnlyActive); popupMenu.addSeparator(); menuItemShowHelp = new JMenuItem(Sextante.getText("Show_help")); menuItemShowHelp.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent evt) { showHelp(); } }); popupMenu.add(menuItemShowHelp); }
private void updateSelectedAlgorithm() { m_Alg = null; m_Action = null; if (m_Path != null) { menuItemExecuteAsBatch.setVisible(false); menuItemExecuteAsBatchFromGIS.setVisible(false); menuItemExecute.setVisible(false); menuItemShowHelp.setVisible(false); for (int i = 0; i < menuItemExecuteIterative.length; i++) { menuItemExecuteIterative[i].setVisible(false); } final DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) m_Path.getLastPathComponent(); if (!(node.getUserObject() instanceof GeoAlgorithm)) { if ((node.getUserObject() instanceof ToolboxAction)) { m_Action = (ToolboxAction) node.getUserObject(); } return; } m_Alg = ((GeoAlgorithm) node.getUserObject()); menuItemExecuteAsBatch.setVisible(true); menuItemShowHelp.setVisible(true); menuItemExecute.setVisible(true); final Object[] objs = SextanteGUI.getInputFactory().getDataObjects(); menuItemExecuteAsBatchFromGIS.setVisible(true); final boolean bMeets = m_Alg.meetsDataRequirements(objs); menuItemExecuteAsBatchFromGIS.setEnabled(bMeets); menuItemExecute.setEnabled(bMeets); final IToolboxRightButtonAction[] actions = SextanteGUI.getToolboxRightButtonActions(); for (int i = 0; i < menuItemToolboxAction.length; i++) { menuItemToolboxAction[i].setVisible(actions[i].canBeExecutedOnAlgorithm(m_Alg)); } if (bMeets && m_Alg.requiresIndividualVectorLayers()) { m_iExecuteIterativeMenuCount = 0; final int iParams = m_Alg.getParameters().getNumberOfParameters(); for (int i = 0; i < iParams; i++) { final Parameter param = m_Alg.getParameters().getParameter(i); if (param instanceof ParameterVectorLayer) { final ParameterVectorLayer pvl = (ParameterVectorLayer) param; boolean bMandatory; try { bMandatory = ((AdditionalInfoVectorLayer) pvl.getParameterAdditionalInfo()).getIsMandatory(); if (bMandatory) { menuItemExecuteIterative[m_iExecuteIterativeMenuCount].setText( Sextante.getText("Run_iterative") + " (" + param.getParameterDescription() + ")"); menuItemExecuteIterative[m_iExecuteIterativeMenuCount].setVisible(true); m_iExecuteIterativeMenuCount++; } } catch (final NullParameterAdditionalInfoException e) { } } } } } }