/** This function is called periodically during operator control */ public void teleopInit() { // relayCompressor.set(Relay.Value.kOn); relay.set(Relay.Value.kOff); drive.setRun(true); loadAndShoot.teleoperatedInit(); loadAndShoot.setRun(true); }
public void autonomousPeriodic() { relay.set(Relay.Value.kOn); smart.putNumber("distance", ultrasonic.getVoltage()); drive.setRun(false); loadAndShoot.setRun(false); // relay.set(Relay.Value.kOn); if (autoTimer.get() < autoMoveForwardTime) { System.out.println( "Moving forward, Timer at " + autoTimer.get() + ", Ultrasonic at " + ultrasonic.getAverageVoltage()); } if (autoTimer.get() >= autoMoveForwardTime && ultrasonic.getAverageVoltage() <= AUTO_DISTANCE) { stop(); if (!autonomousStopped) { autonomousStopped = true; autoTimeAtStop = autoTimer.get(); } System.out.println("Stopped, Ultrasonic at " + ultrasonic.getAverageVoltage()); } if (autoTimer.get() >= autoTimeAtStop + 1 && ultrasonic.getAverageVoltage() <= AUTO_DISTANCE) { autoStop = true; shoot(); System.out.println("Shooting, Ultrasonic at " + ultrasonic.getAverageVoltage()); } }
/** * This function is run when the robot is first started up and should be used for any * initialization code. */ public void robotInit() { autoTimer = new Timer(); jag1 = new Jaguar(1, 1); jag2 = new Jaguar(1, 2); jag3 = new Jaguar(1, 3); jag4 = new Jaguar(1, 4); victor = new Victor(5); sol1 = new Solenoid(1); sol2 = new Solenoid(2); sol4 = new Solenoid(4); sol5 = new Solenoid(5); sol7 = new Solenoid(7); sol8 = new Solenoid(8); relay = new Relay(1, 1); digi14 = new DigitalInput(1, 14); digi13 = new DigitalInput(1, 12); digi3 = new DigitalInput(1, 3); driverstation = DriverStation.getInstance(); teamColor = new DigitalOutput(1, 7); speedColor = new DigitalOutput(1, 8); suckingLED = new DigitalOutput(1, 9); readyShoot = new DigitalOutput(1, 6); encoder = new AnalogChannel(2); ultrasonic = new AnalogChannel(3); gyro = new Gyro(1); gyro.setSensitivity(0.007); gyro.reset(); xBox = new Joystick(1); drive = new Drive(jag1, jag2, jag3, jag4, sol1, sol2, xBox, speedColor); loadAndShoot = new loadAndShoot( encoder, victor, sol4, sol5, sol7, sol8, xBox, digi14, digi13, digi3, smart, readyShoot); drive.start(); loadAndShoot.start(); compressor = new Compressor(1, 13, 1, 8); compressor.start(); }
/** This function is called periodically during autonomous */ public void autonomousInit() { autoTimer.reset(); autoTimer.start(); gyro.reset(); relay.set(Relay.Value.kOn); setSpeedFast(); setLEDTeamColour(); sol4.set(false); sol5.set(true); sol7.set(true); sol8.set(false); autoStop = false; autonomousStopped = false; autoTimeAtStop = 99999; drive.setRun(false); loadAndShoot.setRun(false); autoForward(); }
public void disabledInit() { drive.setRun(false); loadAndShoot.resetBooleans(); loadAndShoot.setRun(false); }