/** This function is called periodically during operator control */ public void teleopPeriodic() { robotDrive.mecanumDrive_Polar(); lifter.upLift(); lifter.downLift(); lifter.QuickRaise(); lifter.toteLowering(); // lowers 6 totes and a can at .1 speed // lifter.manualUplift(); // lifter.manualDownlift(); servo.runBolt(); pusher.PushandRetract(); // push one button to push and retract pusher.Push(); // full push with one button press pusher.Retract(); // full retract with one button press // pusher.ManualPush(); // pusher.ManualRetract(); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("switch 1", DigitalInput1.get()); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("switch 2", DigitalInput2.get()); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("switch 3", DigitalInput3.get()); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("switch 4", DigitalInput4.get()); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("switch 5", DigitalInput5.get()); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("switch 6", DigitalInput6.get()); SmartDashboard.putNumber("Lifting Talon Speed", LifterTalon.get()); SmartDashboard.putNumber("Pushing Talon Speed", PushingTalon.get()); SmartDashboard.putNumber("servo position zero means brake is on", servo.get()); }
public void changeSpeed(double Y, double Z) { leftSpeed = (((Y * yBoost) - (Z * zBoost)) * limiter); rightSpeed = (((Y * yBoost * -1) - (Z * zBoost)) * limiter); talon1.set(leftSpeed); talon2.set(leftSpeed); talon3.set(rightSpeed); talon4.set(rightSpeed); }
public void RotateFrame(double s, double distance, double dir) { reset(); left.set(dir * s); right.set(dir * s); do { SmartDashboard.putNumber("left distance", lEncoder.getDistance()); SmartDashboard.putNumber("right distance", rEncoder.getDistance()); } while (rEncoder.getDistance() <= distance); left.set(0); right.set(0); }
/** This function is called periodically during operator control */ public void teleopPeriodic() { double x = joy1.getX(); double y = -joy1.getY(); double r = joy1.getZ(); if (Math.abs(x) < .05) x = 0; if (Math.abs(y) < .05) y = 0; if (Math.abs(r) < .05) r = 0; drive(x / 2, y / 2, r / 2); shooter1.set(joy2.getY()); shooter2.set(joy2.getY()); }
public void DriveForward(double s, double distance) { reset(); left.set(s); right.set(-1 * s); do { SmartDashboard.putNumber("left distance", lEncoder.getDistance()); SmartDashboard.putNumber("right distance", rEncoder.getDistance()); } while (rEncoder.getDistance() <= distance); left.set(0); right.set(0); reset(); }
/** This function is called periodically during test mode */ public void testPeriodic() { driveTrainTester.run(); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("switch 1", DigitalInput1.get()); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("switch 2", DigitalInput2.get()); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("switch 3", DigitalInput3.get()); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("switch 4", DigitalInput4.get()); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("switch 5", DigitalInput5.get()); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("switch 6", DigitalInput6.get()); SmartDashboard.putNumber("Lifting Talon Speed", LifterTalon.get()); SmartDashboard.putNumber("Pushing Talon Speed", PushingTalon.get()); }
public void arcadeDrive() { lT = OI.getDriveStick().getLeftX() - OI.getDriveStick().getLeftY(); rT = OI.getDriveStick().getLeftX() + OI.getDriveStick().getLeftY(); // maxV = Math.max(Math.abs(lT), Math.abs(rT)); if (maxV > 1) { lT = lT / maxV; rT = rT / maxV; } left.set(lT); right.set(rT); SmartDashboard.putNumber("left distance while driving", lEncoder.getDistance()); SmartDashboard.putNumber("right distance while driving", rEncoder.getDistance()); }
public void stopMotor() { if (RobotMap.IS_REAL_BOT == true) { kickerTalon.set(0.0); } else if (RobotMap.IS_REAL_BOT == false) { kickerJaguar.set(0.0); } }
public void teleopPeriodic() { double throttle = (driveStick.getThrottle() + 1) / -2; double xAxis = throttle * (Math.abs(driveStick.getX()) > 0.15 ? driveStick.getX() : 0.0); double yAxis = throttle * (Math.abs(driveStick.getY()) > 0.15 ? driveStick.getY() : 0.0); double rotation = throttle * (Math.abs(driveStick.getTwist()) > 0.15 ? driveStick.getTwist() : 0.0); // Mecanum drive drive.mecanumDrive_Cartesian(xAxis, yAxis, rotation, 0); // Elevator control elevator.set(driveStick.getRawButton(5) ? -1.0 : driveStick.getRawButton(3) ? 1.0 : 0.0); // Intake control intakeTensionMotor.set( driveStick.getRawButton(2) ? -1.0 : driveStick.getRawButton(7) ? 1.0 : 0.0); if (Math.abs(controlStick.getTwist()) > 0) { double toteTurnSpeed = -controlStick.getTwist(); intakeMotors[0].set( toteTurnSpeed > 0 ? Math.pow(toteTurnSpeed, 2) : -Math.pow(toteTurnSpeed, 2)); intakeMotors[1].set( toteTurnSpeed > 0 ? Math.pow(toteTurnSpeed, 2) : -Math.pow(toteTurnSpeed, 2)); } else { double intakeSpeed = driveStick.getRawButton(1) ? -1.0 : driveStick.getRawButton(8) ? 0.4 : 0.0; intakeMotors[0].set(-intakeSpeed); intakeMotors[1].set(intakeSpeed); } }
public void drive( double xAxis, double yAxis, double mid) { // xaxis rotates, yaxis forward and back, mid goes side to side hDrive.arcadeDrive(yAxis, xAxis); middleMotor1.set(-mid); }
private void scooperControl(double speed) { if (isAtUpperLimit() && speed > 0) { speed = 0; } else if (isAtLowerLimit() && speed < 0) { speed = 0; } scooperMotor.set(speed); }
/* * * @param direction -1 to draw the arm back, +1 to rotate motor forward away from arm. * */ public void reload(int direction, double backSpeed, double frontSpeed) { final int REVERSE = -1; if (direction == DRAW_KICKER_BACK) { if (RobotMap.IS_REAL_BOT == true) { kickerTalon.set( REVERSE * (backSpeed)); // TODO: Check to make sure the motors will draw back when recieving // a positive voltage. } else if (RobotMap.IS_REAL_BOT == false) { kickerJaguar.set(REVERSE * backSpeed); } } else if (direction == ROTATE_KICKER_FORWARD) { if (RobotMap.IS_REAL_BOT == true) { kickerTalon.set(frontSpeed); } else if (RobotMap.IS_REAL_BOT == false) { kickerJaguar.set(frontSpeed); } } }
protected void execute() { if (time.get() < 3.0) { talonLeft.set(1); talonRight.set(1); } else if (time.get() < 5.0) { talonLeft.set(0); talonRight.set(0); soleLiftDown.set(true); } else if (time.get() < 6.0) { talonLeft.set(-1); talonRight.set(-1); } else talonLeft.set(1); talonRight.set(1); }
public ShooterSubsystem() { kickerLatch = new DoubleSolenoid(RobotMap.KICKER_LATCH_RELEASE, RobotMap.KICKER_LATCH_RELOAD); kickerLatch.set(DoubleSolenoid.Value.kForward); if (RobotMap.IS_REAL_BOT == true) { kickerTalon = new Talon(RobotMap.KICKER_MOTOR); kickerTalon.set(0.0); } else if (RobotMap.IS_REAL_BOT == false) { kickerJaguar = new Jaguar(RobotMap.KICKER_MOTOR); kickerJaguar.set(0.0); } kickerLimitSwitch = new DigitalInput(RobotMap.KICKER_RETRACTED_SWITCH); kickerMotorReturnSwitch = new DigitalInput(RobotMap.KICKER_MOTOR_RETURN_SWITCH); }
/** This function is called once each time the robot enters operator control. */ public void operatorControl() { drivetrain.setSafetyEnabled(true); compressor.start(); while (isOperatorControl() && isEnabled()) { // The throttle goes from 1 to -1, bottom to top. This // scales it to go 0 to 1, bottom to top. double throttle = (-leftStick.getRawAxis(3) + 1) / 2; double drive = deadband(leftStick.getY()) * throttle; double steer = deadband(-rightStick.getX()) * throttle; drivetrain.arcadeDrive(drive, steer); boolean shouldSpinWheels = leftStick.getRawButton(1); boolean shouldFire = shouldSpinWheels && rightStick.getRawButton(1); shooterWheels.set(shouldSpinWheels ? -1 : 0); shooter.set(shouldFire); Timer.delay(0.005); // wait for a motor update time } }
public void shoot(float speed) { kickerTalon.set(speed); }
public void disable() { leftMotor.set(0.0); rightMotor.set(0.0); rightEncoder.reset(); leftEncoder.reset(); } // end disable
public void gathererSpark(Joystick input, PowerDistributionPanel pdp) { switch (gatherState) { case 0: if (input.getRawButton(7)) { gatherLift.set(0.6); System.out.println("Gatherer up"); gatherState = 1; } else if (input.getRawButton(8)) { gatherLift.set(-0.6); System.out.println("Gatherer down"); gatherState = 4; } else if (input.getRawButton(5)) { } break; case 1: if (pdp.getCurrent(13) > 1.25) { System.out.println("Motor Running"); gatherState = 2; } else if (gatherCount > 3) { gatherState = 3; System.out.println("Gather Timeout"); } gatherCount++; break; case 2: if (pdp.getCurrent(13) <= 1.25) { gatherLift.set(0.0); System.out.println("Top limit"); gatherState = 3; } break; case 3: if (!input.getRawButton(7)) { gatherCount = 0; gatherState = 0; } break; case 4: if (pdp.getCurrent(13) > 1.25) { System.out.println("Motor Running"); gatherState = 5; } else if (gatherCount > 3) { gatherState = 6; System.out.println("Gather Timeout"); } gatherCount++; break; case 5: if (pdp.getCurrent(13) <= 1.25) { gatherLift.set(0.0); System.out.println("Bottom limit"); gatherState = 6; } break; case 6: if (!input.getRawButton(8)) { gatherCount = 0; gatherState = 0; } break; } }
/** * Reads input from the joystick in order to control the lifting part of the gatherer, which * operates on a three-tier elevator-like system. Three different buttons are read from the * joystick in order to move the {@link Talon} to one of the three tiers. Update periodically. * * @param input The joystick that will be used to control the gatherer. */ public void gathererTalon(Joystick input) { if (gatherLift == null) { System.err.println( "The gatherer motor controllers have not been initialized. Call this class's method \"initGatherers()\" in order to do so."); return; } switch (gatherState) { case 0: // checking for input if (input.getRawButton(Wiring.BTN_GATHERER_TO_TOP) && diGathererTop.get()) { gatherLift.set(0.6); System.out.println("Gatherer up"); gatherCount = 0; gatherState = 1; } else if (input.getRawButton(Wiring.BTN_GATHERER_TO_BOT) && diGathererBot.get()) { gatherLift.set(-0.6); System.out.println("Gatherer down"); gatherCount = 0; gatherState = 3; } else if (input.getRawButton(Wiring.BTN_GATHERER_TO_MID)) { if (!diGathererTop.get()) { gatherLift.set(-0.6); System.out.println("Gatherer down"); gatherCount = 0; gatherState = 5; } else if (!diGathererBot.get()) { gatherLift.set(0.6); System.out.println("Gatherer up"); gatherCount = 0; gatherState = 6; } } break; case 1: // should be going up, wait until it hits the top if (!diGathererTop.get()) { gatherLift.set(0.0); System.out.println("Top limit"); gatherState = 2; } break; case 2: // at top, waiting for driver to stop holding the button if (!input.getRawButton(Wiring.BTN_GATHERER_TO_TOP)) { gatherState = 0; } break; case 3: // should be going down, wait until it hist the bottom if (!diGathererBot.get()) { gatherLift.set(0.0); System.out.println("Bottom limit"); gatherState = 4; } break; case 4: // at bottom, waiting for driver to stop holding the button if (!input.getRawButton(Wiring.BTN_GATHERER_TO_BOT)) { gatherState = 0; } break; case 5: // go down to mid gatherLift.set(-0.6); if (counter.get() >= 1) { gatherLift.set(0.0); // stahp counter.reset(); gatherState = 0; } break; case 6: // go up to mid gatherLift.set(0.6); if (counter.get() >= 1) { gatherLift.set(0.0); // stahp counter.reset(); gatherState = 0; } break; } }
public void doNothing() { mainMotor.set(0.0); }
public void setCollectorMotor(double speed) { collectorTalon.set(speed); }
public void go() { mainMotor.set(.3); }
public void goVariable(double speed) { mainMotor.set(speed); SmartDashboard.putNumber("motorspeed", mainMotor.get()); }
public void setElevatorMotor(double speed) { moverUpperTalon.set(speed); }
public void In() { Intake.set(in); }
public void Out() { Intake.set(out); }
public void Stop() { Intake.set(0); }
public void drive(double x, double y, double r) { front.set(x + r / 2); left.set(-x / 2 + y + r); right.set(-x / 2 - y + r); }
public void setLassoSpeed(double speed) { lasso.set(speed); }
/** This function is called periodically during autonomous */ public void autonomousPeriodic() { // Start Timer MainTimer = timerMain.get(); // Robot Aligns Left if (DigitalInput6.get() == false // Ensure pusher is fully retracted && DigitalInput7.get() == false && DigitalInput8.get() == true && b_leftAutonomous == true && b_rightAutonomous == false && b_centerAutonomous == false && b_upAutonomous == false && b_downAutonomous == true && b_leftDriveAutonomous == false) { LifterTalon.set(autoInitialDownSpeed); b_leftAutonomous = true; b_rightAutonomous = false; b_centerAutonomous = false; b_upAutonomous = true; b_downAutonomous = false; b_leftDriveAutonomous = false; } // Lifter Descends To LimitSwitch 1, lifter immediately ascends, reset booleans if (DigitalInput1.get() == false && b_leftAutonomous == true && b_rightAutonomous == false && b_centerAutonomous == false && b_upAutonomous == true && b_downAutonomous == false && b_leftDriveAutonomous == false) { LifterTalon.set(autoInitialUpSpeed); b_leftAutonomous = true; b_rightAutonomous = false; b_centerAutonomous = false; b_upAutonomous = false; b_downAutonomous = false; b_leftDriveAutonomous = false; } // Lifter ascends to LimitSwitch 4, stops motor, reset booleans if (DigitalInput4.get() == false && b_leftAutonomous == true && b_rightAutonomous == false && b_centerAutonomous == false && b_upAutonomous == false && b_downAutonomous == false && b_leftDriveAutonomous == false) { LifterTalon.set(autoSpeedStop); b_leftAutonomous = false; b_rightAutonomous = false; b_centerAutonomous = false; b_upAutonomous = false; b_downAutonomous = false; b_leftDriveAutonomous = true; // Delay one second Timer.delay(1); timer1Left.reset(); timer1Left.start(); } // Begin driving no limit switch since we might drive while lifting the can TBD. if (b_leftDriveAutonomous == true && b_leftAutonomous == false && b_rightAutonomous == false && b_centerAutonomous == false && b_upAutonomous == false && b_downAutonomous == false) { // Orchestration A Left if (controlChuteLeft[0] == true) { while ((autoTimerStart1Left = timer1Left.get()) < orch_A_Left_Time) { robotDrive.mecanumDrive_Polar( orch_A_Left_Mag, orch_A_Left_Dir, orch_A_Left_Rot); // Magnitude (speed), Direction (degrees), Rotation (Turning) } controlChuteLeft[0] = false; controlChuteLeft[1] = true; timer2Left.reset(); timer2Left.start(); } // Orchestration B Left if (controlChuteLeft[1] == true) { while ((autoTimerStart2Left = timer2Left.get()) < orch_B_Left_Time) { robotDrive.mecanumDrive_Polar( orch_B_Left_Mag, orch_B_Left_Dir, orch_B_Left_Rot); // Magnitude (speed), Direction (degrees), Rotation (Turning) } controlChuteLeft[0] = false; controlChuteLeft[1] = false; } // Stop mecanumDrive if (controlChuteLeft[0] == false && controlChuteLeft[1] == false) { robotDrive.mecanumDrive_Polar( stop_mecanum_Mag, stop_mecanum_Dir, stop_mecanum_Rot); // Magnitude (speed), Direction (degrees), Rotation (Turning) b_leftDriveAutonomous = false; b_leftAutonomous = false; b_rightAutonomous = false; b_centerAutonomous = false; b_upAutonomous = false; b_downAutonomous = false; } } // Robot Aligns Right if (DigitalInput6.get() == false // pusher is fully retracted && DigitalInput7.get() == true && DigitalInput8.get() == false && b_leftAutonomous == false && b_rightAutonomous == true && b_centerAutonomous == false && b_upAutonomous == false && b_downAutonomous == true && b_rightDriveAutonomous == false) { LifterTalon.set(autoInitialDownSpeed); b_leftAutonomous = false; b_rightAutonomous = true; b_centerAutonomous = false; b_upAutonomous = true; b_downAutonomous = false; b_rightDriveAutonomous = false; } // Lifter Descends To LimitSwitch 1, lifter immediately ascends, reset booleans if (DigitalInput1.get() == false && b_leftAutonomous == false && b_rightAutonomous == true && b_centerAutonomous == false && b_upAutonomous == true && b_downAutonomous == false && b_rightDriveAutonomous == false) { LifterTalon.set(autoInitialUpSpeed); b_leftAutonomous = false; b_rightAutonomous = true; b_centerAutonomous = false; b_upAutonomous = false; b_downAutonomous = false; b_rightDriveAutonomous = false; } // Lifter ascends to LimitSwitch 4, stops motor, reset booleans if (DigitalInput4.get() == false && b_leftAutonomous == false && b_rightAutonomous == true && b_centerAutonomous == false && b_upAutonomous == false && b_downAutonomous == false && b_rightDriveAutonomous == false) { LifterTalon.set(autoSpeedStop); b_leftAutonomous = false; b_rightAutonomous = false; b_centerAutonomous = false; b_upAutonomous = false; b_downAutonomous = false; b_rightDriveAutonomous = true; // Delay one second Timer.delay(1); timer1Right.reset(); timer1Right.start(); } // Begin driving no limit switch since we might drive while lifting the can TBD. if (b_rightDriveAutonomous == true && b_leftAutonomous == false && b_rightAutonomous == false && b_centerAutonomous == false && b_upAutonomous == false && b_downAutonomous == false) { // Orchestration A Right if (controlChuteRight[0] == true) { while ((autoTimerStart1Right = timer1Right.get()) < orch_A_Right_Time) { robotDrive.mecanumDrive_Polar( orch_A_Right_Mag, orch_A_Right_Dir, orch_A_Right_Rot); // Magnitude (speed), Direction (degrees), Rotation (Turning) } controlChuteRight[0] = false; controlChuteRight[1] = true; timer2Right.reset(); timer2Right.start(); } // Orchestration B Right if (controlChuteRight[1] == true) { while ((autoTimerStart2Right = timer2Right.get()) < orch_B_Right_Time) { robotDrive.mecanumDrive_Polar( orch_B_Right_Mag, orch_B_Right_Dir, orch_B_Right_Rot); // Magnitude (speed), Direction (degrees), Rotation (Turning) } controlChuteRight[0] = false; controlChuteRight[1] = false; } // Stop mecanumDrive if (controlChuteRight[0] == false && controlChuteRight[1] == false) { robotDrive.mecanumDrive_Polar( stop_mecanum_Mag, stop_mecanum_Dir, stop_mecanum_Rot); // Magnitude (speed), Direction (degrees), Rotation (Turning) b_rightDriveAutonomous = false; b_leftAutonomous = false; b_rightAutonomous = false; b_centerAutonomous = false; b_upAutonomous = false; b_downAutonomous = false; } } // End Robot Aligns Right // Robot Aligns Center if (DigitalInput6.get() == false // pusher is fully retracted && DigitalInput7.get() == true && DigitalInput8.get() == true && b_leftAutonomous == false && b_rightAutonomous == false && b_centerAutonomous == true && b_upAutonomous == false && b_downAutonomous == true && b_centerDriveAutonomous == false) { LifterTalon.set(autoInitialDownSpeed); b_leftAutonomous = false; b_rightAutonomous = false; b_centerAutonomous = true; b_upAutonomous = true; b_downAutonomous = false; b_centerDriveAutonomous = false; } // Lifter Descends To LimitSwitch 1, lifter immediately ascends, reset booleans if (DigitalInput1.get() == false && b_leftAutonomous == false && b_rightAutonomous == false && b_centerAutonomous == true && b_upAutonomous == true && b_downAutonomous == false && b_centerDriveAutonomous == false) { LifterTalon.set(autoInitialUpSpeed); b_leftAutonomous = false; b_rightAutonomous = false; b_centerAutonomous = true; b_upAutonomous = false; b_downAutonomous = false; b_centerDriveAutonomous = false; } // Lifter ascends to LimitSwitch 4, stops motor, reset booleans if (DigitalInput4.get() == false && b_leftAutonomous == false && b_rightAutonomous == false && b_centerAutonomous == true && b_upAutonomous == false && b_downAutonomous == false && b_centerDriveAutonomous == false) { LifterTalon.set(autoSpeedStop); b_leftAutonomous = false; b_rightAutonomous = false; b_centerAutonomous = false; b_upAutonomous = false; b_downAutonomous = false; b_centerDriveAutonomous = true; // Delay one second Timer.delay(1); timer1Center.reset(); timer1Center.start(); } // Begin driving no limit switch since we might drive while lifting the can TBD. if (b_centerDriveAutonomous == true && b_leftAutonomous == false && b_rightAutonomous == false && b_centerAutonomous == false && b_upAutonomous == false && b_downAutonomous == false) { // Orchestration A Center if (controlChuteCenter[0] == true) { while ((autoTimerStart1Center = timer1Center.get()) < orch_A_Center_Time) { robotDrive.mecanumDrive_Polar( orch_A_Center_Mag, orch_A_Center_Dir, orch_A_Center_Rot); // Magnitude (speed), Direction (degrees), Rotation (Turning) } controlChuteCenter[0] = false; controlChuteCenter[1] = true; timer2Center.reset(); timer2Center.start(); } // Orchestration B Center if (controlChuteCenter[1] == true) { while ((autoTimerStart2Center = timer2Center.get()) < orch_B_Center_Time) { robotDrive.mecanumDrive_Polar( orch_B_Center_Mag, orch_B_Center_Dir, orch_B_Center_Rot); // Magnitude (speed), Direction (degrees), Rotation (Turning) } controlChuteCenter[0] = false; controlChuteCenter[1] = false; } // Stop mecanumDrive Center if (controlChuteCenter[0] == false && controlChuteCenter[1] == false) { robotDrive.mecanumDrive_Polar( stop_mecanum_Mag, stop_mecanum_Dir, stop_mecanum_Rot); // Magnitude (speed), Direction (degrees), Rotation (Turning) b_centerDriveAutonomous = false; b_leftAutonomous = false; b_rightAutonomous = false; b_centerAutonomous = false; b_upAutonomous = false; b_downAutonomous = false; } } // End Robot Aligns Center SmartDashboard.putBoolean("switch 1", DigitalInput1.get()); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("switch 2", DigitalInput2.get()); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("switch 3", DigitalInput3.get()); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("switch 4", DigitalInput4.get()); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("switch 5", DigitalInput5.get()); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("switch 6", DigitalInput6.get()); SmartDashboard.putNumber("Lifting Talon Speed", LifterTalon.get()); SmartDashboard.putNumber("Pushing Talon Speed", PushingTalon.get()); SmartDashboard.putNumber("servo position zero means brake is on", servo.get()); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("Position switch Red", DigitalInput7.get()); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("Position switch Green", DigitalInput8.get()); SmartDashboard.putNumber("MainTimer", MainTimer); SmartDashboard.putNumber("autoTimerStart1Left", autoTimerStart1Left); SmartDashboard.putNumber("autoTimerStart2Left", autoTimerStart2Left); SmartDashboard.putNumber("autoTimerStart1Right", autoTimerStart1Right); SmartDashboard.putNumber("autoTimerStart2Right", autoTimerStart2Right); SmartDashboard.putNumber("autoTimerStart1Center", autoTimerStart1Center); SmartDashboard.putNumber("autoTimerStart2Center", autoTimerStart2Center); } // End autonomousPeriodic