private String findFullyQualifiedSourceFileName(IClassPath classPath, ClassDescriptor classDesc)
      throws IOException, CheckedAnalysisException {
    try {
      // Open and parse the class file to attempt
      // to discover the source file name.
      ICodeBaseEntry codeBaseEntry = classPath.lookupResource(classDesc.toResourceName());

      ClassParserUsingASM classParser =
          new ClassParserUsingASM(
              new ClassReader(codeBaseEntry.openResource()), classDesc, codeBaseEntry);

      ClassInfo.Builder classInfoBuilder = new ClassInfo.Builder();
      ClassInfo classInfo =;

      // Construct the fully-qualified source file name
      // based on the package name and source file name.
      String packageName = classDesc.getPackageName();
      String sourceFile = classInfo.getSource();

      if (!packageName.equals("")) {
        packageName = packageName.replace('.', '/');
        packageName += "/";

      String fullyQualifiedSourceFile = packageName + sourceFile;

      return fullyQualifiedSourceFile;
    } catch (CheckedAnalysisException e) {
      errorLogger.logError("Could scan class " + classDesc.toDottedClassName(), e);
      throw e;
    } finally {
   * Execute the search for source directories.
   * @throws edu.umd.cs.findbugs.classfile.CheckedAnalysisException
   * @throws
   * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException
  public void execute() throws CheckedAnalysisException, IOException, InterruptedException {
    File dir = new File(rootSourceDirectory);
    if (!dir.isDirectory()) {
      throw new IOException("Path " + rootSourceDirectory + " is not a directory");

    // Find all directories underneath the root source directory
    RecursiveFileSearch rfs =
        new RecursiveFileSearch(
            new FileFilter() {
              public boolean accept(File pathname) {
                return pathname.isDirectory();
    List<String> candidateSourceDirList = rfs.getDirectoriesScanned();

    // Build the classpath
    IClassPath classPath = null;
    try {
      IClassFactory factory = ClassFactory.instance();
      IClassPathBuilder builder = factory.createClassPathBuilder(errorLogger);

      classPath = buildClassPath(builder, factory);

      // From the application classes, find the full list of
      // fully-qualified source file names.
      List<String> fullyQualifiedSourceFileNameList =
          findFullyQualifiedSourceFileNames(builder, classPath);

      // Attempt to find source directories for all source files,
      // and add them to the discoveredSourceDirectoryList
      if (DEBUG) {
        System.out.println("looking for " + fullyQualifiedSourceFileNameList.size() + " files");
          fullyQualifiedSourceFileNameList, candidateSourceDirList);
    } finally {
      if (classPath != null) {