public void analyzeMethod() throws CheckedAnalysisException { if (DEBUG_METHOD != null && !methodDescriptor.getName().equals(DEBUG_METHOD)) { return; } if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("*** Analyzing method " + methodDescriptor); } xmethod = XFactory.createXMethod(methodDescriptor); analysisCache = Global.getAnalysisCache(); // // Execute the obligation dataflow analysis // try { dataflow = analysisCache.getMethodAnalysis(ObligationDataflow.class, methodDescriptor); } catch (ObligationAcquiredOrReleasedInLoopException e) { // It is not possible to analyze this method. if (DEBUG) { System.out.println( "FindUnsatisifedObligation: " + methodDescriptor + ": " + e.getMessage()); } return; } // // Additional analyses // needed these to apply the false-positive // suppression heuristics. // cpg = analysisCache.getClassAnalysis( ConstantPoolGen.class, methodDescriptor.getClassDescriptor()); typeDataflow = analysisCache.getMethodAnalysis(TypeDataflow.class, methodDescriptor); subtypes2 = Global.getAnalysisCache().getDatabase(Subtypes2.class); // // Main loop: looking at the StateSet at the exit block of the CFG, // see if there are any states with nonempty obligation sets. // Map<Obligation, State> leakedObligationMap = new HashMap<Obligation, State>(); StateSet factAtExit = dataflow.getResultFact(cfg.getExit()); for (Iterator<State> i = factAtExit.stateIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { State state =; checkStateForLeakedObligations(state, leakedObligationMap); } // // Report a separate BugInstance for each Obligation,State pair. // (Two different obligations may be leaked in the same state.) // for (Map.Entry<Obligation, State> entry : leakedObligationMap.entrySet()) { Obligation obligation = entry.getKey(); State state = entry.getValue(); reportWarning(obligation, state, factAtExit); } // TODO: closing of nonexistent resources }
public boolean isTooBig(ClassDescriptor desc) { IAnalysisCache analysisCache = Global.getAnalysisCache(); try { ClassContext classContext = analysisCache.getClassAnalysis(ClassContext.class, desc); ClassData classData = analysisCache.getClassAnalysis(ClassData.class, desc); if (classData.getData().length > 1000000) { return true; } try { JavaClass javaClass = classContext.getJavaClass(); if (javaClass.getMethods().length > 1000) { return true; } } catch (RuntimeException e) { AnalysisContext.logError( "Error parsing class " + desc + " from " + classData.getCodeBaseEntry().getCodeBase(), e); return true; } } catch (RuntimeException e) { AnalysisContext.logError("Error getting class data for " + desc, e); return true; } catch (CheckedAnalysisException e) { AnalysisContext.logError("Could not get class context for " + desc, e); return true; } return false; }
private void compute() { if (defined == null) { // System.out.println("Computing"); defined = new HashSet<String>(); Subtypes2 subtypes2 = AnalysisContext.currentAnalysisContext().getSubtypes2(); Collection<XClass> allClasses = subtypes2.getXClassCollection(); IAnalysisCache analysisCache = Global.getAnalysisCache(); for (XClass c : allClasses) { try { JavaClass jclass = analysisCache.getClassAnalysis(JavaClass.class, c.getClassDescriptor()); addAllDefinitions(jclass); } catch (MissingClassException e) { bugReporter.reportMissingClass(e.getClassDescriptor()); } catch (CheckedAnalysisException e) { bugReporter.logError( "Could not find class " + c.getClassDescriptor().toDottedClassName(), e); } } // System.out.println("Done Computing: " + // defined.contains(" : Z")); } }
@Override public void visitClass(ClassDescriptor classDescriptor) throws CheckedAnalysisException { IAnalysisCache analysisCache = Global.getAnalysisCache(); ObligationFactory factory = database.getFactory(); JavaClass jclass = analysisCache.getClassAnalysis(JavaClass.class, classDescriptor); for (Constant c : jclass.getConstantPool().getConstantPool()) { if (c instanceof ConstantNameAndType) { ConstantNameAndType cnt = (ConstantNameAndType) c; String signature = cnt.getSignature(jclass.getConstantPool()); if (factory.signatureInvolvesObligations(signature)) { super.visitClass(classDescriptor); return; } } else if (c instanceof ConstantClass) { String className = ((ConstantClass) c).getBytes(jclass.getConstantPool()); if (factory.signatureInvolvesObligations(className)) { super.visitClass(classDescriptor); return; } } } if (DEBUG) System.out.println(classDescriptor + " isn't interesting for obligation analysis"); }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.umd.cs.findbugs.classfile.IAnalysisEngine#analyze(edu.umd.cs.findbugs.classfile.IAnalysisCache, java.lang.Object) */ public Method analyze(IAnalysisCache analysisCache, MethodDescriptor descriptor) throws CheckedAnalysisException { JavaClass jclass = analysisCache.getClassAnalysis(JavaClass.class, descriptor.getClassDescriptor()); Method[] methodList = jclass.getMethods(); Method result = null; // As a side-effect, cache all of the Methods for this JavaClass for (Method method : methodList) { MethodDescriptor methodDescriptor = DescriptorFactory.instance() .getMethodDescriptor( descriptor.getSlashedClassName(), method.getName(), method.getSignature(), method.isStatic()); // Put in cache eagerly analysisCache.eagerlyPutMethodAnalysis(Method.class, methodDescriptor, method); if (methodDescriptor.equals(descriptor)) { result = method; } } return result; }
public int getClassSize(ClassDescriptor desc) { IAnalysisCache analysisCache = Global.getAnalysisCache(); try { /* ClassContext classContext =*/ analysisCache.getClassAnalysis(ClassContext.class, desc); ClassData classData = analysisCache.getClassAnalysis(ClassData.class, desc); return classData.getData().length; } catch (RuntimeException e) { AnalysisContext.logError("Error getting class data for " + desc, e); return 10000; } catch (CheckedAnalysisException e) { AnalysisContext.logError("Could not get class context for " + desc, e); return 10000; } }
public When validate(Object constantValue) { if (validator == null) throw new IllegalStateException("No validator"); IAnalysisCache analysisCache = Global.getAnalysisCache(); Profiler profiler = analysisCache.getProfiler(); profiler.start(validator.getClass()); AtomicBoolean performing = performingValidation.get(); try { if (!performing.compareAndSet(false, true)) { throw new IllegalStateException("recursive validation"); } return validator.forConstantValue(proxy, constantValue); } catch (Exception e) { AnalysisContext.logError( "Error executing custom validator for " + typeQualifier + " " + constantValue, e); return When.UNKNOWN; } finally { if (!performing.compareAndSet(true, false)) { throw new IllegalStateException("performingValidation not set when validation completes"); } profiler.end(validator.getClass()); } }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.umd.cs.findbugs.classfile.IAnalysisEngine#registerWith(edu.umd.cs.findbugs.classfile.IAnalysisCache) */ public void registerWith(IAnalysisCache analysisCache) { analysisCache.registerClassAnalysisEngine(ConstantPoolGen.class, this); }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.umd.cs.findbugs.classfile.IAnalysisEngine#analyze(edu.umd.cs.findbugs.classfile.IAnalysisCache, java.lang.Object) */ public ConstantPoolGen analyze(IAnalysisCache analysisCache, ClassDescriptor descriptor) throws CheckedAnalysisException { ClassGen classGen = new ClassGen(analysisCache.getClassAnalysis(JavaClass.class, descriptor)); return classGen.getConstantPool(); }
public FindUnsatisfiedObligation(BugReporter bugReporter) { this.bugReporter = bugReporter; IAnalysisCache analysisCache = Global.getAnalysisCache(); database = analysisCache.getDatabase(ObligationPolicyDatabase.class); }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.umd.cs.findbugs.classfile.IAnalysisEngine#registerWith(edu.umd.cs.findbugs.classfile.IAnalysisCache) */ @Override public void registerWith(IAnalysisCache analysisCache) { analysisCache.registerMethodAnalysisEngine(Method.class, this); }