   * Log in as the HCP Spencer Reid who does have the specialty of nutritionist, so she should be
   * able to view food entries. View the Food Entries for Patient Jennifer Jareau who has some food
   * entries already in her diary.
  public void testViewingFoodDiaryWithEntriesAsNutritionist() {
    action = new ViewFoodEntryAction(factory, 9000000071L);
    try {
      List<FoodEntryBean> foodDiary = action.getDiary(334);
      assertEquals(2, foodDiary.size());
      FoodEntryBean entry1 = foodDiary.get(0);
      FoodEntryBean entry2 = foodDiary.get(1);
      // now that we know we have 2 of them, make sure they are the
      // right ones
      assertEquals("09/30/2012", entry1.getDateEatenStr().toString());
      assertEquals("Breakfast", entry1.getMealType().name());
      assertEquals("Hot dog", entry1.getFood());
      assertEquals(4.0, entry1.getServings(), .001);
      assertEquals(80.0, entry1.getCalories(), .001);
      assertEquals(5.0, entry1.getFatGrams(), .001);
      assertEquals(480.0, entry1.getMilligramsSodium(), .001);
      assertEquals(2.0, entry1.getCarbGrams(), .001);
      assertEquals(0.0, entry1.getFiberGrams(), .001);
      assertEquals(0.0, entry1.getSugarGrams(), .001);
      assertEquals(5.0, entry1.getProteinGrams(), .001);
      assertEquals(334, entry1.getPatientID());

      assertEquals("09/30/2012", entry2.getDateEatenStr().toString());
      assertEquals("Lunch", entry2.getMealType().name());
      assertEquals("Mango Passionfruit Juice", entry2.getFood());
      assertEquals(1.2, entry2.getServings(), .001);
      assertEquals(130.0, entry2.getCalories(), .001);
      assertEquals(0.0, entry2.getFatGrams(), .001);
      assertEquals(25.0, entry2.getMilligramsSodium(), .001);
      assertEquals(32.0, entry2.getCarbGrams(), .001);
      assertEquals(0.0, entry2.getFiberGrams(), .001);
      assertEquals(29.0, entry2.getSugarGrams(), .001);
      assertEquals(1.0, entry2.getProteinGrams(), .001);
      assertEquals(334, entry1.getPatientID());

      // now check the totals
      List<FoodEntryBean> totals = action.getDiaryTotals(334);
      assertEquals(1, totals.size());
      FoodEntryBean total = totals.get(0);
      assertEquals(476.0, total.getCalories(), .001);
      assertEquals(20.0, total.getFatGrams(), .001);
      assertEquals(1950.0, total.getMilligramsSodium(), .001);
      assertEquals(46.4, total.getCarbGrams(), .001);
      assertEquals(0.0, total.getFiberGrams(), .001);
      assertEquals(34.8, total.getSugarGrams(), .001);
      assertEquals(21.2, total.getProteinGrams(), .001);

    } catch (ITrustException e) {
 /** Ensure patients can't view the food diary of other patients. */
 public void testViewFoodDiaryOfOtherPatient() {
   action = new ViewFoodEntryAction(factory, 333);
   try {
     fail("You should not be able to view other patient's food diary.");
   } catch (ITrustException e) {
     assertEquals("You do not have permission to view the Food Diary!", e.getMessage());
 /** Try to view it as a nutritionist that isn't designated */
 public void testNonDesignatedNutritionistTotals() {
   action = new ViewFoodEntryAction(factory, 9000000071L);
   try {
     fail("Not his designated nutritionist");
   } catch (ITrustException e) {
     assertEquals("You do not have permission to view the Food Diary!", e.getMessage());
  * Ensures HCPs with specialty of nutritionist can still view a food diary even when the food
  * diary is empty.
 public void testViewingEmptyFoodDiaryAsHCP() {
   action = new ViewFoodEntryAction(factory, 9000000071L);
   try {
     List<FoodEntryBean> foodDiary = action.getDiary(333);
     assertEquals(0, foodDiary.size());
   } catch (ITrustException e) {
 /** Test with evil factory */
 public void testEvilFactoryGetDiaryTotals() {
   EvilDAOFactory evil = new EvilDAOFactory();
   action = new ViewFoodEntryAction(evil, 1);
   try {
     fail("Working with evil factory");
   } catch (ITrustException d) {
     assertEquals("Error retrieving Food Diary", d.getMessage());
 /** Try to view it as a nutritionist that isn't designated */
 public void testNonDesignatedNutritionistBoundedTotals() {
   action = new ViewFoodEntryAction(factory, 9000000071L);
   try {
     action.getBoundedDiaryTotals("02/02/2014", "02/02/2014", 1);
     fail("Not his designated nutritionist");
   } catch (ITrustException e) {
     assertEquals("You do not have permission to view the Food Diary!", e.getMessage());
   } catch (FormValidationException d) {
 /** Ensure patients can't view the bounded food diary of other patients. */
 public void testViewFoodDiaryOfOtherPatientBoundedTotals() {
   action = new ViewFoodEntryAction(factory, 333);
   try {
     action.getBoundedDiaryTotals("12/12/2014", "12/12/2014", 334);
     fail("You should not be able to view other patient's food diary.");
   } catch (ITrustException e) {
     assertEquals("You do not have permission to view the Food Diary!", e.getMessage());
   } catch (FormValidationException d) {
     fail("Not your food diary");
  * Test that HCP's that are not specialists in nutrition are unable to view Food Diary Entries.
 public void testViewingFoodDiaryWithEntriesAsNonNutritionistHCP() {
   action = new ViewFoodEntryAction(factory, 9000000000L);
   // log in as Doctor Kelly
   List<FoodEntryBean> foodDiary = null;
   try {
     foodDiary = action.getDiary(334);
     fail("Non Nutritionist can view Food Diary");
   } catch (ITrustException d) {
     assertEquals("You do not have permission" + " to view the Food Diary!", d.getMessage());
  /** Test getting a bounded food diary */
  public void testBoundedFoodDiary() {
    // aaron has multiple days
    action = new ViewFoodEntryAction(factory, 335);
    try {
      List<FoodEntryBean> beans = action.getBoundedDiary("04/13/2014", "04/13/2014", 335);
      assertEquals(1, beans.size());
      FoodEntryBean entry = beans.get(0);
      assertEquals("Snack", entry.getMealType().toString());
      assertEquals("Oreos", entry.getFood());
      assertEquals(53.0, entry.getServings(), .001);
      assertEquals(140.0, entry.getCalories(), .001);
      assertEquals(7.0, entry.getFatGrams(), .001);
      assertEquals(90.0, entry.getMilligramsSodium(), .001);
      assertEquals(21.0, entry.getCarbGrams(), .001);
      assertEquals(13.0, entry.getSugarGrams(), .001);
      assertEquals(1.0, entry.getFiberGrams(), .001);
      assertEquals(0.0, entry.getProteinGrams(), .001);

      // now get the totals
      List<FoodEntryBean> totals = action.getBoundedDiaryTotals("04/13/2014", "04/13/2014", 335);
      assertEquals(1, totals.size());
      FoodEntryBean total = totals.get(0);
      assertEquals(7420.0, total.getCalories(), .001);
      assertEquals(371.0, total.getFatGrams(), .001);
      assertEquals(4770.0, total.getMilligramsSodium(), .001);
      assertEquals(1113.0, total.getCarbGrams(), .001);
      assertEquals(53.0, total.getFiberGrams(), .001);
      assertEquals(689.0, total.getSugarGrams(), .001);
      assertEquals(0.0, total.getProteinGrams(), .001);
    } catch (ITrustException d) {
      fail("Why the error?");
    } catch (FormValidationException d) {
      fail("No errors in dates");
 /** Test bounded diary totals with bad dates */
 public void testFoodDiaryBadDatesTotals() {
   action = new ViewFoodEntryAction(factory, 1);
   try {
     action.getBoundedDiaryTotals("", "", 1);
     fail("Bad dates");
   } catch (FormValidationException e) {
         "This form has not been validated correctly. "
             + "The following field are not properly "
             + "filled in: [Enter dates in MM/dd/yyyy]",
   } catch (ITrustException d) {
     fail("Wanted bad dates");
 /** Test start date after end date */
 public void testStartAfterEndTotals() {
   action = new ViewFoodEntryAction(factory, 335);
   try {
     action.getBoundedDiaryTotals("12/12/2014", "12/10/2014", 335);
     fail("Start date after end date");
   } catch (ITrustException d) {
     fail("Why the error?");
   } catch (FormValidationException e) {
         "This form has not been validated correctly. "
             + "The following field are not properly filled in: "
             + "[Start date must be before end date!]",