Example #1
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    new RaceMain();

    // Race
    Settings.PILOT.setTravelSpeed(Settings.PILOT.getMaxTravelSpeed() * 0.70);
    Settings.PILOT.setRotateSpeed(Settings.PILOT.getMaxRotateSpeed() / 4);
    Motor.A.setSpeed(Motor.A.getMaxSpeed() / 5);
    new SensorHeadCalibrate();
    Settings.motorAAngle = Settings.SENSOR_RIGHT;
    Settings.atStart = false;

    new LightCalibrate();

    Behavior b1 = new RaceFollowWall(13);
    Behavior b2 = new Race();
    Behavior b4 = new ReadCodes();
    Behavior b3 = new RaceDrive();
    Behavior b5 = new SensorHeadPosition();
    Behavior b6 = new MotorAStall();
    Behavior[] bArray = {b1, b2, b4, b3, b5, b6};

    CustomArbitrator arbitrator = new CustomArbitrator(bArray);
    Thread t = new Thread(arbitrator);
Example #2
 /** The robot moves along the Wall and turns to the right, if the wall is too far away. */
 public void action() {
   suppressed = false;
   Settings.motorAAngle = Settings.SENSOR_RIGHT;
   while (!suppressed
       && !((Settings.TOUCH_L.isPressed() || Settings.TOUCH_R.isPressed()))
       && Settings.LIGHT.getLightValue() < 80) {
     if (sonic.getDistance() > (distanceToWall + 10)) {
       pilot.arc(-15, -90, true);
     } else if (sonic.getDistance() <= distanceToWall) {
       pilot.arc(40, 20, true);
     } else if (sonic.getDistance() > distanceToWall) {
       pilot.arc(-60, -20, true);
   if (Settings.LIGHT.getLightValue() >= 80) {
     System.out.println("LINE Detected");
     Settings.afterSlider = true;
     Settings.motorAAngle = Settings.SENSOR_FRONT;
     Settings.PILOT.setTravelSpeed(Settings.PILOT.getMaxTravelSpeed() * 0.15);