private void processExecuteSparqlRequest(VitroRequest vreq) { String sparqlQueryStr = vreq.getParameter("sparqlQueryStr"); OntModel jenaOntModel = ModelAccess.on(getServletContext()).getOntModel(); jenaOntModel.enterCriticalSection(Lock.READ); List<Individual> savedQueryList = new LinkedList<Individual>(); try { Resource sparqlConstructClassRes = ResourceFactory.createResource(SPARQL_CONSTRUCT_CLASS); savedQueryList.addAll(jenaOntModel.listIndividuals(sparqlConstructClassRes).toList()); } finally { jenaOntModel.leaveCriticalSection(); } /*ass92*/ OntologyDao daoObj = vreq.getUnfilteredWebappDaoFactory().getOntologyDao(); List<Ontology> ontologiesObj = daoObj.getAllOntologies(); List<String> prefixList = new ArrayList<>(); if (ontologiesObj != null && ontologiesObj.size() > 0) { Iterator<Ontology> ontItr = ontologiesObj.iterator(); while (ontItr.hasNext()) { Ontology ont =; prefixList.add(ont.getPrefix() == null ? "(not yet specified)" : ont.getPrefix()); prefixList.add(ont.getURI() == null ? "" : ont.getURI()); } } else { prefixList.add("<strong>" + "No Ontologies added" + "</strong>"); prefixList.add("<strong>" + "Load Ontologies" + "</strong>"); } vreq.setAttribute("prefixList", prefixList); /*complete*/ if (sparqlQueryStr != null) { String validationMessage = ""; if (vreq.getParameterValues("sourceModelName") == null) { validationMessage += "<p>Please select one or more source models.</p>"; } if (vreq.getParameter("destinationModelName") == null) { validationMessage += "<p>Please select a destination model</p>"; } if (validationMessage.length() > 0) { vreq.setAttribute("validationMessage", validationMessage); } else { long constructedStmtCount = 0; try { constructedStmtCount = doExecuteSparql(vreq); } catch (QueryParseException qpe) { String errorMsg = "<p>Unable to parse query:</p>"; if (qpe.getMessage() != null) { errorMsg += "<p>" + qpe.getMessage() + "</p>"; } vreq.setAttribute("errorMsg", errorMsg); } catch (InconsistentOntologyException ioe) { String errorMsg = "<p>Inconsistent source ontology:</p>"; if (ioe.getMessage() != null) { errorMsg += "<p>" + ioe.getMessage() + "</p>"; } vreq.setAttribute("errorMsg", errorMsg); } vreq.setAttribute("constructedStmtCount", constructedStmtCount); } vreq.setAttribute("savedQueries", savedQueryList); vreq.setAttribute("title", "SPARQL CONSTRUCT result"); vreq.setAttribute("bodyJsp", EXECUTE_SPARQL_JSP); } else { vreq.setAttribute("savedQueries", savedQueryList); vreq.setAttribute("title", "Execute SPARQL Construct"); vreq.setAttribute("bodyJsp", EXECUTE_SPARQL_JSP); } }
private String addVClassDataToResultsList( WebappDaoFactory wadf, VClass vcw, int position, String ontologyUri, int counter) { String tempString = ""; if (ontologyUri == null || ((vcw.getNamespace() != null) && (vcw.getNamespace().equals(ontologyUri)))) { // first if statement ensures that the first class begins with correct format if (counter < 1 && position < 1) { tempString += "{ \"name\": "; } else if (position == previous_posn) { tempString += "}, { \"name\": "; } else if (position > previous_posn) { tempString += " { \"name\": "; } else if (position < previous_posn) { tempString += "}, { \"name\": "; } try { tempString += JSONUtils.quote( "<a href='vclassEdit?uri=" + URLEncoder.encode(vcw.getURI(), "UTF-8") + "'>" + vcw.getPickListName() + "</a>") + ", "; } catch (Exception e) { tempString += JSONUtils.quote(((vcw.getPickListName() == null) ? "" : vcw.getPickListName())) + ", "; } String shortDef = ((vcw.getShortDef() == null) ? "" : vcw.getShortDef()); tempString += "\"data\": { \"shortDef\": " + JSONUtils.quote(shortDef) + ", "; // Get group name if it exists VClassGroupDao groupDao = wadf.getVClassGroupDao(); String groupURI = vcw.getGroupURI(); String groupName = null; VClassGroup classGroup = null; if (groupURI != null) { classGroup = groupDao.getGroupByURI(groupURI); if (classGroup != null) { groupName = classGroup.getPublicName(); } } tempString += "\"classGroup\": " + JSONUtils.quote((groupName == null) ? "" : groupName) + ", "; // Get ontology name OntologyDao ontDao = wadf.getOntologyDao(); String ontName = vcw.getNamespace(); Ontology ont = ontDao.getOntologyByURI(ontName); if (ont != null && ont.getName() != null) { ontName = ont.getName(); } tempString += "\"ontology\": " + JSONUtils.quote((ontName == null) ? "" : ontName) + "}, \"children\": ["; previous_posn = position; } return tempString; }
@Override public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse response) { if (!isAuthorizedToDisplayPage(req, response, new Actions(new EditOntology()))) { return; } VitroRequest request = new VitroRequest(req); EditProcessObject epo = super.createEpo(request); request.setAttribute("epoKey", epo.getKey()); OntologyDao oDao = request.getFullWebappDaoFactory().getOntologyDao(); Ontology o = null; if (request.getParameter("uri") == null) { log.error("doPost() expects non-null uri parameter"); } else { o = oDao.getOntologyByURI(request.getParameter("uri")); if (o == null) { if (!VitroVocabulary.vitroURI.equals(request.getParameter("uri"))) { log.debug( "doPost(): no ontology object found for the namespace " + request.getParameter("uri")); } } else { request.setAttribute("Ontology", o); } } ArrayList<String> results = new ArrayList<String>(); results.add("Ontology"); results.add("Namespace"); results.add("Prefix"); String name = o == null ? "" : (o.getName() == null) ? "" : o.getName(); results.add(name); String namespace = o == null ? "" : (o.getURI() == null) ? "" : o.getURI(); results.add(namespace); String prefix = o == null ? "" : (o.getPrefix() == null) ? "" : o.getPrefix(); results.add(prefix); request.setAttribute("results", results); request.setAttribute("columncount", 3); request.setAttribute("suppressquery", "true"); epo.setDataAccessObject(oDao); FormObject foo = new FormObject(); HashMap<String, List<Option>> OptionMap = new HashMap<String, List<Option>>(); HashMap formSelect = new HashMap(); // tells the JSP what select lists are populated, and thus should be // displayed request.setAttribute("formSelect", formSelect); // add the options foo.setOptionLists(OptionMap); epo.setFormObject(foo); // funky hack because Ontology.getURI() will append a hash for a hash namespace // See OntologyDaoJena.ontologyFromOntologyResource() comments String realURI = OntologyDaoJena.adjustOntologyURI(o.getURI()); request.setAttribute("realURI", realURI); request.setAttribute("exportURL", request.getContextPath() + Controllers.EXPORT_RDF); RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispatcher(Controllers.BASIC_JSP); request.setAttribute("epoKey", epo.getKey()); request.setAttribute("bodyJsp", "/templates/edit/specific/ontologies_edit.jsp"); request.setAttribute("title", "Ontology Control Panel"); request.setAttribute( "css", "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"" + request.getAppBean().getThemeDir() + "css/edit.css\"/>"); try { rd.forward(request, response); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("OntologyEditController could not forward to view."); log.error(e.getMessage()); log.error(e.getStackTrace()); } }