/** * Sends a notification to the highest bidder and the auction owner * * @param auction ended auction */ public synchronized void notifyAuctionEnded(Auction auction) { if (auction.getHighestBid() != null) { notifyUser( auction.getCreator(), "The auction '" + auction.getName() + "' has ended. " + auction.getHighestBid().getBidder().getUsername() + " has won with " + auction.getHighestBid().getAmount()); notifyUser( auction.getHighestBid().getBidder(), "The auction '" + auction.getName() + "' has ended. " + "You won with " + auction.getHighestBid().getAmount()); } else { notifyUser( auction.getCreator(), "The auction '" + auction.getName() + "' has ended. " + "No one bid on it."); } }
// create events here public synchronized void processMessage(TCPServerConnection tcpConnection, String input) { if (input.startsWith("!login")) { String username; int udpPort = 0; try { String[] parts = input.split(" "); username = parts[1].trim(); udpPort = Integer.parseInt(parts[2]); if (getUser(tcpConnection) == null) { User user = addUser(username, tcpConnection); analyticsServer.processEvent((EventInterface) UserEvent.createUserLogin(username)); user.setUdpPort(udpPort); tcpConnection.sendMessage("Successfully logged in as " + user.getUsername()); } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { tcpConnection.sendMessage("You must provide a username!"); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { tcpConnection.sendMessage("Login failed."); } catch (ConnectException e) { log.warn("could not connect to analytics server."); } catch (RemoteException e) { log.warn("could not process event: " + e.getMessage()); } } else if (input.trim().equals("!logout")) { User user = getUser(tcpConnection); if (user == null) { tcpConnection.sendMessage("You have to login first!"); } else { String username = user.getUsername(); users.remove(user); try { analyticsServer.processEvent(UserEvent.createUserLogout(username)); user.endSession(); for (StatisticEvent e : StatisticEvent.createEventsOnUserLogout(user.getSessionDuration())) { analyticsServer.processEvent(e); } } catch (ConnectException e) { log.warn("could not connect to analytics server."); } catch (RemoteException e) { log.warn("could not process event: " + e.getMessage()); } tcpConnection.sendMessage("You successfully logged out as " + user.getUsername()); } } else if (input.trim().equals("!end")) { User user = getUser(tcpConnection); if (user != null) try { analyticsServer.processEvent(UserEvent.createUserDisconnected(user.getUsername())); user.endSession(); for (StatisticEvent e : StatisticEvent.createEventsOnUserLogout(user.getSessionDuration())) { analyticsServer.processEvent(e); } } catch (ConnectException e) { log.warn("could not connect to analytics server."); } catch (RemoteException e) { log.warn("could not process event: " + e.getMessage()); } } else if (input.trim().equals("!list")) { for (Auction auction : AuctionManager.getInstance().getAuctions()) { Bid heighestBid = auction.getHighestBid(); String msg = String.format( "%d. '%s' %s %s %s", auction.getId(), auction.getName(), auction.getCreator().getUsername(), heighestBid == null ? "0.00" : heighestBid.getAmount(), heighestBid == null ? "none" : heighestBid.getBidder().getUsername()); tcpConnection.sendMessage(msg); } } else if (input.startsWith("!create")) { if (getUser(tcpConnection) == null) { tcpConnection.sendMessage("login first!"); return; } try { String[] parts = input.split(" "); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 2; i < parts.length; i++) { sb.append(parts[i]).append(" "); } Auction auction = AuctionManager.getInstance() .createAuction( sb.toString().trim(), Integer.valueOf(parts[1]), getUser(tcpConnection)); analyticsServer.processEvent(AuctionEvent.createAuctionStarted(auction.getId())); tcpConnection.sendMessage( "An auction '" + auction.getName() + "' with id " + auction.getId() + " has been created and will end on " + auction.getEndDateFormatted()); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { tcpConnection.sendMessage("You must provide the duration and the name of the auction!"); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { tcpConnection.sendMessage("After !create you must enter the seconds!"); } catch (ConnectException e) { log.warn("could not connect to analytics server."); } catch (RemoteException e) { log.warn("could not process event: " + e.getMessage()); } } else if (input.startsWith("!bid")) { try { String[] parts = input.split(" "); int auctionId = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]); double amount = Double.parseDouble(parts[2]); Bid heighestBid = AuctionManager.getInstance().getHeighestBid(auctionId); User user = getUser(tcpConnection); Auction auction = AuctionManager.getInstance().getAuctionById(auctionId); if (user == null) { tcpConnection.sendMessage("You have to login first!"); } else if (auction != null && user.equals(auction.getCreator())) { tcpConnection.sendMessage("You may not bid on your own auction!"); } else { Bid bid = AuctionManager.getInstance().newBid(amount, auctionId, user); if (bid != null) { try { analyticsServer.processEvent( BidEvent.createBidPlacedEvent( user.getUsername(), auction.getId(), bid.getAmount())); List<StatisticEvent> events = StatisticEvent.createEventsOnBidPlaced(bid.getAmount()); for (StatisticEvent e : events) { analyticsServer.processEvent(e); } } catch (ConnectException e) { log.warn("could not connect to analytics server."); } catch (RemoteException e) { log.warn("could not process event: " + e.getMessage()); } tcpConnection.sendMessage( "You successfully bid with " + bid.getAmount() + " on '" + bid.getAuction().getName() + "'"); if (heighestBid != null && !user.equals(heighestBid.getBidder())) { try { analyticsServer.processEvent( BidEvent.createBidOverbidEvent( heighestBid.getBidder().getUsername(), heighestBid.getAuction().getId(), heighestBid.getAmount())); } catch (RemoteException e) { log.warn("could not process event: " + e.getMessage()); } notifyUser( heighestBid.getBidder(), "You have been overbid on '" + heighestBid.getAuction().getName() + "'"); } } else { tcpConnection.sendMessage("invalid bid"); } } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { tcpConnection.sendMessage("!bid usage: !bid auction.id bid.amount"); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { tcpConnection.sendMessage("argument 2: int auction id, argument 3: double amount"); } } }