  * Once the job has been filled with {@link DomainConfiguration}s, performs the following
  * operations:
  * <ol>
  *   <li>Edit the harvest template to add/remove deduplicator configuration.
  *   <li>
  * </ol>
  * @param job the job
 protected void editJobOrderXml(Job job) {
   Document doc = job.getOrderXMLdoc();
     // Check that the Deduplicator element is present in the
     // OrderXMl and enabled. If missing or disabled log a warning
     if (!HeritrixTemplate.isDeduplicationEnabledInTemplate(doc)) {
       if (log.isWarnEnabled()) {
             "Unable to perform deduplication for this job"
                 + " as the required DeDuplicator element is "
                 + "disabled or missing from template");
   } else {
     // Remove deduplicator Element from OrderXML if present
     Node xpathNode = doc.selectSingleNode(HeritrixTemplate.DEDUPLICATOR_XPATH);
     if (xpathNode != null) {
       if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
         log.info("Removed DeDuplicator element because " + "Deduplication is disabled");
   * Tests that:
   * <ol>
   *   <li>The given domain configuration and job are not null.
   *   <li>The job does not already contain the given domain configuration.
   *   <li>The domain configuration has the same order xml name as the first inserted domain config.
   * </ol>
   * @param job a given Job
   * @param cfg a given DomainConfiguration
   * @return true, if the given DomainConfiguration can be inserted into the given job
  private boolean checkAddDomainConfInvariant(Job job, DomainConfiguration cfg) {
    ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(job, "job");
    ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(cfg, "cfg");

    // check if domain in DomainConfiguration cfg is not already in this job
    // domainName is used as key in domainConfigurationMap
    if (job.getDomainConfigurationMap().containsKey(cfg.getDomainName())) {
      if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("Job already has a configuration for Domain '" + cfg.getDomainName() + "'.");
      return false;

    // check if template is same as this job.
    String orderXMLname = job.getOrderXMLName();
    if (!orderXMLname.equals(cfg.getOrderXmlName())) {
      if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            "This Job only accept configurations "
                + "using the harvest template '"
                + orderXMLname
                + "'. This configuration uses the harvest template '"
                + cfg.getOrderXmlName()
                + "'.");
      return false;

    return true;
  * Instantiates a new job.
  * @param cfg the {@link DomainConfiguration} being processed
  * @param harvest the {@link HarvestDefinition} being processed
  * @return an instance of {@link Job}
 public static Job getNewJob(HarvestDefinition harvest, DomainConfiguration cfg) {
   HarvestChannelDAO harvestChannelDao = HarvestChannelDAO.getInstance();
   HarvestChannel channel = harvestChannelDao.getChannelForHarvestDefinition(harvest.getOid());
   if (channel == null) {
         "No channel mapping registered for harvest id "
             + harvest.getOid()
             + ", will use default.");
     channel = harvestChannelDao.getDefaultChannel(harvest.isSnapShot());
   if (harvest.isSnapShot()) {
     return Job.createSnapShotJob(
         ((FullHarvest) harvest).getMaxJobRunningTime(),
   return Job.createJob(harvest.getOid(), channel, cfg, harvest.getNumEvents());