Example #1
   * Generates a List of PropertyHelper objects, which can be displayed in a tableviewer.
   * <p>
   * @param allSelHisObjs Selection of HistoryObjects
   * @return List
   * @throws Exception
  public List<PropertyVersionHelper> generatePropertyVersionsList(List<IEntity> allSelHisObjs)
      throws Exception {
    // clear old lists, maps first...

    if (null == allSelHisObjs || allSelHisObjs.isEmpty()) {
      return changes;

    IEntity entityD = (IEntity) allSelHisObjs.get(0);
    DAO dao = DAOSystem.findDAOforEntity(entityD.type().getName());
    EntityDescriptor descrip =

    // get reflection stuff
    BeanInfo info = Introspector.getBeanInfo(entityD.getClass());
    PropertyDescriptor[] descs = info.getPropertyDescriptors();

    // go through all properties
    for (int i = 0; i < descs.length; i++) {
      Method readPropMeth = descs[i].getReadMethod();
      String propName = descs[i].getName();

      Property prop = descrip.getProperty(propName);

      // check right before getting on... if no right to
      // access the property, ignore for history at all!
      if (prop != null && !prop.hasReadAccess()) {

      PropertyVersionHelper helperPropertyStorage =
          new PropertyVersionHelper(readPropMeth, propName);

      // check properties, which have to be ignored
      boolean ignore =
              || propName.equals("lastModifiedAt")
              || propName.equals("createdAt")
              || propName.equals("historyReason")
              || propName.equals("id")
              || propName.equals("localChanged");

      if (ignore) {

      // go through all versions objects
      for (int j = 0; j < allSelHisObjs.size(); j++) {
        IEntity entity = (IEntity) allSelHisObjs.get(j);
        HistoryVersion versionWrap = new HistoryVersion(entity, false);
        helperPropertyStorage.addVersion(j + 1, versionWrap);

        // get actual value
        Object actualValue = readPropMeth.invoke(entity, (Object[]) null);

        // just a test to get the right version of the object ;)
        if ((actualValue instanceof IEntity)
            && (!(actualValue instanceof IPicklistEntry))
            && prop.isEmbeddedEntity()) {
          actualValue = dao.findCorrectVersionForEntityRelation(entity, (IEntity) actualValue);

        // load all values of 1. version
        if (j == 0) {
          HistoryVersion versionWrap2 = new HistoryVersion(entity, false);
          helperPropertyStorage.addVersion(0, versionWrap2);
          previousProps.put(readPropMeth, actualValue);

        // get previous value...
        Object prevPropValue = previousProps.get(readPropMeth);

        // replace previous value with new one
        previousProps.put(readPropMeth, actualValue);

        boolean changed = false;

        // if both values not null -> compare with equals
        if (actualValue != null && prevPropValue != null) {

          if (!actualValue.equals(prevPropValue)) {
            changed = true;

        // if one value null the other not -> changed!
        else if (actualValue == null && prevPropValue != null) {
          changed = true;
        // if one value null the other not -> changed!
        else if (prevPropValue == null && actualValue != null) {
          changed = true;

        if (changed) {
          // remove first necessary, list does not overwrite with
          // add...
          // add again
    return changes;