public final void testQueryResource2() throws Exception { VirtualCollection vc = (VirtualCollection) this.dbColl.getChildCollection("vcl-data/myvc"); VirtualResource vr = (VirtualResource) vc.getResource("virtual_autoren3.vxml"); Document doc = (Document) vr.getContentAsDOM(); Element articles = (Element) doc.getElementsByTagName("articles").item(0); assertEquals(4, articles.getElementsByTagName("*").getLength()); }
public final void testCreateResourceFail() throws Exception { VirtualCollection vcoll = this.getMyVC(); try { vcoll.createResource("", XMLResource.RESOURCE_TYPE); assertTrue(EXPECTED_EXCEPTION + " a resource.", false); } catch (XMLDBException e) { assertTrue(INVALID_COLL_MSG + e.errorCode, isInvalidColl(e.errorCode)); } }
public final void testCreateIdFail() throws Exception { VirtualCollection vcoll = this.getMyVC(); try { vcoll.createId(); assertTrue(EXPECTED_EXCEPTION + " an id.", false); } catch (XMLDBException e) { assertTrue(INVALID_COLL_MSG + e.errorCode, e.errorCode == ErrorCodes.INVALID_COLLECTION); } }
public void testGetServicesClosedFail() throws Exception { this.getMyVC(); VirtualCollection vc = this.getMyVC(); vc.close(); try { vc.getServices(); assertTrue(false); } catch (XMLDBException e) { assertEquals(ErrorCodes.COLLECTION_CLOSED, e.errorCode); } }
public final void testGetResourceSuccess() throws Exception { VirtualCollection vcoll = this.getMyVC(); String[] names = vcoll.listResources(); assertTrue("Expected resource names and not an empty array.", 0 != names.length); Resource res = vcoll.getResource(names[0]); assertTrue( "Expected instance of VirtualResource and not " + res.getClass(), res instanceof VirtualResource); }
public void testSetStylesheetClosedFail() throws Exception { VirtualCollection vc = this.getMyVC(); vc.close(); try { URL url = null; vc.setStylesheet(url); assertTrue(false); } catch (XMLDBException e) { assertEquals(ErrorCodes.COLLECTION_CLOSED, e.errorCode); } }
public final void testRemoveResourceFail() throws Exception { VirtualCollection vcoll = this.getMyVC(); String[] names = vcoll.listResources(); for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { Resource r = vcoll.getResource(names[i]); try { vcoll.removeResource(r); assertTrue(EXPECTED_EXCEPTION, false); } catch (XMLDBException e) { assertTrue(INVALID_COLL_MSG + e.errorCode, this.isInvalidColl(e.errorCode)); } } }
public final void testGetPCVResourceSuccess() throws Exception { VirtualCollection vcoll = this.getMyVC(); String[] names = vcoll.listResources(); assertTrue("Expected resource names and not an empty array.", 0 != names.length); Resource res = vcoll.getResource(names[0]); assertTrue( "Expected instance of VirtualResource and not " + res.getClass(), res instanceof VirtualResource); VirtualResource vres = (VirtualResource) res; PCVResource pres = vres.getPreCompiledResource(); assertNotNull("Expected pres to be not null", pres); assertTrue( "Expected instance of PCVResource and not " + res.getClass(), pres instanceof PCVResource); assertEquals(vres.getId(), pres.getId()); }
public final void testCreateVirtualCollectionSuccess() throws Exception { Collection testColl = this.db.getCollection("/db/vc-colls", "sa", ""); VirtualCollectionManagementService vcms = (VirtualCollectionManagementService) testColl.getService("VirtualCollectionManagementService", "1.0"); int size = testColl.getChildCollectionCount(); VirtualCollection vc = vcms.createVirtualCollection( "test-vc", new File("data/vcl-schema/").toURL()); assertNotNull("Expected that an instance of VirtualCollection is returned and not null", vc); assertTrue( "Expected the returns instance is an instance of VirtualCollection and not " + vc.getClass(), vc instanceof VirtualCollection); assertEquals( "Why is the virtual collection not inserted but returned?", size + 1, testColl.getChildCollectionCount()); }
protected Service getService(String name) throws Exception { VirtualCollection vcoll = this.getMyVC(); return vcoll.getService(name, "1.0"); }
public void testGetChildCollectionNullSuccess() throws Exception { VirtualCollection vc = this.getMyVC(); assertNull(vc.getChildCollection("$vcl-schema")); }
public void testGetChildCollectionCountSuccess() throws Exception { VirtualCollection vc = this.getMyVC(); assertEquals(0, vc.getChildCollectionCount()); }