/** * @param id internal id * @param localPath local path used to create IFileStore * @param hostname hostname * @param remotePath remote path * @throws CoreException if a path is invalid */ public ResourceMapping( final String id, final String localPath, final String hostname, final String remotePath) throws CoreException { fId = id; fLocalText = localPath; fFileStore = FileUtil.getFileStore(fLocalText); fHostName = hostname; fRemotePath = new Path(cleanDirectory(remotePath)); }
@Override protected void startToolL(final IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { fRjsId = RjsComConfig.registerClientComHandler(fRjs); fRjs.initClient(getTool(), this, fRjsProperties, fRjsId); try { final Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>(); final IToolEventHandler loginHandler = getEventHandler(IToolEventHandler.LOGIN_REQUEST_EVENT_ID); String msg = null; boolean connected = false; while (!connected) { final Map<String, Object> initData = getInitData(); final ServerLogin login = fRjsConnection.getServer().createLogin(Server.C_CONSOLE_CONNECT); try { final Callback[] callbacks = login.getCallbacks(); if (callbacks != null) { final List<Callback> checked = new ArrayList<Callback>(); FxCallback fx = null; for (final Callback callback : callbacks) { if (callback instanceof FxCallback) { fx = (FxCallback) callback; } else { checked.add(callback); } } if (initData != null) { data.putAll(initData); } data.put( LOGIN_ADDRESS_DATA_KEY, (fx != null) ? fAddress.getHost() : fAddress.getAddress()); data.put(LOGIN_MESSAGE_DATA_KEY, msg); data.put(LOGIN_CALLBACKS_DATA_KEY, checked.toArray(new Callback[checked.size()])); if (loginHandler == null) { throw new CoreException( new Status( IStatus.ERROR, RConsoleCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID, ICommonStatusConstants.LAUNCHING, "Login requested but not supported by this configuration.", null)); } if (!loginHandler .handle(IToolEventHandler.LOGIN_REQUEST_EVENT_ID, this, data, monitor) .isOK()) { throw new CoreException(Status.CANCEL_STATUS); } if (fx != null) { RjsUtil.handleFxCallback( RjsUtil.getSession(data, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1)), fx, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1)); } } msg = null; if (monitor.isCanceled()) { throw new CoreException(Status.CANCEL_STATUS); } final Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<String, Object>(); args.putAll(fRjsProperties); ConsoleEngine rjServer; if (fStartup) { args.put("args", fRArgs); // $NON-NLS-1$ rjServer = (ConsoleEngine) fRjsConnection .getServer() .execute(Server.C_CONSOLE_START, args, login.createAnswer()); } else { rjServer = (ConsoleEngine) fRjsConnection .getServer() .execute(Server.C_CONSOLE_CONNECT, args, login.createAnswer()); } fRjs.setServer(rjServer, 0); connected = true; if (callbacks != null) { loginHandler.handle(IToolEventHandler.LOGIN_OK_EVENT_ID, this, data, monitor); if (initData != null) { initData.put(LOGIN_USERNAME_DATA_KEY, data.get(LOGIN_USERNAME_DATA_KEY)); } } } catch (final LoginException e) { msg = e.getLocalizedMessage(); } finally { if (login != null) { login.clearData(); } } } final ServerInfo info = fRjsConnection.getServer().getInfo(); if (fWorkspaceData.isRemote()) { try { final String wd = FileUtil.toString(fWorkspaceData.toFileStore(info.getDirectory())); if (wd != null) { setStartupWD(wd); } } catch (final CoreException e) { } } else { setStartupWD(info.getDirectory()); } final long timestamp = info.getTimestamp(); if (timestamp != 0) { setStartupTimestamp(timestamp); } final List<IStatus> warnings = new ArrayList<IStatus>(); initTracks(info.getDirectory(), monitor, warnings); if (fStartup && !fStartupsRunnables.isEmpty()) { fQueue.add(fStartupsRunnables.toArray(new IToolRunnable[fStartupsRunnables.size()])); fStartupsRunnables.clear(); } if (!fStartup) { handleStatus( new Status( IStatus.INFO, RConsoleCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID, addTimestampToMessage( RNicoMessages.R_Info_Reconnected_message, fProcess.getConnectionTimestamp())), monitor); } // fRjs.runMainLoop(null, null, monitor); must not wait at server side fRjs.activateConsole(); scheduleControllerRunnable( new ControllerSystemRunnable( "r/rj/start2", "Finish Initialization / Read Output") { // $NON-NLS-1$ @Override public void run(final IToolService s, final IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { if (!fRjs.isConsoleReady()) { // R is still working fRjs.runMainLoop(null, null, monitor); } for (final IStatus status : warnings) { handleStatus(status, monitor); } } }); } catch (final RemoteException e) { throw new CoreException( new Status( IStatus.ERROR, RConsoleCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID, ICommonStatusConstants.LAUNCHING, "The R engine could not be started.", e)); } catch (final RjException e) { throw new CoreException( new Status( IStatus.ERROR, RConsoleCorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID, ICommonStatusConstants.LAUNCHING, "An error occured when creating login data.", e)); } }