/** * Similar to the XMLRepresentation interface, this method will append an XML representation of * some preferences to an existing node. * * @param prefs the preferences node to write out. * @param deep - true to include a subtree with all child preferences nodes. * @param domDoc the document in which the node will reside. * @param node the node to which a child is applied. */ public static void toXML( Preferences prefs, boolean deep, org.w3c.dom.Document domDoc, Element node, Map options) throws IOException { String[] keys; String[] children; Element childElement, entry; String value; int i; // System.err.println( "node = "+prefs.name() ); try { keys = prefs.keys(); childElement = (Element) node.appendChild(domDoc.createElement("map")); for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { value = prefs.get(keys[i], null); // System.err.println( " key = "+keys[i]+"; value = "+value ); if (value == null) continue; entry = (Element) childElement.appendChild(domDoc.createElement("entry")); entry.setAttribute("key", keys[i]); entry.setAttribute("value", value); } if (deep) { children = prefs.childrenNames(); for (i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { childElement = (Element) node.appendChild(domDoc.createElement("node")); childElement.setAttribute("name", children[i]); toXML(prefs.node(children[i]), deep, domDoc, childElement, options); } } } catch (DOMException e1) { throw IOUtil.map(e1); } catch (BackingStoreException e2) { throw IOUtil.map(e2); } }
protected AudioFile[] createTempFiles() throws IOException { // simply use an AIFC file with float format as temp file final AudioFileDescr proto = new AudioFileDescr(); final AudioFile[] tempFiles = new AudioFile[SUBNUM]; AudioFileDescr afd; proto.type = AudioFileDescr.TYPE_AIFF; proto.channels = decimChannels; proto.bitsPerSample = 32; proto.sampleFormat = AudioFileDescr.FORMAT_FLOAT; // proto.bitsPerSample = 8; // proto.sampleFormat = AudioFileDescr.FORMAT_INT; try { for (int i = 0; i < SUBNUM; i++) { afd = new AudioFileDescr(proto); afd.file = IOUtil.createTempFile(); afd.rate = decimHelps[i].rate; tempFiles[i] = AudioFile.openAsWrite(afd); } return tempFiles; } catch (IOException e1) { for (int i = 0; i < SUBNUM; i++) { if (tempFiles[i] != null) tempFiles[i].cleanUp(); } throw e1; } }
/** * Similar to the XMLRepresentation interface, this method will parse an XML representation of * some preferences and restore it's values. * * @param prefs the preferences node to import to. * @param domDoc the document in which the node resides. * @param rootElement the node whose children to parse. */ public static void fromXML( Preferences prefs, org.w3c.dom.Document domDoc, Element rootElement, Map options) throws IOException { NodeList nl, nl2; Element childElement, entry; Node node; int i, j; try { nl = rootElement.getChildNodes(); for (i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) { node = nl.item(i); if (!(node instanceof Element)) continue; childElement = (Element) node; nl2 = childElement.getElementsByTagName("entry"); for (j = 0; j < nl2.getLength(); j++) { entry = (Element) nl2.item(j); prefs.put(entry.getAttribute("key"), entry.getAttribute("value")); // System.err.println( "auto : node = "+(prefs.name() )+"; key = "+entry.getAttribute( // "key" )+"; val = "+entry.getAttribute( "value" ) ); } break; } for (; i < nl.getLength(); i++) { node = nl.item(i); if (!(node instanceof Element)) continue; childElement = (Element) node; fromXML(prefs.node(childElement.getAttribute("name")), domDoc, childElement, options); } } catch (DOMException e1) { throw IOUtil.map(e1); } }
public static java.util.List createDefaults(Preferences mainPrefs, double lastVersion) { File f; // String value; // Preferences childPrefs, childPrefs2; // final String fs = File.separator; final boolean isMacOS = System.getProperty("os.name").indexOf("Mac OS") >= 0; // final boolean isWindows = System.getProperty( "os.name" ).indexOf( "Windows" ) >= 0; final java.util.List warnings = new ArrayList(); putDontOverwrite( IOUtil.getUserPrefs(), IOUtil.KEY_TEMPDIR, System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir")); // // general // putDontOverwrite( GUIUtil.getUserPrefs(), HelpGlassPane.KEY_KEYSTROKE_HELP, strokeToPrefs( // KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_H, MenuFactory.MENU_SHORTCUT + KeyEvent.SHIFT_MASK ))); putDontOverwrite(mainPrefs, KEY_LOOKANDFEEL, UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName()); putBooleanDontOverwrite(mainPrefs, KEY_INTRUDINGSIZE, isMacOS); putBooleanDontOverwrite(mainPrefs, KEY_BACKUP, true); if (mainPrefs.get(KEY_BAKDIR, null) == null) { f = new File(new File(System.getProperty("user.home"), Application.name), "bak"); if (!f.isDirectory()) { try { IOUtil.createEmptyDirectory(f); } catch (IOException e1) { warnings.add(f.getAbsolutePath() + " : Could not create directory"); } } putDontOverwrite(mainPrefs, KEY_BAKDIR, f.getAbsolutePath()); } // save current version mainPrefs.put(KEY_VERSION, Application.version); putDontOverwrite(mainPrefs, "audioFileRes", PathField.getSoundResID(1)); putDontOverwrite(mainPrefs, "audioFileRate", PathField.getSoundRateID(2)); putDontOverwrite( mainPrefs, "headroom", new de.sciss.util.Param(-0.2, de.sciss.util.ParamSpace.spcAmpDecibels.unit).toString()); return warnings; }
protected void process() { int i, j, len, ch, chunkLength; long progOff, progLen; float f1; // io AudioFile inF = null; AudioFile outF = null; AudioFileDescr inStream; AudioFileDescr outStream; FloatFile[] floatF = null; File tempFile[] = null; // buffers float[][] inBuf, outBuf; float[] win; float[] convBuf1, convBuf2; float[] tempFlt; int inChanNum, inLength, inputStep, outputStep, winSize; int transLen, skip, inputLen, outputLen, fltLen; int framesRead, framesWritten; float warp, a1, b0, b1, x0, x1, y0, y1, b0init; Param ampRef = new Param(1.0, Param.ABS_AMP); // transform-Referenz Param peakGain; float gain = 1.0f; // gain abs amp float maxAmp = 0.0f; PathField ggOutput; topLevel: try { // ---- open input, output ---- // input inF = AudioFile.openAsRead(new File(pr.text[PR_INPUTFILE])); inStream = inF.getDescr(); inChanNum = inStream.channels; inLength = (int) inStream.length; // this helps to prevent errors from empty files! if ((inLength * inChanNum) < 1) throw new EOFException(ERR_EMPTY); // .... check running .... if (!threadRunning) break topLevel; // output ggOutput = (PathField) gui.getItemObj(GG_OUTPUTFILE); if (ggOutput == null) throw new IOException(ERR_MISSINGPROP); outStream = new AudioFileDescr(inStream); ggOutput.fillStream(outStream); outF = AudioFile.openAsWrite(outStream); // .... check running .... if (!threadRunning) break topLevel; // ---- parameter inits ---- warp = Math.max(-0.98f, Math.min(0.98f, (float) (pr.para[PR_WARP].val / 100))); // DAFx2000 'b' f1 = (1.0f - warp) / (1.0f + warp); // DAFx2000 (25) winSize = 32 << pr.intg[PR_FRAMESIZE]; // DAFx2000 'N' j = winSize >> 1; transLen = (int) (f1 * winSize + 0.5f); // DAFx2000 'P' (26) i = pr.intg[PR_OVERLAP] + 1; while (((float) transLen / (float) i) > j) i++; inputStep = (int) (((float) transLen / (float) i) + 0.5f); // DAFx2000 'L' fltLen = Math.max(winSize, transLen); // System.out.println( "inputStep "+inputStep+"; winSize "+winSize+"; transLen "+transLen+"; // fltLen "+fltLen+"; warp "+warp+"; � "+f1 ); win = Filter.createFullWindow(winSize, Filter.WIN_HANNING); // DAFx2000 (27) outputStep = inputStep; b0init = (float) Math.sqrt(1.0f - warp * warp); progOff = 0; progLen = (long) inLength * (2 + inChanNum); // + winSize; tempFlt = new float[fltLen]; inputLen = winSize + inputStep; inBuf = new float[inChanNum][inputLen]; outputLen = transLen + outputStep; outBuf = new float[inChanNum][outputLen]; // normalization requires temp files if (pr.intg[PR_GAINTYPE] == GAIN_UNITY) { tempFile = new File[inChanNum]; floatF = new FloatFile[inChanNum]; for (ch = 0; ch < inChanNum; ch++) { // first zero them because an exception might be thrown tempFile[ch] = null; floatF[ch] = null; } for (ch = 0; ch < inChanNum; ch++) { tempFile[ch] = IOUtil.createTempFile(); floatF[ch] = new FloatFile(tempFile[ch], GenericFile.MODE_OUTPUT); } progLen += (long) inLength; } else { gain = (float) ((Param.transform(pr.para[PR_GAIN], Param.ABS_AMP, ampRef, null)).val); } // .... check running .... if (!threadRunning) break topLevel; // ----==================== the real stuff ====================---- framesRead = 0; framesWritten = 0; skip = 0; while (threadRunning && (framesWritten < inLength)) { chunkLength = Math.min(inputLen, inLength - framesRead + skip); // ---- read input chunk ---- len = Math.max(0, chunkLength - skip); inF.readFrames(inBuf, skip, len); framesRead += len; progOff += len; // off += len; // .... progress .... setProgression((float) progOff / (float) progLen); // .... check running .... if (!threadRunning) break topLevel; // zero padding if (chunkLength < inputLen) { for (ch = 0; ch < inChanNum; ch++) { convBuf1 = inBuf[ch]; for (i = chunkLength; i < convBuf1.length; i++) { convBuf1[i] = 0.0f; } } } for (ch = 0; threadRunning && (ch < inChanNum); ch++) { convBuf1 = inBuf[ch]; convBuf2 = outBuf[ch]; for (i = 0, j = fltLen; i < winSize; i++) { tempFlt[--j] = convBuf1[i] * win[i]; } while (j > 0) { tempFlt[--j] = 0.0f; } a1 = -warp; // inital allpass b0 = b0init; b1 = 0.0f; for (j = 0; j < transLen; j++) { x1 = 0.0f; y1 = 0.0f; // for( i = 0; i < transLen; i++ ) { // DAFx2000 (2 resp. 3) for (i = 0; i < fltLen; i++) { // DAFx2000 (2 resp. 3) x0 = tempFlt[i]; y0 = b0 * x0 + b1 * x1 - a1 * y1; tempFlt[i] = y0; // (work with double precision while computing cascades) y1 = y0; x1 = x0; } a1 = -warp; // cascaded allpasses b0 = -warp; b1 = 1.0f; convBuf2[j] += (float) y1; } // .... progress .... progOff += chunkLength - skip; setProgression((float) progOff / (float) progLen); } // for channels // .... check running .... if (!threadRunning) break topLevel; chunkLength = Math.min(outputStep, inLength - framesWritten); // ---- write output chunk ---- if (floatF != null) { for (ch = 0; ch < inChanNum; ch++) { floatF[ch].writeFloats(outBuf[ch], 0, chunkLength); } progOff += chunkLength; // off += len; framesWritten += chunkLength; // .... progress .... setProgression((float) progOff / (float) progLen); } else { for (ch = 0; ch < inChanNum; ch++) { Util.mult(outBuf[ch], 0, chunkLength, gain); } outF.writeFrames(outBuf, 0, chunkLength); progOff += chunkLength; // off += len; framesWritten += chunkLength; // .... progress .... setProgression((float) progOff / (float) progLen); } // .... check running .... if (!threadRunning) break topLevel; // check max amp for (ch = 0; ch < inChanNum; ch++) { convBuf1 = outBuf[ch]; for (i = 0; i < chunkLength; i++) { f1 = Math.abs(convBuf1[i]); if (f1 > maxAmp) { maxAmp = f1; } } } // overlaps skip = winSize; for (ch = 0; ch < inChanNum; ch++) { System.arraycopy(inBuf[ch], inputStep, inBuf[ch], 0, winSize); convBuf1 = outBuf[ch]; System.arraycopy(convBuf1, outputStep, convBuf1, 0, transLen); for (i = transLen; i < outputLen; ) { convBuf1[i++] = 0.0f; } } } // until framesWritten == outLength // .... check running .... if (!threadRunning) break topLevel; // ----==================== normalize output ====================---- if (pr.intg[PR_GAINTYPE] == GAIN_UNITY) { peakGain = new Param((double) maxAmp, Param.ABS_AMP); gain = (float) (Param.transform( pr.para[PR_GAIN], Param.ABS_AMP, new Param(1.0 / peakGain.val, peakGain.unit), null)) .val; normalizeAudioFile(floatF, outF, inBuf, gain, 1.0f); maxAmp *= gain; for (ch = 0; ch < inChanNum; ch++) { floatF[ch].cleanUp(); floatF[ch] = null; tempFile[ch].delete(); tempFile[ch] = null; } } // .... check running .... if (!threadRunning) break topLevel; // ---- Finish ---- outF.close(); outF = null; outStream = null; inF.close(); inF = null; inStream = null; inBuf = null; // inform about clipping/ low level handleClipping(maxAmp); } catch (IOException e1) { setError(e1); } catch (OutOfMemoryError e2) { inStream = null; outStream = null; inBuf = null; convBuf1 = null; convBuf2 = null; System.gc(); setError(new Exception(ERR_MEMORY)); ; } // ---- cleanup (topLevel) ---- if (inF != null) { inF.cleanUp(); inF = null; } if (outF != null) { outF.cleanUp(); outF = null; } if (floatF != null) { for (ch = 0; ch < floatF.length; ch++) { if (floatF[ch] != null) { floatF[ch].cleanUp(); floatF[ch] = null; } if (tempFile[ch] != null) { tempFile[ch].delete(); tempFile[ch] = null; } } } } // process()
protected void process() { int i, j, ch, len, off, chunkLength; long progOff, progLen; float f1, f2; double d1; boolean extraAudioFile; // io AudioFile inF = null; AudioFile outF = null; AudioFile envInF = null; AudioFile envOutF = null; AudioFileDescr inStream = null; AudioFileDescr outStream = null; AudioFileDescr envInStream = null; AudioFileDescr envOutStream = null; FloatFile[] outFloatF = null; FloatFile[] envFloatF = null; File outTempFile[] = null; File envTempFile[] = null; int inChanNum, outChanNum, envInChanNum, envOutChanNum, shapeChanNum; int[][] shapeChan = null; int[][] inChan = null; float[][] shapeChanWeight = null; float[][] inChanWeight = null; // buffers float[][] inBuf = null; // Sound-In float[][] outBuf = null; // Sound-Out float[][] inEnvBuf = null; // Envelope of Input float[][] shapeEnvBuf = null; // Envelope of Shaper float[][] envInBuf = null; // Direct-In of Shaper-File float[] convBuf1, convBuf2; int inLength, outLength, envInLength, envOutLength; int framesRead, framesWritten; // re sound-files int framesRead2, framesWritten2; // re env-files Param ampRef = new Param(1.0, Param.ABS_AMP); // transform-Referenz Param peakGain; float gain = 1.0f; // gain abs amp float envGain = 1.0f; // gain abs amp float maxAmp = 0.0f; float envMaxAmp = 0.0f; float maxChange; int average, avrOff; double[] inEnergy, envInEnergy; PathField ggOutput; topLevel: try { // ---- open input, output; init ---- // input inF = AudioFile.openAsRead(new File(pr.text[PR_INPUTFILE])); inStream = inF.getDescr(); inChanNum = inStream.channels; inLength = (int) inStream.length; // this helps to prevent errors from empty files! if ((inLength < 1) || (inChanNum < 1)) throw new EOFException(ERR_EMPTY); // .... check running .... if (!threadRunning) break topLevel; envInLength = 0; envInChanNum = inChanNum; shapeChanNum = 0; // shape input switch (pr.intg[PR_ENVSOURCE]) { case SRC_SOUNDFILE: case SRC_ENVFILE: envInF = AudioFile.openAsRead(new File(pr.text[PR_ENVINFILE])); envInStream = envInF.getDescr(); envInChanNum = envInStream.channels; shapeChanNum = envInChanNum; envInLength = (int) envInStream.length; // this helps to prevent errors from empty files! if ((envInLength < 1) || (envInChanNum < 1)) throw new EOFException(ERR_EMPTY); i = Math.min(inLength, envInLength); inLength = i; envInLength = i; break; case SRC_ENV: if (pr.bool[PR_RIGHTCHAN]) { shapeChanNum = 2; envInChanNum = Math.max(envInChanNum, shapeChanNum); // ggf. mono => stereo } else { shapeChanNum = 1; } break; case SRC_INPUT: shapeChanNum = inChanNum; break; } // .... check running .... if (!threadRunning) break topLevel; outChanNum = Math.max(inChanNum, envInChanNum); outLength = inLength; shapeChan = new int[outChanNum][2]; shapeChanWeight = new float[outChanNum][2]; inChan = new int[outChanNum][2]; inChanWeight = new float[outChanNum][2]; extraAudioFile = (envInF != null) && (pr.intg[PR_ENVSOURCE] == SRC_SOUNDFILE); // not if SRC_ENVFILE!!! // calc weights for (ch = 0; ch < outChanNum; ch++) { if (shapeChanNum == 1) { shapeChan[ch][0] = 0; shapeChan[ch][1] = 0; shapeChanWeight[ch][0] = 1.0f; shapeChanWeight[ch][1] = 0.0f; } else { f1 = ((float) ch / (float) (outChanNum - 1)) * (float) (shapeChanNum - 1); shapeChan[ch][0] = (int) f1; // Math.max verhindert ArrayIndex-Fehler shapeChan[ch][1] = Math.min((int) f1 + 1, shapeChanNum - 1); // (Weight ist dabei eh Null) f1 %= 1.0f; shapeChanWeight[ch][0] = 1.0f - f1; shapeChanWeight[ch][1] = f1; } if (inChanNum == 1) { inChan[ch][0] = 0; inChan[ch][1] = 0; inChanWeight[ch][0] = 1.0f; inChanWeight[ch][1] = 0.0f; } else { f1 = ((float) ch / (float) (outChanNum - 1)) * (float) (inChanNum - 1); inChan[ch][0] = (int) f1; inChan[ch][1] = Math.min((int) f1 + 1, inChanNum - 1); f1 %= 1.0f; inChanWeight[ch][0] = 1.0f - f1; inChanWeight[ch][1] = f1; } /* for( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { System.out.println( "shapeChan["+ch+"]["+i+"] = "+shapeChan[ch][i] ); System.out.println( "shapeWeig["+ch+"]["+i+"] = "+shapeChanWeight[ch][i] ); System.out.println( "inputChan["+ch+"]["+i+"] = "+inChan[ch][i] ); System.out.println( "inputWeig["+ch+"]["+i+"] = "+inChanWeight[ch][i] ); } */ } // output ggOutput = (PathField) gui.getItemObj(GG_OUTPUTFILE); if (ggOutput == null) throw new IOException(ERR_MISSINGPROP); outStream = new AudioFileDescr(inStream); ggOutput.fillStream(outStream); outStream.channels = outChanNum; outF = AudioFile.openAsWrite(outStream); // .... check running .... if (!threadRunning) break topLevel; envOutLength = 0; envOutChanNum = 0; // envelope output if (pr.bool[PR_ENVOUTPUT]) { ggOutput = (PathField) gui.getItemObj(GG_ENVOUTFILE); if (ggOutput == null) throw new IOException(ERR_MISSINGPROP); envOutStream = new AudioFileDescr(inStream); ggOutput.fillStream(envOutStream); envOutStream.file = new File(pr.text[PR_ENVOUTFILE]); envOutF = AudioFile.openAsWrite(envOutStream); envOutLength = inLength; envOutChanNum = inChanNum; } // .... check running .... if (!threadRunning) break topLevel; // average buffer size d1 = Param.transform( pr.para[PR_AVERAGE], Param.ABS_MS, new Param(AudioFileDescr.samplesToMillis(inStream, inLength), Param.ABS_MS), null) .val; // average in millis average = ((int) (AudioFileDescr.millisToSamples(inStream, d1) + 0.5) & ~1) + 1; // always odd avrOff = (average >> 1) + 1; // first element needed for subtraction (see calcEnv()) progOff = 0; progLen = (long) Math.max(average - avrOff, inLength) + (long) (extraAudioFile ? Math.max(average - avrOff, envInLength) : envInLength) + (long) outLength + (long) envOutLength; // normalization requires temp files if (pr.intg[PR_GAINTYPE] == GAIN_UNITY) { outTempFile = new File[outChanNum]; outFloatF = new FloatFile[outChanNum]; for (ch = 0; ch < outChanNum; ch++) { // first zero them because an exception might be thrown outTempFile[ch] = null; outFloatF[ch] = null; } for (ch = 0; ch < outChanNum; ch++) { outTempFile[ch] = IOUtil.createTempFile(); outFloatF[ch] = new FloatFile(outTempFile[ch], GenericFile.MODE_OUTPUT); } progLen += (long) outLength; } else { gain = (float) (Param.transform(pr.para[PR_GAIN], Param.ABS_AMP, ampRef, null)).val; } // .... check running .... if (!threadRunning) break topLevel; // normalization requires temp files if (pr.intg[PR_ENVGAINTYPE] == GAIN_UNITY) { envTempFile = new File[envOutChanNum]; envFloatF = new FloatFile[envOutChanNum]; for (ch = 0; ch < envOutChanNum; ch++) { // first zero them because an exception might be thrown envTempFile[ch] = null; envFloatF[ch] = null; } for (ch = 0; ch < envOutChanNum; ch++) { envTempFile[ch] = IOUtil.createTempFile(); envFloatF[ch] = new FloatFile(envTempFile[ch], GenericFile.MODE_OUTPUT); } progLen += (long) envOutLength; } else { envGain = (float) (Param.transform(pr.para[PR_ENVGAIN], Param.ABS_AMP, ampRef, null)).val; } // .... check running .... if (!threadRunning) break topLevel; // ---- further inits ---- maxChange = (float) (Param.transform(pr.para[PR_MAXCHANGE], Param.ABS_AMP, ampRef, null)).val; inBuf = new float[inChanNum][8192 + average]; Util.clear(inBuf); outBuf = new float[outChanNum][8192]; Util.clear(outBuf); if (extraAudioFile) { envInBuf = new float[envInChanNum][8192 + average]; Util.clear(envInBuf); } inEnvBuf = new float[inChanNum][8192]; // = envOutBuf Util.clear(inEnvBuf); shapeEnvBuf = new float[envInChanNum][8192]; Util.clear(shapeEnvBuf); inEnergy = new double[inChanNum]; for (ch = 0; ch < inChanNum; ch++) { inEnergy[ch] = 0.0; } envInEnergy = new double[envInChanNum]; for (ch = 0; ch < envInChanNum; ch++) { envInEnergy[ch] = 0.0; } // System.out.println( "inLength "+inLength+"; envInLength "+envInLength+"; envOutLength // "+envOutLength+"; outLength "+outLength ); // System.out.println( "average "+average+"; avrOff "+avrOff ); // ----==================== buffer init ====================---- framesRead = 0; // re inF framesRead2 = 0; // re envInF // ---- init buffers ---- for (off = avrOff; threadRunning && (off < average); ) { len = Math.min(inLength - framesRead, Math.min(8192, average - off)); if (len == 0) break; inF.readFrames(inBuf, off, len); // calc initial energy per channel (see calcEnv()) for (ch = 0; ch < inChanNum; ch++) { convBuf1 = inBuf[ch]; d1 = 0.0; for (i = 0, j = off; i < len; i++) { f1 = convBuf1[j++]; d1 += f1 * f1; } inEnergy[ch] += d1; } framesRead += len; off += len; progOff += len; // .... progress .... setProgression((float) progOff / (float) progLen); } // zero padding bereits durch initialisierung mit Util.clear() passiert! if (extraAudioFile) { for (off = avrOff; threadRunning && (off < average); ) { len = Math.min(envInLength - framesRead2, Math.min(8192, average - off)); if (len == 0) break; envInF.readFrames(envInBuf, off, len); // calc initial energy per channel (see calcEnv()) for (ch = 0; ch < envInChanNum; ch++) { convBuf1 = envInBuf[ch]; d1 = 0.0; for (i = 0, j = off; i < len; i++) { f1 = convBuf1[j++]; d1 += f1 * f1; } envInEnergy[ch] += d1; } framesRead2 += len; off += len; progOff += len; // .... progress .... setProgression((float) progOff / (float) progLen); } // zero padding bereits durch initialisierung mit Util.clear() passiert! } // .... check running .... if (!threadRunning) break topLevel; // ----==================== the real stuff ====================---- framesWritten = 0; // re OutF framesWritten2 = 0; // re envOutF while (threadRunning && (framesWritten < outLength)) { chunkLength = Math.min(8192, outLength - framesWritten); // ---- read input chunk ---- len = Math.min(inLength - framesRead, chunkLength); inF.readFrames(inBuf, average, len); // zero padding for (ch = 0; ch < inChanNum; ch++) { convBuf1 = inBuf[ch]; for (i = len, j = len + average; i < chunkLength; i++) { convBuf1[j++] = 0.0f; } } framesRead += len; progOff += len; // .... progress .... setProgression((float) progOff / (float) progLen); // .... check running .... if (!threadRunning) break topLevel; // ---- read input env chunk ---- if (envInF != null) { len = Math.min(envInLength - framesRead2, chunkLength); if (extraAudioFile) { // ........ needs averaging ........ envInF.readFrames(envInBuf, average, len); // zero padding for (ch = 0; ch < envInChanNum; ch++) { convBuf1 = envInBuf[ch]; for (i = len, j = len + average; i < chunkLength; i++) { convBuf1[j++] = 0.0f; } } } else { // ........ is already env ........ envInF.readFrames(shapeEnvBuf, 0, len); // zero padding for (ch = 0; ch < envInChanNum; ch++) { convBuf1 = shapeEnvBuf[ch]; for (i = len; i < chunkLength; i++) { convBuf1[i] = 0.0f; } } } framesRead2 += len; progOff += len; // .... progress .... setProgression((float) progOff / (float) progLen); } // .... check running .... if (!threadRunning) break topLevel; // ---- calc input envelope ---- for (ch = 0; ch < inChanNum; ch++) { inEnergy[ch] = calcEnv(inBuf[ch], inEnvBuf[ch], average, chunkLength, inEnergy[ch]); } // ---- write output env file ---- if (pr.bool[PR_ENVOUTPUT]) { if (envFloatF != null) { // i.e. unity gain for (ch = 0; ch < envOutChanNum; ch++) { convBuf1 = inEnvBuf[ch]; for (i = 0; i < chunkLength; i++) { // measure max amp f1 = Math.abs(convBuf1[i]); if (f1 > envMaxAmp) { envMaxAmp = f1; } } envFloatF[ch].writeFloats(convBuf1, 0, chunkLength); } } else { // i.e. abs gain for (ch = 0; ch < envOutChanNum; ch++) { convBuf1 = inEnvBuf[ch]; for (i = 0; i < chunkLength; i++) { // measure max amp + adjust gain f1 = Math.abs(convBuf1[i]); convBuf1[i] *= envGain; if (f1 > envMaxAmp) { envMaxAmp = f1; } } } envOutF.writeFrames(inEnvBuf, 0, chunkLength); } framesWritten2 += chunkLength; progOff += chunkLength; // .... progress .... setProgression((float) progOff / (float) progLen); } // .... check running .... if (!threadRunning) break topLevel; // ---- calc shape envelope ---- switch (pr.intg[PR_ENVSOURCE]) { case SRC_INPUT: // shape env = input env for (ch = 0; ch < inChanNum; ch++) { System.arraycopy(inEnvBuf[ch], 0, shapeEnvBuf[ch], 0, chunkLength); } break; case SRC_SOUNDFILE: // calc shape env from envInBuf for (ch = 0; ch < envInChanNum; ch++) { envInEnergy[ch] = calcEnv(envInBuf[ch], shapeEnvBuf[ch], average, chunkLength, envInEnergy[ch]); } break; case SRC_ENVFILE: // nothing to do, we have already loaded the env break; // in the correct buffer case SRC_ENV: throw new IOException("Graphic env not yet supported"); } // ---- calc output ---- // first generate output envelope switch (pr.intg[PR_MODE]) { case MODE_SUPERPOSE: if (!pr.bool[PR_INVERT]) { // multiply by shape for (ch = 0; ch < outChanNum; ch++) { convBuf1 = outBuf[ch]; for (i = 0; i < chunkLength; i++) { f1 = shapeEnvBuf[shapeChan[ch][0]][i] * shapeChanWeight[ch][0] + shapeEnvBuf[shapeChan[ch][1]][i] * shapeChanWeight[ch][1]; convBuf1[i] = Math.min(maxChange, f1); } } } else { // divide by shape for (ch = 0; ch < outChanNum; ch++) { convBuf1 = outBuf[ch]; for (i = 0; i < chunkLength; i++) { f1 = shapeEnvBuf[shapeChan[ch][0]][i] * shapeChanWeight[ch][0] + shapeEnvBuf[shapeChan[ch][1]][i] * shapeChanWeight[ch][1]; if (f1 > 0.0f) { convBuf1[i] = Math.min(maxChange, 1.0f / f1); } else { convBuf1[i] = maxChange; } } } } break; case MODE_REPLACE: if (!pr.bool[PR_INVERT]) { // shape / input for (ch = 0; ch < outChanNum; ch++) { convBuf1 = outBuf[ch]; for (i = 0; i < chunkLength; i++) { f1 = shapeEnvBuf[shapeChan[ch][0]][i] * shapeChanWeight[ch][0] + shapeEnvBuf[shapeChan[ch][1]][i] * shapeChanWeight[ch][1]; f2 = inEnvBuf[inChan[ch][0]][i] * inChanWeight[ch][0] + inEnvBuf[inChan[ch][1]][i] * inChanWeight[ch][1]; if (f2 > 0.0f) { convBuf1[i] = Math.min(maxChange, f1 / f2); } else { convBuf1[i] = 0.0f; // input ist eh ueberall null, somit unveraenderlich } } } } else { // 1 / (shape * input) for (ch = 0; ch < outChanNum; ch++) { convBuf1 = outBuf[ch]; for (i = 0; i < chunkLength; i++) { f1 = shapeEnvBuf[shapeChan[ch][0]][i] * shapeChanWeight[ch][0] + shapeEnvBuf[shapeChan[ch][1]][i] * shapeChanWeight[ch][1]; f1 *= inEnvBuf[inChan[ch][0]][i] * inChanWeight[ch][0] + inEnvBuf[inChan[ch][1]][i] * inChanWeight[ch][1]; if (f1 > 0.0f) { convBuf1[i] = Math.min(maxChange, 1.0f / f1); } else { convBuf1[i] = maxChange; } } } } break; } // then multiply input bites if (inChanNum == outChanNum) { // no weighting - use faster routine for (ch = 0; ch < outChanNum; ch++) { convBuf1 = outBuf[ch]; convBuf2 = inBuf[ch]; for (i = 0, j = avrOff; i < chunkLength; i++, j++) { convBuf1[i] *= convBuf2[j]; } } } else { for (ch = 0; ch < outChanNum; ch++) { convBuf1 = outBuf[ch]; for (i = 0, j = avrOff; i < chunkLength; i++, j++) { f1 = inBuf[inChan[ch][0]][j] * inChanWeight[ch][0] + inBuf[inChan[ch][1]][j] * inChanWeight[ch][1]; convBuf1[i] *= f1; } } } // ---- write output sound file ---- if (outFloatF != null) { // i.e. unity gain for (ch = 0; ch < outChanNum; ch++) { convBuf1 = outBuf[ch]; for (i = 0; i < chunkLength; i++) { // measure max amp f1 = Math.abs(convBuf1[i]); if (f1 > maxAmp) { maxAmp = f1; } } outFloatF[ch].writeFloats(convBuf1, 0, chunkLength); } } else { // i.e. abs gain for (ch = 0; ch < outChanNum; ch++) { convBuf1 = outBuf[ch]; for (i = 0; i < chunkLength; i++) { // measure max amp + adjust gain f1 = Math.abs(convBuf1[i]); convBuf1[i] *= gain; if (f1 > maxAmp) { maxAmp = f1; } } } outF.writeFrames(outBuf, 0, chunkLength); } framesWritten += chunkLength; progOff += chunkLength; // .... progress .... setProgression((float) progOff / (float) progLen); // ---- shift buffers ---- for (ch = 0; ch < inChanNum; ch++) { // zero padding is performed after AudioFile.readFrames()! System.arraycopy(inBuf[ch], chunkLength, inBuf[ch], 0, average); } if (extraAudioFile) { for (ch = 0; ch < envInChanNum; ch++) { // zero padding is performed after AudioFile.readFrames()! System.arraycopy(envInBuf[ch], chunkLength, envInBuf[ch], 0, average); } } } // until framesWritten == outLength // .... check running .... if (!threadRunning) break topLevel; // ---- normalize output ---- // sound file if (pr.intg[PR_GAINTYPE] == GAIN_UNITY) { peakGain = new Param((double) maxAmp, Param.ABS_AMP); gain = (float) (Param.transform( pr.para[PR_GAIN], Param.ABS_AMP, new Param(1.0 / peakGain.val, peakGain.unit), null)) .val; f1 = 1.0f; if ((envOutF != null) && (pr.intg[PR_ENVGAINTYPE] == GAIN_UNITY)) { // leave prog space f1 = (1.0f + getProgression()) / 2; } normalizeAudioFile(outFloatF, outF, outBuf, gain, f1); for (ch = 0; ch < outChanNum; ch++) { outFloatF[ch].cleanUp(); outFloatF[ch] = null; outTempFile[ch].delete(); outTempFile[ch] = null; } } // .... check running .... if (!threadRunning) break topLevel; // envelope file if ((envOutF != null) && (pr.intg[PR_ENVGAINTYPE] == GAIN_UNITY)) { peakGain = new Param((double) envMaxAmp, Param.ABS_AMP); envGain = (float) (Param.transform( pr.para[PR_ENVGAIN], Param.ABS_AMP, new Param(1.0 / peakGain.val, peakGain.unit), null)) .val; normalizeAudioFile(envFloatF, envOutF, inEnvBuf, envGain, 1.0f); for (ch = 0; ch < envOutChanNum; ch++) { envFloatF[ch].cleanUp(); envFloatF[ch] = null; envTempFile[ch].delete(); envTempFile[ch] = null; } } // .... check running .... if (!threadRunning) break topLevel; // ---- Finish ---- outF.close(); outF = null; outStream = null; if (envOutF != null) { envOutF.close(); envOutF = null; envOutStream = null; } if (envInF != null) { envInF.close(); envInF = null; envInStream = null; } inF.close(); inF = null; inStream = null; outBuf = null; inBuf = null; inEnvBuf = null; envInBuf = null; shapeEnvBuf = null; // inform about clipping/ low level maxAmp *= gain; handleClipping(maxAmp); envMaxAmp *= envGain; // handleClipping( envMaxAmp ); // ;( routine nicht flexibel genug! } catch (IOException e1) { setError(e1); } catch (OutOfMemoryError e2) { inStream = null; outStream = null; envInStream = null; envOutStream = null; inBuf = null; outBuf = null; inEnvBuf = null; envInBuf = null; shapeEnvBuf = null; convBuf1 = null; convBuf2 = null; System.gc(); setError(new Exception(ERR_MEMORY)); ; } // ---- cleanup (topLevel) ---- if (inF != null) { inF.cleanUp(); inF = null; } if (outF != null) { outF.cleanUp(); outF = null; } if (envInF != null) { envInF.cleanUp(); envInF = null; } if (envOutF != null) { envOutF.cleanUp(); envOutF = null; } if (outFloatF != null) { for (ch = 0; ch < outFloatF.length; ch++) { if (outFloatF[ch] != null) outFloatF[ch].cleanUp(); if (outTempFile[ch] != null) outTempFile[ch].delete(); } } if (envFloatF != null) { for (ch = 0; ch < envFloatF.length; ch++) { if (envFloatF[ch] != null) envFloatF[ch].cleanUp(); if (envTempFile[ch] != null) envTempFile[ch].delete(); } } } // process()
/** Translation durchfuehren */ public void process() { int i, j, k; int ch, len; float f1; double d1, d2, d3, d4, d5; long progOff, progLen, lo; // io AudioFile reInF = null; AudioFile imInF = null; AudioFile reOutF = null; AudioFile imOutF = null; AudioFileDescr reInStream = null; AudioFileDescr imInStream = null; AudioFileDescr reOutStream = null; AudioFileDescr imOutStream = null; FloatFile reFloatF[] = null; FloatFile imFloatF[] = null; File reTempFile[] = null; File imTempFile[] = null; int outChanNum; float[][] reInBuf; // [ch][i] float[][] imInBuf; // [ch][i] float[][] reOutBuf = null; // [ch][i] float[][] imOutBuf = null; // [ch][i] float[] convBuf1, convBuf2; boolean complex; PathField ggOutput; // Synthesize Param ampRef = new Param(1.0, Param.ABS_AMP); // transform-Referenz float gain; // gain abs amp float dryGain, wetGain; float inGain; float maxAmp = 0.0f; Param peakGain; int inLength, inOff; int pre; int post; int length; int framesRead, framesWritten, outLength; boolean polarIn, polarOut; // phase unwrapping double[] phi; int[] wrap; double[] carry; Param lenRef; topLevel: try { complex = pr.bool[PR_HASIMINPUT] || pr.bool[PR_HASIMOUTPUT]; polarIn = pr.intg[PR_OPERATOR] == OP_POLAR2RECT; polarOut = pr.intg[PR_OPERATOR] == OP_RECT2POLAR; if ((polarIn || polarOut) && !complex) throw new IOException(ERR_NOTCOMPLEX); // ---- open input ---- reInF = AudioFile.openAsRead(new File(pr.text[PR_REINPUTFILE])); reInStream = reInF.getDescr(); inLength = (int) reInStream.length; reInBuf = new float[reInStream.channels][8192]; imInBuf = new float[reInStream.channels][8192]; if (pr.bool[PR_HASIMINPUT]) { imInF = AudioFile.openAsRead(new File(pr.text[PR_IMINPUTFILE])); imInStream = imInF.getDescr(); if (imInStream.channels != reInStream.channels) throw new IOException(ERR_COMPLEX); inLength = (int) Math.min(inLength, imInStream.length); } lenRef = new Param(AudioFileDescr.samplesToMillis(reInStream, inLength), Param.ABS_MS); d1 = AudioFileDescr.millisToSamples( reInStream, (Param.transform(pr.para[PR_OFFSET], Param.ABS_MS, lenRef, null).value)); j = (int) (d1 >= 0.0 ? (d1 + 0.5) : (d1 - 0.5)); // correct rounding for negative values! length = (int) (AudioFileDescr.millisToSamples( reInStream, (Param.transform(pr.para[PR_LENGTH], Param.ABS_MS, lenRef, null)).value) + 0.5); // System.err.println( "offset = "+j ); if (j >= 0) { inOff = Math.min(j, inLength); if (!pr.bool[PR_REVERSE]) { reInF.seekFrame(inOff); if (pr.bool[PR_HASIMINPUT]) { imInF.seekFrame(inOff); } } inLength -= inOff; pre = 0; } else { inOff = 0; pre = Math.min(-j, length); } inLength = Math.min(inLength, length - pre); post = length - pre - inLength; if (pr.bool[PR_REVERSE]) { i = pre; pre = post; post = i; inOff += inLength; } // .... check running .... if (!threadRunning) break topLevel; // for( op = 0; op < 2; op++ ) { // System.out.println( op +": pre "+pre[op]+" / len "+inLength[op]+" / post "+post[op] ); // } // System.out.println( "tot "+length[0]); outLength = length; outChanNum = reInStream.channels; // ---- open output ---- ggOutput = (PathField) gui.getItemObj(GG_REOUTPUTFILE); if (ggOutput == null) throw new IOException(ERR_MISSINGPROP); reOutStream = new AudioFileDescr(reInStream); ggOutput.fillStream(reOutStream); reOutStream.channels = outChanNum; // well, more sophisticated code would // move and truncate the markers... if ((pre == 0) /* && (post == 0) */) { reInF.readMarkers(); reOutStream.setProperty( AudioFileDescr.KEY_MARKERS, reInStream.getProperty(AudioFileDescr.KEY_MARKERS)); } reOutF = AudioFile.openAsWrite(reOutStream); reOutBuf = new float[outChanNum][8192]; imOutBuf = new float[outChanNum][8192]; if (pr.bool[PR_HASIMOUTPUT]) { imOutStream = new AudioFileDescr(reInStream); ggOutput.fillStream(imOutStream); imOutStream.channels = outChanNum; imOutStream.file = new File(pr.text[PR_IMOUTPUTFILE]); imOutF = AudioFile.openAsWrite(imOutStream); } // .... check running .... if (!threadRunning) break topLevel; // ---- Further inits ---- phi = new double[outChanNum]; wrap = new int[outChanNum]; carry = new double[outChanNum]; for (ch = 0; ch < outChanNum; ch++) { phi[ch] = 0.0; wrap[ch] = 0; carry[ch] = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } progOff = 0; // read, transform, write progLen = (long) outLength * 3; wetGain = (float) (Param.transform(pr.para[PR_WETMIX], Param.ABS_AMP, ampRef, null)).value; dryGain = (float) (Param.transform(pr.para[PR_DRYMIX], Param.ABS_AMP, ampRef, null)).value; if (pr.bool[PR_DRYINVERT]) { dryGain = -dryGain; } inGain = (float) (Param.transform(pr.para[PR_INPUTGAIN], Param.ABS_AMP, ampRef, null)).value; if (pr.bool[PR_INVERT]) { inGain = -inGain; } // normalization requires temp files if (pr.intg[PR_GAINTYPE] == GAIN_UNITY) { reTempFile = new File[outChanNum]; reFloatF = new FloatFile[outChanNum]; for (ch = 0; ch < outChanNum; ch++) { // first zero them because an exception might be thrown reTempFile[ch] = null; reFloatF[ch] = null; } for (ch = 0; ch < outChanNum; ch++) { reTempFile[ch] = IOUtil.createTempFile(); reFloatF[ch] = new FloatFile(reTempFile[ch], GenericFile.MODE_OUTPUT); } if (pr.bool[PR_HASIMOUTPUT]) { imTempFile = new File[outChanNum]; imFloatF = new FloatFile[outChanNum]; for (ch = 0; ch < outChanNum; ch++) { // first zero them because an exception might be thrown imTempFile[ch] = null; imFloatF[ch] = null; } for (ch = 0; ch < outChanNum; ch++) { imTempFile[ch] = IOUtil.createTempFile(); imFloatF[ch] = new FloatFile(imTempFile[ch], GenericFile.MODE_OUTPUT); } } progLen += outLength; } else { gain = (float) (Param.transform(pr.para[PR_GAIN], Param.ABS_AMP, ampRef, null)).value; wetGain *= gain; dryGain *= gain; } // .... check running .... if (!threadRunning) break topLevel; // ----==================== the real stuff ====================---- framesRead = 0; framesWritten = 0; while (threadRunning && (framesWritten < outLength)) { // ---- choose chunk len ---- len = Math.min(8192, outLength - framesWritten); if (pre > 0) { len = Math.min(len, pre); } else if (inLength > 0) { len = Math.min(len, inLength); } else { len = Math.min(len, post); } // ---- read input chunks ---- if (pre > 0) { Util.clear(reInBuf); if (complex) { Util.clear(imInBuf); } pre -= len; } else if (inLength > 0) { if (pr.bool[PR_REVERSE]) { // ---- read reversed ---- reInF.seekFrame(inOff - framesRead - len); reInF.readFrames(reInBuf, 0, len); for (ch = 0; ch < reInStream.channels; ch++) { convBuf1 = reInBuf[ch]; for (i = 0, j = len - 1; i < j; i++, j--) { f1 = convBuf1[j]; convBuf1[j] = convBuf1[i]; convBuf1[i] = f1; } } if (pr.bool[PR_HASIMINPUT]) { imInF.seekFrame(inOff - framesRead - len); imInF.readFrames(imInBuf, 0, len); for (ch = 0; ch < imInStream.channels; ch++) { convBuf1 = imInBuf[ch]; for (i = 0, j = len - 1; i < j; i++, j--) { f1 = convBuf1[j]; convBuf1[j] = convBuf1[i]; convBuf1[i] = f1; } } } else if (complex) { Util.clear(imInBuf); } } else { // ---- read normal ---- reInF.readFrames(reInBuf, 0, len); if (pr.bool[PR_HASIMINPUT]) { imInF.readFrames(imInBuf, 0, len); } else if (complex) { Util.clear(imInBuf); } } inLength -= len; framesRead += len; } else { Util.clear(reInBuf); if (complex) { Util.clear(imInBuf); } post -= len; } progOff += len; // .... progress .... setProgression((float) progOff / (float) progLen); // .... check running .... if (!threadRunning) break topLevel; // ---- save dry signal ---- for (ch = 0; ch < outChanNum; ch++) { convBuf1 = reInBuf[ch]; convBuf2 = reOutBuf[ch]; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { convBuf2[i] = convBuf1[i] * dryGain; } if (complex) { convBuf1 = imInBuf[ch]; convBuf2 = imOutBuf[ch]; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { convBuf2[i] = convBuf1[i] * dryGain; } } } // ---- rectify + apply input gain ---- for (ch = 0; ch < reInStream.channels; ch++) { convBuf1 = reInBuf[ch]; convBuf2 = imInBuf[ch]; // ---- rectify ---- if (pr.bool[PR_RECTIFY]) { if (complex) { if (polarIn) { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { convBuf2[i] = 0.0f; } } else { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { d1 = convBuf1[i]; d2 = convBuf2[i]; convBuf1[i] = (float) Math.sqrt(d1 * d1 + d2 * d2); convBuf2[i] = 0.0f; } } } else { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { convBuf1[i] = Math.abs(convBuf1[i]); } } } // ---- apply input gain ---- Util.mult(convBuf1, 0, len, inGain); if (complex & !polarIn) { Util.mult(convBuf2, 0, len, inGain); } } // ---- heart of the dragon ---- for (ch = 0; ch < outChanNum; ch++) { convBuf1 = reInBuf[ch]; convBuf2 = imInBuf[ch]; switch (pr.intg[PR_OPERATOR]) { case OP_NONE: // ================ None ================ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { reOutBuf[ch][i] += wetGain * convBuf1[i]; } if (complex) { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { imOutBuf[ch][i] += wetGain * convBuf2[i]; } } break; case OP_SIN: // ================ Cosinus ================ if (complex) { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { reOutBuf[ch][i] += wetGain * (float) Math.sin(convBuf1[i] * Math.PI); imOutBuf[ch][i] += wetGain * (float) Math.sin(convBuf2[i] * Math.PI); } } else { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { reOutBuf[ch][i] += wetGain * (float) Math.sin(convBuf1[i] * Math.PI); } } break; case OP_SQR: // ================ Square ================ if (complex) { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { reOutBuf[ch][i] += wetGain * (convBuf1[i] * convBuf1[i] - convBuf2[i] * convBuf2[i]); imOutBuf[ch][i] -= wetGain * (convBuf1[i] * convBuf2[i] * 2); } } else { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { reOutBuf[ch][i] += wetGain * (convBuf1[i] * convBuf1[i]); } } break; case OP_SQRT: // ================ Square root ================ if (complex) { d3 = phi[ch]; k = wrap[ch]; d4 = k * Constants.PI2; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { d1 = wetGain * Math.pow(convBuf1[i] * convBuf1[i] + convBuf2[i] * convBuf2[i], 0.25); d2 = Math.atan2(convBuf2[i], convBuf1[i]); if (d2 - d3 > Math.PI) { k--; d4 = k * Constants.PI2; } else if (d3 - d2 > Math.PI) { k++; d4 = k * Constants.PI2; } d2 += d4; d3 = d2; d2 /= 2; reOutBuf[ch][i] += (float) (d1 * Math.cos(d2)); imOutBuf[ch][i] += (float) (d1 * Math.sin(d2)); } phi[ch] = d3; wrap[ch] = k; } else { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { f1 = convBuf1[i]; if (f1 > 0) { reOutBuf[ch][i] += wetGain * (float) Math.sqrt(f1); } // else undefiniert } } break; case OP_RECT2POLARW: // ================ Rect->Polar (wrapped) ================ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { d1 = wetGain * Math.sqrt(convBuf1[i] * convBuf1[i] + convBuf2[i] * convBuf2[i]); d2 = Math.atan2(convBuf2[i], convBuf1[i]); reOutBuf[ch][i] += (float) d1; imOutBuf[ch][i] += (float) d2; } break; case OP_RECT2POLAR: // ================ Rect->Polar ================ d3 = phi[ch]; k = wrap[ch]; d4 = k * Constants.PI2; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { d1 = wetGain * Math.sqrt(convBuf1[i] * convBuf1[i] + convBuf2[i] * convBuf2[i]); d2 = Math.atan2(convBuf2[i], convBuf1[i]); if (d2 - d3 > Math.PI) { k--; d4 = k * Constants.PI2; } else if (d3 - d2 > Math.PI) { k++; d4 = k * Constants.PI2; } d2 += d4; reOutBuf[ch][i] += (float) d1; imOutBuf[ch][i] += (float) d2; d3 = d2; } phi[ch] = d3; wrap[ch] = k; break; case OP_POLAR2RECT: // ================ Polar->Rect ================ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { f1 = wetGain * convBuf1[i]; reOutBuf[ch][i] += f1 * (float) Math.cos(convBuf2[i]); imOutBuf[ch][i] += f1 * (float) Math.sin(convBuf2[i]); } break; case OP_LOG: // ================ Log ================ if (complex) { d3 = phi[ch]; k = wrap[ch]; d4 = k * Constants.PI2; d5 = carry[ch]; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { d1 = Math.sqrt(convBuf1[i] * convBuf1[i] + convBuf2[i] * convBuf2[i]); d2 = Math.atan2(convBuf2[i], convBuf1[i]); if (d2 - d3 > Math.PI) { k--; d4 = k * Constants.PI2; } else if (d3 - d2 > Math.PI) { k++; d4 = k * Constants.PI2; } if (d1 > 0.0) { d5 = Math.log(d1); } d2 += d4; reOutBuf[ch][i] += (float) d5; imOutBuf[ch][i] += (float) d2; d3 = d2; } phi[ch] = d3; wrap[ch] = k; carry[ch] = d5; } else { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { f1 = convBuf1[i]; if (f1 > 0) { reOutBuf[ch][i] += wetGain * (float) Math.log(f1); } // else undefiniert } } break; case OP_EXP: // ================ Exp ================ if (complex) { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { d1 = wetGain * Math.exp(convBuf1[i]); reOutBuf[ch][i] += (float) (d1 * Math.cos(convBuf2[i])); imOutBuf[ch][i] += (float) (d1 * Math.sin(convBuf2[i])); } } else { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { reOutBuf[ch][i] += wetGain * (float) Math.exp(convBuf1[i]); } } break; case OP_NOT: // ================ NOT ================ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { lo = ~((long) (convBuf1[i] * 2147483647.0)); reOutBuf[ch][i] += wetGain * (float) ((lo & 0xFFFFFFFFL) / 2147483647.0); } if (complex) { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { lo = ~((long) (convBuf2[i] * 2147483647.0)); imOutBuf[ch][i] += wetGain * (float) ((lo & 0xFFFFFFFFL) / 2147483647.0); } } break; } } // for outChan progOff += len; // .... progress .... setProgression((float) progOff / (float) progLen); // .... check running .... if (!threadRunning) break topLevel; // ---- write output chunk ---- if (reFloatF != null) { for (ch = 0; ch < outChanNum; ch++) { reFloatF[ch].writeFloats(reOutBuf[ch], 0, len); if (pr.bool[PR_HASIMOUTPUT]) { imFloatF[ch].writeFloats(imOutBuf[ch], 0, len); } } } else { reOutF.writeFrames(reOutBuf, 0, len); if (pr.bool[PR_HASIMOUTPUT]) { imOutF.writeFrames(imOutBuf, 0, len); } } // check max amp for (ch = 0; ch < outChanNum; ch++) { convBuf1 = reOutBuf[ch]; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { f1 = Math.abs(convBuf1[i]); if (f1 > maxAmp) { maxAmp = f1; } } if (pr.bool[PR_HASIMOUTPUT]) { convBuf1 = imOutBuf[ch]; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { f1 = Math.abs(convBuf1[i]); if (f1 > maxAmp) { maxAmp = f1; } } } } progOff += len; framesWritten += len; // .... progress .... setProgression((float) progOff / (float) progLen); } // while not framesWritten // ----==================== normalize output ====================---- if (pr.intg[PR_GAINTYPE] == GAIN_UNITY) { peakGain = new Param(maxAmp, Param.ABS_AMP); gain = (float) (Param.transform( pr.para[PR_GAIN], Param.ABS_AMP, new Param(1.0 / peakGain.value, peakGain.unit), null)) .value; f1 = pr.bool[PR_HASIMOUTPUT] ? ((1.0f + getProgression()) / 2) : 1.0f; normalizeAudioFile(reFloatF, reOutF, reOutBuf, gain, f1); if (pr.bool[PR_HASIMOUTPUT]) { normalizeAudioFile(imFloatF, imOutF, imOutBuf, gain, 1.0f); } maxAmp *= gain; for (ch = 0; ch < outChanNum; ch++) { reFloatF[ch].cleanUp(); reFloatF[ch] = null; reTempFile[ch].delete(); reTempFile[ch] = null; if (pr.bool[PR_HASIMOUTPUT]) { imFloatF[ch].cleanUp(); imFloatF[ch] = null; imTempFile[ch].delete(); imTempFile[ch] = null; } } } // .... check running .... if (!threadRunning) break topLevel; // ---- Finish ---- reOutF.close(); reOutF = null; reOutStream = null; if (imOutF != null) { imOutF.close(); imOutF = null; imOutStream = null; } reInF.close(); reInF = null; reInStream = null; if (pr.bool[PR_HASIMINPUT]) { imInF.close(); imInF = null; imInStream = null; } reOutBuf = null; imOutBuf = null; reInBuf = null; imInBuf = null; // inform about clipping/ low level handleClipping(maxAmp); } catch (IOException e1) { setError(e1); } catch (OutOfMemoryError e2) { reOutBuf = null; imOutBuf = null; reInBuf = null; imInBuf = null; convBuf1 = null; convBuf2 = null; System.gc(); setError(new Exception(ERR_MEMORY)); } // ---- cleanup (topLevel) ---- convBuf1 = null; convBuf2 = null; if (reInF != null) { reInF.cleanUp(); reInF = null; } if (imInF != null) { imInF.cleanUp(); imInF = null; } if (reOutF != null) { reOutF.cleanUp(); reOutF = null; } if (imOutF != null) { imOutF.cleanUp(); imOutF = null; } if (reFloatF != null) { for (ch = 0; ch < reFloatF.length; ch++) { if (reFloatF[ch] != null) { reFloatF[ch].cleanUp(); reFloatF[ch] = null; } if (reTempFile[ch] != null) { reTempFile[ch].delete(); reTempFile[ch] = null; } } } if (imFloatF != null) { for (ch = 0; ch < imFloatF.length; ch++) { if (imFloatF[ch] != null) { imFloatF[ch].cleanUp(); imFloatF[ch] = null; } if (imTempFile[ch] != null) { imTempFile[ch].delete(); imTempFile[ch] = null; } } } } // process()