Example #1
   * DBSCAN-function expandCluster.
   * <p>Border-Objects become members of the first possible cluster.
   * @param relation Database relation to run on
   * @param rangeQuery Range query to use
   * @param startObjectID potential seed of a new potential cluster
   * @param objprog the progress object for logging the current status
  protected void expandCluster(
      Relation<O> relation,
      RangeQuery<O> rangeQuery,
      DBIDRef startObjectID,
      FiniteProgress objprog,
      IndefiniteProgress clusprog) {
    DoubleDBIDList neighbors = rangeQuery.getRangeForDBID(startObjectID, epsilon);
    ncounter += neighbors.size();

    // startObject is no core-object
    if (neighbors.size() < minpts) {
      if (objprog != null) {

    ModifiableDBIDs currentCluster = DBIDUtil.newArray();

    // try to expand the cluster
    HashSetModifiableDBIDs seeds = DBIDUtil.newHashSet();
    processNeighbors(neighbors.iter(), currentCluster, seeds);

    DBIDVar o = DBIDUtil.newVar();
    while (!seeds.isEmpty()) {
      neighbors = rangeQuery.getRangeForDBID(o, epsilon);
      ncounter += neighbors.size();

      if (neighbors.size() >= minpts) {
        processNeighbors(neighbors.iter(), currentCluster, seeds);

      if (objprog != null) {
    if (clusprog != null) {
      clusprog.setProcessed(resultList.size(), LOG);
Example #2
   * Main loop of OUTRES. Run for each object
   * @param s start dimension
   * @param subspace Current subspace
   * @param id Current object ID
   * @param kernel Kernel
   * @return Score
  public double outresScore(
      final int s, long[] subspace, DBIDRef id, KernelDensityEstimator kernel) {
    double score = 1.0; // Initial score is 1.0
    final SubspaceEuclideanDistanceFunction df = new SubspaceEuclideanDistanceFunction(subspace);
    MeanVariance meanv = new MeanVariance();

    for (int i = s; i < kernel.dim; i++) {
      if (BitsUtil.get(subspace, i)) { // TODO: needed? Or should we always start
        // with i=0?
      BitsUtil.setI(subspace, i);
      final double adjustedEps = kernel.adjustedEps(kernel.dim);
      // Query with a larger window, to also get neighbors of neighbors
      // Subspace euclidean is metric!
      final double range = adjustedEps * 2.;
      RangeQuery<V> rq = QueryUtil.getRangeQuery(kernel.relation, df, range);

      DoubleDBIDList neighc = rq.getRangeForDBID(id, range);
      DoubleDBIDList neigh = refineRange(neighc, adjustedEps);
      if (neigh.size() > 2) {
        // Relevance test
        if (relevantSubspace(subspace, neigh, kernel)) {
          final double density = kernel.subspaceDensity(subspace, neigh);
          // Compute mean and standard deviation for densities of neighbors.
          for (DoubleDBIDListIter neighbor = neigh.iter(); neighbor.valid(); neighbor.advance()) {
            DoubleDBIDList n2 = subsetNeighborhoodQuery(neighc, neighbor, df, adjustedEps, kernel);
            meanv.put(kernel.subspaceDensity(subspace, n2));
          final double deviation = (meanv.getMean() - density) / (2. * meanv.getSampleStddev());
          // High deviation:
          if (deviation >= 1) {
            score *= (density / deviation);
          // Recursion
          score *= outresScore(i + 1, subspace, id, kernel);
      BitsUtil.clearI(subspace, i);
    return score;
Example #3
File: LOCI.java Project: fjfd/elki
   * Preprocessing step: determine the radii of interest for each point.
   * @param ids IDs to process
   * @param rangeQuery Range query
   * @param interestingDistances Distances of interest
  protected void precomputeInterestingRadii(
      DBIDs ids,
      RangeQuery<O> rangeQuery,
      WritableDataStore<DoubleIntArrayList> interestingDistances) {
    FiniteProgress progressPreproc =
        LOG.isVerbose() ? new FiniteProgress("LOCI preprocessing", ids.size(), LOG) : null;
    for (DBIDIter iditer = ids.iter(); iditer.valid(); iditer.advance()) {
      DoubleDBIDList neighbors = rangeQuery.getRangeForDBID(iditer, rmax);
      // build list of critical distances
      DoubleIntArrayList cdist = new DoubleIntArrayList(neighbors.size() << 1);
        int i = 0;
        DoubleDBIDListIter ni = neighbors.iter();
        while (ni.valid()) {
          final double curdist = ni.doubleValue();
          // Skip, if tied to the next object:
          if (ni.valid() && curdist == ni.doubleValue()) {
          cdist.append(curdist, i);
          // Scale radius, and reinsert
          if (alpha != 1.) {
            final double ri = curdist / alpha;
            if (ri <= rmax) {
              cdist.append(ri, Integer.MIN_VALUE);

      // fill the gaps to have fast lookups of number of neighbors at a given
      // distance.
      int lastk = 0;
      for (int i = 0, size = cdist.size(); i < size; i++) {
        final int k = cdist.getInt(i);
        if (k == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
          cdist.setValue(i, lastk);
        } else {
          lastk = k;
      // TODO: shrink the list, removing duplicate radii?

      interestingDistances.put(iditer, cdist);
Example #4
File: LOCI.java Project: fjfd/elki
   * Run the algorithm
   * @param database Database to process
   * @param relation Relation to process
   * @return Outlier result
  public OutlierResult run(Database database, Relation<O> relation) {
    DistanceQuery<O> distFunc = database.getDistanceQuery(relation, getDistanceFunction());
    RangeQuery<O> rangeQuery = database.getRangeQuery(distFunc);
    DBIDs ids = relation.getDBIDs();

    // LOCI preprocessing step
    WritableDataStore<DoubleIntArrayList> interestingDistances =
            DataStoreFactory.HINT_TEMP | DataStoreFactory.HINT_SORTED,
    precomputeInterestingRadii(ids, rangeQuery, interestingDistances);
    // LOCI main step
    FiniteProgress progressLOCI =
        LOG.isVerbose() ? new FiniteProgress("LOCI scores", relation.size(), LOG) : null;
    WritableDoubleDataStore mdef_norm =
        DataStoreUtil.makeDoubleStorage(relation.getDBIDs(), DataStoreFactory.HINT_STATIC);
    WritableDoubleDataStore mdef_radius =
        DataStoreUtil.makeDoubleStorage(relation.getDBIDs(), DataStoreFactory.HINT_STATIC);
    DoubleMinMax minmax = new DoubleMinMax();

    // Shared instance, to save allocations.
    MeanVariance mv_n_r_alpha = new MeanVariance();

    for (DBIDIter iditer = ids.iter(); iditer.valid(); iditer.advance()) {
      final DoubleIntArrayList cdist = interestingDistances.get(iditer);
      final double maxdist = cdist.getDouble(cdist.size() - 1);
      final int maxneig = cdist.getInt(cdist.size() - 1);

      double maxmdefnorm = 0.0;
      double maxnormr = 0;
      if (maxneig >= nmin) {
        // Compute the largest neighborhood we will need.
        DoubleDBIDList maxneighbors = rangeQuery.getRangeForDBID(iditer, maxdist);
        // TODO: Ensure the result is sorted. This is currently implied.

        // For any critical distance, compute the normalized MDEF score.
        for (int i = 0, size = cdist.size(); i < size; i++) {
          // Only start when minimum size is fulfilled
          if (cdist.getInt(i) < nmin) {
          final double r = cdist.getDouble(i);
          final double alpha_r = alpha * r;
          // compute n(p_i, \alpha * r) from list (note: alpha_r is not cdist!)
          final int n_alphar = cdist.getInt(cdist.find(alpha_r));
          // compute \hat{n}(p_i, r, \alpha) and the corresponding \simga_{MDEF}
          for (DoubleDBIDListIter neighbor = maxneighbors.iter();
              neighbor.advance()) {
            // Stop at radius r
            if (neighbor.doubleValue() > r) {
            DoubleIntArrayList cdist2 = interestingDistances.get(neighbor);
            int rn_alphar = cdist2.getInt(cdist2.find(alpha_r));
          // We only use the average and standard deviation
          final double nhat_r_alpha = mv_n_r_alpha.getMean();
          final double sigma_nhat_r_alpha = mv_n_r_alpha.getNaiveStddev();

          // Redundant divisions by nhat_r_alpha removed.
          final double mdef = nhat_r_alpha - n_alphar;
          final double sigmamdef = sigma_nhat_r_alpha;
          final double mdefnorm = mdef / sigmamdef;

          if (mdefnorm > maxmdefnorm) {
            maxmdefnorm = mdefnorm;
            maxnormr = r;
      } else {
        // FIXME: when nmin was not fulfilled - what is the proper value then?
        maxmdefnorm = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
        maxnormr = maxdist;
      mdef_norm.putDouble(iditer, maxmdefnorm);
      mdef_radius.putDouble(iditer, maxnormr);
    DoubleRelation scoreResult =
        new MaterializedDoubleRelation(
            "LOCI normalized MDEF", "loci-mdef-outlier", mdef_norm, relation.getDBIDs());
    OutlierScoreMeta scoreMeta =
        new QuotientOutlierScoreMeta(
            minmax.getMin(), minmax.getMax(), 0.0, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, 0.0);
    OutlierResult result = new OutlierResult(scoreMeta, scoreResult);
        new MaterializedDoubleRelation(
            "LOCI MDEF Radius", "loci-critical-radius", mdef_radius, relation.getDBIDs()));
    return result;
Example #5
   * Performs a single run of FastDOC, finding a single cluster.
   * @param database Database context
   * @param relation used to get actual values for DBIDs.
   * @param S The set of points we're working on.
   * @param d Dimensionality of the data set we're currently working on.
   * @param r Size of random samples.
   * @param m Number of inner iterations (per seed point).
   * @param n Number of outer iterations (seed points).
   * @return a cluster, if one is found, else <code>null</code>.
  private Cluster<SubspaceModel> runFastDOC(
      Database database, Relation<V> relation, ArrayModifiableDBIDs S, int d, int n, int m, int r) {
    // Relevant attributes of highest cardinality.
    long[] D = null;
    // The seed point for the best dimensions.
    DBIDVar dV = DBIDUtil.newVar();

    // Inform the user about the progress in the current iteration.
    FiniteProgress iprogress =
            ? new FiniteProgress("Iteration progress for current cluster", m * n, LOG)
            : null;

    Random random = rnd.getSingleThreadedRandom();

    DBIDArrayIter iter = S.iter();
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      // Pick a random seed point.

      for (int j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
        // Choose a set of random points.
        DBIDs randomSet = DBIDUtil.randomSample(S, r, random);

        // Initialize cluster info.
        long[] nD = BitsUtil.zero(d);

        // Test each dimension.
        for (int k = 0; k < d; ++k) {
          if (dimensionIsRelevant(k, relation, randomSet)) {
            BitsUtil.setI(nD, k);

        if (D == null || BitsUtil.cardinality(nD) > BitsUtil.cardinality(D)) {
          D = nD;

          if (BitsUtil.cardinality(D) >= d_zero) {
            if (iprogress != null) {
              iprogress.setProcessed(iprogress.getTotal(), LOG);
            break outer;

    // If no relevant dimensions were found, skip it.
    if (D == null || BitsUtil.cardinality(D) == 0) {
      return null;

    // Get all points in the box.
    SubspaceMaximumDistanceFunction df = new SubspaceMaximumDistanceFunction(D);
    DistanceQuery<V> dq = database.getDistanceQuery(relation, df);
    RangeQuery<V> rq = database.getRangeQuery(dq, DatabaseQuery.HINT_SINGLE);

    // TODO: add filtering capabilities into query API!
    DBIDs C = DBIDUtil.intersection(S, rq.getRangeForDBID(dV, w));

    // If we have a non-empty cluster, return it.
    return (C.size() > 0) ? makeCluster(relation, C, D) : null;
Example #6
   * Performs a single run of DOC, finding a single cluster.
   * @param database Database context
   * @param relation used to get actual values for DBIDs.
   * @param S The set of points we're working on.
   * @param d Dimensionality of the data set we're currently working on.
   * @param r Size of random samples.
   * @param m Number of inner iterations (per seed point).
   * @param n Number of outer iterations (seed points).
   * @param minClusterSize Minimum size a cluster must have to be accepted.
   * @return a cluster, if one is found, else <code>null</code>.
  private Cluster<SubspaceModel> runDOC(
      Database database,
      Relation<V> relation,
      ArrayModifiableDBIDs S,
      final int d,
      int n,
      int m,
      int r,
      int minClusterSize) {
    // Best cluster for the current run.
    DBIDs C = null;
    // Relevant attributes for the best cluster.
    long[] D = null;
    // Quality of the best cluster.
    double quality = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;

    // Bounds for our cluster.
    // ModifiableHyperBoundingBox bounds = new ModifiableHyperBoundingBox(new
    // double[d], new double[d]);

    // Weights for distance (= rectangle query)
    SubspaceMaximumDistanceFunction df = new SubspaceMaximumDistanceFunction(BitsUtil.zero(d));
    DistanceQuery<V> dq = database.getDistanceQuery(relation, df);
    RangeQuery<V> rq = database.getRangeQuery(dq);

    // Inform the user about the progress in the current iteration.
    FiniteProgress iprogress =
            ? new FiniteProgress("Iteration progress for current cluster", m * n, LOG)
            : null;

    Random random = rnd.getSingleThreadedRandom();
    DBIDArrayIter iter = S.iter();

    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      // Pick a random seed point.

      for (int j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
        // Choose a set of random points.
        DBIDs randomSet = DBIDUtil.randomSample(S, r, random);

        // Initialize cluster info.
        long[] nD = BitsUtil.zero(d);

        // Test each dimension and build bounding box.
        for (int k = 0; k < d; ++k) {
          if (dimensionIsRelevant(k, relation, randomSet)) {
            BitsUtil.setI(nD, k);
        if (BitsUtil.cardinality(nD) > 0) {
          // Get all points in the box.
          // TODO: add filtering capabilities into query API!
          DBIDs nC = DBIDUtil.intersection(S, rq.getRangeForDBID(iter, w));

          if (LOG.isDebuggingFiner()) {
                "Testing a cluster candidate, |C| = "
                    + nC.size()
                    + ", |D| = "
                    + BitsUtil.cardinality(nD));

          // Is the cluster large enough?
          if (nC.size() < minClusterSize) {
            // Too small.
            if (LOG.isDebuggingFiner()) {
              LOG.finer("... but it's too small.");
          } else {
            // Better cluster than before?
            double nQuality = computeClusterQuality(nC.size(), BitsUtil.cardinality(nD));
            if (nQuality > quality) {
              if (LOG.isDebuggingFiner()) {
                LOG.finer("... and it's the best so far: " + nQuality + " vs. " + quality);
              C = nC;
              D = nD;
              quality = nQuality;
            } else {
              if (LOG.isDebuggingFiner()) {
                LOG.finer("... but we already have a better one.");

    return (C != null) ? makeCluster(relation, C, D) : null;