private final void computeArray( final double[] vd, final int[] vertices, final double[] nd, final int[] normals) { if (2 * vertices.length + 6 >= (vertexData.length - vertexCount) / Polygon.VERTEX_LENGTH) increaseVertexCapacity(vertices.length / 3); int vc = vertexCount; for (int i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++) { int vi = vertices[i]; VecMat.transform(matrix, vd[vi++], vd[vi++], vd[vi], vertexData, vc + Polygon.SX); vertexData[vc + Polygon.SW] = 1; int ni = normals[i]; VecMat.transformNormal( inverseTransposeMatrix, nd[ni++], nd[ni++], nd[ni], vertexData, vc + Polygon.NX); vc += Polygon.VERTEX_LENGTH; if (vertexColors) { DoubleArray color = vertexColor.item(vi / 3).toDoubleArray(); vertexData[vc + Polygon.R] = color.getValueAt(0); vertexData[vc + Polygon.G] = color.getValueAt(1); vertexData[vc + Polygon.B] = color.getValueAt(2); vertexData[vc + Polygon.A] = (vertexColorLength == 4 || (vertexColorLength == -1 && color.getLength() > 3)) ? color.getValueAt(3) : 1.; } } compute(vertices.length); }
public ToolEvent process(VirtualDeviceContext context) throws MissingSlotException { if (context.getEvent().getInputSlot() == cameraToWorld) return null; DoubleArray pointer = context.getTransformationMatrix(pointerNDC); if (pointer == null) throw new MissingSlotException(pointerNDC); if (oldX == Integer.MAX_VALUE) { oldX = pointer.getValueAt(3); oldY = pointer.getValueAt(7); return null; } double x = pointer.getValueAt(3); double y = pointer.getValueAt(7); double dist = x * x + y * y; double z = 2 > dist ? Math.sqrt(2 - dist) : 0; Rn.setToValue(mouseCoords, x, y, z); mouseCoords = Rn.normalize(mouseCoords, mouseCoords); double[] cross = Rn.crossProduct(null, mouseCoordsOld, mouseCoords); double angle = gain * Math.asin(Rn.euclideanNorm(cross)); double[] cross4 = {cross[0], cross[1], cross[2], 0}; cross = new Matrix(context.getTransformationMatrix(cameraToWorld)).multiplyVector(cross4); result.assignFrom(P3.makeRotationMatrix(null, cross, angle)); Rn.setToValue(mouseCoordsOld, x, y, z); return new ToolEvent(this, context.getEvent().getTimeStamp(), out, da); }
public final void processPseudoTube(DoubleArray from, DoubleArray to) { if (lineShader == null) return; shader = lineShader.getPolygonShader(); double w = 1; if (from.size() == 4) w = from.getValueAt(3); VecMat.transform( matrix, from.getValueAt(0), from.getValueAt(1), from.getValueAt(2), w, point0, 0); VecMat.transformUnNormalized(matrix, 0, 0, lineWidth, normal0, 0); w = 1; if (to.size() == 4) w = to.getValueAt(3); VecMat.transform(matrix, to.getValueAt(0), to.getValueAt(1), to.getValueAt(2), w, point1, 0); double[] mat = matrix; double[] tmat = inverseTransposeMatrix; matrix = identity; inverseTransposeMatrix = identity; direction[0] = point1[0] - point0[0]; direction[1] = point1[1] - point0[1]; direction[2] = point1[2] - point0[2]; // TODO: decide: better but slower: zzNormal[0] = point1[0] + point0[0]; zzNormal[1] = point1[1] + point0[1]; zzNormal[2] = point1[2] + point0[2]; VecMat.normalize(zzNormal); // TODO make only one call to norm... if (VecMat.norm(direction) == 0) { matrix = mat; inverseTransposeMatrix = tmat; return; } VecMat.normalize(direction); double length = VecMat.norm(normal0); VecMat.cross(direction, zzNormal, normal0); VecMat.normalize(normal0); VecMat.cross(normal0, direction, normal1); normal0[0] *= length; normal0[1] *= length; // allways zero: normal0[2] *= length; VecMat.normalize(normal1); if (, zzNormal) < 0) { normal1[0] *= -1; normal1[1] *= -1; normal1[2] *= -1; System.out.println("flip"); } line[0] = point0[0] - normal0[0]; line[1] = point0[1] - normal0[1]; line[2] = point0[2]; line[3] = point0[0]; line[4] = point0[1]; line[5] = point0[2] + length; line[6] = point1[0]; line[7] = point1[1]; line[8] = point1[2] + length; line[9] = point1[0] - normal0[0]; line[10] = point1[1] - normal0[1]; line[11] = point1[2]; normal2[0] = +cs / length * normal0[0] + ss * normal1[0]; normal2[1] = +cs / length * normal0[1] + ss * normal1[1]; normal2[2] = ss * normal1[2]; normal2[3] = normal1[0]; normal2[4] = normal1[1]; normal2[5] = normal1[2]; computeArrayNoTransform(line, lineIndices, normal2, nIndices); ///// line[0] = point0[0]; line[1] = point0[1]; line[2] = point0[2] + length; line[3] = point0[0] + normal0[0]; line[4] = point0[1] + normal0[1]; line[5] = point0[2]; line[6] = point1[0] + normal0[0]; line[7] = point1[1] + normal0[1]; line[8] = point1[2]; line[9] = point1[0]; line[10] = point1[1]; line[11] = point1[2] + length; normal2[0] = normal1[0]; normal2[1] = normal1[1]; normal2[2] = normal1[2]; normal2[3] = -cs / length * normal0[0] + ss * normal1[0]; normal2[4] = -cs / length * normal0[1] + ss * normal1[1]; normal2[5] = ss * normal1[2]; computeArrayNoTransform(line, lineIndices, normal2, nIndices); /* test1[0] = point1[0]; test1[1] = point1[1]; test1[2] = point1[2]; test2[0] = point1[0]+normal1[0]; test2[1] = point1[1]+normal1[1]; test2[2] = point1[2]+normal1[2]; test3[0] = point0[0]; test3[1] = point0[1]; test3[2] = point0[2]; test4[0] = point0[0]+normal1[0]; test4[1] = point0[1]+normal1[1]; test4[2] = point0[2]+normal1[2]; processLine(tda1,tda2); processLine(tda3,tda4); */ matrix = mat; inverseTransposeMatrix = tmat; }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see de.jreality.soft.LineProcessor#processLine(double[], int, int) */ public final void processLine(DoubleArray from, DoubleArray to) { if (lineShader == null) return; shader = lineShader.getPolygonShader(); double w = 1; if (from.size() == 4) w = from.getValueAt(3); VecMat.transform( matrix, from.getValueAt(0), from.getValueAt(1), from.getValueAt(2), 1, point0, 0); VecMat.transformUnNormalized(matrix, 0, 0, lineWidth, normal0, 0); w = 1; if (to.size() == 4) w = from.getValueAt(3); VecMat.transform(matrix, to.getValueAt(0), to.getValueAt(1), to.getValueAt(2), 1, point1, 0); // VecMat.transformUnNormalized(matrix,0,0,.2,normal0,0); double[] mat = matrix; double[] tmat = inverseTransposeMatrix; matrix = identity; inverseTransposeMatrix = identity; // VecMat.assignIdentity(matrix); direction[0] = point1[0] - point0[0]; direction[1] = point1[1] - point0[1]; direction[2] = point1[2] - point0[2]; // TODO make only one call to norm... if (VecMat.norm(direction) == 0) { matrix = mat; inverseTransposeMatrix = tmat; return; } VecMat.normalize(direction); double length = VecMat.norm(normal0); VecMat.cross(direction, zNormal, normal0); VecMat.normalize(normal0); normal0[0] *= length; normal0[1] *= length; normal0[2] *= length; VecMat.cross(normal0, direction, normal1); VecMat.normalize(normal1); line[0] = point0[0] - normal0[0]; line[1] = point0[1] - normal0[1]; line[2] = point0[2] + length; // - normal0[2]; line[3] = point0[0] + normal0[0]; line[4] = point0[1] + normal0[1]; line[5] = point0[2] + length; // + normal0[2]; line[6] = point1[0] + normal0[0]; line[7] = point1[1] + normal0[1]; line[8] = point1[2] + length; // + normal0[2]; line[9] = point1[0] - normal0[0]; line[10] = point1[1] - normal0[1]; line[11] = point1[2] + length; // + normal0[2]; computeArray(line, lineIndices, normal1, pointNormals); matrix = mat; inverseTransposeMatrix = tmat; }
public final void processPoint(final DoubleArrayArray data, int index) { DoubleArray da = data.item(index).toDoubleArray(); double w = 1; if (da.size() == 4) w = da.getValueAt(3); if (vertexColors) { DoubleArray color = vertexColor.item(index).toDoubleArray(); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { pointColors[i][0] = color.getValueAt(0); pointColors[i][1] = color.getValueAt(1); pointColors[i][2] = color.getValueAt(2); pointColors[i][3] = (vertexColorLength == 4 || (vertexColorLength == -1 && color.getLength() > 3)) ? color.getValueAt(3) : 1.; } vertexColor = pointColorDataList; } processPoint(da.getValueAt(0), da.getValueAt(1), da.getValueAt(2), w); }
private final void computeArray( final DoubleArrayArray vd, final IntArray vertices, final DoubleArrayArray nd, final IntArray normals, DataList texCoords) { if (2 * vertices.getLength() + 6 >= (vertexData.length - vertexCount) / Polygon.VERTEX_LENGTH) increaseVertexCapacity(vertices.getLength() / 3); int vc = vertexCount; if (vd.getLengthAt(0) == 3) for (int i = 0; i < vertices.getLength(); i++) { int vi = vertices.getValueAt(i); DoubleArray vertex = vd.item(vi).toDoubleArray(); VecMat.transform( matrix, vertex.getValueAt(0), vertex.getValueAt(1), vertex.getValueAt(2), vertexData, vc + Polygon.SX); vertexData[vc + Polygon.SW] = 1; int ni = normals.getValueAt(i); DoubleArray normal = nd.item(ni).toDoubleArray(); VecMat.transformNormal( inverseTransposeMatrix, normal.getValueAt(0), normal.getValueAt(1), normal.getValueAt(2), vertexData, vc + Polygon.NX); if (vertexColors) { DoubleArray color = vertexColor.item(vi).toDoubleArray(); vertexData[vc + Polygon.R] = color.getValueAt(0); vertexData[vc + Polygon.G] = color.getValueAt(1); vertexData[vc + Polygon.B] = color.getValueAt(2); vertexData[vc + Polygon.A] = (vertexColorLength == 4 || (vertexColorLength == -1 && color.getLength() > 3)) ? color.getValueAt(3) : 1.; } if (useTexCoords && texCoords != null) { DoubleArray tc = texCoords.item(vi).toDoubleArray(); vertexData[vc + Polygon.U] = tc.getValueAt(0); vertexData[vc + Polygon.V] = tc.getValueAt(1); } vc += Polygon.VERTEX_LENGTH; } else // vertices are 4 tupel for (int i = 0; i < vertices.getLength(); i++) { int vi = vertices.getValueAt(i); DoubleArray vertex = vd.item(vi).toDoubleArray(); VecMat.transform( matrix, vertex.getValueAt(0), vertex.getValueAt(1), vertex.getValueAt(2), vertex.getValueAt(3), vertexData, vc + Polygon.SX); if (vertexData[vc + Polygon.SW] != 0) { final double d = vertexData[vc + Polygon.SW]; vertexData[vc + Polygon.SX] /= d; vertexData[vc + Polygon.SY] /= d; vertexData[vc + Polygon.SZ] /= d; vertexData[vc + Polygon.SW] = 1; } int ni = normals.getValueAt(i); DoubleArray normal = nd.item(ni).toDoubleArray(); VecMat.transformNormal( inverseTransposeMatrix, normal.getValueAt(0), normal.getValueAt(1), normal.getValueAt(2), // normal.getValueAt(3), vertexData, vc + Polygon.NX); if (vertexColors) { DoubleArray color = vertexColor.item(vi).toDoubleArray(); vertexData[vc + Polygon.R] = color.getValueAt(0); vertexData[vc + Polygon.G] = color.getValueAt(1); vertexData[vc + Polygon.B] = color.getValueAt(2); vertexData[vc + Polygon.A] = (vertexColorLength == 4 || (vertexColorLength == -1 && color.getLength() > 3)) ? color.getValueAt(3) : 1.; } if (useTexCoords && texCoords != null) { DoubleArray tc = texCoords.item(vi).toDoubleArray(); vertexData[vc + Polygon.U] = tc.getValueAt(0); vertexData[vc + Polygon.V] = tc.getValueAt(1); } vc += Polygon.VERTEX_LENGTH; } compute(vertices.getLength()); }