// Unload the system plugin @Override public boolean unload() { // Print some information mLogger.message("Unloading system plugin '" + this + "' with configuration:\n" + mPluginConfig); // Return true at success return true; }
/** @author Gregor Mehlmann */ public final class DefaultSystemPlugin implements RunTimePlugin { // The Singelton Instance public static DefaultSystemPlugin sInstance = null; // The Logger Instance private final LOGDefaultLogger mLogger = LOGDefaultLogger.getInstance(); // The player's runtime project private RunTimeProject mProject; // The project specific config private PluginConfig mPluginConfig; // The project specific name private String mPluginName; // Get the singelton instance public static synchronized DefaultSystemPlugin getInstance() { if (sInstance == null) { sInstance = new DefaultSystemPlugin(); } // Return The Singelton Instance return sInstance; } // Construct the system plugin private DefaultSystemPlugin() {} // Launch the system plugin @Override public boolean launch(final RunTimeProject project) { // Initialize the project mProject = project; // Initialize the name mPluginName = project.getPluginName(this); // Initialize the config mPluginConfig = project.getPluginConfig(mPluginName); // Print some information mLogger.message("Launching system plugin '" + this + "' with configuration:\n" + mPluginConfig); // Return true at success return true; } // Unload the system plugin @Override public boolean unload() { // Print some information mLogger.message("Unloading system plugin '" + this + "' with configuration:\n" + mPluginConfig); // Return true at success return true; } // Some test member function public void test() { // Print some information mLogger.message("Accessing system plugin '" + this + "' with configuration:\n" + mPluginConfig); } }
// Launch the system plugin @Override public boolean launch(final RunTimeProject project) { // Initialize the project mProject = project; // Initialize the name mPluginName = project.getPluginName(this); // Initialize the config mPluginConfig = project.getPluginConfig(mPluginName); // Print some information mLogger.message("Launching system plugin '" + this + "' with configuration:\n" + mPluginConfig); // Return true at success return true; }
/** @author Gregor Mehlmann */ public class ProjectEditorList extends JTabbedPane implements EventListener, ChangeListener, Observer { private final Observable mObservable = new Observable(); private final LOGDefaultLogger mLogger = LOGDefaultLogger.getInstance(); private final EventCaster mEventMulticaster = EventCaster.getInstance(); WorkSpace.ClipBoard previousCB = null; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private class Observable extends java.util.Observable { public void update(Object obj) { setChanged(); notifyObservers(obj); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @Override public void update(java.util.Observable obs, Object obj) { mObservable.update(obj); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @Override public void update(final EventObject event) { // Do Nothing } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @Override public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { if (getSelectedProject() != null) { mObservable.update(getSelectedProject()); } // copy and paste of nodes between the different projects ProjectEditor projectEditor = ((ProjectEditor) getSelectedComponent()); if (projectEditor != null) { if (previousCB != null) { WorkSpace.ClipBoard currentCB = projectEditor.getSceneFlowEditor().getWorkSpace().getClipBoard(); currentCB.clear(); for (Node node : previousCB) { currentCB.add(node); } } previousCB = projectEditor.getSceneFlowEditor().getWorkSpace().getClipBoard(); } } /** * ************************************************************************* * * <p>************************************************************************ */ public ProjectEditorList() { super(JTabbedPane.TOP, JTabbedPane.WRAP_TAB_LAYOUT); addChangeListener(this); mEventMulticaster.append(this); } public ProjectEditor getSelectedProjectEditor() { return (ProjectEditor) getSelectedComponent(); } public ProjectData getSelectedProject() { if (getSelectedComponent() != null) { return ((ProjectEditor) getSelectedComponent()).getProject(); } else { return null; } } public void add(ProjectData project) { // Create a new project editor from the given project ProjectEditor projectEditor = new ProjectEditor(project); // Add the new project editor as observer mObservable.addObserver(projectEditor); // Add the project editor to the list of project editors // and select it as a component in the tabbed pane addTab(project.getProjectName(), projectEditor); setSelectedComponent(projectEditor); // Initialize the workspace of the project editor's scene flow editor // TODO: push down into an init function // projectEditor.getSceneFlowEditor().getWorkSpace().showNodesOnWorkSpace(); // projectEditor.getSceneFlowEditor().getWorkSpace().showEdgesOnWorkSpace(); // // projectEditor.getSceneFlowEditor().getWorkSpace().showVariablesOnWorkSpace(project.getSceneFlow()); // projectEditor.getSceneFlowEditor().getWorkSpace().repaint(); // // // Revalidade and repaint // revalidate(); // repaint(); } public void saveCurrent() { ((ProjectEditor) getSelectedComponent()).save(); } public void closeCurrent() { ProjectEditor projectEditor = ((ProjectEditor) getSelectedComponent()); mObservable.deleteObserver(projectEditor); projectEditor.close(); remove(projectEditor); } public void saveAll() { for (int i = 0; i < getTabCount(); i++) { ((ProjectEditor) getComponentAt(i)).save(); } } public void closeAll() { // Delete all observers mObservable.deleteObservers(); // Close all projects for (int i = 0; i < getTabCount(); i++) { ((ProjectEditor) getComponentAt(i)).close(); } } }
// Some test member function public void test() { // Print some information mLogger.message("Accessing system plugin '" + this + "' with configuration:\n" + mPluginConfig); }
/** * @author Gregor Mehlmann * @author Patrick Gebhard */ public class VarBadge extends JComponent implements EventListener, Observer { public static class Entry { public SuperNode mSuperNode; public boolean mHasChanged; public String mConcrete; public String mFormatted; public AttributedString mAttributed; public Entry( SuperNode superNode, boolean hasChanged, String concrete, String formatted, AttributedString attributed) { mSuperNode = superNode; mHasChanged = hasChanged; mConcrete = concrete; mFormatted = formatted; mAttributed = attributed; } public String getVarName() { String[] s = mConcrete.split(" "); if (s.length > 2) { return s[1]; } else { return ""; } } public String getVarType() { String[] s = mConcrete.split(" "); if (s.length > 2) { return s[0]; } else { return ""; } } } // private final Vector<Entry> mEntryList = new Vector<Entry>(); // The supernode private final SuperNode mSuperNode; // TODO: Make format of variable badge as global preferences private final int mPositionOffset = 10; // interaction flags // TODO: Make private public boolean mSelected; public boolean mDragged; // private final LOGDefaultLogger mLogger = LOGDefaultLogger.getInstance(); public VarBadge(SuperNode superNode) { // mWorkSpace = ws; mSuperNode = superNode; // Initialize the entry list SuperNode parentNode = mSuperNode; mEntryList.clear(); while (parentNode != null) { Vector<VarDef> varDefList = parentNode.getVarDefList(); for (VarDef varDef : varDefList) { mEntryList.add( new Entry( parentNode, false, varDef.getConcreteSyntax(), varDef.getFormattedSyntax(), TextFormat.fillWithAttributes(varDef.getFormattedSyntax()).getSecond())); } parentNode = parentNode.getParentNode(); } // Initialize size and location setSize(new Dimension(1, 1)); setLocation( superNode.getVariableBadge().getPosition().getXPos(), superNode.getVariableBadge().getPosition().getYPos()); } private Dimension computeTextRectSize(Graphics2D graphics) { int width = 0, height = 0; for (Entry entry : mEntryList) { TextLayout textLayout = new TextLayout(entry.mAttributed.getIterator(), graphics.getFontRenderContext()); int advance = (int) textLayout.getVisibleAdvance(); if (advance > width) { width = advance; } int currentAll = (int) (textLayout.getAscent() + textLayout.getDescent() + textLayout.getLeading()); height = height + currentAll; } return new Dimension(width + 2 * mPositionOffset, height + 2 * mPositionOffset); } public boolean containsPoint(Point p) { return getBounds().contains(p.x, p.y); } @Override public synchronized void paintComponent(java.awt.Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); if (sSHOW_VARIABLE_BADGE_ON_WORKSPACE && !mEntryList.isEmpty()) { // Enable antialiasing Graphics2D graphics = (Graphics2D) g; graphics.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); // Compute the size of the variable badge Dimension dimension = computeTextRectSize(graphics); setSize(dimension); // draw background graphics.setColor(new Color(100, 100, 100, 100)); graphics.fillRoundRect(0, 0, dimension.width, dimension.height, 5, 5); // Draw the variables graphics.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1.5f)); graphics.setColor(Color.BLACK); // Draw Type Definitions and Variable Definition int currentDrawingOffset = 0; for (Entry entry : mEntryList) { AttributedString attributedString = entry.mAttributed; TextLayout textLayout = new TextLayout(attributedString.getIterator(), graphics.getFontRenderContext()); currentDrawingOffset = currentDrawingOffset + (int) textLayout.getAscent(); graphics.drawString( attributedString.getIterator(), mPositionOffset, mPositionOffset + currentDrawingOffset); currentDrawingOffset = currentDrawingOffset + (int) textLayout.getLeading() + (int) textLayout.getDescent(); } } } private void updateVariable(TPLTuple<String, String> varVal) { // System.err.println("updateVariable"); for (Entry entry : mEntryList) { String var = entry.getVarName(); // the name of the current variable String typ = entry.getVarType(); if (var.equals(varVal.getFirst())) { TPLTuple<String, AttributedString> formatedPair = TextFormat.fillWithAttributes("#r#" + typ + " " + var + " = " + varVal.getSecond()); entry.mFormatted = formatedPair.getFirst(); entry.mAttributed = formatedPair.getSecond(); entry.mHasChanged = true; } } } private boolean containsEntryFor(String varName) { for (Entry entry : mEntryList) { if (entry.getVarName().equals(varName)) { return true; } } return false; } public void update(Observable o, Object obj) { // mLogger.message("VarBadge.update(" + obj + ")"); // Clear the entry list mEntryList.clear(); // Recompute the entry list SuperNode parentNode = mSuperNode; while (parentNode != null) { for (VarDef varDef : parentNode.getVarDefList()) { String varName = varDef.getName(); // if (!containsEntryFor(varName)) { mEntryList.add( new Entry( parentNode, false, varDef.getConcreteSyntax(), varDef.getFormattedSyntax(), TextFormat.fillWithAttributes(varDef.getFormattedSyntax()).getSecond())); // } } parentNode = parentNode.getParentNode(); } } public synchronized void update(EventObject event) { if (event instanceof VariableChangedEvent) { updateVariable(((VariableChangedEvent) event).getVarValue()); // Editor.getInstance().update(); revalidate(); repaint(); } } // TODO: do we need this? public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent event) { mSelected = true; } // TODO: do we need this? public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { mSelected = true; } // TODO: do we need this? public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { mDragged = false; } // TODO: do we need this? public void deSelect() { mSelected = false; mDragged = false; } public void updateLocation(Point vector) { // Set new location setLocation(new Point(getLocation().x + vector.x, getLocation().y + vector.y)); // Set the location on data model mSuperNode.getVariableBadge().setPosition(new Position(getLocation().x, getLocation().y)); } }
/** @author Gregor Mehlmann */ public class ScriptEditorPane extends JEditorPane implements EventListener, Observer { // The System Logger private final LOGDefaultLogger mLogger = LOGDefaultLogger.getInstance(); // The Event Caster private final EventCaster mEventCaster = EventCaster.getInstance(); // Init Drag & Drop Support private DropTargetListener mDropListener; private DropTarget mDropTarget; private int mValidActions; // Activity monitor private Font mFont = new Font("Courier New", Font.PLAIN, 12); private final ProjectPreferences mPreferences; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construct The Text Pane public ScriptEditorPane(ProjectPreferences preferences) { mPreferences = preferences; mFont = new Font(mPreferences.sSCRIPT_FONT_TYPE, Font.PLAIN, mPreferences.sSCRIPT_FONT_SIZE); setFont(mFont); // Set Lexxer And Editor setEditorKit(new ScriptEditorKit()); // Set An Empty Border setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder()); // Init Drag & Drop initDnDSupport(); // Allow The Focus To Leave The Pane // Only If The Script Syntax Is Valid setInputVerifier( new InputVerifier() { @Override public boolean verify(final JComponent anInput) { // Check If The Script Is Valid return true; } }); // Register Document Actions // registerKeyboardAction(getDocument().getUndoAction(), KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( // KeyEvent.VK_Z, InputEvent.CTRL_MASK), JComponent.WHEN_FOCUSED); // registerKeyboardAction(getDocument().getRedoAction(), KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( // KeyEvent.VK_Y, InputEvent.CTRL_MASK), JComponent.WHEN_FOCUSED); // Register As Event Listener mEventCaster.append(this); } /* // Paint The Text Pane @Override protected final synchronized void paintComponent(final Graphics graphics) { super.paintComponent(graphics); // If there are visualization tasks then visualize them if (!mVisualisationTasks.isEmpty()) { // TODO: why create() and clone()? Graphics2D graphics2D = (Graphics2D) graphics.create(); ArrayList<ScriptEditPanel.HighlightTask> visTasks = (ArrayList<ScriptEditPanel.HighlightTask>) mVisualisationTasks.clone(); for (ScriptEditPanel.HighlightTask highlightTask : visTasks) { // draw activity cue if (highlightTask.getActivityTime() > 20) { graphics2D.setColor(highlightTask.mColor); graphics2D.fillRect( highlightTask.getXPos(), highlightTask.getYPos(), highlightTask.getWidth(), highlightTask.getHeight()); } else { // Draw the fading away of the highlight Color c = new Color( highlightTask.mColor.getRed(), highlightTask.mColor.getGreen(), highlightTask.mColor.getBlue(), highlightTask.mColor.getTransparency() - (highlightTask.mColor.getTransparency() - 5 * highlightTask.getActivityTime())); graphics2D.setColor(c); graphics2D.fillRect( highlightTask.getXPos(), highlightTask.getYPos(), highlightTask.getWidth(), highlightTask.getHeight()); } } graphics2D.dispose(); } }*/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Init Drag & Drop Support private void initDnDSupport() { mValidActions = DnDConstants.ACTION_COPY; mDropListener = new DropTargetListener() { @Override public void dragEnter(final DropTargetDragEvent dtde) { // Do Nothing Here } @Override public void dragExit(final DropTargetEvent dte) { // Do Nothing Here } @Override public void dropActionChanged(final DropTargetDragEvent dtde) { // Do Nothing Here } @Override public void dragOver(final DropTargetDragEvent dtde) { Object data = null; DataFlavor flavor = null; try { try { flavor = new DataFlavor(DataFlavor.javaJVMLocalObjectMimeType); } catch (ClassNotFoundException exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); } data = dtde.getTransferable().getTransferData(flavor); } catch (UnsupportedFlavorException | IOException exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); dtde.rejectDrag(); } if (data instanceof ActiconAction) { dtde.acceptDrag(dtde.getDropAction()); setCaretPosition(viewToModel(dtde.getLocation())); } else if (data instanceof GesticonGesture) { dtde.acceptDrag(dtde.getDropAction()); setCaretPosition(viewToModel(dtde.getLocation())); } else if (data instanceof VisiconViseme) { dtde.acceptDrag(dtde.getDropAction()); setCaretPosition(viewToModel(dtde.getLocation())); } else { dtde.rejectDrag(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @Override public final void drop(final DropTargetDropEvent dtde) { Object data = null; DataFlavor flavor = null; try { try { // Get The Data Flavour flavor = new DataFlavor(DataFlavor.javaJVMLocalObjectMimeType); } catch (ClassNotFoundException exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); } // Transfer The Data data = dtde.getTransferable().getTransferData(flavor); } catch (UnsupportedFlavorException | IOException exc) { dtde.rejectDrop(); } // Check The Data Type if (data instanceof ActiconAction) { // Compute the Drop Position int dropPosition = viewToModel(dtde.getLocation()); // Insert The Acticon Action try { // Cast The Data To An Action ActiconAction action = (ActiconAction) data; // Insert The Text In Document getDocument().insertString(dropPosition, action.toScript(), null); // Set The Caret Position setCaretPosition(dropPosition); // Accept the drop dtde.acceptDrop(mValidActions); dtde.getDropTargetContext().dropComplete(true); } catch (BadLocationException | InvalidDnDOperationException exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); // Reject The Drop dtde.rejectDrop(); } } else if (data instanceof GesticonGesture) { // Compute the Drop Position int dropPosition = viewToModel(dtde.getLocation()); // Insert The Gesticon Gesture try { // Cast The Data To A Gesture GesticonGesture gesture = (GesticonGesture) data; // Insert The Text In Document getDocument().insertString(dropPosition, gesture.toScript(), null); // Set The Caret Position setCaretPosition(dropPosition); // Accept the drop dtde.acceptDrop(mValidActions); dtde.getDropTargetContext().dropComplete(true); } catch (BadLocationException | InvalidDnDOperationException exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); // Reject The Drop dtde.rejectDrop(); } } else if (data instanceof VisiconViseme) { // Compute the Drop Position int modelDropPosition = viewToModel(dtde.getLocation()); // TODO: Do Something Here } else { // Reject The Drop dtde.rejectDrop(); } } }; // Set The Drop Target mDropTarget = new DropTarget(this, mDropListener); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @Override public void update(final Observable obs, final Object obj) { // Do Nothing mFont = new Font(mPreferences.sSCRIPT_FONT_TYPE, Font.PLAIN, mPreferences.sSCRIPT_FONT_SIZE); setFont(mFont); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @Override public void update(final EventObject event) { // Do Nothing mFont = new Font(mPreferences.sSCRIPT_FONT_TYPE, Font.PLAIN, mPreferences.sSCRIPT_FONT_SIZE); setFont(mFont); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private class HighlightTask extends VisualisationTask { private Color mColor = null; private Rectangle mRect = null; public HighlightTask( final int steps, final JComponent c, final Color col, final Rectangle rect) { super(steps, c); mColor = col; mRect = rect; } public int getXPos() { return mRect.x; } public int getYPos() { return mRect.y; } public int getWidth() { return mRect.width; } public int getHeight() { return mRect.height; } } }