private void checkFirstAndSecond(final Form form) throws ParseException {
    SExpression initVal = form.getChild(1);

    // als init-Wert ist Symbol (oder Subtyp) oder eine Form erlaubt.
    // Nur s-expression reicht nicht aus
    if (!initVal.isNil() && !(initVal instanceof Symbol) && initVal.getTyp() != TSExpression.FORM) {
      error("form or symbol expected", form.getChild(1));
  private ParameterDefinition suppliedTestInit(final Form form) throws ParseException {
    // invariante: laenge childs == 3

    if (form.getChild(2).getTyp() != TSExpression.SYMBOL) {
      error("symbol expected", form.getChild(2));

    return new ParameterDefinition(
        form.getFunctionSymbol(), form.getChild(1), (Symbol) form.getChild(2));
  private ParameterDefinition initForm(final Form form) throws ParseException {
    if (form.isNil()) {
      error("NIL not allowed here", form);

    List<SExpression> childs = form.getChildren();
    if (childs.size() == 2) {
      return simpleInit(form);
    } else if (childs.size() == 3) {
      return suppliedTestInit(form);
    } else {
      error("Parameter list must be of length 2 or 3", form);
      return null; // wird nie erreicht
  private ParameterDefinition simpleInit(final Form form) throws ParseException {
    // invariante: laenge childs == 2

    return new ParameterDefinition(form.getFunctionSymbol(), form.getChild(1), null);