static Media readMedia(JSONParser parser, JSONObject mediaJsonObject) throws Exception {
   Media media = new Media();
   Object bitrate = mediaJsonObject.get("bitrate");
   if (bitrate != null && bitrate instanceof Long) {
     media.bitrate = ((Long) bitrate).intValue();
     media.hasBitrate = true;
   media.copyright = (String) mediaJsonObject.get("copyright");
   media.duration = ((Long) mediaJsonObject.get("duration")).longValue();
   media.format = (String) mediaJsonObject.get("format");
   media.height = ((Long) mediaJsonObject.get("height")).intValue();
   List<String> persons = new ArrayList<String>();
   JSONArray personsJsonArray = (JSONArray) mediaJsonObject.get("persons");
   for (int i = 0, size = personsJsonArray.size(); i < size; i++) {
     persons.add((String) personsJsonArray.get(i));
   media.persons = persons;
   media.player = Media.Player.valueOf((String) mediaJsonObject.get("player"));
   media.size = ((Long) mediaJsonObject.get("size")).longValue();
   media.title = (String) mediaJsonObject.get("title");
   media.uri = (String) mediaJsonObject.get("uri");
   media.width = ((Long) mediaJsonObject.get("width")).intValue();
   return media;
  private Media readMedia(JsonParser parser) throws IOException {
    if (parser.nextToken() != JsonToken.START_OBJECT) {
      reportIllegal(parser, JsonToken.START_OBJECT);
    Media media = new Media();
    boolean haveWidth = false;
    boolean haveHeight = false;
    boolean haveDuration = false;
    boolean haveSize = false;

    // As with above, first fast path
    if (parser.nextFieldName(FIELD_PLAYER)) {
      media.player = Media.Player.find(parser.nextTextValue());
      if (parser.nextFieldName(FIELD_URI)) {
        media.uri = parser.nextTextValue();
        if (parser.nextFieldName(FIELD_TITLE)) {
          media.title = parser.nextTextValue();
          if (parser.nextFieldName(FIELD_WIDTH)) {
            haveWidth = true;
            media.width = parser.nextIntValue(-1);
            if (parser.nextFieldName(FIELD_HEIGHT)) {
              haveHeight = true;
              media.height = parser.nextIntValue(-1);
              if (parser.nextFieldName(FIELD_FORMAT)) {
                media.format = parser.nextTextValue();
                if (parser.nextFieldName(FIELD_DURATION)) {
                  haveDuration = true;
                  media.duration = parser.nextLongValue(-1L);
                  if (parser.nextFieldName(FIELD_SIZE)) {
                    haveSize = true;
                    media.size = parser.nextLongValue(-1L);
                    if (parser.nextFieldName(FIELD_BITRATE)) {
                      media.bitrate = parser.nextIntValue(-1);
                      media.hasBitrate = true;
                      if (parser.nextFieldName(FIELD_COPYRIGHT)) {
                        media.copyright = parser.nextTextValue();
                        if (parser.nextFieldName(FIELD_PERSONS)) {
                          media.persons = readPersons(parser);
                          verifyCurrent(parser, JsonToken.END_OBJECT);
                          return media;

    // and if something reorder or missing, general loop:

    for (; parser.getCurrentToken() == JsonToken.FIELD_NAME; parser.nextToken()) {
      String field = parser.getCurrentName();
      Integer I = fullFieldToIndex.get(field);
      if (I != null) {
        switch (I) {
          case FIELD_IX_PLAYER:
            media.player = Media.Player.find(parser.nextTextValue());
          case FIELD_IX_URI:
            media.uri = parser.nextTextValue();
          case FIELD_IX_TITLE:
            media.title = parser.nextTextValue();
          case FIELD_IX_WIDTH:
            media.width = parser.nextIntValue(-1);
            haveWidth = true;
          case FIELD_IX_HEIGHT:
            media.height = parser.nextIntValue(-1);
            haveHeight = true;
          case FIELD_IX_FORMAT:
            media.format = parser.nextTextValue();
          case FIELD_IX_DURATION:
            media.duration = parser.nextLongValue(-1L);
            haveDuration = true;
          case FIELD_IX_SIZE:
            media.size = parser.nextLongValue(-1L);
            haveSize = true;
          case FIELD_IX_BITRATE:
            media.bitrate = parser.nextIntValue(-1);
            media.hasBitrate = true;
          case FIELD_IX_PERSONS:
            media.persons = readPersons(parser);
          case FIELD_IX_COPYRIGHT:
            media.copyright = parser.nextTextValue();
      throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected field '" + field + "'");
    verifyCurrent(parser, JsonToken.END_OBJECT);

    if (media.uri == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Missing field: " + FIELD_URI);
    if (!haveWidth) throw new IllegalStateException("Missing field: " + FIELD_WIDTH);
    if (!haveHeight) throw new IllegalStateException("Missing field: " + FIELD_HEIGHT);
    if (media.format == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Missing field: " + FIELD_FORMAT);
    if (!haveDuration) throw new IllegalStateException("Missing field: " + FIELD_DURATION);
    if (!haveSize) throw new IllegalStateException("Missing field: " + FIELD_SIZE);
    if (media.persons == null) media.persons = new ArrayList<String>();
    if (media.player == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Missing field: " + FIELD_PLAYER);

    return media;