private static StyleSheet jParseCSS2( final org.w3c.dom.Node ownerNode, final String cssURI, final String processedText, final UserAgentContext bcontext) { CSSFactory.setAutoImportMedia(new MediaSpecNone()); try { final URL base = new URL(cssURI); return CSSParserFactory.getInstance() .parse( processedText, new SafeNetworkProcessor(bcontext), null, SourceType.EMBEDDED, base); } catch (IOException | CSSException e) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to parse CSS. URI=[" + cssURI + "].", e); return getEmptyStyleSheet(); } }
public static StyleSheet jParseInlineStyle( final String style, final String encoding, final HTMLElementImpl element, final boolean inlinePriority) { try { return CSSParserFactory.getInstance() .parse( style, new SafeNetworkProcessor(null), null, SourceType.INLINE, element, inlinePriority, element.getDocumentURL()); } catch (IOException | CSSException e) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to parse CSS. CSS=[" + style + "].", e); return getEmptyStyleSheet(); } }