Example #1
   * This method ensures that the incoming attributes are correct and calls interpretData(). It
   * returns the interpreted results.
   * @param data Incoming interpret request
   * @param error Incoming error, if any
   * @return interpreted results
   * @see #interpretData(AttributeNameValues)
  public DataObject callInterpreter(DataObject data, String error) {
    Vector v = new Vector();
    DataObject result = new DataObject(INTERPRET_REPLY, v);
    Attributes dataToInterpret = null;
    Error err = new Error(error);
    if (err.getError() == null) {
      dataToInterpret = new Attributes(data);
      if (dataToInterpret == null) {
      } else if (!canHandle(dataToInterpret)) {

    if (err.getError() == null) {
      Attributes interpreted = interpretData(dataToInterpret);
      if (interpreted != null) {
      } else {
    return result;
Example #2
   * This method stores the attribute name values, both in persistent storage and in local storage.
   * @param atts AttributeNameValues to store
  public void storeAttributeNameValues(Attributes atts) {

    AttributeNameValue time = atts.getAttributeNameValue(TIMESTAMP);
    long timestamp = 0;
    if (time != null) {
      Long l = new Long((String) time.getValue());
      if (l != null) timestamp = l.longValue();
      else {
        System.out.println("ERROR: in <storeAttributeNameValues> timestamp null");

    for (int i = 0; i < atts.numAttributes(); i++) {
      AttributeNameValue attNew = (AttributeNameValue) atts.getAttributeAt(i);
      String attName = attNew.getName();
      Object o = attributesTimes.get(attName);
      long storedTime = -1;
      if (o != null) storedTime = ((Long) o).longValue();
      else System.out.println("ERROR: in <storeAttributeNameValues> storedTime null");
      if (storedTime != -1 && storedTime <= timestamp) {
        AttributeNameValue attOld = attributesCache.getAttributeNameValue(attName);
Example #3
  * Constructor that creates a BaseObject with the given port and sets the incoming and outgoing
  * attributes.
  * @param port Port number to create the BaseObject on
  * @see context.arch.BaseObject
 public Interpreter(int port) {
   debugprintln(DEBUG, "Interpreter construction after super () port=" + port);
   inAttributes = setInAttributes();
   inAttributeTypes = inAttributes.toTypesHashtable();
   outAttributes = setOutAttributes();
   outAttributeTypes = outAttributes.toTypesHashtable();
Example #4
  * This method checks the list of incoming attributes to ensure that the interpreter can handle
  * these attributes.
  * @param inAtts List of incoming attributes to check
  * @return whether the list of attributes is valid
 private boolean canHandle(Attributes inAtts) {
   for (int i = 0; i < inAtts.numAttributes(); i++) {
     Attribute inAtt = inAtts.getAttributeAt(i);
     if (!isInAttribute(inAtt.getName())) {
       return false;
   return true;
Example #5
  * This method is called to send a the results of an asynchronous service execution to a
  * requesting component.
  * @param input Object containing information on the requesting component
  * @param atts AttributeNameValues containing the service results
  * @return result of sending the service results
  * @see CommunicationsHandler#userRequest(DataObject,String,String,int)
 protected DataObject sendServiceResult(ServiceInput input, Attributes atts) {
   Vector v = new Vector();
   v.addElement(new DataObject(Constants.ID, input.getId()));
   DataObject result = new DataObject(SERVICE_RESULT, v);
   try {
     return comm.userRequest(
         result, SERVICE_RESULT, input.getHostname(), Integer.parseInt(input.getPort()));
   } catch (DecodeException de) {
     System.out.println("Service sendServiceResult() Decode: " + de);
   } catch (EncodeException ee) {
     System.out.println("Service sendServiceResult() Encode: " + ee);
   } catch (InvalidDecoderException ide) {
     System.out.println("Service sendServiceResult() InvalidDecoder: " + ide);
   } catch (InvalidEncoderException iee) {
     System.out.println("Service sendServiceResult() InvalidEncoder: " + iee);
   } catch (InvalidProtocolException ipe) {
     System.out.println("Service sendServiceResult() InvalidProtocol: " + ipe);
   } catch (ProtocolException pe) {
     System.out.println("Service sendServiceResult() Protocol: " + pe);
   } catch (IOException io) {
     System.out.println("Service sendServiceResult() IOException: " + io);
   return null;
Example #6
   * This method is called to aggregate the list of constant attributes that the widgets relevant to
   * this server provide. This should be called after a constructor sets the widget handles to use
   * or after setWidgets() has been called.
   * @return AttributeNameValues the server constant attributes
  protected Attributes initConstantAttributes() {
    // this protects us against the Widget constructor
    // that calls us too early (we havent' got the widgets yet)
    // it's good practice anyway
    if (widgets == null) {
      return null;

    Attributes atts = new Attributes();
    for (int i = 0; i < widgets.size(); i++) {
      WidgetHandle handle = widgets.getWidgetHandleAt(i);

      DataObject widgetAtts =
          getWidgetConstantAttributes(handle.getHostName(), handle.getPort(), handle.getId());
      String error = new Error(widgetAtts).getError();
      if (error != null) {
        if (error.equals(Error.NO_ERROR)) {
          Attributes wAtts = new Attributes(widgetAtts);
          for (int j = 0; j < wAtts.numAttributes(); j++) {
            AttributeNameValue wAtt = (AttributeNameValue) wAtts.getAttributeAt(j);
            if (atts.getAttributeNameValue(wAtt.getName()) == null) {


    return atts;
  * Basic constructor that creates a function description object from a DataObject. The dataObject
  * is expected to have a <FUNCTION> tag as the top level.
  * @param data DataObject containing function description info
 public FunctionDescription(DataObject data) {
   DataObject nameObj = data.getDataObject(FUNCTION_NAME);
   name = nameObj.getValue();
   DataObject descriptionObj = data.getDataObject(FUNCTION_DESCRIPTION);
   description = descriptionObj.getValue();
   attributes = Attributes.fromDataObject(data.getDataObject(Attributes.ATTRIBUTES));
   DataObject timingObj = data.getDataObject(FUNCTION_SYNCHRONICITY);
   synchronicity = timingObj.getValue();
  * This method converts the service function info to a DataObject
  * @return FunctionDescription object converted to a <FUNCTION> DataObject
 public DataObject toDataObject() {
   DataObjects v = new DataObjects();
   v.addElement(new DataObject(FUNCTION_NAME, name));
   v.addElement(new DataObject(FUNCTION_DESCRIPTION, description));
   if (attributes != null) {
   v.addElement(new DataObject(FUNCTION_SYNCHRONICITY, synchronicity));
   return new DataObject(FUNCTION, v);
Example #9
  * This method converts the subscriber info to a DataObject
  * @return Subscriber object converted to a <SUBSCRIBER> DataObject
 public DataObject toDataObject() {
   Vector v = new Vector();
   v.addElement(new DataObject(SUBSCRIBER_ID, id));
   v.addElement(new DataObject(HOSTNAME, host));
   v.addElement(new DataObject(PORT, Integer.toString(port)));
   v.addElement(new DataObject(CALLBACK_NAME, callback));
   v.addElement(new DataObject(CALLBACK_TAG, tag));
   return new DataObject(SUBSCRIBER, v);
Example #10
  * This method sets up the server for use. This includes getting the attributes and services
  * information from relevant widgets.
  * <p>Modification made by Agathe
  * @see #setAttributes()
  * @see #setServices()
 protected void serverSetup() {
   attributes = initAttributes();
   constantAttributes = initConstantAttributes(); // added by Agathe
   attributesCache = new Attributes();
   attributeTypes = attributes.toTypesHashtable();
   // constantAttributeTypes = constantAttributes.toTypesHashtable(); // Added by agathe
   // ??
   for (int i = 0; i < attributes.numAttributes(); i++) {
     Attribute att = attributes.getAttributeAt(i);
     attributesCache.addAttributeNameValue(att.getName(), att.getSubAttributes(), att.getType());
   attributesTimes = new Hashtable();
   Long long1 = new Long(0);
   for (Enumeration e = attributeTypes.keys(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
     attributesTimes.put(e.nextElement(), long1);
   if (storage != null) {
     storage.setAttributes(attributes, attributeTypes);
     // storage.setConstantAttributes(constantAttributes,cosntantAttributeTypes); // Added by
     // agathe
   services = initServices();
Example #11
   * This method runs a query on a widget, asking for either it's latest acquired data (QUERY) or
   * asking for the widget to acquire and return new data (UPDATE_AND_QUERY). Currently, it deals
   * with QUERY and UPDATE_AND_QUERY in exactly the same way.
   * @param query DataObject containing the query request
   * @param update Whether or not to acquire new data
   * @param error String containing the incoming error value
   * @return DataObject containing the reply to the query
  protected DataObject queryWidget(DataObject query, boolean update, String error) {
    DataObject result = null;
    Vector v = new Vector();
    if (update) {
      result = new DataObject(UPDATE_AND_QUERY_REPLY, v);
    } else {
      result = new DataObject(QUERY_REPLY, v);

    Attributes atts = new Attributes(query);
    Error err = new Error(error);
    if (err.getError() == null) {
      if (atts == null) {
      } else if (!canHandle(atts)) {

    if (err.getError() == null) {
      Attributes subset = attributesCache.getSubset(atts);
      if (subset.numAttributes() == 0) {
      } else {
        if (subset.numAttributes() >= atts.numAttributes()) {
        } else {
    return result;
Example #12
  * This method converts the Callback object to a DataObject
  * @return Callback object converted to a <CALLBACK> DataObject
 public DataObject toDataObject() {
   DataObjects v = new DataObjects();
   v.addElement(new DataObject(CALLBACK_NAME, name));
   return new DataObject(CALLBACK, v);
Example #13
  * Constructor that takes a DataObject holding the callback info. The expected tag of the
  * DataObject is <CALLBACK>
  * @param data DataObject containing the callback info
 public Callback(DataObject data) {
   DataObject nameObj = data.getDataObject(CALLBACK_NAME);
   this.name = nameObj.getValue();
   this.attributes = Attributes.fromDataObject(data);
Example #14
  * Adds an outgoing attribute
  * @param name Name of the attribute to set
  * @param type Type of the attribute
 protected void setOutAttribute(String name, String type) {
   outAttributeTypes.put(name, type);
   outAttributes.addAttribute(name, type);
Example #15
  * Adds an incoming attribute
  * @param name Name of the attribute to set
  * @param type Type of the attribute
 protected void setInAttribute(String name, String type) {
   inAttributeTypes.put(name, type);
   inAttributes.addAttribute(name, type);