private void drawDurationItem( final GanttRenderingData data, final IDuration d, final GanttDraw ganttDrawData) { final TaskLaneEntry taskFigure = lanes.get(d.getOwner().getName()); // if task is filtered out if (taskFigure == null) { return; } final int y = LANE_START + taskFigure.getLane() * LANE_HEIGHT + DURATION_MARGIN; int xStart = ruler.toScreen(d.getStartTime()) - data.getBounds().x / 2; final Rectangle dataArea = getDataArea(data); dataArea.x = 0; if (xStart < dataArea.x) { xStart = dataArea.x; } int xEnd = ruler.toScreen(d.getStartTime() + d.getDurationTime()) - data.getBounds().x / 2; if (xEnd < dataArea.x) { return; } if (xEnd - xStart < 1) { xEnd = xStart + 1; } final Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(xStart, y, (xEnd - xStart), DURATION_HEIGHT); // If the rectangle width is enormous (when zooming a lot) the clipping // mechanism is not working, therefore limit the width below manually if (rect.width > dataArea.width) { rect.width = dataArea.width; } final ObjectFigure exec = new TaskExecution(d, rect); exec.setBackgroundColor(taskFigure.getBackgroundColor()); doDrawEvents = SeUiPlugin.getDefault() .getPreferenceStore() .getBoolean(GanttPreferencePage.TAG_SHOW_EVENTS); if (doDrawEvents) { String idz = SeUiPlugin.getDefault() .getPreferenceStore() .getString(GanttPreferencePage.TAG_SHOW_EVENTS_IDS); if (typeReg != null && idz.length() > 0) { this.typeArray = idz.split(GanttPreferencePage.SEPARATOR); } if (typeArray != null && typeArray.length > 0) { drawLogEvents(data, d, ganttDrawData, y); } } ganttDrawData.add(exec); }
private void drawColumnNames( final GanttRenderingData data, final Map<String, TaskLaneEntry> lanes, final GanttDraw draw) { for (final Entry<String, TaskLaneEntry> entry : lanes.entrySet()) { final TaskLaneEntry taskEntry = entry.getValue(); final RGB rgb = data.getColorMap().getColor(taskEntry.getUser()); final Color resourceUserColor = new Color(data.getGraphics().getDevice(), rgb); taskEntry.setBackgroundColor(resourceUserColor); final int laneYStart = LANE_START + taskEntry.getLane() * LANE_HEIGHT; final Rectangle resourceBoundingBox = new Rectangle(0, laneYStart - data.getScrollOffset(), data.getSashXPos(), LANE_HEIGHT); taskEntry.setBounds(resourceBoundingBox); draw.add(taskEntry); } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") GanttDraw draw(final GanttRenderingData data, final boolean drawB) { // Check pre-conditions JEKB ugly fix data.getDurations() == null if ((data.getDurations() == null) || (data.getDurations().size() < 1)) { drawEmpty(data); return ClassicGantRenderer.EMPTY_GANTT_DRAW; } Collections.sort(data.getDurations()); // compute a ruler only when drawB is drawn. if (drawB) { ruler = computeScaler(data); } // Graphics Setup data.getGraphics().setAntialias(SWT.OFF); data.getGraphics().setFont(font); final GanttDraw ganttDrawData = new GanttDraw(data.getGraphics(), ruler); lanes.clear(); int laneIndex = 0; for (final IArtifact user : data.getTasks()) { final TaskLaneEntry entry = new TaskLaneEntry(user); entry.setLane(laneIndex++); lanes.put(user.getName(), entry); } drawColumnNames(data, lanes, ganttDrawData); drawGrid(data, laneIndex); final Rectangle clipping = data.getGraphics().getClipping(); data.getGraphics() .setClipping( new Rectangle( data.getBounds().x, data.getBounds().y, data.getBounds().width, data.getBounds().height)); this.typeReg = TypeRegistry.getInstance(); data.getGraphics().setForeground(Display.getDefault().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_BLACK)); data.getGraphics().setBackground(Display.getDefault().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_BLACK)); if (drawB) { drawDurations(data, ganttDrawData); drawMarker(data); drawRuler(data); LegendRenderer r = new LegendRenderer(); r.drawLegend( data.getGraphics().getClipping().width / 2, Graphics.valueOf(data.getGraphics()), colorByTypeMap, false); } data.getGraphics().setClipping(clipping); data.setDrawnSize( new Point( data.getBounds().width, ClassicGantRenderer.LANE_START + (lanes.size() + 1) * ClassicGantRenderer.LANE_HEIGHT)); // if (drawB) { ganttDrawData.setBounds(SWTUtil.convert(data.getBounds())); // } else { // } return ganttDrawData; }