Example #1
  public void decode() {

    int success = videoStream.open();
    if (success < 0) {

      throw new RuntimeException(
          "XUGGLER DECODER: could not open video decoder for container: "
              + input.getLocation().getDecodedURL());

    IAudioSamples decodeSamples = null;

    if (audioStream != null) {

      success = audioStream.open();
      if (success < 0) {

        throw new RuntimeException(
            "XUGGLER DECODER: could not open audio decoder for container: "
                + input.getLocation().getDecodedURL());

      decodeSamples = IAudioSamples.make(1024, audioStream.getChannels());

    IVideoPicture decodePicture =
            videoStream.getPixelType(), videoStream.getWidth(), videoStream.getHeight());

    while (container.readNextPacket(packet) >= 0 && decodeMode != DecodeMode.STOP) {

      /** Find out if this stream has a starting timestamp */
      IStream stream = container.getStream(packet.getStreamIndex());
      long tsOffset = 0;
      if (stream.getStartTime() != Global.NO_PTS
          && stream.getStartTime() > 0
          && stream.getTimeBase() != null) {
        IRational defTimeBase = IRational.make(1, (int) Global.DEFAULT_PTS_PER_SECOND);
        tsOffset = defTimeBase.rescale(stream.getStartTime(), stream.getTimeBase());

       * Now we have a packet, let's see if it belongs to our video stream
      if (packet.getStreamIndex() == videoStreamIndex) {

        int offset = 0;
        while (offset < packet.getSize()) {
           * Now, we decode the video, checking for any errors.
          int bytesDecoded = videoStream.decodeVideo(decodePicture, packet, offset);
          if (bytesDecoded < 0) {

            throw new RuntimeException(
                "XUGGLER: error decoding video in: " + input.getLocation().getDecodedURL());

          if (decodePicture.getTimeStamp() != Global.NO_PTS) {

            decodePicture.setTimeStamp(decodePicture.getTimeStamp() - tsOffset);

          offset += bytesDecoded;
           * Some decoders will consume data in a packet, but will not be able to construct
           * a full video picture yet.  Therefore you should always check if you
           * got a complete picture from the decoder
          if (decodePicture.isComplete()) {


      } else if (audioStream != null
          && packet.getStreamIndex() == audioStreamIndex
          && decodeMode != DecodeMode.IGNORE_AUDIO) {

         * A packet can actually contain multiple sets of samples (or frames of samples
         * in audio-decoding speak).  So, we may need to call decode audio multiple
         * times at different offsets in the packet's data.  We capture that here.
        int offset = 0;

         * Keep going until we've processed all data
        while (offset < packet.getSize()) {
          int bytesDecoded = audioStream.decodeAudio(decodeSamples, packet, offset);
          if (bytesDecoded < 0) {
            // throw new RuntimeException("XUGGLER: got error decoding audio in: " +
            // inputVideoFile);


          if (decodeSamples.getTimeStamp() != Global.NO_PTS) {

            decodeSamples.setTimeStamp(decodeSamples.getTimeStamp() - tsOffset);

          offset += bytesDecoded;
           * Some decoder will consume data in a packet, but will not be able to construct
           * a full set of samples yet.  Therefore you should always check if you
           * got a complete set of samples from the decoder
          if (decodeSamples.isComplete()) {


      } else {

         * This packet isn't part of our video stream, so we just
         * silently drop it.
   * The playSong method is responsible for opening a Xuggler container to play song at provided
   * location.
   * @param songURL The location of the song to play (local file path or url)
  public void playSong(String songURL) {

    IContainer container = IContainer.make();

    IContainerFormat format = IContainerFormat.make();

    // Stream format must currently be mp3

    //		int s = container.setInputBufferLength(6270);
    //		if(s < 0){
    //			logger.warn("Input buffer was not set to desired length");
    //		}

    // Probe size value must be >50 for some reason. Native libraries throw an exception if it's
    // <50. Measured in bytes.
    if (container.setProperty("probesize", 50) < 0) {
      logger.warn("Probe size not set for input container.");

    if (container.setProperty("analyzeduration", 1) < 0) {
      logger.warn("Analyze duration not changed for input container.");

    container.setFlag(IContainer.Flags.FLAG_NONBLOCK, true);

    if (container.open(songURL, Type.READ, format, true, false) < 0) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("stream not found");

    int numStreams = container.getNumStreams();

    // long streamRec = System.currentTimeMillis();

    logger.info("Number of Audio streams detected {}", numStreams);

    IPacket packet = IPacket.make();
    IStream stream = null;
    IStreamCoder audioCoder = null;

    Map<Integer, IStreamCoder> knownStreams = new HashMap<Integer, IStreamCoder>();

    long previousValue = 0;

    while (container.readNextPacket(packet) >= 0 && alive) {

      if (packet.isComplete()) {

        if (knownStreams.get(packet.getStreamIndex()) == null) {
          container.queryStreamMetaData(); // This method tends to take awhile when reading a stream
          stream = container.getStream(packet.getStreamIndex());
          knownStreams.put(packet.getStreamIndex(), stream.getStreamCoder());

          audioCoder = knownStreams.get(packet.getStreamIndex());


        if (!audioCoder.isOpen()) {
          if (audioCoder.open(null, null) < 0) {
            throw new RuntimeException("could not open audio decoder for container");


          // System.out.println("Opening sound  " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - streamRec));

        // System.err.println(audioCoder.getNumDroppedFrames());

        int offset = 0;

        IAudioSamples samples = IAudioSamples.make(1024, audioCoder.getChannels());

        while (offset < packet.getSize() && alive) {

          // Wait until the state is playing
          while (state != PlayBack_State.PLAYING) {

            if (state == PlayBack_State.TEARDOWN) {
            } else {
              try {
                synchronized (LOCK_OBJECT) {
                  // mLine.drain();


              } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                logger.error("", e);

          int bytesDecoded = audioCoder.decodeAudio(samples, packet, offset);

          if (bytesDecoded < 0) {
            logger.warn("Error occurred decoding audio");
            // throw new RuntimeException("got error decoding audio");

          offset += bytesDecoded;

          if (samples.isComplete() && alive) {

          // Send the time stamp to the GUI for updating the progress bar
          long newValue = (long) (packet.getTimeStamp() * packet.getTimeBase().getValue());

          // Update GUI every second that the stream is playing
          if (newValue > previousValue) {
            previousValue = newValue;

            if (newValue == streamInfo.getSongDuration()) {
              alive = false;


    if (audioCoder != null) {
      audioCoder = null;
    if (container != null) {
      container = null;