public static Mapx initAddDialog(Mapx params) { String ForumID = params.getString("ForumID"); String SiteID = params.getString("SiteID"); params.put("Priv", ForumUtil.initPriv(ForumID, SiteID)); params.put("BBSName", ForumUtil.getBBSName(SiteID)); return params; }
private void bindData() throws Exception { if (this.DataSource == null) { throw new RuntimeException("必须在bindData方法中设定DataSource"); } this.items.clear(); this.root = new TreeItem(); this.root.setID("_TreeRoot"); this.root.setParentID(""); this.root.setRoot(true); this.root.setText(this.rootText); this.root.setAction(this); this.root.setLevel(0); this.root.setAttribute("onMouseOver", this.onMouseOver); this.root.setAttribute("onContextMenu", this.onContextMenu); this.root.setAttribute("onClick", this.onClick); this.root.setAttribute("onMouseOut", this.onMouseOut); this.items.add(this.root); Mapx map = new Mapx(); for (int i = 0; i < this.DataSource.getRowCount(); i++) map.put( this.DataSource.getString(i, this.IdentifierColumnName), this.DataSource.getString(i, this.ParentIdentifierColumnName)); try { TreeItem last = null; for (int i = 0; i < this.DataSource.getRowCount(); i++) { DataRow dr = this.DataSource.getDataRow(i); String parentID = dr.getString(this.ParentIdentifierColumnName); if ((XString.isEmpty(parentID)) || (!map.containsKey(parentID))) { TreeItem item = new TreeItem(); item.setData(dr); item.parseHtml(getItemInnerHtml(dr)); item.setAction(this); item.setID(dr.getString(this.IdentifierColumnName)); item.setParentID(parentID); if (this.lazyLoad) { item.setLevel(this.parentLevel + 1); item.setLevelStr((String) getParams().get("LevelStr")); } else { item.setLevel(1); } item.setParent(this.root); this.items.add(item); addChild(item); last = item; } } if (last != null) last.setLast(true); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public static void dg1DataBind(DataGridAction dga) { DataTable dt = new QueryBuilder( "select * from ZCFullText where siteid=?", ApplicationPage.getCurrentSiteID()) .executeDataTable(); Mapx map = new Mapx(); map.put("Article", "文章检索"); map.put("Image", "图片检索"); map.put("Video", "视频检索"); map.put("Radio", "音频检索"); dt.decodeColumn("Type", map); dga.bindData(dt); }
public static ZDMemberSchema setPropValues(ZDMemberSchema member, Mapx map, String SiteID) { ZDMemberFieldSchema field = new ZDMemberFieldSchema(); ZDMemberFieldSet set = field.query(new QueryBuilder(" where SiteID = ?", SiteID)); for (int i = 0; i < set.size(); i++) { String Value = ""; String RealField = ""; String Code = ""; field = new ZDMemberFieldSchema(); field = set.get(i); Code = field.getCode(); RealField = field.getRealField(); Value = map.getString("_MC_" + Code); map.put(RealField, Value); } member.setValue(map); return member; }
public static void treeDataBind(TreeAction ta) { String SiteID = ApplicationPage.getCurrentSiteID() + ""; DataTable dt = null; Mapx params = ta.getParams(); String CatalogType = (String) params.get("Type"); String parentLevel = (String) params.get("ParentLevel"); String parentID = (String) params.get("ParentID"); String rootText = ""; if (CatalogType.equals("1")) rootText = "文档库"; else if (CatalogType.equals("4")) rootText = "图片库"; else if (CatalogType.equals("5")) rootText = "视频库"; else if (CatalogType.equals("6")) rootText = "音频库"; else if (CatalogType.equals("7")) { rootText = "附件库"; } if (ta.isLazyLoad()) { QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder( "select ID,ParentID,TreeLevel,Name,SingleFlag,prop1 from ZCCatalog Where Type =? and SiteID =? and TreeLevel>? and innerCode like ? order by orderflag"); qb.add(CatalogType); qb.add(SiteID); qb.add(parentLevel); qb.add(CatalogUtil.getInnerCode(parentID) + "%"); dt = qb.executeDataTable(); } else { QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder( "select ID,ParentID,TreeLevel,Name,SingleFlag,prop1 from ZCCatalog Where Type =? and SiteID=? and TreeLevel-1<=? order by orderflag"); qb.add(CatalogType); qb.add(SiteID); qb.add(ta.getLevel()); dt = qb.executeDataTable(); } ta.setRootText(rootText); dt.setWebMode(false); ta.bindData(dt); if (CatalogType.equals("1")) { List items = ta.getItemList(); for (int i = 1; i < items.size(); i++) { TreeItem item = (TreeItem) items.get(i); if ("Y".equals(item.getData().getString("SingleFlag"))) item.setIcon("Icons/treeicon11.gif"); } } }
public static Mapx initDialog(Mapx params) { String Code = params.getString("Code"); if (XString.isEmpty(Code)) { params.put("VerifyType", HtmlUtil.mapxToOptions(VerifyTypeMap)); params.put("InputType", HtmlUtil.mapxToOptions(InputTypeMap)); params.put("IsMandatory", HtmlUtil.codeToRadios("IsMandatory", "YesOrNo", "N")); params.put("MaxLength", "100"); params.put("Cols", "265"); params.put("Rows", "90"); } else { ZDMemberFieldSchema field = new ZDMemberFieldSchema(); field.setCode(Code); field.setSiteID(ApplicationPage.getCurrentSiteID()); field.fill(); params = field.toMapx(); params.put("VerifyType", HtmlUtil.mapxToOptions(VerifyTypeMap, field.getVerifyType())); params.put("InputType", HtmlUtil.mapxToOptions(InputTypeMap, field.getInputType())); params.put( "IsMandatory", HtmlUtil.codeToRadios("IsMandatory", "YesOrNo", field.getIsMandatory())); } return params; }
public static com.xdarkness.member.Member setPropValues( com.xdarkness.member.Member member, Mapx Request) { ZDMemberSchema m = new ZDMemberSchema(); String siteID = ""; m.setUserName(member.getUserName()); if (m.fill()) siteID = m.getSiteID() + ""; else { siteID = Request.getString("SiteID"); } m = setPropValues(m, Request, siteID); member.setValue(m.toMapx()); return member; }
public static Mapx init(Mapx params) { String ForumID = params.getString("ForumID"); String ThemeID = params.getString("ThemeID"); String SiteID = params.getString("SiteID"); ZCThemeSchema theme = new ZCThemeSchema(); theme.setID(ThemeID); theme.setForumID(ForumID); Mapx map = theme.toMapx(); ZCForumSchema forum = new ZCForumSchema(); forum.setID(ForumID); forum.fill(); map.put("Name", forum.getName()); map.put("AddUser", User.getUserName()); map.put("SiteID", SiteID); map.put("Priv", ForumUtil.initPriv(ForumID, SiteID)); map.put("BBSName", ForumUtil.getBBSName(SiteID)); return map; }
public static Mapx initDetail(Mapx params) { String id = params.getString("ID"); if (XString.isNotEmpty(id)) { ZCCommentSchema comment = new ZCCommentSchema(); comment.setID(id); if (comment.fill()) { params.putAll(comment.toMapx()); params.put( "VerifyFlag", CacheManager.getMapx("Code", "Comment.Status").get(params.get("VerifyFlag"))); String addTimeStr = params.getString("AddTime"); params.put("AddTime", addTimeStr.substring(0, addTimeStr.lastIndexOf("."))); } } return params; }
static { depolyStatus.put("0", "就绪"); depolyStatus.put("1", "执行中"); depolyStatus.put("2", "成功"); depolyStatus.put("3", "失败"); }
public static Mapx init(Mapx params) { DataTable dt = null; dt = new QueryBuilder("select name,id from zcsite order by orderflag").executeDataTable(); dt = dt.filter( new Filter() { public boolean filter(Object obj) { DataRow dr = (DataRow) obj; return Priv.getPriv(User.getUserName(), "site", dr.getString("ID"), "site_browse"); } }); if ((getCurrentSiteID() == 0L) && (dt.getRowCount() > 0)) { setCurrentSiteID(dt.getString(0, "ID")); } params.put("Sites", HtmlUtil.dataTableToOptions(dt, getCurrentSiteID())); DataTable dtsite = new QueryBuilder("select ID,Name from zcsite order by orderflag").executeDataTable(); StringBuffer sitestb = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < dtsite.getRowCount(); i++) { if (dtsite.getString(i, "ID").equals(getCurrentSiteID())) { sitestb.append( "<a value=\"" + dtsite.getString(i, "ID") + "\" class=\"ahover\" hidefocus href=\"javascript:void(0);\">" + dtsite.getString(i, "Name") + "</a>"); params.put("CurrentSiteName", dtsite.getString(i, "Name")); params.put("CurrentSiteId", dtsite.getString(i, "ID")); } else { sitestb.append( "<a value=\"" + dtsite.getString(i, "ID") + "\" hidefocus href=\"javascript:void(0);\">" + dtsite.getString(i, "Name") + "</a>"); } } params.put("ZCSites", sitestb.toString()); dt = new QueryBuilder( "select name,id from zdmenu where visiable='Y' and parentID=0 order by OrderFlag") .executeDataTable(); dt = dt.filter( new Filter() { public boolean filter(Object obj) { DataRow dr = (DataRow) obj; return Priv.getPriv( User.getUserName(), "menu", ApplicationPage.getCurrentSiteID() + "-" + dr.getString("id"), "menu_browse"); } }); boolean hasMenu = false; String template = "<a id='_Menu_${ID}' onclick='Application.onMainMenuClick(this);return false;' hidefocus='true'><b>${Name}</b></a>"; String menuHtml = HtmlUtil.replaceWithDataTable(dt, template); if (dt.getRowCount() > 0) { hasMenu = true; } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); template = "arr.push([${ID},\"${Name}\",\"${URL}\",\"${Icon}\"]);"; sb.append("var arr;"); for (int i = 0; i < dt.getRowCount(); i++) { String id = dt.getString(i, "ID"); sb.append("arr = [];"); DataTable dt2 = new QueryBuilder( "select name,id,url,icon from zdmenu where visiable='Y' and parentID=? order by OrderFlag", id) .executeDataTable(); dt2 = dt2.filter( new Filter() { public boolean filter(Object obj) { DataRow dr = (DataRow) obj; return Priv.getPriv( User.getUserName(), "menu", ApplicationPage.getCurrentSiteID() + "-" + dr.getString("id"), "menu_browse"); } }); sb.append(HtmlUtil.replaceWithDataTable(dt2, template)); sb.append("$('_Menu_" + id + "').ChildArray = arr;"); if (dt2.getRowCount() > 0) { hasMenu = true; } } HtmlScript script = new HtmlScript(); script.setInnerHTML(sb.toString()); if (hasMenu) params.put("Menu", menuHtml + script.getOuterHtml()); else { params.put("Menu", "<font color='yellow'>对不起,你没有任何菜单权限,请联系'管理员'分配菜单权限后再登陆!</font>"); } DataCollection privDC = LoginPage.getAllPriv(new DataCollection()); String priv = XString.htmlEncode(privDC.toXML().replaceAll("\\s+", " ")); params.put("Privileges", priv); return params; }
static { InputTypeMap.put(Input, "文本框"); InputTypeMap.put(Text, "多行文本框"); InputTypeMap.put(Selecter, "下拉框"); InputTypeMap.put(Radio, "单选框"); InputTypeMap.put(Checkbox, "多选框"); InputTypeMap.put(DateInput, "日期框"); InputTypeMap.put(TimeInput, "时间框"); InputTypeMap.put(HTMLInput, "HTML"); STRING = "1"; NUMBER = "2"; INT = "3"; EMAIL = "5"; VerifyTypeMap = new Mapx(); VerifyTypeMap.put(STRING, "无"); VerifyTypeMap.put(NUMBER, "数字"); VerifyTypeMap.put(INT, "整数"); VerifyTypeMap.put(EMAIL, "邮箱"); }
private static String getColumn(DataRow dr, ZDMemberSchema member, String realField) { String columnName = dr.getString("Name"); String columnCode = dr.getString("Code"); String inputType = dr.getString("InputType"); String verifyType = dr.getString("VerifyType"); String listOption = dr.getString("ListOption"); String defaultValue = dr.getString("DefaultValue"); String isMandatory = dr.getString("IsMandatory"); String maxLength = dr.getString("MaxLength"); String HTML = dr.getString("HTML"); String verifyStr = "verify='" + columnName + "|"; if ("Y".equals(isMandatory)) { verifyStr = verifyStr + "NotNull"; } if (!STRING.equals(verifyType)) { if (NUMBER.equals(verifyType)) verifyStr = verifyStr + "&&Number"; else if (INT.equals(verifyType)) verifyStr = verifyStr + "&&Int"; else if (EMAIL.equals(verifyType)) verifyStr = verifyStr + "&&Email"; } if ((XString.isNotEmpty(maxLength)) && (!"0".equals(maxLength))) verifyStr = verifyStr + "&&Length<" + maxLength + "'"; else { verifyStr = verifyStr + "'"; } if ((member != null) && (realField != null)) { Mapx map = member.toMapx(); defaultValue = map.getString(realField); if (XString.isEmpty(defaultValue)) { defaultValue = ""; } } columnCode = "_MC_" + columnCode; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("<tr><td height='25' align='right' >"); sb.append(columnName); sb.append(":</td><td align='left' >"); if (inputType.equals(Input)) { sb.append( "<input type='text' size='26' id='" + columnCode + "' name='" + columnCode + "' value='" + defaultValue + "' " + verifyStr + " />"); } if (inputType.equals(Text)) { sb.append( "<textarea style='width:" + dr.getString("ColSize") + "px;height:" + dr.getString("RowSize") + "px' id='" + columnCode + "' name='" + columnCode + "' " + verifyStr + ">" + defaultValue + "</textarea>"); } if (inputType.equals(Selecter)) { SelectTag select = new SelectTag(); select.setId(columnCode); if ("Y".equals(isMandatory)) { select.setVerify(columnName + "|NotNull"); } String[] array = listOption.split("\\n"); sb.append(select.getHtml(HtmlUtil.arrayToOptions(array, defaultValue, true))); } if (inputType.equals(Radio)) { String[] array = listOption.split("\\n"); if ((XString.isEmpty(defaultValue)) && (array.length > 0)) { defaultValue = array[0]; } sb.append(HtmlUtil.arrayToRadios(columnCode, array, defaultValue)); } if (inputType.equals(Checkbox)) { String[] array = listOption.split("\\n"); defaultValue = defaultValue.replaceAll(" ", ","); defaultValue = defaultValue.replaceAll(" ", ","); defaultValue = defaultValue.replaceAll(" ", ","); defaultValue = defaultValue.replaceAll(" ", ","); defaultValue = defaultValue.replaceAll(",,", ","); defaultValue = defaultValue.replaceAll(",,", ","); defaultValue = defaultValue.replaceAll(",", ","); String[] checkedArray = defaultValue.split(","); sb.append(HtmlUtil.arrayToCheckboxes(columnCode, array, checkedArray)); } if (inputType.equals(DateInput)) { sb.append( "<input name='" + columnCode + "' id='" + columnCode + "' value='" + defaultValue + "' type='text' size='20' xtype='Date' " + verifyStr + " />"); } if (inputType.equals(TimeInput)) { sb.append( "<input name='" + columnCode + "' id='" + columnCode + "' value='" + defaultValue + "' type='text' size='10' xtype='Time' " + verifyStr + " />"); } if (inputType.equals(HTMLInput)) { sb.append(HTML); } sb.append("</td></tr>"); return sb.toString(); }