private void loadConfigurations() { PlugInContext pc = context.createPlugInContext(); for (Iterator i = configurations.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Configuration configuration = (Configuration); + " " + name(configuration) + " " + version(configuration)); long start = secondsSince(0); try { configuration.configure(pc); System.out.println( "Loading " + name(configuration) + " " + version(configuration) + " took " + secondsSinceString(start) + "s"); } catch (Throwable e) { context.getErrorHandler().handleThrowable(e); context .getWorkbench() .getFrame() .log(configuration.getClass().getName() + " " + NOT_INITIALIZED, this.getClass()); } } }
public void run(TaskMonitor monitor, PlugInContext context) throws Exception { // -- get the LM because when the Histogram will be shown, the app. focus // will change and context.addLayer will not work (null pointer exc.) // [mmichaud 2012-04-09] to completely resolve this problem, I added the // new JInternalFrame is added after the addLayer method has been called this.currentLM = context.getLayerManager(); monitor.allowCancellationRequests(); if (this.selAttribute == null) { context.getWorkbenchFrame().warnUser(I18N.get(sNoAttributeChoosen)); return; } javax.swing.JInternalFrame internalFrame = context.getWorkbenchFrame().getActiveInternalFrame(); FeatureDataset result = classifyAndCreatePlot(monitor, context); context.getWorkbenchFrame().activateFrame(internalFrame); if (result == null) { context.getWorkbenchFrame().warnUser(I18N.get(sNotEnoughValuesWarning)); } else if (result.size() > 0) { String name = this.selAttribute + "_" + this.selClassifier; this.currentLM.addLayer(StandardCategoryNames.WORKING, name, result); JInternalFrame frame = new JInternalFrame(this.sHistogram); frame.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); frame.add(plot, BorderLayout.CENTER); frame.setClosable(true); frame.setResizable(true); frame.setMaximizable(true); frame.setSize(450, 450); context.getWorkbenchFrame().addInternalFrame(frame); plot = null; } else { context.getWorkbenchFrame().warnUser(sWarning); } }
public void run(TaskMonitor monitor, PlugInContext context) throws Exception { if (!saveDatasetDialog.wasOKPressed()) { return; } AbstractOutputDriver outputDriver = (AbstractOutputDriver) saveDatasetDialog.getCurrentDriver();"Saving " + layer.getName() + "..."); outputDriver.output(layer); }
public static final void install( ExtensionManagerDialog extensionManager, WorkbenchContext workbenchContext, ExtensionWrapper ext, TaskMonitor monitor) throws Exception { PlugInManager manager = workbenchContext.getWorkbench().getPlugInManager();"deejump.pluging.manager.ExtensionHelper.Downloading-resources")); File[] files = downloadAndSaveResources( extensionManager.getExtensionSite(), ext, manager.getPlugInDirectory()); URLClassLoader classLoader = new URLClassLoader(toURLs(files));"deejump.pluging.manager.ExtensionHelper.Loading-classes")); // list Extension and/or Configuration classes inside the zips/jars List extensionClasses = new ArrayList(10); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { extensionClasses.addAll(classes(new ZipFile(files[i]), classLoader)); } List configs = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator iter = extensionClasses.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Class c = (Class); Configuration configuration = (Configuration) c.newInstance(); configs.add(configuration); }"deejump.pluging.manager.ExtensionHelper.Loading-extensions")); // finally, load configs/extensions // this method will call extension.configure(new PlugInContext(context, null, null, // null, null)); ) loadConfigurations(configs, workbenchContext); }
/* * Se ejecuta una vez finalizado el interfaz despues de pasar por todas las pantallas. * (non-Javadoc) * @see com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.plugin.ThreadedPlugIn#run(com.vividsolutions.jump.task.TaskMonitor, com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.plugin.PlugInContext) */ public void run(TaskMonitor monitor, PlugInContext context) throws Exception { try { I18N.get( PluginMobileExtracti18n, MobilePluginI18NResource.MobileModifyPanel01_deletingProy)); ExtractionProject eProject = (ExtractionProject) blackboard.get(MobileModifyPanel01.SELECTED_EXTRACT_PROJECT); // guardamos la informacion en base de datos final String sUrlPrefix = Constants.APLICACION.getString(UserPreferenceConstants.LOCALGIS_SERVER_URL); AdministradorCartografiaClient administradorCartografiaClient = new AdministradorCartografiaClient( sUrlPrefix + WebAppConstants.GEOPISTA_WEBAPP_NAME + ServletConstants.ADMINISTRADOR_CARTOGRAFIA_SERVLET_NAME); administradorCartografiaClient.deleteExtractProject(eProject); // Borramos los datos subidos al servidor. httpDeleteProject(Constants.URL_DELETE_SERVER, eProject); String dirBase = UserPreferenceStore.getUserPreference( UserPreferenceConstants.PREFERENCES_DATA_PATH_KEY, UserPreferenceConstants.DEFAULT_DATA_PATH, true); dirBase += File.separator + "maps"; String projectName = eProject.getNombreProyecto(); String idProyecto = eProject.getIdProyecto(); String dirMapName = projectName + "." + idProyecto; File dirBaseMake = new File(dirBase, dirMapName); if (dirBaseMake.exists()) { MobileUtils.deleteDir(dirBaseMake);"Borrando fichero local:" + dirBaseMake); } } finally { // borramos la cuadrícula LayerManager layerManager = context.getLayerManager(); Layer graticuleLayer = layerManager.getLayer(GraticuleCreatorEngine.getGraticuleName()); if (graticuleLayer != null) { layerManager.remove(graticuleLayer); } } }
public static final void remove(List fileList, ExtensionWrapper ext, TaskMonitor monitor) throws Exception { List resourceList = ext.getResourceList(); for (Iterator iter = fileList.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { File file = (File); if (file.isFile()) { if (resourceList.contains(file.getName())) { // System.out.println("will delete: " + file); I18N.get("deejump.pluging.manager.ExtensionHelper.Deleting-file") + " " + file); boolean deleted = false; try { deleted = file.delete(); } catch (SecurityException e) { // TODO decide if re-throw here or handle or log?? e.printStackTrace(); } // TODO throw exc if false. // hmm no exception thrown? // file permissions? // bye bye System.out.println( I18N.get("deejump.pluging.manager.ExtensionHelper.deleted") + " '" + file + "': " + deleted); // ???? above hasn't worked, file locked? del on exited didn'T work... // put file on a list and finish it off? // inlcude in a plug-in, listener --> workbench.isclosed -> del file! // file.deleteOnExit(); } } } }
private Collection findConfigurations(File plugInDirectory) throws Exception { ArrayList configurations = new ArrayList(); long start; for (Iterator i = findFilesRecursively(plugInDirectory, false).iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { start = secondsSince(0); File file = (File); String msg = I18N.getMessage( "com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.plugin.PlugInManager.scan", new String[] {file.getName()});; try { configurations.addAll(findConfigurations(classes(new ZipFile(file), classLoader))); } catch (ZipException e) { // Might not be a zipfile. Eat it. [Jon Aquino] } System.out.println("Scanning " + file + " took " + secondsSinceString(start) + "s"); } return configurations; }
private void loadPlugIns(WorkbenchProperties props) { PlugInContext pc = context.createPlugInContext(); // List<String> classNames = props.getPlugInClassNames(); Map<String, Map<String, String>> pluginSettings = props.getSettings(new String[] {WorkbenchProperties.KEY_PLUGIN}); int i = 0; for (String className : pluginSettings.keySet()) { // System.out.println(i++ + "/"+ className); String initSetting = pluginSettings.get(className).get(WorkbenchProperties.ATTR_INITIALIZE); if (initSetting instanceof String && initSetting.equals(WorkbenchProperties.ATTR_VALUE_FALSE)) continue; + " " + className); Class plugInClass = null; try { long start = secondsSince(0); plugInClass = Class.forName(className); PlugIn plugIn = (PlugIn) plugInClass.newInstance(); plugIn.initialize(pc); // get plugin's menu settings Map<String, Map> menuSettings = props.getSettings( new String[] { WorkbenchProperties.KEY_PLUGIN, className, WorkbenchProperties.KEY_MENUS }); // interpret menu settings for (Map.Entry<String, Map> entry : menuSettings.entrySet()) { String menuKey = entry.getKey(); if (pc.getFeatureInstaller().fetchMenuForKey(menuKey) == null) continue; // install me to menu? String installSetting = props.getSetting( new String[] { WorkbenchProperties.KEY_PLUGIN, className, WorkbenchProperties.KEY_MENUS, menuKey, WorkbenchProperties.ATTR_INSTALL }); // String orderSetting = props.getSetting(new String[] { // WorkbenchProperties.KEY_PLUGIN, className, // WorkbenchProperties.KEY_MENUS, // menuKey, // WorkbenchProperties.ATTR_ORDERID}); // log (order) info // context // .getWorkbench() // .getFrame() // .log( // "install " + className + " to " + menuKey + " = " // + installSetting + " with orderid = " + orderSetting); // install, or not if (installSetting.equals(WorkbenchProperties.ATTR_VALUE_TRUE)) pc.getFeatureInstaller().addMenuPlugin(menuKey, plugIn); } // register shortcuts of plugins AbstractPlugIn.registerShortcuts(plugIn); context .getWorkbench() .getFrame() .log("Loading " + className + " took " + secondsSinceString(start) + "s"); } catch (Throwable e) { context.getErrorHandler().handleThrowable(e); context.getWorkbench().getFrame().log(className + " " + NOT_INITIALIZED, this.getClass()); } } }
/** * @param context * @throws IOException */ private void saveTrafficRegulationInformation(PlugInContext context, TaskMonitor monitor) throws IOException { String netName = ""; if (getSelectedLayer().getSystemId().startsWith("Arcos-")) { String[] a = getSelectedLayer().getSystemId().split("-"); netName = a[1]; System.out.println(a.length); for (int i = 2; i < a.length; i++) { netName = netName + "-" + a[i]; } } else { netName = getSelectedLayer().getSystemId(); } ArrayList<GeopistaFeature> listaFeatures = this.getSelectedsArrayListStreetFeature(); ArrayList<Integer> listaEdgeIds = this.getSelectedsArrayListEdgesIds(); for (int i = 0; i < listaFeatures.size(); i++) {"Modificando Direccion tramo " + i + " de " + listaEdgeIds.size()); Edge selectedEdge = searchEdgeByIdAndNetworkName(context, netName, listaEdgeIds.get(i)); if (selectedEdge instanceof LocalGISStreetDynamicEdge) { // Se actualiza el StreetEdge ((LocalGISStreetDynamicEdge) selectedEdge).setTrafficRegulation(getTrafficRegualtion()); RouteArrowLineStyle line = new RouteArrowLineStyle.BiDirect( (Viewport) context.getLayerViewPanel().getViewport(), (Graphics2D) ((LayerViewPanel) context.getLayerViewPanel()).getGraphics()); if (this.getSelectedLayer().getStyle(RouteArrowLineStyle.class) != null) { getSelectedLayer().removeStyle(getSelectedLayer().getStyle(RouteArrowLineStyle.class)); } getSelectedLayer().addStyle(line); GeopistaFeature feat = listaFeatures.get(i); if (feat != null) { // se actualiza el valor de la feature feat.setAttribute( I18N.get( "regulacionTrafico", "routeengine.trafficregulation.trafficregulationattributename"), getTrafficRegualtion().toString()); // this.paintBidirectTrafiicRegulation(getTrafficRegualtion()); if (feat.getSchema().hasAttribute("pintadaRegulacionTrafico") && feat.getAttribute("pintadaRegulacionTrafico") != null && feat.getAttribute("pintadaRegulacionTrafico") instanceof Integer) { try { feat.setAttribute("pintadaRegulacionTrafico", 1); } catch (Exception e) { } } } context.getLayerViewPanel().repaint(); } NetworkManager nManager = NetworkModuleUtilWorkbench.getNetworkManager(context); Network actualNetwork = nManager.getNetwork(netName); // intentamos insercion en la base de datos de la velocidad de la v�a Category categoryLayer = context.getLayerManager().getCategory(getSelectedLayer()); if (!categoryLayer.getName().equals("")) { if (actualNetwork.getGraph() instanceof DynamicGraph && ((DynamicGraph) actualNetwork.getGraph()).getMemoryManager() instanceof SpatialAllInMemoryExternalSourceMemoryManager) { RouteConnectionFactory routeConnection = new GeopistaRouteConnectionFactoryImpl(); LocalGISNetworkDAO lnDAO = new LocalGISNetworkDAO(); Connection connection = null; try { connection = routeConnection.getConnection(); lnDAO.updateStreetData(netName, (LocalGISStreetDynamicEdge) selectedEdge, connection); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { ConnectionUtilities.closeConnection(connection); } } } } }
private FeatureDataset classifyAndCreatePlot(TaskMonitor monitor, final PlugInContext context) throws Exception {; // =============== get DATA and prepare ==============/ FeatureSchema fs = this.fc.getFeatureSchema(); AttributeType type = null; if ((fs.getAttributeType(this.selAttribute) == AttributeType.DOUBLE) || (fs.getAttributeType(this.selAttribute) == AttributeType.INTEGER)) { // -- move on type = fs.getAttributeType(this.selAttribute); } else { // System.out.println("ClassifyAttributesPlugIn: wrong datatype of chosen attribute"); context.getWorkbenchFrame().warnUser(sWrongDataType); return null; } int size = getFeatureCollectionSize(this.fc, this.selAttribute, this.nullAsZero); if (size < 3) { return null; } this.ranges = Math.min(this.ranges, size); double[] data = new double[size]; double[][] plotdata = new double[2][size]; // for drawing 1-D scatter plot int[] fID = new int[size]; int i = 0; for (Iterator iter = fc.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Feature f = (Feature); if (f.getAttribute(this.selAttribute) == null && !nullAsZero) continue; fID[i] = f.getID(); plotdata[1][i] = 1; Object val = f.getAttribute(this.selAttribute); if (type == AttributeType.DOUBLE) { if (val == null) data[i] = 0.0; else data[i] = ((Double) val).doubleValue(); } else if (type == AttributeType.INTEGER) { if (val == null) data[i] = 0; else data[i] = ((Integer) val).intValue(); } plotdata[0][i] = data[i]; i++; } /* //-- some testdata double[][] plotdata2 = new double[2][8]; double[] data2 = { -2, 4, 6, 5, 0, 10, 7, 1 }; double[] axis2 = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }; plotdata2[0] = data2; plotdata2[1] = axis2; */ if (monitor.isCancelRequested()) { return null; } // =============== find breaks according to chosen method ==============/ double[] limits = null; if (this.useKmeans == false) { if (this.selClassifier == Classifier1D.EQUAL_NUMBER) { limits = Classifier1D.classifyEqualNumber(data, this.ranges); } else if (this.selClassifier == Classifier1D.EQUAL_RANGE) { limits = Classifier1D.classifyEqualRange(data, this.ranges); } else if (this.selClassifier == Classifier1D.MEAN_STDEV) { limits = Classifier1D.classifyMeanStandardDeviation(data, this.ranges); } else if (this.selClassifier == Classifier1D.MAX_BREAKS) { limits = Classifier1D.classifyMaxBreaks(data, this.ranges); } else if (this.selClassifier == Classifier1D.JENKS_BREAKS) { limits = Classifier1D.classifyNaturalBreaks(data, this.ranges); } } else { if (this.selClassifier == Classifier1D.EQUAL_NUMBER) { limits = Classifier1D.classifyKMeansOnExistingBreaks(data, this.ranges, 3); } else if (this.selClassifier == Classifier1D.EQUAL_RANGE) { limits = Classifier1D.classifyKMeansOnExistingBreaks(data, this.ranges, 2); } else if (this.selClassifier == Classifier1D.MEAN_STDEV) { limits = Classifier1D.classifyKMeansOnExistingBreaks(data, this.ranges, 4); } else if (this.selClassifier == Classifier1D.MAX_BREAKS) { limits = Classifier1D.classifyKMeansOnExistingBreaks(data, this.ranges, 1); } else if (this.selClassifier == Classifier1D.JENKS_BREAKS) { limits = Classifier1D.classifyKMeansOnExistingBreaks(data, this.ranges, 5); } } if (monitor.isCancelRequested()) { return null; }; // =============== plot data and class breaks ==============/ // -- do display here - in case we later want to allow interactive editing of the limits // -- reformat limits double[][] limits2show = new double[2][limits.length]; // -- due to bug in jmathplot add limits twice if only three classes = 2breaks are sought if (limits.length == 2) { limits2show = new double[2][limits.length * 2]; } for (int j = 0; j < limits.length; j++) { limits2show[0][j] = limits[j]; // x-axis limits2show[1][j] = Math.floor( i / (4.0 * this.ranges)); // y-axis, estimate height of "bar" from number of items // limits2show[1][j]= 1; // -- due to bug in jmathplot add limits twice if only three classes are sought if (limits.length == 2) { limits2show[0][limits.length + j] = limits[j]; limits2show[1][limits.length + j] = Math.floor(i / (4.0 * this.ranges)); } } // =============== plot data and class breaks ==============/ // -- create plots /*final Plot2DPanelOJ*/ plot = new Plot2DPanelOJ(); plot.addHistogramPlotOJ( this.selAttribute, data, this.ranges * 3, context, selLayer, this.selAttribute); plot.addScatterPlotOJ(this.sDatapoints, plotdata, fID, context, this.selLayer); plot.addBarPlot(this.sClassbreaks, limits2show); plot.plotToolBar.setVisible(true); plot.setAxisLabel(0, this.selAttribute); plot.setAxisLabel(1, this.sCount); plot.addLegend("SOUTH"); // [mmichaud 2012-04-09] Moved in run method after the addLayer method // to avoid the problem of the focus change // JInternalFrame frame = new JInternalFrame(this.sHistogram); // frame.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); // frame.add(plot, BorderLayout.CENTER); // frame.setClosable(true); // frame.setResizable(true); // frame.setMaximizable(true); // frame.setSize(450, 450); // frame.setVisible(true); // context.getWorkbenchFrame().addInternalFrame(frame); // =============== classify data ==============/ if (monitor.isCancelRequested()) { return null; }; int[] classes = Classifier1D.classifyData(data, limits); // double[] classes =; // context.getWorkbenchFrame().warnUser("classification not yet implemented"); // =============== add field ==============/ if (monitor.isCancelRequested()) { return null; }; FeatureDataset fd = null; ArrayList outData = new ArrayList(); FeatureSchema targetFSnew = null; int count = 0; Iterator iterp = fc.iterator(); String attname = this.selAttribute + "_" + this.selClassifier; while (iterp.hasNext()) { // count=count+1; // if(monitor != null){ //"item: " + count + " of " + size); // } Feature p = (Feature); Object val = p.getAttribute(this.selAttribute); if (val == null && !this.nullAsZero) continue; else count++; if (count == 1) { FeatureSchema targetFs = p.getSchema(); targetFSnew = FeatureSchemaTools.copyFeatureSchema(targetFs); if (targetFSnew.hasAttribute(attname)) { // attribute will be overwriten } else { // add attribute targetFSnew.addAttribute(attname, AttributeType.INTEGER); } } // -- evaluate value for every polygon Feature fcopy = FeatureSchemaTools.copyFeature(p, targetFSnew); // fcopy.setAttribute(this.selClassifier, new Integer(classes[count-1])); fcopy.setAttribute(attname, new Integer(classes[count - 1])); outData.add(fcopy); } fd = new FeatureDataset(targetFSnew); fd.addAll(outData); return fd; }