private void setEdgeFaces() { for (Face face : getFaces()) { for (Edge edge : face.getEdges()) { edge.getFaces().add(face); } } }
private boolean isCellOpen(Cell cell) { Set<Face> cellFaces = cell.getFaces(); for (Face face : cellFaces) { for (Edge edge : face.getEdges()) { Set<Face> faceSiblingsByEdge = new HashSet<Face>(face.getSiblings(edge)); faceSiblingsByEdge.retainAll(cellFaces); if (faceSiblingsByEdge.size() == 0) { return true; } } } return false; }
private void traverseFaces() { Set<Space> uniqueSpaces = new HashSet<Space>(); Map<Cell, Space> cellToSpaces = new HashMap<Cell, Space>(); Map<Space, Cell> spaceToCells = new HashMap<Space, Cell>(); double figurePrecision = getPrecision(); for (Face currFace : getFaces()) { Set<Cell> currCells = currFace.getCells(); Plane currFacePlane = Util.create2dPlaneFrom(currFace, figurePrecision); nextSiblings: for (Face siblingFace : currFace.getSiblings()) { Set<Cell> siblingCells = siblingFace.getCells(); // omit faces lying in the same plane as the original face if (Util.isLyingOn(siblingFace, currFacePlane)) { continue nextSiblings; } for (Cell currCell : currCells) { // omit faces already participated in one of the current cells if (currCell.getFaces().contains(siblingFace)) { continue nextSiblings; } else if (Util.isLyingOn(siblingFace, cellToSpaces.get(currCell))) { currCell.addFace(siblingFace); continue nextSiblings; } } for (Cell siblingCell : siblingCells) { if (Util.isLyingOn(currFace, cellToSpaces.get(siblingCell))) { siblingCell.addFace(currFace); continue nextSiblings; } } Space newSpace = Util.create3dSpaceFrom(currFace, siblingFace, figurePrecision); if (!Util.isLyingOn(currFace, newSpace) || !Util.isLyingOn(siblingFace, newSpace)) { throw new RuntimeException("Creation of 3D spaces logic does not work!"); } Cell newCell; if (uniqueSpaces.contains(newSpace)) { newCell = spaceToCells.get(newSpace); } else { newCell = new Cell(); uniqueSpaces.add(newSpace); cellToSpaces.put(newCell, newSpace); spaceToCells.put(newSpace, newCell); getCells().add(newCell); } newCell.addFace(currFace); newCell.addFace(siblingFace); } } }