public Block getNextBlock() { Point2I currentPoint = spiral(currentColumn, pos.getX(), pos.getZ()); miningWith = canMineBlock(currentPoint.getX(), currentYLevel, currentPoint.getY()); while ((miningWith <= 0) && (currentYLevel >= 0)) { if (miningWith > 0) { return worldObj .getBlockState(new BlockPos(currentPoint.getX(), currentYLevel, currentPoint.getY())) .getBlock(); } else { currentYLevel--; if (currentYLevel >= 0) miningWith = canMineBlock(currentPoint.getX(), currentYLevel, currentPoint.getY()); } } if (miningWith > 0) { return worldObj .getBlockState(new BlockPos(currentPoint.getX(), currentYLevel, currentPoint.getY())) .getBlock(); } if (currentYLevel < 0) { currentYLevel = pos.getY() - 1; currentColumn--; if (currentColumn < 0) { //"Last Column done Update"); scanBlocks(); currentColumn = getRange(); } else { return getNextBlock(); } } return null; }
public void scanBlocks() { totalMineBlocks = currentMineBlocks = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= getRange(); i++) { Point2I currentPoint = spiral(i, pos.getX(), pos.getZ()); boolean bedrock = false; int newY = this.pos.getY() - 1; while (!bedrock) { int result = canMineBlock(currentPoint.getX(), newY, currentPoint.getY()); if (result >= 1) { totalMineBlocks++; } else if (result == -1) { totalMineBlocks++; currentMineBlocks++; } newY--; if (newY < 0) bedrock = true; } } addPartialUpdate("MineBlocks", totalMineBlocks); addPartialUpdate("MinedBlocks", currentMineBlocks); notifyUpdate(); //"Update Finished: "+currentMineBlocks+"/"+totalMineBlocks); }
public void mine() { if ((slots[1] == null) || (slots[2] == null) || (slots[3] == null)) return; if (currentBlock != null) { // continue to mine this block if (miningTime <= 0) { miningTime = 0; // clock is done, lets mine it Point2I currentPoint = spiral(currentColumn, pos.getX(), pos.getZ()); BlockPos currentPosition = new BlockPos(currentPoint.getX(), currentYLevel, currentPoint.getY()); //"Point: "+miningWith+" // "+currentPoint.getX()+","+currentYLevel+","+currentPoint.getY()); // don't harvest anything if the block is air or liquid if (miningWith != 4) { // get the inventory of anything under it if (worldObj.getTileEntity(currentPosition) instanceof IInventory) { IInventory inv = (IInventory) worldObj.getTileEntity(currentPosition); for (int i = 0; i < inv.getSizeInventory(); i++) { if (inv.getStackInSlot(i) != null) { addToInventory(inv.getStackInSlot(i)); inv.setInventorySlotContents(i, null); } } } // silk touch the block if we have it int silkTouch = 0; if (miningWith != 1) { silkTouch = EnchantmentHelper.getEnchantmentLevel(Enchantments.SILK_TOUCH, slots[miningWith]); } if (silkTouch > 0) { int i = 0; Item item = Item.getItemFromBlock(currentBlock); if (item != null && item.getHasSubtypes()) i = currentBlock.getMetaFromState(worldObj.getBlockState(currentPosition)); ItemStack addItem = new ItemStack(currentBlock, 1, i); addToInventory(addItem); } else { // mine the block int fortuneLevel = 0; if (miningWith != 1) { fortuneLevel = EnchantmentHelper.getEnchantmentLevel(Enchantments.FORTUNE, slots[miningWith]); } // then break the block List<ItemStack> items = currentBlock.getDrops( worldObj, currentPosition, worldObj.getBlockState(currentPosition), fortuneLevel); // get the drops for (ItemStack item : items) { addToInventory(item); } } if (miningWith != 1) { if (ToolHelper.damageTool( slots[miningWith], worldObj, currentPoint.getX(), currentYLevel, currentPoint.getY())) { destroyTool(miningWith); } } } // remove the block and entity if there is one worldObj.removeTileEntity(currentPosition); worldObj.setBlockState(currentPosition, Blocks.COBBLESTONE.getDefaultState()); slots[1].stackSize--; if (slots[1].stackSize == 0) { slots[1] = null; } currentMineBlocks++; addPartialUpdate("MinedBlocks", currentMineBlocks); currentBlock = null; } else { miningTime--; } } else { if (!isDone()) { currentBlock = getNextBlock(); if (currentBlock != null) { Point2I currentPoint = spiral(currentColumn, pos.getX(), pos.getZ()); BlockPos currentPosition = new BlockPos(currentPoint.getX(), currentYLevel, currentPoint.getY()); IBlockState currentBlockState = worldObj.getBlockState(currentPosition); if (miningWith == 4) { miningTime = 1; } else { miningTime = (int) Math.ceil( currentBlock.getBlockHardness(currentBlockState, worldObj, currentPosition) * 1.5 * 20); if (miningWith != 1) { float miningSpeed = ToolHelper.getDigSpeed(slots[miningWith], currentBlockState); // check for efficiency on the tool if (miningSpeed > 1) { int eff = EnchantmentHelper.getEnchantmentLevel( Enchantments.EFFICIENCY, slots[miningWith]); if (eff > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < eff; i++) { miningSpeed = miningSpeed * 1.3f; } } } miningTime = (int) Math.ceil(miningTime / miningSpeed); } } //"Mining: "+currentBlock.getUnlocalizedName()+" in // "+miningTime+" ticks"); } } } if (isDone()) { //"Done Update"); scanBlocks(); currentColumn = getRange(); } }