SerializedConfigValue(Config conf) {
   this.wasConfig = true;
Example #2
   * This is public ONLY for use by the "config" package, DO NOT USE this ABI may change.
   * @param <T> type of the bean
   * @param config config to use
   * @param clazz class of the bean
   * @return the bean instance
  public static <T> T createInternal(Config config, Class<T> clazz) {
    if (((SimpleConfig) config).root().resolveStatus() != ResolveStatus.RESOLVED)
      throw new ConfigException.NotResolved(
          "need to Config#resolve() a config before using it to initialize a bean, see the API docs for Config#resolve()");

    Map<String, AbstractConfigValue> configProps = new HashMap<String, AbstractConfigValue>();
    Map<String, String> originalNames = new HashMap<String, String>();
    for (Map.Entry<String, ConfigValue> configProp : config.root().entrySet()) {
      String originalName = configProp.getKey();
      String camelName = ConfigImplUtil.toCamelCase(originalName);
      // if a setting is in there both as some hyphen name and the camel name,
      // the camel one wins
      if (originalNames.containsKey(camelName) && !originalName.equals(camelName)) {
        // if we aren't a camel name to start with, we lose.
        // if we are or we are the first matching key, we win.
      } else {
        configProps.put(camelName, (AbstractConfigValue) configProp.getValue());
        originalNames.put(camelName, originalName);

    BeanInfo beanInfo = null;
    try {
      beanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo(clazz);
    } catch (IntrospectionException e) {
      throw new ConfigException.BadBean(
          "Could not get bean information for class " + clazz.getName(), e);

    try {
      List<PropertyDescriptor> beanProps = new ArrayList<PropertyDescriptor>();
      for (PropertyDescriptor beanProp : beanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors()) {
        if (beanProp.getReadMethod() == null || beanProp.getWriteMethod() == null) {

      // Try to throw all validation issues at once (this does not comprehensively
      // find every issue, but it should find common ones).
      List<ConfigException.ValidationProblem> problems =
          new ArrayList<ConfigException.ValidationProblem>();
      for (PropertyDescriptor beanProp : beanProps) {
        Method setter = beanProp.getWriteMethod();
        Class<?> parameterClass = setter.getParameterTypes()[0];

        ConfigValueType expectedType = getValueTypeOrNull(parameterClass);
        if (expectedType != null) {
          String name = originalNames.get(beanProp.getName());
          if (name == null) name = beanProp.getName();
          Path path = Path.newKey(name);
          AbstractConfigValue configValue = configProps.get(beanProp.getName());
          if (configValue != null) {
            SimpleConfig.checkValid(path, expectedType, configValue, problems);
          } else {
            SimpleConfig.addMissing(problems, expectedType, path, config.origin());

      if (!problems.isEmpty()) {
        throw new ConfigException.ValidationFailed(problems);

      // Fill in the bean instance
      T bean = clazz.newInstance();
      for (PropertyDescriptor beanProp : beanProps) {
        Method setter = beanProp.getWriteMethod();
        Type parameterType = setter.getGenericParameterTypes()[0];
        Class<?> parameterClass = setter.getParameterTypes()[0];
        Object unwrapped =
        setter.invoke(bean, unwrapped);
      return bean;
    } catch (InstantiationException e) {
      throw new ConfigException.BadBean(
          clazz.getName() + " needs a public no-args constructor to be used as a bean", e);
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
      throw new ConfigException.BadBean(
              + " getters and setters are not accessible, they must be for use as a bean",
    } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
      throw new ConfigException.BadBean(
          "Calling bean method on " + clazz.getName() + " caused an exception", e);