public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { if (!enabled && this.enabled && lastElement != null) { // Insert a timeout to the last generated command Editor ed = editorPnl.getEditor(); if (lastElement.getDocument().equals(ed.getDocument())) { Element e = ed.getCurrentElement(); int offset = ed.getCaretPosition() - e.getStartOffset(); ed.setCaretPosition(lastElement.getStartOffset()); String text = DocumentUtils.getElementText(lastElement); int pos = text.indexOf(" "); String cmd = pos >= 0 ? text.substring(0, pos) : text; String time = convertTime(System.currentTimeMillis() - lastInsertTime); CommandHandler h = (CommandHandler) scriptManager.getCommandHandlers().get(cmd.toUpperCase()); if (h != null && h.getContextAttributes() != null && h.getContextAttributes().containsKey("wait")) { text += " wait=" + time; } else { text += "\nWait " + time; } insertLine(text, true, false, false); } } this.enabled = enabled; fb.setRecordingMode(enabled); if (enabled) { firstRecord = true; lastElement = null; lastInsertTime = -1; lastMouseMoveEvent = null; events.clear(); synchronized (rfbEvents) { rfbEvents.clear(); } } }
public synchronized Element insertLine( String command, boolean replaceLast, boolean insertPrecedingWait, boolean removePrecedingWait) { // System.out.println("insertLine(\"" + command + "\")"); EditorPnl editor = getEditorPnl(); if (editor != null) { try { Document doc = editor.getEditor().getDocument(); int caretPos = editor.getEditor().getCaretPosition(); // System.out.println(" -->Initial caret position: " + caretPos); int elemIndex = doc.getDefaultRootElement().getElementIndex(caretPos); boolean insertNewLine = true; Element ce = doc.getDefaultRootElement().getElement(elemIndex); String txt = DocumentUtils.getElementText(ce).trim(); if (!replaceLast && caretPos == 0 && elemIndex == 0 && !"".equals(txt)) { doc.insertString(0, "\n", null); txt = ""; insertNewLine = false; } // The following code finds out if we are in an empty line or not. // If the current line contains some text, a new line is inserted // and the caret is moved there. if (!txt.equals("")) { Element next = doc.getDefaultRootElement().getElement(elemIndex + 1); if (next == null || !DocumentUtils.getElementText(next).trim().equals("")) { // DocumentUtils.analyzeEditorDocument(editor.getEditor(), // false); // System.out.println("Inserting an empty line to offset " + // ce.getEndOffset()); doc.insertString(ce.getEndOffset() - 1, "\n", null); // DocumentUtils.analyzeEditorDocument(editor.getEditor(), // false); next = doc.getDefaultRootElement() .getElement(doc.getDefaultRootElement().getElementIndex(ce.getEndOffset() + 1)); } // caretPos = next.getEndOffset()-1; caretPos = ce.getEndOffset(); // System.out.println("Setting caret position to "+caretPos); // System.out.println(" -->1. Setting caret position to: " + // caretPos); editor.getEditor().setCaretPosition(caretPos); } Element e = DocumentUtils.getCommandElementPriorTo(doc, caretPos); // System.out.println(" --> Element prior: " + // DocumentUtils.getElementText(e)); // First look if we should insert a Wait command if (!replaceLast && (insertPrecedingWait || removePrecedingWait) && (!firstRecord && !removePrecedingWait) && e != null) { String prevCmd = DocumentUtils.getElementText(e); int pos = prevCmd.indexOf(" "); String cmd = pos >= 0 ? prevCmd.substring(0, pos) : prevCmd; String time = convertTime(System.currentTimeMillis() - lastInsertTime); CommandHandler h = (CommandHandler) scriptManager.getCommandHandlers().get(cmd.toUpperCase()); if (!"waitfor".equalsIgnoreCase(cmd) && !"screenshot".equalsIgnoreCase(cmd)) { if (h != null && h.getContextAttributes() != null && h.getContextAttributes().containsKey("wait")) { doc.remove(e.getStartOffset(), prevCmd.length()); String replaceStr = insertPrecedingWait ? " wait=" + time : ""; String s = prevCmd .replaceAll("\\n", "") .replaceAll("\\swait=[\"]*[0-9]*[sSmMhHdD]*[\"]*", "") + replaceStr; doc.insertString(e.getStartOffset(), s, null); caretPos = e.getEndOffset(); // System.out.println(" -->2. Setting caret position to: " // + caretPos); } else { String waitCmd = "Wait " + time + '\n'; doc.insertString(caretPos, waitCmd, null); caretPos += waitCmd.length(); // System.out.println(" -->3. Setting caret position to: " // + caretPos); } } } firstRecord = false; if (replaceLast && e != null) { int length = e.getEndOffset() - e.getStartOffset(); doc.remove(e.getStartOffset(), length); caretPos = e.getStartOffset(); } command = insertNewLine && !replaceLast ? command + "\n" : command; doc.insertString(caretPos, command, null); editor.getEditor().setCaretPosition(caretPos + 1); // System.out.println(" --> Inserted, caretPos = " + // editor.getEditor().getCaretPosition()); // DocumentUtils.analyzeEditorDocument(editor.getEditor(), true); lastElement = doc.getDefaultRootElement() .getElement(doc.getDefaultRootElement().getElementIndex(caretPos)); lastInsertTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); filterRfbEvents(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } return lastElement; }