   * Once the local JMX server has successfully started (this happens in a background thread as DSO
   * is so early in the startup process that the system JMX server in 1.5+ can't be created inline
   * with other initialization) we send a 'ready' message to the L2 each time we connect to it. This
   * tells the L2 that they can connect to our local JMX server and see the beans we have in the DSO
   * client.
  private void sendJmxReadyMessageIfNecessary() {
    final boolean send;
    synchronized (jmxReadyLock) {
      send = isTunnelingReady() && !sentReadyMessage;
      if (send) {
        sentReadyMessage = true;

    // Doing this message send outside of the jmxReadyLock to avoid a
    // deadlock (CDV-132)
    if (send) {
      logger.info("Client JMX server ready; sending notification to L2 server");
      L1JmxReady readyMessage =
          (L1JmxReady) channel.createMessage(TCMessageType.CLIENT_JMX_READY_MESSAGE);
      readyMessage.initialize(uuid, config.getTunneledDomains());