/** * 获取当前用户店铺信息 * * @return * @throws ApiException */ public Shop getShop(String nick) throws ApiException { ShopGetRequest req = new ShopGetRequest(); req.setFields("sid,cid,title,nick,desc,bulletin,pic_path,created,modified"); req.setNick(nick); ShopGetResponse resp = client.execute(req); throwIfError(resp); return resp.getShop(); }
public static String getShopId(String apiUrl, String appKey, String appSecret, String userId) throws ApiException, IncorrectInputParameterException { final String nick = userId.replace(S.PREFIX_TAOBAO, S.EMPTY_STR); TaobaoClient client = new DefaultTaobaoClient( apiUrl, appKey, appSecret, Constants.FORMAT_JSON, S.FIVE_SECONDS, S.FIVE_SECONDS); ShopGetRequest request = new ShopGetRequest(); request.setFields(UserTaobaoInfoKey.API_SID); request.setNick(nick); ShopGetResponse response = client.execute(request); if (response == null) { throw new IncorrectInputParameterException("ShopGetResponse return is null"); } if (response.isSuccess()) { Long sid = response.getShop().getSid(); return String.valueOf(sid); } throw new IncorrectInputParameterException( "User < " + userId + " > request seller shop id failed with error code and message < " + response.getErrorCode() + "," + response.getMsg() + " > and sub code and message < " + response.getSubCode() + "," + response.getSubMsg() + " >"); }
/** * 动态获取评分 * * @param id * @return */ public ShopVo dynamicGetScore(Integer id) throws Exception { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) { logger.info("动态获取评分:id = " + id); } // 获取店铺信息与店铺授权信息 ShopVo shopVo = getShopVo(id); if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) { logger.info("从外部平台动态获取评分信息:id = " + id); } // 判断来自哪个平台 if (StringUtils.equals(shopVo.getOutPlatformType(), PlatformType.TAO_BAO.getName()) || StringUtils.equals(shopVo.getOutPlatformType(), PlatformType.TAO_BAO_2.getName())) { // 来自淘宝平台 Map<String, Object> argsMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // 设置返回字段(必须) argsMap.put( ConstantTaoBao.FIELDS, "sid,cid,nick,title,desc,bulletin,pic_path,created,modified,shop_score"); // 设置卖家昵称(必须) argsMap.put(ConstantTaoBao.NICK, shopVo.getNick()); if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) { logger.info("查询淘宝店铺信息,参数argsMap = " + argsMap); } // 创建淘宝shopApi TbShopApi shopApi = new TbShopApi(shopVo.getSessionKey()); // 获取淘宝店铺信息 ShopGetResponse response = shopApi.shopGet(argsMap); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(response.getErrorCode())) { throw new TaoBaoApiException( "调用淘宝 shopApi.getShop(" + argsMap + ")出现异常," + response.getBody()); } com.taobao.api.domain.Shop shop = response.getShop(); // 设置商品描述评分 shopVo.setItemScore(shop.getShopScore().getItemScore()); // 设置服务态度评分 shopVo.setServiceScore(shop.getShopScore().getServiceScore()); // 设置发货速度评分 shopVo.setDeliveryScore(shop.getShopScore().getDeliveryScore()); } else if (StringUtils.equals(shopVo.getOutPlatformType(), PlatformType.JING_DONG.getName())) { // todo:来自京东平台 } // 获取评分信息的同时将评分信息更新到本地 Shop shop = getById(id); if (shop == null) { shop = new Shop(); } shop.setBulletin(shopVo.getBulletin()); shop.setDescription(shopVo.getDescription()); // 设置商品描述评分 shop.setItemScore(shopVo.getItemScore()); // 设置服务态度评分 shop.setServiceScore(shopVo.getServiceScore()); // 设置发货速度评分 shop.setDeliveryScore(shopVo.getDeliveryScore()); if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) { logger.info("店铺:更新评分信息至本地," + shop); } // 将评分信息更新到本地 generalDAO.saveOrUpdate(shop); return shopVo; }