public static void main(String[] args) { VM.println("Run.main()"); Run autoBrake = new Run(args); autoBrake.init(); autoBrake.doFunction(); VM.println("Run-main done"); }
public int getVirtualRPortId(int pportId) { // showtables(); // VM.println("getVirtualRPortId " + pportId); Enumeration<Integer> keys = pportId2vrportId.keys(); while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { Integer from = keys.nextElement(); Integer to = pportId2vrportId.get(from); // VM.println(" link " + from + " -> " + to); if (from.intValue() == pportId) return to.intValue(); } Integer p = pportId2vrportId.get(new Integer(pportId)); VM.println("getVirtualRPortId -> " + p); VM.println("getVirtualRPortId -> val " + p.intValue()); return p.intValue(); }
public void doFunction() { String data; VM.println("[Run is running] 2"); speed = new PluginPPort(this, "sp"); steering = new PluginPPort(this, "st"); for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++) { try { Thread.sleep(2000); speed.write(0); steering.write(0); Thread.sleep(2000); speed.write(20); steering.write(0); Thread.sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { VM.println("Interrupted."); } } while (true) { try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { VM.println("Interrupted."); } try { // Object obj = ab.receive(); Object obj = getval(ab); if (obj != null) { VM.println("ab returned an object"); VM.println("ab returned an object: " + obj); String s = (String) obj; int x = Integer.parseInt(s); if (x < 150) { speed.write(0); steering.write(0); } if (x > 150) { speed.write(20); steering.write(0); } } else { speed.write(30); steering.write(0); VM.println("ab returned null"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); VM.println("Run: exception"); } } }
public int getPluginRPortId(int pportId) { showtables(); VM.println("getPluginRPortId " + pportId); // TODO: What is this while-loop for??? Enumeration<Integer> keys = pportId2rportId.keys(); while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { Integer from = keys.nextElement(); Integer to = pportId2rportId.get(from); VM.println(" link " + from + " -> " + to); if (from.intValue() == pportId) return to.intValue(); } Integer p = pportId2rportId.get(pportId); VM.println("getPluginRPortId -> " + p); VM.println("getPluginRPortId -> val " + p.intValue()); return p; }
/** * Get any error message provided by the platform (as in dlerror). If no error, then return null. * * <p>Note that calling this method clears the error state, so calling two times without calling * any other platform getFunction method (getInstance(), getFunction(), * getGlobalVariableAddress(), dispose()) will result in returning null. * * @return String (may be null) */ public static String errorStr() { if (DEBUG) { VM.println("Calling DLERROR"); } int result = VM.execSyncIO(ChannelConstants.DLERROR, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null); Address r = Address.fromPrimitive(result); if (r.isZero()) { return null; } else { return Pointer.NativeUnsafeGetString(r); } }
/** Read errno, try to clean up fd, and create exception. */ private IOException newError(int fd, String msg) { if (DEBUG) { VM.print(msg); VM.print(": errno: "); } int err_code = LibCUtil.errno(); if (DEBUG) { VM.print(err_code); VM.println(); } sockets.shutdown(fd, 2); libc.close(fd); return new IOException(" errno: " + err_code + " on fd: " + fd + " during " + msg); }
public void link(LinkContextEntry entry) { int fromPortId = entry.getFromPortId(); int toPortId = entry.getToPortId(); int remotePortId = entry.getRemotePortId(); if (remotePortId == Configuration.PPORT2VPORT) { // from PluginPort to VirtualPort VM.println("Linking " + fromPortId + " -> " + toPortId + " as P->V"); pportId2vrportId.put(fromPortId, toPortId); } else if (remotePortId == Configuration.PPORT2PPORT) { // from PluginPort to PluginPort and they are in the same ECU VM.println("Linking " + fromPortId + " -> " + toPortId + " as P->P on the same ECU"); pportId2rportId.put(fromPortId, toPortId); } else if (remotePortId == Configuration.VPORT2PPORT) { // from VirtualPPort to PluginRPort VM.println("Linking " + toPortId + " -> " + fromPortId + " as V->P"); rportId2vpportId.put(toPortId, fromPortId); } else if (remotePortId > 0) { // from PluginPort to PluginPort but they are in different ECUs // In this case, remotePortId is just remote plug-in port ID pportId2rportId.put(fromPortId, remotePortId); // PV entry is also needed to register pportId2vrportId.put(fromPortId, toPortId); } }
private Object getval(PluginRPort port) { WorkThread p = new WorkThread(ab); p.start(); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { VM.println("Interrupted."); } Object o2 = p.obj; // VM.println("plupp " + o2); if (p.obj != null) { // p.stop(); } return o2; }
/** * Look up a native libray named "name". Load if not loaded. Name can be a path or a libray name. * The Library will be looked up in a platform-dependant manor. * * @param name short library name, full file name, or path to the library file * @return NativeLibrary */ public static NativeLibrary getInstance(String name) { String nativeName = nativeLibraryName(name); Pointer name0 = Pointer.createStringBuffer(nativeName); if (DEBUG) { VM.print("Calling DLOPEN on "); VM.println(name); } int result = VM.execSyncIO( ChannelConstants.DLOPEN, name0.address().toUWord().toInt(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null); Address r = Address.fromPrimitive(result);; if (r.isZero()) { throw new RuntimeException("Can't open library " + name + ". OS Error: " + errorStr()); } return new NativeLibrary(name, r); }
/** * Close the library, as in dlclose. * * @throws RuntimeException if dlcose fails */ public void dispose() { if (closed || ptr.isZero()) { throw new RuntimeException("closed or RTLD_DEFAULT"); } if (DEBUG) { VM.print("Calling DLCLOSE on "); VM.println(name); } Pointer name0 = Pointer.createStringBuffer(name); int result = VM.execSyncIO( ChannelConstants.DLCLOSE, ptr.toUWord().toInt(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null);; if (result != 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Error on dlclose: " + errorStr()); } closed = true; }
/** * Dynamically look up a native variable by name. * * <p>Look up the symbol in the default list of loaded libraries. * * @param varName * @param size the size of the variable in bytes * @return a Pointer that can be used to get/set the variable * @throws RuntimeException if there is no function by that name. */ public VarPointer getGlobalVariableAddress(String varName, int size) { Address result = getSymbolAddress(varName); if (DEBUG) { VM.print("Var Lookup for "); VM.print(varName); VM.print(", size: "); VM.print(size); VM.print(" returned "); VM.printAddress(result); VM.println(); } if (result.isZero()) { if (varName.charAt(0) != '_') { return getGlobalVariableAddress("_" + varName, size); } throw new RuntimeException( "Can't find native symbol " + varName + ". OS Error: " + errorStr()); } return new VarPointer(varName, result, size); }
/** * Dynamically look up a native function address by name. Look up the symbol in the specified * library * * @param funcName * @return address of the function * @throws RuntimeException if there is no function by that name. */ private Address getFunction0(String funcName) { Address result = getSymbolAddress(funcName); if (DEBUG) { VM.print("Function Lookup for "); VM.print(funcName); VM.print(" = "); VM.printAddress(result); VM.println(); } if (result.isZero()) { if (Platform.getPlatform().isWindows()) { if (funcName.charAt(funcName.length() - 1) != 'A') { return getFunction0(funcName + 'A'); } } else if (funcName.charAt(0) != '_') { return getFunction0("_" + funcName); } throw new RuntimeException( "Can't find native symbol " + funcName + ". OS Error: " + errorStr()); } return result; }
/** * getFunction a symbol's address by name (warpper around dlsym) * * @param name * @return Address of symbol */ private Address getSymbolAddress(String name) { if (closed) { throw new IllegalStateException("closed"); } if (DEBUG) { VM.print("Calling DLSYM on "); VM.println(name); } Pointer name0 = Pointer.createStringBuffer(name); int result = VM.execSyncIO( ChannelConstants.DLSYM, ptr.toUWord().toInt(), name0.address().toUWord().toInt(), 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null);; return Address.fromPrimitive(result); }
private void showtables() { VM.println("pport2pport: " + pport2pport); VM.println("pportId2vrportId: " + pportId2vrportId); VM.println("pportId2rportId: " + pportId2rportId); VM.println("rportId2vpportId: " + rportId2vpportId); }
public void run() { VM.println(""); init(); doFunction(); VM.println("Run-main done"); }