public void testConcurrency() throws Throwable { DummyComponentRegistry componentRegistry = new DummyComponentRegistry(); service = getDataService(props, componentRegistry); if (service instanceof ProfileProducer) { DummyProfileCoordinator.startProfiling(((ProfileProducer) service)); } DummyTransaction txn = new DummyTransaction(); txnProxy.setCurrentTransaction(txn); service.configure(componentRegistry, txnProxy); componentRegistry.setComponent(DataManager.class, service); componentRegistry.registerAppContext(); txn.commit(); int perThread = objects + objectsBuffer; /* Create objects */ for (int t = 0; t < maxThreads; t++) { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); txn = new DummyTransaction(); txnProxy.setCurrentTransaction(txn); int start = t * perThread; BigInteger block = null; for (int i = 0; i < perThread; i++) { if (startTime + 100 < System.currentTimeMillis()) { txn.commit(); txn = new DummyTransaction(); txnProxy.setCurrentTransaction(txn); if (i > 0) { service.getBinding(getObjectName(start), ModifiableObject.class); } } ModifiableObject object = new ModifiableObject(); if (i == 0) { service.manageInNewArea(object); } service.setBinding(getObjectName(start + i), object); BigInteger oidBlock = service.createReference(object).getId().shiftRight(32); if (block == null || !block.equals(oidBlock)) { block = oidBlock; System.err.println("Thread " + t + ": init block " + block); } } txn.commit(); } /* Warm up */ if (repeat != 1) { System.err.println("Warmup:"); runOperations(1); } /* Test */ for (int t = threads; t <= maxThreads; t++) { System.err.println("Threads: " + t); for (int r = 0; r < repeat; r++) { runOperations(t); } } }
/** Creates a unique context setup to run tasks */ public static DummyAbstractKernelAppContext createContext() { DummyComponentRegistry systemRegistry = new DummyComponentRegistry(); DummyComponentRegistry serviceRegistry = new DummyComponentRegistry(); DummyAbstractKernelAppContext context = new DummyAbstractKernelAppContext(serviceRegistry); serviceRegistry.registerAppContext(); TaskScheduler scheduler = null; if (masterSchedulerProperties == null) { scheduler = new DummyTaskScheduler(context, false); } else { TestResourceCoordinator rc = new TestResourceCoordinator(); systemRegistry.setComponent(TestResourceCoordinator.class, rc); try { scheduler = new MasterTaskScheduler(masterSchedulerProperties, rc, taskHandler, null, context); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to create " + "master scheduler", e); } } systemRegistry.setComponent(TaskScheduler.class, scheduler); contextMap.put(context, new ContextState(systemRegistry, serviceRegistry)); proxy.setContext(context); return context; }
public TransactionHandle createTransaction(boolean unbounded) { if (txnCoordinator != null) { return txnCoordinator.createTransaction(unbounded); } DummyTransaction txn = new DummyTransaction(); proxy.setCurrentTransaction(txn); return new TestTransactionHandle(txn); }
/** Initial setup */ @BeforeClass public static void setUpClass() throws Exception { DummyAbstractKernelAppContext appContext = MinimalTestKernel.createContext(); DummyComponentRegistry systemRegistry = MinimalTestKernel.getSystemRegistry(appContext); DummyComponentRegistry serviceRegistry = MinimalTestKernel.getServiceRegistry(appContext); dataService = new DataServiceImpl( createProperties( DataStoreImpl.class.getName() + ".directory", dbDirectory, StandardProperties.APP_NAME, "TestScalableHashMapStress"), systemRegistry, txnProxy); txnProxy.setComponent(DataService.class, dataService); serviceRegistry.setComponent(DataManager.class, dataService); serviceRegistry.setComponent(DataService.class, dataService); taskService = new TaskServiceImpl(new Properties(), systemRegistry, txnProxy); serviceRegistry.setComponent(TaskManager.class, taskService); }
private void createTxn() { txn = new DummyTransaction(); txnProxy.setCurrentTransaction(txn); }
/** Creates a transaction with the default timeout. */ private DummyTransaction createTransaction() { DummyTransaction txn = new DummyTransaction(); txnProxy.setCurrentTransaction(txn); return txn; }